

  unit3 fairness for all
  the first period reading (i)
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.target language目标语言
  boycott,prohibit,break the law,challenge,submit,negotiate,punctual,bomb,nationwide,constitutional,battle,happiness,liberty,unjust,separation,tradition,hopeful,coincidence,hostility
  2.ability goals能力目标
  enable students to know some background information of the civil rights movement and develop students’ ability to master the basic strategy of reading narrative passage by using inquiry-answer.
  3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help students get familiar with the background information of the civil rights movement and write a summary of narrative passage by listing and arranging the major events in the right order.
  teaching important points教学重点
  help students to pick out the clues of the events and grasp the whole process of the important movement.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  help students master the reading strategies-prediction,inquiry and processing.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning,task-based learning,inquiry,prediction and processing.
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i warming up
  task one: know the heroes
  t: look at the three photos and tell me who they are.
  sa: the out in the first picture is the president of abraham lincoln.
  sb: the second one is the famous black leader martin luther king, jr.
  sc: the third one is paul robeson. he is a writer.
  task two: know their contributions
  t: these three people are famous political leaders who devoted themselves to the liberty of the american black people. work in pairs and tell me their separate contributions to this career.
  sa: lincoln is a famous american president, who declared to set free the black slaves free as equal citizens of the usa. but his decision caused strong opposition from the white people in the southern states, especially those owners of plantations. later he was murdered by an extremist.
  sb: martin is a famous black leader during the civil rights movement. he led non-violent marches and demonstrations in struggle for equality between black people and white people. his famous speech—— i have a dream inspired a lot of people.
  sc: paul robeson is a black writer, artist and political leader. he set up several magazines to call on black people to struggle for better treatment and equal rights during the civil rights movement.
  step ii pre-reading
  task one: brainstorm background information
  t: what happened in picture one?
  ss: a black man suffered beatings and was injured seriously.
  t: picture two was the poor area where most black people lived. what kind of condition did they live in?
  ss: they lived a hard life. their houses were shabby and rubbish could be seen everywhere.
  t: from picture three we can see a sign "white waiting room", why was there such a sign?
  ss: before 1950s in most southern states the government carried out the separation policy. the black people were not allowed to mix with the white people. therefore they were restricted to use poor and uncomfortable public facilities.
  t: what conclusions can you draw from these three pictures?
  ss: the black people were discriminated by the white people and the government.
  task two: find the facts
  t: look at the facts below and find out what were the restrictions that the black people suffered before the civil rights movement?
  sa: the black people were not regarded as full citizens. their rights were strongly restricted and the whole social system was not in favor of the black people.
  sb: there were obvious different treatment for black people and white people. the black people must sit at the back of buses or trolleybuses; they go to special schools for blacks and they take jobs with lower pay than whites.
  task three: "experience" the poor life of black people
  t: if you were a black young student, you would have to go to a far-away school for schooling. on your way from and to school you would often be bullied by the white students. how would you feel if you suffered such unfair treatment?
  sa: i would feel very angry and take up actions to fight for better and fairer treatment.
  sb: l would feel it"s unfair and find it hard to accept such a fact, because people in the same society should enjoy equal rights whatever their color is.
  t: the black people shared the same feeling with you. they also wanted to find a way out of their bad situations.
  step iii while-reading
  task one: predict the content according to the title ( top - down)
  t: in china, it is said: "where there is oppression, there is rebellion." the black people suffered such unfair treatment. they had to fight for equality. there came a revolution. please look at the title of the reading the start of the civil rights movement and guess who started the civil rights movement.
  sa: it should be the black people in the usa.
  t: yes. you"re right. what was the civil rights movement about?
  ss: the black people struggled for equal rights and full citizenship in the society.
  task two: skim for main idea
  t: read the passage quickly and try to find information to answer the questions.
  1. what incident started the opening of montgomery bus boycott?
  2. what was the first day of boycott like?
  3. what difficulties did the boycott meet with?
  4. what was the symbol to show the success of montgomery bus boycott?
  l. rosa parks was arrested because of her refusal to give seat to the white.
  2. it went smoothly as it was planned.
  3. the white people tried many tricks to stop the boycott, but they were not successful.
