

  unit 2 english around the world
  i.单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器
  高考须掌握的词汇:1.pronunciation 2.minority 3.totaily 4.equally 5.organize/organise 6.globe 7.service 8.independence9.south 10.europe 1 1.comparison 12.replacement
  高考须掌握的短语:1.at 2.in 3.mother 4.for 5.up 6.with 7.in 8.many 9.or 10.in 1l_adout ’
  ⅱ.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川
  考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分
  1.majority n 多数;大半 eg:a/the majority of doctors believe smoking is harmfulto health.大多数医生认为吸烟有害健康。
  相关链接:minority n.少数;小半用法拓展.be in the majority占多数 be in the minority占少数
  案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三
  考题1 (典型例题in the election,the people who have voted for the present government are the majonty.
  a.on b.in c.with d.for
  考题1点拨:答案为b。考查词组be in the majority"占多数"。句意为:"在选举中,支持现政府的人占多数。"
  2 service n.服务;服务性工作eg:
  the service in the restaurant is good.这家餐馆的服务很好。
  相关链接:serve vt 为……服务;提供饭等 vi.服役用法拓展:at one"s service听……差遣;随时准备为……做事/供……使用
  be of service to sb. help sb.or be useful to sb.能帮助某人;对某
  人有用处serve sb.as 作……用/起……作用
  be in service在使用中 serve as…担当;担任
  考题2 (典型例题分)--good morning, grand hotel.
  --hello, ld like to book a room for the night of the 18th and 19th.
  a. what can i do for you? b. just a minute, please. c. what"s the matter? d. at your service.
  考题2点拨:答案为b。在对方已经明确提出要求时用a项,不合乎情理;b项属于一种顺承、合理的回答;c项用于询问有何问题或有何障碍,用于此语境显然不舍适;d项干扰性最大,at your service是随时听候差遣的意思,在此语境中不合适。
  3.except prep.除了eg:
  we all went to the cinema except tom.
  相关链接.besides prep."除……之外,还有……"
  but prep."除……之外",与except同义。用法拓展:except for后接名词或代词,"除……之外",表示局部修正主句的说法。 except that/when后接从句。"除……之外/除当……的时候"。
  考题3-1 (典型例题) flowers, the pupils sent their teacher a nice greeting card for her birthday.
  a. beside b. except for c. besides d. except
  考题3-2 (典型例题分) is your grandpa still with you?
  -- no. he still prefers to live in the small mountain village all its disadvantages.
  a. for b. except c. with d. to
  考题3—1点拨:答案为c。besides表示"除……之外,还有……",except表示"除了……",beside表示"在……的旁边",except for时主句作局部的修正。句意为:"除了鲜花,学生们还为.他们的老师送上了漂亮的贺卡作生岢礼物。考题3—2点拨:答案为c。句意为:"尽管乡村有它的弱点,爷爷还是喜欢住在那里。
  4.knowledge n.知识eg:knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
  有修饰语时,表示某一方面的知识。用法拓展:to my knowledge据我所知 get/gain knowiedge获得知识
  考题4 (典型例题 分) many people agree that of english is a must in international trade today.
  a. knowledge b. a knowledge c. the knowledge d. knowledges
  5.compare v.比较;比作 eg:if you compare both of our cars,you"ll find they are very much alike.如果比较一下我们的两部车子,你会发现彼此很相似。
  相关链接:comparision n.比较用法拓展:compare. to…把……比作……compare…with…把……与…相比 beyond/past/w‘ithout compare无与伦比 特别提醒:compared to/with是固定搭配,单独用作状语,表示与……相比。 eg:
  cprepared to/wl’th paris,iondon is large.与巴黎相比,伦敦较大。
  考题5-2 (典型例题in his no vels。he often compared one"s life a river.
  a.by b.with c.for d.to
  考题5-3 i was struck by the beautiful sight.its beauty was compare.
