

  i. 单词拼写1. he was _________(轻微地 )injured in yesterday’s accident.2. he was frightened by the ________(令人害怕) sound.3. india’s _______(官方) language is french.4. someone who is _____(富有的) has a large amount of money.5. the temperature outside falls below ______(冰点) point。6. there are altogether seven _____(大洲) and four oceans in the world.7. lucy sat at her desk, ______(围绕) by books and papers. 8. you’re going to see great _____(景色) on your trip.9. they can sit in the rocket mountains and sail in the _____(海港)10. cowboys come from all over north america to compete in ____(骑) wild horses.11. 11. the cousins _____(做梦)of french restaurant and red maple leaves.ii. complete the sentences.1. canada is a ___________________ like china. (多元文化国家)2. li daiyu and her cousin liu qian __________________________(去加拿大旅行) to visit their cousins on the atlantic coast. 3. we couldn’t decide ________________________________(是否是向东还是向西).4. her grandfather ____________________________________________(手拿报纸坐在扶手椅上)5. many of them _____________________________(与动物共 舞的才能) and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.6. ______________________________________(而不是一路上坐飞机), they decided to fly from china to vancouver .7. they went through ___________________(一个种植小麦的省) and saw farms that were thousands of square kilometers ________.(在面积)8. _______________________________ the children come home.(直到天黑才回家)9. i’ll walk with you _____________________________.(一直走道邮局)10. the professor has ________________________ of animals.(渊博的知识)11. the child _____________________(因一个人留在家里而害怕)12. can you _____________________________________(计算出这所房子的花多少钱?).13. bamboo is ________________________for building.(不仅用于)14. it _____________________ whether you are right.( 留待以后去看)15. she ________________________ in the next room when we passed by.(被听见唱歌)16. mother will wait for him to have dinner together,______________________(无论多么的晚).17. ____________________________,(据我所知) he is still working here.18. we were excited at the news _________________________________(我们队赢了的消息).19. the city plans to build a park _____________________________________(在过去曾经是湖的地方).20. there is only ___________________(剩下五美元) in his pocket.21. mr. green has been elected ___________________________(这个工厂的领导).22. ___________________uniform,(穿着白色的制服)he looks more like a cook than a doctor.23. _______________________(太可惜了), you didn’t go to the theater yesterday.24. it was the order that all the prisoners _________________________ ..(被送进了监狱)iii. 翻译句子:1.灾难过后,百分之八十的人无家可归。2. 我能辨认出三个人影在远处移动。3.这个湖四面环山。4. 加拿大有世界上三分之一的 淡水。5.我将尽力说服我的 父亲戒烟。iv. 高考链接:1. along with the letter was his promise______ he would visit me this coming christmas.a which b that c what d whether(.上海春)2. mrs. taylor has______ 8-year-old daughter who has_____ gift for painting --- she has won two national prizes. (.浙江)a. a; a b. an; the c. an; a d the; a3. he suddenly saw sue_____ the room. he pushed his way_____ the crowd of people to get to her.a across, across b over through c over into d across through ( 湖南)4. ---how far apart do they live?---______ i know, they live in the same neighbourhood.( 上海)a. as long as b as far as c as well as d as often as5. don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _____of little children.a. hand b reach c spare d distance (nmet )6. the faces of four famous americans on mount rushmore can be seen from a ______ of 60 miles.a. length b distance c way d space (nmet)7. a story goes_____ elizabeth of england liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.a when b where c what d that (上海)8. some researchers believe that there is no doubt_____ a cure for aids will be found.a which b that c what d whether (广东)9. we’re just trying to reach a point_____ both sides will sit down together and talk.a where b that c when d which ( 宁夏 山东)10. see the flags on top of the building? that was_____ we did this morning.a when b which c where d what (全国 i)答案i 单词拼写:slightly terrifying official wealthy freezing continents surrounded scenery portriding dreamedii. 完成句子:1.multicultural country2. were on a trip to canada3. whether to go east or west4.sat on the armchair with a newspaper in his hand5. have a gift for working with animals6. rather than take the areoplane all the way7. a wheat-growing province in size8. not until it was dark did9. as far as the post office10 has a wide knowledge11.was terrified of being left alone in the house12.figure out how much the house will cost13.more than used14.remains to be seen15.was heard singing16.no matter how late it is17.as far as i know18.that our team won19.where it used to be a lake20.five dollars left21.leader of the factory22.dressed in white23.what a pity24.should be sent into the prisoniii.翻译句子1.after the diaster, 80% of people became homeless.2.i can figure out three figures in the distance.3. the lake is surrounded with mountains.4. canada has one-third of the world’s fresh water.5. i’ll try to persuade my father to give up smoking.iv.高考连接1.b 2c 3 d 4 b 5b 6 b 7 d 8 b 9 a 10 d