  4. the supreme court agreed it was wrong and declared the segregation policy on the bus should be canceled.
  task three: survey
  t: read this passage again carefully and answer the questions (ex. 1) of comprehending on page 23.
  a few minutes later.
  t: time is up. the first one. volunteer?
  sa: because rosa parks refused to give seat to the white, then the blacks called on a boycott of the buses and trolleybuses. the accident happened on sunday, dec. 4th, 1955.
  sb: all the blacks supported rosa parks.
  t: correct. the third one.
  sc: the boycott lasted a year.
  t: yes. the next one.
  sd: the white people wanted to bomb the luther king, jr and the other leaders.
  t: good. you"re right. the fifth.
  se: white people think they were in upper-class of the society, and the black people were in lower-class.
  t: good. let"s go on with next question.
  sf. the success of the boycott began the civil rights movement that led to the improvement of conditions for black people in education, housing, jobs and hotels throughout the usa.
  t: good. you"ve got it. the last one, please.
  sg: nov. 13th, 1956.
  t: you did a good job in doing exercise one. now work in pairs and put these events in correct order. (do exercise two of comprehending).
  task four: read and build the schema chart of the passage
  read the whole passage and build the schema chart below.
  t: let"s analyze the text. look at the slide. i"ll give you five minutes to discuss the main idea of the four passages from maryann jones" diary.
  sample schema chart:
  part one
  part two
  main idea
  part three
  part four
  title:the start of the civil rights movement
  part one king seized on rosa park’s incident and this started the opening of the montgomery bus boycott.
  part two on the first day of the boycott,everything went smoothly.
  part three
  the boycott continued successfully,but this made the white people very angry.they tried a lot of tricks to stop the boycott.however, all their tricks failed.
  part four the montgomery bus boycott was a success and this led to the improvement of black people’s civil rights.
  task five: summary
  t: write a summary according to the tasks above. list the major events of the whole process and organize the whole passage in a well-designed way.
  sample summary:
  rosa parks, a black woman, got on a bus and sat in the fifth row. she was supposed to give seat to a standing white man, but she refused to do so. therefore, she was arrested. this unfair treatment made the black people very angry. king and other black people called on a bus boycott in montgomery. the bus boycott went smoothly and successfully. all the black people united as a whole and they went to work on foot or in taxis. a year later, the boycott met with hardships. the white businesses were suffering and they tried many tricks to stop the boycott. the houses of martin and other black leaders were bombed. but all their tricks failed. at last the boycott succeeded and it led to the improvement of black people"s civil rights.
  step v post-reading
  task one: discussion
  t: turn to page 24 and look at these sayings and discuss the changes in attitude towards the blacks. please try to explain why the politicians show different attitude towards the situation of the black people.
  sa: men are created equal. this is american dream, and the dream inspired american people to strive for better living conditions for the whole nation. however, this dream was only intended for the white people in the past. the black slaves were only liberated after lincoln"s emancipation proclamation was signed before the civil war.
  sb: president andrew johnson wanted a government for white people because he looked down upon the black people, and his idea dominated the mainstream opinion of the white people. therefore in america citizens were pided into two classes, the first class --- the white and the second class--- the black.
  sc: paul robeson was an outstanding black political leader, and his words represented the voice of black people. it was because of these outstanding black leaders that black people raised their awareness to fight for equality with the white people. declaration of independence was the nation"s dream, and it was also for the black people. their effort led to the civil rights movement, which was the beginning to change black people"s social position.
  task two: change people"s attitude
  nation"s dream, and it was also for the black people. their effort led to the civil rights movement, which was the beginning to change black people"s social position.
  task two: change people"s attitude
  t: the civil rights movement was about changing people"s attitude. sometimes in our real life we need to change people"s attitude to protect our rights and other people"s rights. look at situation 1 on page 24. discuss with your partner and think out some strategies to change the situation.
  sa: first i will tell him it is wrong to make fun of others. i will state my stand as the following. people come from different background, so their behavior and way of life vary. city children may be "cool" in the way they think right while country children may have their own way to be "cool". therefore it"s wrong to force one"s opinion on others.
  sb: i will stop him first and debate with him over the matter. first i will say people are equal no matter where they come from. second i will tell him the real feeling of the country boy who is made fun of by him.
  step vi homework
  task one: make phrases by using the following words (for example: boycott---montgomery bus boycott )
  boycott, prohibit, challenge, submit, negotiate, punctual, bomb, nationwide, constitutional, battle, happiness, liberty, unjust, separation, tradition, hopeful, coincidence, hostility
  task two: translate the sentences into english (exercise 3, page 69).
  unit3 fairness for all
  the second period language study
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.target language目标语言
  2.ability goals能力目标
  enhance students’ original understanding of the use of tenses.
  3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help students understand the use of different tenses in the context.
  teaching important points教学重点
  by recognition,distinction and practice help students use and master different tenses in context.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  recognize different tenses and practice the use of them by designing practical exercises.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning,task-based learning,presentation and summarizing.