  a.to b.with c.bevond d.in
  考题5—1点拨;答案为d。compare. tg.一把……比作……。句意为:"在他的小说中,他常常把生命比作河流。"
  考题5--2点拨:答案为c。beyond compare无与伦比。句意为:"我被这美丽的景色所打动,它的美简直无与伦比。"
  6.end vt.& vi.结束eg:
  the party ended at midnight.晚会在午夜结束。
  he ended his ietter with good wishes to the family.他在信末祝福全家人。
  相关链接:end n.结束
  at the end of在……的尽头 by the end of到……为止用法拓展:end in…以……为结果 end(up)with以……而结束
  put an end to…结束/终止…… come to an end告终;完结 in the end最后;终于ltlake(both)ends meet使收支相抵 without end无尽的;无限的
  考题6-1 (典型例题 分)if you go on doing such things, you"ll end up prison.
  a. with b. as c. in d. to
  考题6-2 hard as he worked, he couldn"t make __ meet.
  a. end b ends c. eroding d. ended
  考题6—1点拨:答案为c。end up in prison以坐牢而告终。句意为:"如果你继续做那样的事,你就会以掌牢而告终。"
  考题6—2点拨:答案为b。make(both)ends meet使收支相抵。句意为:"尽管他卖力地工作,但还是做不到收支相抵。"
  7.mote or i@ss或多或少;大体上;在一定程度上eg:
  the work is more or less finished.这项工作大体上完成了。
  i think it’s more or less a crime.我认为这多少是一种犯罪行为。
  考题7 (典型例题)we all write , even when there is not much to say.
  a. now and then b. by and by c. step by step d. more or less
  考题7点拨:答案为a。从该题even when there"s not mach to say这一信息可知,本题空意指时问。now and then相当于ftom time to time。sometimes和occasionally;by and by—soon step by step=graduailyl d项more or less修饰名词,但也可修饰形容词、动词作状语。①more or less—about时,放在所修饰词的后面。it is an hour"s journey,more or 1ess.⑦修饰形容词时,放在动词的前面。the book is niore or less helpful.③修饰动词时,放在动词的前面。he can more or less write some poems.该题若把空设在write的前面,d项也对。
  8.have diffjcuity(in)doing sth.做某事有困难 eg:
  we had difficulty(in)working out the probiem.我们做出这道题有困难。
  用法拓展:have trouble(in)doing sth.一have d.fficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难 have much/little/no difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有很多/很少/没有困难have difficulty/trouble with sth.做某事有困难
  考题8 does your brothernave any english?
  a.difficulty learning b.difficuity to learn c.difficuities in learning d.difficulties to learn
  考题8点拨:答案为a。have difficuity(in)doing sth.是固定词组,difficuhy在这个词组搭配中用作不可数名词,介词in可省略。句意为:"你哥哥.学习英语有困难吗?"
  9.could you speak a b.t slowly,please?请你说得稍慢些好吗?、a bit可以修饰形容词、副词的原级或比较级,与a littie相同。 eg:
  im a bit/a little tired.我有点累了。
  it’s a bit/a little warmer today.今天天气暖和了些。
  用法拓展:(1)not a little=very much相当多;非常not a bit=not at a11一点也不(2)a bit of+n一点/一些……a little+n.一点/一些……
  考题9一are you feeling tired after the game?