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i revision
  t: good morning / afternoon, first i will check to see how well you did your homework. now i will show some phrases with the words given yesterday. let"s read them.
  then the students read and memorize the phrases, show the phrases on the slide:
  montgomery bus boycott, prohibit one"s rights, challenge the unfair system, submit to the enemies, negotiate with business partners, be punctual to school, bomb a country, nationwide support, constitutional fights, win a battle, express one"s happiness, win liberty, unjust treatment, separation policy, by tradition, hopeful tomorrow, by coincidence, show hostility
  step ii word study
  task one: fill in the blanks
  t: now please turn to page 25 and fill in the blanks with the fight words.
  after they"ve finished.
  t: let"s read and check.
  task two: fill in the chart
  t: now let"s look at exercise two. before you do it inpidually, let"s look at the two meanings of these words. go through these meanings to find the words and then choose the fight meaning for each word. notice the meaning that is used in the reading passage.
  then show the answers on the slides.
  step ⅲ grammar study
  task one: distinguish different tenses
  t: look at the following sentences and find out what tense each sentence uses.
  sample sentences:
  1. i have always hated having to sit in the worst seats on the bus, so i am happy to support it.
  2. he had left for europe before the war broke out.
  3. dr king encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like.
  4. king and other black leaders in montgomery seized on this incident and decided on a collision course to change the law.
  5. but i do worry what will happen tomorrow.
  6. he said he would begin writing a book in the near future.
  7. maybe white business are suffering now since we don"t shop downtown anymore.
  8. i was not listening, so i missed what he said.
  task two: list the use of different tenses in the context.
  t: look at the following context and fill in the blanks using right tenses.
  sample contexts:
  1. harry seems like normal boy, but his life is miserable. his parents ___ (be) dead and he ___ (live) with a family that __ (treat) him badly. harry ___ (be) very unhappy and __.(not know) what to do about his life. his life :__ (change) when a bird__ (tell) him to go to hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry.
  2. debbie hart is going to swim across the english channel tomorrow. she __(set out) from the french coast at five o"clock in the morning. debbie"s father will set out with her in a small boat. tomorrow he __ (watch) her anxiously as she____ (swim) the long distance to england. she ___ (have) something to drink but she __(not eat) any solid food.
  3. yesterday i had a bad day. in the morning when i __(get up) i ___ (find) it was too late for work, i __ (dress) quickly only to find i had forgotten to put on my sweater. then i __(wash) my face hurriedly and in no time i __(be) on my way to work.
  key: 1: are, lives, treats, is, doesn"t know, changes, tells 2: will set out/is going to set out, will be watching, will have, will not eat 3. got up, found, dressed, washed, was
  t: different tenses are used in certain contexts. as we see in the above exercise, we should first make sure what basic tense is used (the underlined tenses). then we can make judgment to use the correct tenses to adapt to the right context.
  task three: revise useful structures
  t: turn to page 26 and fill the correct tense of verbs into the dialogue according to the context. find the basic tense in each context and judge what tense should be used.
  task four: pick out the right tenses
  t: turn to page 27. read this passage taken from to kill a mockingbird by harper lee. pick out the use of different tenses in the passage and find as many different tenses as you can.
  step iv homework
  task one: recite the words and phrases
  seize the opportunity, suffer discrimination, resolve to do sth., cause chaos, be unwilling to do sth., unjust behavior, abuse bad words, give a yawn, on the pavement, be hopeful for a better tomorrow, buses and trolleybuses, fight against the separation of blacks and whites, liberty and liberation, nationwide support, be forced to submit
  task two: do exercise 1 on page 68
  task three: finish exercises 1 and 2 on page 69 &70.
  sample writing to exercise 2:
  martin luther king was born on january 15, 1929. at the age of 7 in 1935 he began school. he started his career as a minister in 1948 when he was 19.later when the southern christian leadership conference was founded, dr king was chosen president. he directed the peaceful march on washington, d.c. of 250,000 people, and then he made his famous speech --- i have a dream. whenever there was injustice, he would be there to lead people to fight for liberty and freedom. eventually he received the nobel peace prize. on march 21st, 1965, he led a march from selma to montgomery to focus attention on problems in black voters" registration. at first about 3,000 people began the march, however, the number of people increased to 25,000 when march was completed at last. anyway the struggle was successful and president johnson signed the voting rights bill to solve the problem. martin was shot and killed in memphis, tennessee on the evening of april 4th, 1968.
  unit3 fairness for all
  the third period reading (ii)
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.target language目标语言
  self-evident, brief introduction, show discrimination, philosophy of one"s life, live out one" s creed, oasis of freedom and justice, symphony of brotherhood
  i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.
  i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.
  i have a dream that one day even the state of mississippi will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
  i have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
  with this faith we will be able to cut a stone of hope from the mountain of despair.
  with this faith we will be able to transform the unpleasant sounds of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
  with this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
  2.ability goals能力目标
  enable students to use the rhetoric strategies in speech a|1d develop students’ ability of appreciation,imagination and resonance.
  3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help students know some rhetoric strategies used in the speech and learn to use them in writing.help students learn to appreciate me beautiful sentences in t11e speech.
  teaching important points教学重点
  stimulate students’ imagination and arouse their resonance in understanding the speech and the strong emotion expressed between the lines of the speech.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  arouse students’ desire to make a speech in front of the class by using right intonations and rhythms.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning, task-based learning, appreciation, brainstorm and stimulation,
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i revision
  t: first i will check if you have memorized the words i gave you last class. now i will say the chinese and you give me the english.
  review the words and expressions.
  step ⅱ lead-in
  task one: fact box
  t: read the following facts about martin luther king, jr and answer the questions. the major events of martin will help you know more about him.
  fact box:
  1. martin luther king was born on january 15, 1929.
  2. montgomery bus boycott lasted 382 days. during these days of boycott, king was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a negro leader of the first rank (一流的).
  3. in 1957 he was elected president of the southern christian leadership conference, an organization for the now burgeoning civil rights movement.
  4. between 1957 and 1968, king traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles.
  5. he directed the peaceful march in washington, d. c. of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address --- "i have a dream" on the steps of the lincoln memorial.
  6. he was named man of the year by time magazine in 1963.
  7. at the age of thirty-five, martin luther king, jr. was the youngest man to have received the nobel peace prize.
  8. on the evening of april 4, 1968, he was murdered.
  9. he became not only the symbolic leader of american blacks but also a world figure.
  1. what did martin lead in montgomery, alabama?
  2. what was the famous speech that martin gave in washington, d.c.?
  3. where did he give "i have a dream"?
  4. what great honor did martin receive in 1964?
  5. how did martin die?
  1. he led a boycott of the buses in montgomery from 1955 to 1956.
  2. on august 28, 1963 martin gave his famous "i have a dream" speech.
  3. he spoke on the steps of the lincoln memorial in washington, d.c.
  4. martin was awarded the nobel prize for peace.
  5. martin luther king jr. was murdered in 1968.
  step ⅲ pre-reading
  task one: predict and inquiry
  t: look at the title --- "i have a dream", what dream did martin have?
  ss: martin wanted to see equality and justice in the usa, where the black people were discriminated as the second class citizens.
  t: look at the title and make up some questions on the title.
  possible questions:
  1. what emotion did martin want to express in his speech?
  2. on what condition did martin make the speech?
  3. why did he make the speech?
  possible answers:
  1. martin wanted to show his good will, strong wish and desire to seek freedom, liberty and equality for the black people.
  2. martin made the speech in washington d.c., capital city of america after a march. the speech inspired the whole audience and the whole black people.
  3. he wanted his dream to become the dream of the whole nation.
  task two: understand reading in the whole context
  t: the reading passage is an extract of the speech, and it is the last part of the whole speech. look at the major structure of the whole speech and find out why the dream should be realized.
  t: look at the structure and find the main idea of each part.
  part one the situation of black people doesn"t live up to the dream of american ideal—men are created equal.
  part two it is important and urgent for america to give true liberty and freedom to the black people if america wants to march to greater heights.
  part three martin calls on the black people to fight for their civil rights using proper ways.
  part four he expresses his strong hope that me black people and the white people will enjoy equal rights,freedom and liberty.
  task three: arouse imagination and resonance
  t: imagine what kind of life the black people were leading, using the following questions and your former knowledge as a clue. you can imagine and show sympathy on the black people by using mind-map strategy.
  1. why were the black people called second-class citizens?
  2. why were the black people not allowed to sit in the same classroom with the white students? how could they receive education?
  3. why did the black people have to sit at the back of the bus?
  4. in what way can the black people share equal rights with the white people?
  i. politically. they didn"t have rights to vote and economically, they were poor and live in slums.
  2. they were not allowed to mix with the white students and they had to go to far-away schools which were intended only to the black students.
  3. the black people were looked down upon and they were not allowed to mix with the white people.