  一 .in fact.i feel quite relaxed.
  a.not a littie b.not a bit c.not little d.not bit
  考题9点拨:答案为b。not a bit一点也不。根据后面,"事实上我感觉很轻松。"可得出b这个选项。
  10.can you say it in a djffetent way?你能用一种不同的方式表达吗? in a…way用……的方法
  用法拓展:in the way/in one"s way妨碍/挡住某人的路 by the way顺便说一下/顺便问问in a way从某种意义/程度上说 by way of经由;取道lose one"s way迷路 make one"s way进行;努力向前ali the way一路上
  特别提醒;(1)by…means用……的方式 with…method用……方法
  (2)way作先行词,后面的定语从句可用in which/that或不用引导词来连接。
  考题10-1 (典型例题 分) they have made up their to make their to the front.
  a. mindsway b. minds; ways c. minds; way d. minds ways
  考题10-2 ( 典型例题 分 ) if you drive from the airport, go on the motor way and follow the to the city.
  a. points b. warnings c. signs d. way
  考题10—1点拨;答案为c。make up one"s raind"下决心干某事"。raind单复数随one"s的单复数发生变化;make one"s way"排除困难前进",way在此搭配中是不可敷名词。
  考题10—2点拨:答案为c。follow the signs表示"顺着路标"。向意为:"如果你从机场开车行驶,(你可以)走公路腰着路标到达城市。"
  11.how did these djfferences come about?这些不同是如何产生的?
  come about—happen/take place产生;发生;改变方向(不用于被动语态)eg:
  many quarrels come about through a misunderstanding.许多争执都是由于误会而产生的。
  可用it作形式主语,后面用that引导主语从句:it comes about that………是……产生的。
  考题11 (典型例题how, did" it __ that he won the first prize of lottery tickets again?
  a. come along b. come on c. come up d. come about
  考题11点拨:答案为d。come along同……一起;come on鼓励/劝说时所用的口语; come up提出;上来;发芽; come about产生;发生。此句用了一个固定句式lt comes about that…。句意为:"他怎么又一次赢得彩票的一等奖?"
  12.joe is an amerjcml who has come to brltain for the first time.
  forthe first time单独用作状语,指第一次做某事。
  the tirst time"首次,第一次",可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。 eg:
  the first time i met her,i knew we wonld be good friends.
  类似的用法还有:the moment,the minute.the first sight,every time,each time等.
  it is/was/will be the fjrst time…后接句子,强调到说话时为止某一情况或动作的次数,句子中常用完成时态,it可换用this/that,first也可换用其他序数词。eg: this is the first time i have been to beijing.这是我第一次去北京。
  that was the first time i had left my hometown.那是我第一次离开家乡。 it’s time for sb.to do sth.是某人干某事的时候了。此句式还可用:it’s time sb.did sth.来表示。 eg:
  it’s time for us to have supper./it’s time we had supper.是我们用晚餐的时候了。
  考题12-1 it is the second time that i in shanghai. what great changes have taken place in shanghai!
  it is ten years since i it lasttime.
  a. have been; left b. had been; left c. haves had left d. went; had left
  考题12-2 the telephone three, times in the last hour, and each time it for my father.
  a. had rung; was b. has rung; was c. rang; has been d. has been ringing; is
  考题12-3 you shall leave now. it"s high time you to school.
  a. go b. went c. going d. gone
  考题12—1点拨:答案为a。此题关键看出it"s the second time that…句式中,应用现在完_成时态,since衷示从某一时刘起,用一般过去时态,故答案为a。句意为:"这是我第二次到上海。上海发生多么巨大的变化啊!自从上次离开。已是十年时间了。"
  考题12—2点拨:答案为b。in the past/last+段时间作时间状语,通常与完成时连用,后丰部分each time作状语•指过去"每次",因此答案为b。句意为:"在过去的一小时里电话响了三次.每次都是找我父亲的。"
  考题12—3点拨。答案为b。考查句式it"s time sb.did xth.句意为:"你得走了,早该是你上学的时候了。"
  13. "with+宾语+宾补"结构
  in the middle of china lies hubei province,with its capital on the yangtze river.湖北省位
  the teacher was wal king up and down,with a book in her 1eft hand.老师左手拿着一本书,
  he lay on his back,with his eyes looking up into the sky.他躺着,眼瞅着天空。
  with his homework done,he went out to play.完成作业.他就出去玩耍。
  with the guide to lead us,we wtll have no difficulty finding his house.有导游带路,我们将
  with+宾语+形容词 eg:
  he is used to sleeping with the window open at night in summer.他已习惯夏天开窗睡觉。
  he often sleeps with the light on.他经常开着灯睡觉。
  考题13-1 (典型例题)
  with a lot of difficult problems , the manager felt wor-ried all the time.