  4. they should change the white people"s attitude toward them. but first of all, they should show their determination and unite as a whole to win the war.
  step iv reading
  task one: build the schema chart
  t: the speech can be pided into three parts. read the speech quickly and generalize the main idea of each part.
  sample chart:
  part l
  part 2
  part 3
  title i have a dream
  part 1
  martin described a picture of his dream.he used the words(creed of equality,brotherhood,oasis of freedom and justice,sisters and brothers) to strengthen its vivid description.
  part 2
  martin expressed his hope to see equality,freedom and liberation nationwide.
  part 3 he expressed his strong wish to see a world of freedom,where people of different background enjoy freedom together.
  task two: appreciation
  t: read the speech-and pick out the sentences that you like best.
  give students 3 minutes to go through the whole speech and pick out their favorite sentences.
  t: read your favorite sentences aloud and give a reason why you like all these sentences. after that i will show you the sentences that i like best.
  then students read their favorite sentences aloud and give reasons why they like them.
  t: i like the sentences(see the above 7 sentences in target language) that used the parallelism method, because these sentences are like poem with beat and i can sense both the beauty of the language and the strong emotion between the lines of the speech. next i would like to make a short speech by using these sentences.
  teacher recites the sentences with emotion. students listen to the teacher and try to imitate.
  step v post-reading
  task one: discussion
  t: now please turn to page 29 and discuss with your partner on the questions" of post-reading.
  what makes the speech powerful? what special methods are used in the speech?
  students discuss and present their ideas.
  sa: the speech is powerful because we can sense the strong feeling expressed in it. the use of parallelism intensifies the special effect.
  sb: the speech is very powerful because of its beautiful words, such as creed of equality, brotherhood, oasis of freedom and justice, sisters and brothers. these words express the same meaning, but it has different expressions. the use of metaphor and simile make this effect even stronger.
  task two: writing
  t: write a short speech over the environmental problem. you can use the following structure to make your speech smooth and persuasive. first discuss what the problems are and then think out the possible solutions.
  discuss and organize possible sentences needed.
  t: organize the passage using repetition, parallelism, metaphor and simile. follow the structure and try to organize the passage as a whole. then try to use necessary rhetoric speech to make it flow.
  possible structure:
  1.the harm that these problems cause.
  2.point out how serious they are.
  1.possible solutions to call on the audience to make their effort.
  2.special measures t0 call on t11e whole society to take part.
  sample speech:
  we are endangered
  we are living in a world that is badly polluted. rubbish is around wherever we go. the air is not healthy for us to breathe; the water is no longer healthy for us to drink; the forest is destroyed day by day; the farmland is becoming desert; many species of animals are reducing in great numbers. we can"t live a better life if we continue to pollute our environment.
  it"s everyone"s duty to give a hand to protect our environment; it"s everybody"s duty to save the energy and natural resources; it"s everyone"s responsibility not to produce harmful rubbish. only when all of us give a hand can we expect a hopeful tomorrow. with this hope in mind we can see our sky become clear again; with this hope in mind we can find water in dyers get clean; with this hope in mind we will see flowers and grass instead of rubbish; with this hope in mind we will find the hills turn green; with this hope in mind we will see children breathe fresh air and play happily on the green grass.
  step vi homework
  task one: recite the speech
  task two: make phrases by using these words:
  self-evident, brief, discrimination, philosophy, creed, oasis, symphony
  unit3 fairness for all
  the fourth period listening and speaking
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.target language目标语言
  accuse of,attack,innocent,academic,athlete,lawyer,educator,career,education level
  give argument:
  i think they have these things in common.
  i believe it is better to...
  is it better to...than...?
  it seems to me...because...
  i"m not sure if it"s better to...
  have you considered...?
  which is more important...?
  i don"t agree. i consider that...
  our consensus is...
  why don"t you agree?
  support argument:
  i believe paul robeson is the most outstanding black person because...
  his excellence lies in the fact that...
  during his / her life she / he made every effort to...
  she / he never only thought of himself / herself and devoted all his / her life to...
  2.ability goals能力目标
  enable students to quickly get the main clue of a story and master,the basic skills of listening,such as predicting,preparation,grasping the key word.
  3.learning ability goals学能目标
  master the ski11 of collecting information to help understand the general content of the listening material and learn to sort and generalize information.
  teaching important points教学重点
  enable students to grasp the plot of the story and quickly pick out its main clue.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  by training listening strategies of predicting,grasping the main idea,catching the detailed information,students will learn to develop the proper way of listening.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning and task-based learning.
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i revision
  task one: check reciting
  t: i will check how well you have recited the speech made by martin luther king.
  ask some volunteers to recite the speech in the front.
  task two: check words and expressions
  t: i will check words and expressions and find out how well you can make phrases by using these words and expressions.
  step ii listening
  task one: prediction
  t: look at the words in the box and predict what you will hear in the listening material.
  words used to predict:
  accuse of, attack, beat, innocent, hurt, a lawyer, the truth of the attack
  ss: sb. was attacked and hurt in the story. in order to find out the truth, a lawyer carried out the investigation and decided to find out the truth of the attack.
  task two: pre-listening
  t: look at the chart before you listen to the tape and answer the questions.
  1. how many people are mentioned in the story?
  2. what may be the main plot of the story?
  possible answers:
  1. four persons are mentioned in the story.
  2. a person was attacked and beaten. somebody was accused of the attack and a lawyer came to find out the truth and interviewed some witnesses.
  step ⅲ while-listening
  task one: listen to match
  t: please listen to the tape for the first time and join the parts of the sentences together.
  t: since we have finished the first task, let"s move to the next one. please look at the following questions before listening to the tape again.
  task two: listen to answer the questions
  t: listen to the tape for the second time and answer the following questions. note down the important information to the questions.
  task three: discussion
  t: predict the ending of the story and discuss it with your partner. then i will give you the information.
  then students discuss and make prediction.
  step ⅳ listening practice
  task one: input pre-listening information
  t: you are to listen to the biography of three people. they are outstanding black people who devoted their time and energy to civil rights movement. go through the two tasks and predict what the main content of the listening material is.
  task two: listen to match
  t: now please turn to page 67 and look at the listening practice. look at the first task, and you will find that you are required to join the correct person to their correct career. first look at the box and get familiar with the three different black people and their career. now listen to the tape and match the people with their correct career.
  the students listen and do match work.
  task three: listen to fill in the chart
  t: next you will listen to the biography of the three people again. after each stop you will fill in the chart with fight information.
  step v listening practice
  task one: discussion
  t: listen to the tape and find out the differences and similarities between these three people by filling the chart.
  sample chart:
  differences similarities
  t: discuss with your partner to decide who is the most unselfish when helping the black people.
  sa: i believe paul robeson is the most unselfish person
  sb: i think dubois is the most unselfish person.
  t: different people have different opinions. now please list three reasons to support your opinion. these three people had different approaches to help the black people. please list the bravest approach and tell others why.
  ss state their opinion and list the reasons.
  task two: talking
  t: suppose you are to build a statue in honor of these three people. you must decide which one is the most worthy. now please list some points to support your argument. the following expressions may be useful to you.
  ss list the supporting ideas:
  i believe paul robeson is the most outstanding black person because...
  his excellence lies in the fact that...
  during his / her life she / he made every effort to...
  she / he never only thought of himself / herself and devoted all his life / her to...
  step vi homework
  task one: review the words and expressions.
  accuse of, attack, innocent, academic, athlete, lawyer, educator, career, education level.
  task two: preview the integrating part on page 71.
  the fifth period integrating skills
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.ability goals能力目标
  enable students to practice reading skills,emphasize students’ ability to gain information and use the information to speak.
  2.learning ability goals学能目标
  help students grasp the major information from the reading material and practice speaking ability to express oneself clearly.
  teaching important points教学重点
  enable students to collect,process and transfer reading information into speaking materials,thus students may develop an inner system to transfer their reading ability into speaking ability.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  by stimulating,processing and organizing enable students to use the information in speaking.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning,task-bused learning,brainstorm strategy and co-operative learning.
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i reading
  task one: questions and answers
  t: black people and white people were not equal, so the blacks righted for their rights through civil rights movement. civil rights movement is a part of human right. today, many people are still discriminated by their jobs, family background and so on. now, let"s read a passage about fairness. please turn to page 71. read the passage and get familiar with the questions fast. then read the text and try to find the answers to the questions.
  possible answers:
  1. they had the impression that circus people are dirty and they are bad incharacters.
  2. jake was quick in mind.
  3. fred was curious about circus people"s life and wanted to show pity on them.
  4. jake was not so dirty as the boy said before.
  5. fred passed his handkerchief when jake was sniffing. later he helped jake with his schoolwork.
  task two: fill in the chart
  t: after reading, we know that the boys criticized jake and his family for the way they live. but most of these remarks refer to problems of the campsite.
  now, let"s check information to fill in the chart.
  sample chart 1:
  the impression before jake"s coming what circus people are like
  sample chart 2:
  the impression after jake"s coming what jake is like
  sample chart 3:
  jake"s schoolwork jake"s study
  sample chart 4:
  the impression of what the campsite is like
  answers to the charts:
  sample chart i:
  the impression what circus people are like
  before jake"s coming dirty,eat raw meat,steal,wear rags
  sample chart 2:
  what jake is like
  the impression after jake"s coming
  smaller than me, dirty finger nails, clean and repaired shirt, held trousers with a wide leather belt
  sample chart 3:
  jake"s study
  jake"s schoo1 work look for help his eyes lit up, returned to exercise with enthusiasm
  sample chart 4:
  what the campsite is like
  the impression of campsiteone tap for water, no particular place to put rubbish,a small and dirty washing toilet area
  task three: discussion
  t: work in a group of four and discuss the following question..