  a. settled b. settle c. settling d. to settle
  考题13-2 (典型例题分) he left the post office with all the magazines he needed __
  a. buying b. to buy c. bought d. to be bought
  14.a number of,the number of a number of"一些;若干",和复数名词或代词连用,后面的动词也用复数形式。 eg:
  a number of my friends are against the plan.我的若干朋友都反对这个计划。
  the number of".……的数量(数目)".介词of同其后的名词构成介词短语,作
  定语修饰the humber,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 eg:
  the number of the students standing there is about twenty.站在那边的学生数目大约是二十。
  考题14 (典型例题 分)the number of people present at the meeting about one thou-sand, a large number of whom experts from abroad.
  a. was; was b. was; were c. were; were d. were; was
  考题14点拨:答案为b。the humber of…+单数谓语动词;a nliyllber of…+复数谓语动词。句意为:"出席会议的人数大约一千,他们当中的若干人是来自于国外的专家。"
  15.sitaation,state,gobdition situatl’on"情况;形势;局面",主要是指各种情况之间的相互关系及该情况与有关人士之间的关系,强调相互之间的联系和影响。 eg:
  he is in a difficult situation.他处境艰难。
  the international situation国际形势
  state"状态;状况",常与不定冠词连用,只有单数形式.与介词in搭配使用。 eg:
  she is in a good state of mind.她心情不错。
  condition"状况;环境",指周围环境时常用复数形式,与介词in或under搭配使用。 eg:living conditions居住状况/环境
  he is in no condition to travei.他的健康状况不宜旅行。
  考题15-1(典型例题she is in a poor of health.as a result,she has to give up herjob.
  a.dosition b.situation c.state d.condition
  考题15-2(典型例题when you play footbail,what do you play?
  a.situation b.place c.part d.position
  考题15—1点拨:答案为c。state与a连用指一种状况,状态,be in a p6or state of health指健康状况很差。句意:"她健康状况很差,结果,不得不放弃工作。"考题15—2点拨:答案为d。play a position踢某个位置;play a part扮演某个角色。句意为:"踢球时,你踢哪个位置?"
  ⅲ.语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余
  (1)please+v.(动词原形).或v.(动词原形)(+please). eg:
  ok,listen carefully,please.那么,请仔细听。
  (2)don"t+v.(动词原形)(+please). eg:
  don"t touch anything without permission.未经允许不准碰任何东西。
  (3)let+abj.(宾语)+v.(动词原形)/not+v.(动词原形). eg:
  let"s tidy the laboratory and put everything back in the cupboards.让我们来收拾实验室,把所有的
  (1)"will/would/can/could you please+v.(动词原形)?"eg:
  will/would/can/could you please give us instructions for using the laboratory?请给我们讲讲使用实验室的规则好吗?
  (2)"would you mind+t,.-ing?" eg:would you mind allowing us to use the basin by the side of the cupboard?请允许我们使用器皿柜旁边的洗脸盆,好吗?
  (3)"why not+v.(动词原形)?"eg: why not do as your teacher teils you to?
  ①let us do…,will you/won"t you? eg:
  let us do the ex+perlment ourselves,will/won"t you?允许我们自己做实验,好吗?
  ②"let"s do…,shall we/shan"t w :. eg:
  let"s make sure the lights are turned off and the door is locked,shall/shan"t we?让我们核实一下关灯和锁门的事吧,好吗?
  ③"let me do…,will you/won"t you/may i?"eg:
  let me tidy the lab with you,may i?我和你收拾实验室,好吗?