  what may be the cause that people were rude to circus people?
  t: i will ask some students to present your ideas on the question.
  sa: the dirty and shabby living conditions left a bad impression on other people.
  sb: most people don"t understand what kind of life that circus people are leading.
  step ii speaking
  task one: propose a solution
  t: if we want to change the above situation, what should we do to help them?
  sa: we should try to change their living conditions.
  sb: people should understand what a hard life they are living.
  task two: present the speaking task
  t: snowdon vale county secondary school has agreed to join this project to improve the campsite of the circus people. now you are to put forward a plan to suggest which parts should be changed. think about the plan to improve the campsite.
  task two: brainstorm
  t: what do you know about the life of circus people?
  sa: they live on tricks and magic.
  sb: they do a lot of wonderful performances.
  sc: they feed a lot of animals can perform tricks.
  task three: collect information
  t: most circus people move a lot, in winter they may station on a certain place for a long time. because their life is always on the go, therefore their children may attend different schools. it is very important for these people to choose the right position as their campsite. designing a campsite that is favorable for their life is the first step. please discuss in pairs to choose a good position for these people.
  sa: it"s should be a position that is near school because their children can receive education during their youth period.
  sb: it should be a position where city facilities are available. thus these people can enjoy the good and convenient facilities. "
  task four: make a list
  t: the circus people need certain places to make their life easy and comfortable. basically in their living places they should have enough taps for water, toilets and certain places to put their rubbish. now suppose you are required to design a campsite for 60 people and 20 caravans, you should do the following. first, make a plan for the campsite and its facilities. then make a map and mark the facilities on your map.
  possible plan:
  1. a certain place for animals.
  2. 20 taps, 10 toilets for 60 people and 3 certain places for rubbish.
  3. these facilities should be easy to use and scattered evenly in the living area.
  4. near the living place there should be bus stops.
  t: since you have made the list, now make a map and mark all these facilities on the right places.
  step ⅲ homework
  task one: write a plan for the improvement of the campsite.
  task two: write a speech to change students" opinion toward circus people.
  possible plan:
  a plan to improve the campsite
  the campsite of circus people is too crowded and inconvenient. they should enjoy good living conditions as we do. for 60 circus people more facilities should be added in order to make their life easy.
  first at least 20 taps are needed, thus these people will have enough water to use. besides, 10 toilets will be scattered in different parts of the living area. three certain places for rubbish should be set where circus people can put their rubbish. the animal place will be separated from the living part with certain people in charge of them. the campsite will also will be near the town in the outskirts with bus stops near the living area. the children of circus people will enjoy convenient traffic to school. if all these demands are met, people will not think that circus people are dirty. thus they will change their attitude ,toward circus people.
  possible speech:
  understand circus people
  here i want to let you know a fact. with our effort all the local council of lakeside town has improved the campsite of circus people. the circus people are enjoying a clean and convenient life as we do today. therefore we should not laugh at these people.
  we made fun of them and looked down upon them before, but now we should change our attitude. they are the same as us and they need our respect, they need our help because their life is always on the go. they are excellent in their field. they can make tricks and magic while we can"t; they suffer a more miserable life while we don"t; they are discriminated just because of their life style while we are living a comfortable life. we should make a promise that from now on we should show fair attitude toward them; we should make a promise that we will try to help them instead of laughing at them. with these promises we will all enjoy a better life.
  period 6 writing
  teaching goals教学目标
  1.target language语言目标
  at present,firstly,generally speaking,first of all,now
  for example,meanwhile,besides,what is more, worse still,what’s worse, in addition, to make things worse,in fact,as a matter of fact
  2.ability goals能力目标
  enable students to master the practice of the three-paragraph organization and put the conjunctions into use in the real writing.