  ④"do…,will,won"t/would/you/can/can"t/coula you?" eg:
  show me how to use this water pump。won"t you?
  ⑤"don"t do.…will you?"’eg:
  don"t touch papers on my desk,will you?别碰我书桌上的文件,好吗?考题点拨:答案为d。本句为祈使句变为问接引语。
  考题 i said to him,"please go."i him to go.
  a.pleased b.said to c.ordered d.asked
  iv.专题探究 由点及面 由表及里
  (3)注意句式前后照应。在介绍人物的姓名、性别、年龄、职业等现状时不少同学过分追求使用复杂的句式,例如使用主语后边加上同位语或破折号引导的解释性修饰语或定语从句句型,但在使用这些句型时忘记了后边应有的谓语动词,从而造成考题 囤以下是你最好的朋友高明的一份调查表,请据此写一篇介绍朋友的短文。字数100左右。
  (4)写好文章开头和结尾,为了使人物介绍式书面表达具有照应性,同学们应认真写好开篇交代句和结尾总结句。写开篇交代句时因尚未交代人物详情,可适当写得笼统一些,但写结尾总结句时因人物详情已作介绍,因此宜写得具体一些,针对性强一些。本文开头句可用1 will never forget my friend…,结尾可用such is myfriend。
  (5)熟练运用常见句型,人物介绍式书面表达有不少句型在很多场合是有规律性出现的,除了叙述人物姓名、年龄、身高、健康状况、业余爱好的有关句型以外,还有下列一些句型:he works hard.he is good at….he is kind to…in the meantime he can get along/on well with…he is often praised by…all of us respect and love him deeply.
  name: gao ming
  address: 181 xinhua road,
  tangshan telephone : 2823198 postal code.-063500 e-mail : gaoming@ 263. net
  date of birth:3ofh october, 1992 occupation: study in no. 2 middle school height: 1.72m
  gao ming,my best friend,is 1.72 metres tall,with black hair. born on 3ofh october, 1992,he is now a middle school student.
  gao ming is studying in no. 2 middle school. his native language is chinese and he studies english as his foreign language. he is very interested in singing, drawing, dancing and reading.
  everyone likes him because he is a good, kind student. if you want to make friends with him, here is his address: 181 xinhua road, tangshan, postal code063500. his telephone number is 2823198, e-mail:gaoming@263, net.
  点评:my best friend作同位语,使句式简洁;恰当运用born on 3ofh october,1992,突出了句’式的多样化;运用中学阶段熟知的短语be in— terested in,make friends with等,体现了基本功扎实这一特点。
  总评:①介绍人物以一般现在时为主。②灵活运用各种句式,使表达上句型多样化。如with black hair;born on等。③适当补充细节,使文章显得生动,如:everyone likes him because he is a good,kind student. •
  v.考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊
  回顾1 测试考点5 (典型例题)__ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
  a. compare b. when comparing c. comparing d. when compared
  1.d点拨:此题关键是看出compared with…结构.when不会对此句式造成影响。句意为:"当与整个地球的大小相比时,最大的海洋看上去也一点不大了。"
  回顾2 测试考点14 (典型例题ow adays, a large num-ber of women, especially those from the countryside, __in the clothing industry.
  a. is working b. works c. work d. worked
  2.c点拨:a number of"好多.大量",后接可数名词复数形式,用复数的谓语动词;并且句子中有时间状语nowadays,所以不能选过去时态。
  回顾3 测试考点13 (典型例题 can you expect to get a pay rise.
  a. with hard work b. although work hard c. only with hard work d. now that he works hard
  ⅵ.XX年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机
  一、考情预测 年考情预测
  预测1:the way作先行词,后面定语从句引导词的处理问题
  命题角度预测:本考点会放在单项选择、完形填空和短文改错中进行考查。 eg:
  i don"t like the way he speaks to his mother.
  a. why b. when c. which d. /
  此题的答案应选择d。the way作先行词,后面的定语从句的引导词可用in which/that/或什么都不用。
  命题角度预测:especially,specially的区别置于完形填空题中考查的可能性较大。要选择对,关键是清楚强调"尤其"侧重不同寻常;还是强调"专门地,特别的,特殊地",侧重特殊的目的。eg:i came here specially to ask you a question.
  i like the country.especially in spring.
  命题角度预测:此要点一般会放在单选或短文改错中进行考查。 eg:in english,giving commands is less polite than making a request.在英语中,下命令不如作出请求有礼貌。
  预测根据:since引导时间状语从句是高考考查状语从句的一个重要句型,但从句中使用终止性动词和延续性动词意义差别很大。从句使用终止性动词,表示该时间只是主句时间段的起点;而从句使用延续性动词,则表示该动作和状态从此结束。eg:it"s five years since i joined the army.我入伍已五年。it"s five years since 1 was in the army.我已退伍五年了。
  命题角度预测:此考点大多会置于完形填空或阅读理解题目中进行考查。考查学生对此句型的把握时,会给出一定的语言环境,在特定的语境中作出适合它的动词。预测5:play a role/part in的灵活运用
  命题角度预测:这个词组的搭配一般会放在单项选择或短文改错中进行考查,考查的角度可以是对固定搭配中role/part的选择上,也可以是冠词a/the的灵活转化上。 eg: women play an important part/role in our society.妇女在我们社会起着很重要的作用。 the part/role that women play in our society is important.妇女在社会上扮演的角色是很重要的。
  [备考1]测试考点12 i thought her nice and honest i met her.
  a. first time b. for the first time c. the first time d. by the first time
  1.c点拨:the first time相当于连词引导时间状语从句。
  [备考2]测试考点13 with a lot of homework . tom didn"t go to the movie with his father.
  a. to finish b. finishing c. finished d. being finished
  2.a 点拨:根据后文tom didn"t go to the movie with his father 可知,with 的复合结构中用不定式表"要完成"的事。
  [备考3]测试考点 10 l don"t likc the way he talks with others.
  a. which b. where c. that d. how
  3.c点拨:way作先行词的定语从句中,可用in which.that或不用引导词。
  [备考4]测试考点14 number of the students in our school is about 3,000 and number of them are active.
  a. the; the b. a:a c. the: a d. a: the
  4.c 点拨:the number of表示"数目"。a number of表示"若干";前者作主语用单数谓语动词.后者作主语用复数谓语动词。
  [备考5]测试考点 15 he is very iuterested in intemational he listens to news about the world every day.
  a. situation b. state c. condition d. position
  5.a点拨:international situation国际形势。
  [备考6]测试考点10 my teacher suggested that i should solve the problem _ _ this means.
  a. in b. with c. for d. by
  6.d点拨:by this means用这种方法,是固定搭配。
  [备考7]测试考点8 i can imagine your trouble that you had the hard time.
  a. to pass b. passed c. passing d. pass
  7.c点拨:此题考查have trouble(in)doing句式。句意为:"我能想象得出你度过那段艰辛时期的困难"。
  [备考8]测试考点 he once the army for ten years and he the people heart and soul.
  a. served: serves b. served in; served c served;served in d serves in;served
  some students believe that if they have much money or pos.sessions,they will be happy. they believe that they will be able to do anything they want to do if they have much money. some students think that they should bc in good heahh.and en- joy whatever they like. many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. in this way they don"t have to work hard. and they can own everything. i don"t quite agree with the above points. i don"t think money means happiness. we can"t buy many of the things with money, such as heahh, happiness and knowledge. i value knowledge, which makes me happy, for i can do much for mankind with knowledge. although different peo ple value happiness differently, my "wealth"of happiness is in my study.
  some(1)buying and doing anything
  someweahh from parents(3) from work
  1(4)for mankind
  9.(1)money (2)health (3)free (4)knowledge