  3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help students 1earn passage development skills and use conjunctions in the practice of writing to make compositions readable and logical.
  teaching important points教学重点
  by following reading  ,reciting  imitating  writing process enable students to write logically.
  teaching difficult points教学难点
  intensify students’ sense to list facts and use practical conjunctions to make students’ work more readable.
  teaching methods教学方法
  team work learning,task.based 1earning and co-operation. ‘
  teaching aids教具准备
  a projector and some slides.
  teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
  step i revision
  t: at the beginning of this class i will check your homework i gave you yesterday. first i will call some students to come to the front and read your plans and speeches. next please tell me in what way you organized your writing.
  some students come to the front to read their works.
  t: how do you organize your writing and what techniques do you use to make your writing readable and logical?
  students present their answers.
  step ⅱ reading aloud and reciting
  task one: read and find
  t: here is a beautifully written passage. read the passage and find the answers to the following questions.
  show the passage on the screen.
  less porce for the sake of our kids
  at present, more and more families rush into porce, and this has caused a serious problem. the children from these broken families suffer a lot.
  studies show that parents are great teachers for children and they influence them a lot. without care and love of both parents, children may easily develop bad behavior and form bad habits. besides, children"s interest is often neglected and many of them are both mentally and physically weak. what"s worse, these children will find less fun in their family and they will feel lonely. if they develop friendship in an improper way, they may become young criminals. they may cause trouble and do harm to the society. in fact most of young criminals lack their happy childhood.
  effective measures should be taken by the society to prevent the high rate of porce. government should educate the married people and persuade them to solve family problems in right ways. young lovers should consider their choice of marriage as a lifelong promise. thus they would value their relationship and they would try their best to keep their promise to each other.
  1. what problem is mentioned in the first paragraph?
  2. what do children from broken families suffer?
  3. what are possible solutions to the problem?
  4. in what way is this passage organized?
  5. what conjunctions are used in this passage?
  6. what"s the use of these conjunctions?
  possible answers:
  1. children from broken families suffer lot.
  2. they lack love and care, thus they may develop bad behaviors and even become young criminals.
  3. by educating the married people to value their marriage and with joint efforts from the society the porce rate will reduce.
  4. this passage is organized in the following way: state problem analyze problem solutions.
  5. at present; besides; what"s more; in fact.
  6. they are used to make the whole passage readable and logical.
  step iii pre-writing
  task one: present writing task
  t: you are required to write a report to the council of lakeside town. in your report the following points should be included.
  main points:
  1. present the living conditions of the campsite.
  2. your reasons to improve the campsite.
  3. your plan and suggestions to improve the campsite.
  go through the task and find out what is required to write.
  t: look at the task and see how you can organize the passage.
  ss: we can organize the passage by following the three-paragraph organization pattern.
  task two: list the major points
  t: before writing you are required to consider what major points should be concluded in your composition.
  possible points:
  present problems:
  1. poor facilities.
  2. inconvenient for children to go to school.
  3. circus people are looked down upon.
  analyze the problems:
  1. circus people should enjoy equal rights as other people do.
  2. bad living conditions may cause diseases.
  3. the town council didn"t notice how serious the problem is.
  solutions to the problems:
  1. improvement on some of the facilities.
  2. find a good position.
  3. change people"s attitude toward circus people.
  task three: write topic sentences
  t: since you have listed all the facts that should be included in your passage, next you are to write down topic sentences that can generalize the points of each paragraph.
  possible topic sentences:
  1. circus people are living a hard life and their children are looked down upon.
  2. the problems are caused by neglection of the council and it may lead to serious results.
  3. improvement is needed and we should take some measures.
  step iv writing
  t: write a passage following the three-paragraph pattern and use the conjunctions to make your compositions readable.
  sample passage:
  give a hand to the campsite
  at present, circus people are living a hard life. they suffer a lot and they are looked down upon by other people. wherever you go you can find rubbish all around. besides, there is only one tap water and people don"t have enough water to keep clean. what"s worse, circus children feel very inconvenient to go to school because the bus stop is far from their living area. thus these children are looked down upon by other students.
  we are equal as citizens. but up to now, our town council hasn"t noticed the suffering of these people. if the situation continues like this, infective
  disease may arise. if so the whole people in the town may get infected. since circus people should enjoy equal rights as we do, their living conditions should be improved.
  effective measures should be taken by our council. we need to find a good position to rebuild the campsite. it should be a place which is near bus stops, what"s more, the facilities should be improved. if so, the circus people will enjoy a clean and better life. they will not be discriminated and share equability with us.
  step v post-writing
  task one: self check
  t: check your composition to see if you have met the following standards.
  1. include all the points in your list.
  2. write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
  3. properly use the conjunctions in your passage.
  task two: pair check and improvement
  t: work in pairs and check your partner"s composition. make sure to give some comments on your partner"s work. you can assess your partner"s work by following the chart.
  check in pairs and give comments.
  readable and logical excellent good less good
  grammar mistakes few some many
  structure well-designed middle bad
  final comments:
  step vi homework
  task one: recite new words and expressions.
  task two: check how well you know about martin and the civil rights movement
  teaching record of unit3:
