

  when was it invented教案
  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
  1.knowledge objects
  (1) key vocabulary
  (2) target language
  when was the telephone invented?
  i think it was invented in 1876.
  2.ability objects
  (1) teach the students to use the new words.
  (2) train the students to talk about the history of inventions.
  (3) train the students" listening and speaking skills with the target language.
  3.moral objects
  many important inventions have changed the world a lot. do you know the inventors of them? and when were they invented?
  ⅱ.teaching key points
  1.key vocabulary
  2.target language
  talk about the history of inventions.
  ⅲ.teaching difficult points
  1.train the students to talk about the history of inventions.
  2.train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation.
  ⅳ.teaching methods
  ⅴ.teaching aids
  1.a tape recorder.
  2.some pictures or real objects of the inventions.
  ⅵ.teaching procedures
  step ⅰ revision
  1.revise the language points in unit 9. ask some students to say something about tina and the stories happened on april fool"s day. encourage them to use the past perfect tense.
  2.check the homework by asking some students to share the sentences they made with the verbs with the class.
  step ⅱ 1a
  this activity reviews vocabulary and introduces new vocabulary which can be used to talk about inventions.
  read the inventions to the students.
  call the students" attention to the five pictures. tell the students that all of these things were invented in the last 150 years. point to each picture and let the students tell what it is.
  write the names of the five inventions on the blackboard.
  computer, car, calculator, telephone, tv set
  have several different students guess and write the dates on the board.
  ask the class to repeat the questions and answers like this.
  t: when was the computer invented? class repeat.
  ss: when was the computer invented?
  t: good. now tom, what is your guess?
  s1: 1965.
  t: ok. tom, repeat after me. the computer was invented in 1965.
  t: class, please repeat.
  ss: the computer was invented in 1965.
  repeat the process with several different inventions.
  tell the children that they will find out the real dates after they complete the lesson.
  after that, ask the students the questions below:
  1.which one do you think is the oldest?
  2.which one is the newest?
  3.which one do you think is the oldest or the first invention?
  4.which one is the newest or last invention?
  ask different students to answer the questions.
  have the students look at the example conversation in the box. ask two students to read this conversation to the class.
  a: i think the telephone was invented before the car.
  b. well, i think the telephone was invented after the car.
  read the instructions again to the students. remind them to remember the inventions from first to last.
  then have the students talk about the five inventions in groups of four, using the sample conversation as a model.
  ask several groups to tell the class their answers. the rest of the class listen to them and show they have different answers by raising their hands.
  in the next activity you will find out the real dates.
  step ⅲ 1b
  this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
  get the whole class to read the instruction together.
  call the students" attention to the five inventions in the picture. ask five students to say the names of them.
  then ask them to see the five dates with a blank line in front of each.
  we"ll listen to a girl and a woman talking about the five inventions. they will talk about when they were invented. listen carefully and match the inventions and the dates. write the correct letter in front of each date as the sample given. ask them to have a look at the sample answer. tell them the answer in front of 1876 is d. that means that the telephone, which is letter d, was invented in 1876. play the recording the first time. the students only listen and try to catch the main idea.
  play the recording a second time. let the students match the inventions and the dates. check the answers by asking several to say the answers to the class.
  if some of the answers are hard to get for the children, tell them not to worry and they will make it next.
  then play the recording again. pause after each sentence and let the students repeat. for some difficult sentences, get the students to repeat several times. be sure that they make everything clear.
  d 1876 a 1885 e 1927 c 1971 b 1976
  girl: life must have been difficult when you were a kid.
  woman: oh, not really. why do you say that?
  girl: well, you didn"t have many modern inventions. like, you probably didn"t have a telephone, right
  woman: of course we did! how old do you think i am? the telephone was invented in 1876.
  girl: how about cars? i bet cars weren"t invented yet.
  woman: sure they were. cars were invented in 1885. my family had a car. i think you need to take a history class, alice.
  girl : ha, ha! well, did you have a tv?
  woman: no, we didn"t. the tv was invented around 1927, i think. some friends of mine had one. but in those days, tvs were really expensive, and we couldn"t afford one.
  girl: and i bet you didn"t have calculators and computers and stuff. that"s something i do know. we learned in school that hand-held calculators were invented in 1971 and personal computers were invented in 1976.
  woman: you"re right. i didn"t have those things when i was young. but i do now!
  step ⅳ 1c
  this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
  read the instructions and point to the list of dates in activity 1b.
  you will be talking about the dates things were invented with a partner.
  call the students" attention to the example in the box. ask a pair of the students to read this conversation to the class.
  sa: when was the telephone invented?
  sb: i think it was invented in 1876.
  write the conversation on the blackboard. then get the students to practice in pairs, using the information in activity 1b. tell them to do it like this:
  student a, covers the dates. students b, asks student a when the things in the picture above were invented. then change roles and practice again.
  ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.
  step ⅴ summary
  in this class, we"ve learned to talk about the history of inventions with passive voice. we"ve also done some listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. and we"ve done much oral practice, using the target language.
  step ⅵ homework
  1.write out two conversations in activity 1a.
  2.write out two conversations in activity 1 c.
  step ⅶ blackboard design
  unit 10 when was it invented?
  section a
  the first period
  1.the names of the five inventions:
  computer, car, calculator, telephone, tv set
  2.target language:
  a: when was the telephone invented?
  b: i think it was invented in 1876.
  when was it invented教案2
  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
  1.knowledge objects
  (1) key vocabulary
  be used for, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, slipper, scoop, electric
  (2) target language
  when was the car invented?
  it was invented in 1885.
  who were they invented by?
  they were invented by julie thompson.
  what are they used for?
  they are used for seeing in the dark.
  2.ability objects
  (1) train the students" listening skill.
  (2) train the students" communicative competence using the target language.
  (3) train the students to use the new vocabulary.
  ⅱ.teaching key points
  (1) listening practice with the target language.
  (2) make communications with target language.
  (3) teach the new vocabulary
  ⅲ.teaching difficult points
  1.teaching the grammar focus.
  2.the listening practice with the target language.
  3.make communications with the target language.
  ⅳ.teaching methods
  ⅴ.teaching aid
  a tape recorder
  ⅵ.teaching procedures
  step ⅰ revision
  1.check the homework.
  2.revise the target language learned last class. get the students to ask and answer questions in pairs like this:
  sa: when was the telephone invented?
  sb: i think it was invented in 1876.
  tell them to ask about all the five inventions.
  step ⅱ 2a
  this activity provides listening practice with the target language and review new vocabulary about inventions.
  show these new words on a screen by a projector.
  be used for 用来做……
  adjustable adj. 可调整的
  heel n. (鞋、袜等的)后跟;(足)跟
  battery n. 电池
  operate v. 操作;作业
  slipper n. 拖鞋
  scoop v. 用勺舀
  n. 勺子;球形勺;长柄勺
  electric adj. 电子的;电的
  point to each one and teach them to read. do it several times until the children can read them well.
  ask a few students to read the new words. see if they can read each word correctly.
  ask the students to read the instructions together.
  write the names of the inventions on the blackboard:
  shoes with adjustable heels
  battery operated slippers
  heated ice cream scoop
  read the three names of the inventions and the students repeat. do some explanation as well.
  then point to the picture of each invention and ask students what they think is interesting about it.
  you"ll hear about some interesting invention . please listen and number the three inventions in the order that you hear them in the conversation. write a number in front of each invention to show what order you hear about them.
  play the recording the first time, students only listen. then play the recording again. ask the students to write a number on each short line in front of each invention.
  check the answers by asking a student to tell the answers.
  the inventions should be numbered in this order:
  3 1 2
  boy: what are those?
  girl: they"re battery-operated slippers.
  boy: what are they used for?
  girl: they"re used for seeing in the dark.
  boy: oh, that"s cool! who were they invented by?
  girl: julie thompson. and look at this heated ice cream scoop.
  boy: i know what it"s for! it"s used for scooping out really cold ice cream.
  girl: right. it was invented by chelsea lanmon.
  boy: my favorite are those shoes with adjustable heels. you know—you can move the heels up and down. they were invented by jayce coziar and jamie ellsworth.
  girl: and what are they used for?
  boy: well, you can change the style of your shoes. you can make the shoes go from casual to dressy.
  step ⅲ 2b
  this activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.
  get the students to read the instructions together. be sure that each student knows what to do. read the three headings inventions, who was it invented by? and what is it used for?
  then read the information under each heading. do some explanation if necessary.
  you"ll hear the same recording again.
  please listen carefully to what the people are saying and draw lines to match items in the chart.
  call the students" attention to the three part sample given in the chart. read it to the class and explain it like this:
  the sample means the shoes with adjustable heels were invented by jayce coziar and jimie ellsworth. they are used for changing the style of a shoe.
  after that, play the recording again and the students draw lines to match the items in the three columns.
  check the answers by asking three different students to read their answers to the class.
  at last, play the recording for another time and pause after each sentence. the students repeat after it sentence by sentence. do some explanation if necessary. make sure that everyone understands all the details about the conversation.
  shoes with adjustable heels—jayce coziar and jamie ellsworth—changing the style of a shoe
  battery—-operated slippers—julie
  thompson—seeing in the dark
  heated ice cream scoop—chelsea lanmon—scooping really cold ice cream.
  step ⅳ 2c
  this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
  read the instructions to the students.
  ask a pair of the students to read the sample conversation.
  sa : what are they used for?
  sb: they"re used for seeing in the dark.
  get the students to ask about the three inventions first, using the information in the chart in activity 2b.
  then let them role play the conversations using the information in the chart in activity 2c.
  get them to make their own conversations using the information in the chart in activity 2c like this:
  (pointing to the inventions)
  a: what are these?
  b: they are battery-operated slippers.
  a: what are they used for?
  b: they are used for seeing in the dark.
  a: who were they invented by?
  b: they were invented by julie thompson.
  ask the students to work in pairs. move around the classroom checking progress and providing help if needed.
  check the answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversations for the class.
  step ⅴ grammar focus
  this activity introduces the target language with the passive voice.
  call the students" attention to the sentences in the grammar box.
  ask four pairs of the students to read the questions and answers in the grammar box.
  sa: when was the car invented ?
  sb: it was invented in 1885.
  sa: when were electric slippers invented?
  sb: they were invented last year.
  sa : who were they invented by?
  sb: they were invented by julie thompson.
  sa: what were they used for?
  sb: they were used for seeing in the dark.
  write them on the blackboard.
  let the student think about the structures of these sentences.
  tell them that when the subject of the sentence is the doer, we have to use be plus a past participle" as the predicate of the sentence.
  circle the words was and were in all the sentences.
  ask: when do we use was in the questions, and were in the questions?
  underline the singular nouns and plural nouns.
  singular items like car use the singular verb was. plural items like slippers use the plural verb were.
  circle the word invented in all the sentences.
  you always use a past participle when you use was plus a verb or were plus a verb. and you can tell the doer with by. say something about be used for to the children.
  step ⅵ summary
  in this class, we"ve done some listening and writing practice with the target language. we"ve also done some oral practice in pairs. and we"ve discussed the passive voice as well.
  step ⅶ homework
  1.try to remember the new vocabulary on page 77.
  2.write down two conversations in activity 2c.
  step ⅷ blackboard design
  unit 10 when was it invented?
  section a
  the second period
  1.the names of the inventions and answers of activity 2a:
  3 shoes with adjustable heels
  1 battery operated slippers
  2 heated ice cream scoop
  2.target language:
  a: when was the car invented?
  b: it was invented in 1885.
  a: when were electric slippers invented?
  b: they were invented last year.
  a: who were they invented by?
  b: they were invented by julie thompson.
  a: what are they used for?
  b: they"re used for seeing in the dark.
  when was it invented教案3
  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
  1.knowledge objects
  (1) key vocabulary
  bulb, light bulb, microwave, oven, microwave oven, island
  (2) target language
  what is the microwave oven used for?
  it is used for cooking.
  2.ability objects
  train the students" writing and speaking skills with the target language.
  3.moral objects
  if you are alone on a tiny island, what inventions would you like to have on the island with you?
  ⅱ.teaching key points
  1.talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.
  2.guide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions.
  ⅲ.teaching difficult points
  1.discuss the opinions on the inventions.
  2.use the target language to describe the inventions.
  ⅳ.teaching methods
  ⅴ.teaching aids
  some pictures of the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.
  ⅵ.teaching procedures
  step ⅰ revision
  1.revise the three inventions talked last class. ask about the names of the three inventions. help the students answer:
  shoes with adjustable heels
  battery-operated sneakers
  heated ice cream scoop
  then ask the two questions below on each invention:
  a. who was it invented by?
  b. what is it used for?
  2.revise the target language with the passive voice in grammar focus by asking several ones to read the sentences.
  3.check the homework. dictate the words below:
  bulb, light bulb, microwave oven, island
  step ⅱ 3a
  this activity provides practice with listening, speaking, reading and writing using the target language.
  call the students" attention to the three pictures of three inventions.
  teach them to read the names of the inventions. do it like this:
  t: look at the first picture, please. we can see the name under the picture.
  now read after me, alarm clock.
  ss: alarm clock.
  do the same with light bulb and microwave oven.
  then read the instructions to the students.
  explain helpful inventions and annoying inventions to the students like this, showing a picture of a vacuum cleaner,
  a vacuum cleaner is helpful.
  then show a picture of a truck to the class.
  a very loud truck is annoying.
  then let the students look at the three pictures in the textbook.
  ask these questions on each invention:
  1.is this invention useful or annoying?
  2.what is it used for?
  then ask the whole class ask and answer the two questions above in pairs.
  read the instructions to the students again.
  point to the chart in the textbook. tell the students to fill in the blanks with other helpful and annoying inventions on their own.
  give the class about five minutes to do this. as they work, move around the room providing some names of inventions to them and answering questions as necessary.
  point out the sample answer in the box before they start writing.
  after they have all finished, ask some students to read their answers to the class.
  then get the students to work with their partners. have each student talk about their list with another student, asking each other questions. for example,
  what is your first helpful invention? why do you think it is helpful?
  sample answers
  helpful inventions annoying inventions
  1.bike 1.recorder
  2.tv set 2.guitar
  3.computer 3.tractor
  4.plane 4.loudspeaker
  5.umbrella 5.mobile phone
  step ⅲ 3b
  this activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.
  ask the students to read the instructions together.
  i think the most helpful invention is the computer because it has changed the world a lot.
  then ask a pair of the students to model the sample dialogue:
  sa: what do you think is the most helpful invention?
  sb: i think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.
  sa: why is that?
  sb: well, it gives people more time to work and play every day.
  correct any pronunciation errors. make sure they are providing a good model. write the conversation on the blackboard.
  after that, get the class to work in pairs and complete the work.
  please discuss your opinions in activity 3a with your partner now.
  ask some ones to tell the class about their partners" opinions and reasons. they may say like this:
  zhang ming thinks the most helpful invention is the car because it makes our travel easier.
  step ⅳ part 4
  this activity provides oral practice using the target language.
  ask the students to see the picture first. and encourage some students to describe it. they may say like this: the man is alone on a tiny island. he is sitting under a tree and thinking. what can he see around the island is water.
  then read the instructions to the class. do some explanation if necessary. make sure each student can understand the instructions and know what to do.
  tell the class to discuss in groups of four.
  imagine that you are alone on a tiny island and you had ever got a chance to choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you. each group has to tell what you choose and why.
  remind them that they can use all the items mentioned in activities 1a, 1b, 2a and 3a. and they can also use any other items they can think of as they talk to their partners. tell them to use the statement in the box as the beginning.
  ask two students to read it to the class.
  sa: i"d like to have a radio because i could listen to music all day.
  sb: yes, but that"s not going to help you leave the island. i think it would be better to have …
  have the students work in groups of four. move around the classroom and helping students as necessary.
  ask each group to share their statements with the class. compare their inventions and decide which ones are the most helpful.
  sample conversation:
  a: i"d like to have a radio because i could listen to music all day.
  b: yes, but that"s not going to help you leave the island. 1 think it would be better to have a mobile phone. so you can contact anyone who can save you.
  c: i don"t agree with you. i think you should choose a computer. it will help you to ask for help from all over the world.
  d: …
  step ⅴ summary
  in this class, we"ve learned more about the inventions. and we"ve done much oral practice talking about the inventions.
  step ⅵ homework
  1.remember the new words on page 78.
  2.write down the conversations in activity 3b.
  3.write down the conversation in activity 3c.
  step ⅶ blackboard design
  when was it invented教案4
  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
  1.knowledge objects
  (1) key vocabulary
  sweet, salty, crispy, sour, potato, chip, mistake, by mistake. thin, in the end, chef , sprinkle
  (2) target language
  did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?
  no, i didn"t know that. who invented them?
  2.ability objects
  (1) train the students" reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.
  (2) train the students to use the new vocabulary.
  3.moral objects
  do you enjoy eating the potato chips? have you ever thought of the history of the chips?
  ⅱ.teaching key points
  1.train the students" reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.
  2.teach the students to use the new vocabulary correctly.
  ⅲ.teaching difficult points
  do the listening practice.
  ⅳ.teaching methods
  ⅴ.teaching aids
  1.a tape recorder
  2.some bags of potato chips.
  ⅵ.teaching procedures
  step ⅰ revision
  1.check the homework by asking some children to read their conversations to the class.
  2.ask some questions about the inventions. for example. what do you think is the most helpful invention?
  3.dictate the words below:
  bulb light, microwave oven, island.
  step ⅱ 1a
  this activity introduces new vocabulary.
  first, show the new vocabulary on the screen by a projector.
  sweet adj. 甜的;含糖的
  salty adj. 咸的;含盐的
  crispy adj. 脆的;易碎的
  sour adj. 酸的;酸味的
  potato n. 土豆
  chip n. (食物等)片
  mistake n. 错误;过失;误解
  by mistake 错误地
  thin adj. 薄的;细的
  in the end 最后;终于
  chef n. 厨师
  sprinkle v. 撒(粉末状物);洒(液体)
  point to each word on the screen and teach the students to read one by one. do it several times until the children can read the new words fluently.
  read the instructions to the class.
  point out the four adjectives on the left. have them read the four words together. then ask some different students to read them. then ask the students to try to tell the meaning of each word in english in their own words, or give some examples of foods that show what each word means.
  for example, help the students explain it like this:
  sweet is used for describing something that tastes like sugar or honey. it"s the opposite word of sour.
  after that, ask the students to tell the names of the foods in the pictures—potato chips, lemon, ice cream, tea.
  please choose the words in the box to describe how the food in the pictures tastes. write them under the correct pictures. note that some pictures have more than one word.
  tell them to see the example answer before writing.
  after a while, check the answers by asking several students to read their answers to the class.
  potato chips: crispy, salty
  lemon: sour
  ice cream: sweet
  tea: sweet
  optional activity
  bring some foods that taste sweet, crispy, salty and sour to the class. have some students, one at a time, taste little pieces of each food. then report how the foods taste to the class with the new adjectives, sweet, crispy, salty and sour. students may one more than one word to describe some foods.
  step ⅲ 1b
  this activity provides practice using the new vocabulary and writing familiar words.
  ask the students to read the instructions together.
  point out the four taste words. then point to the sample answer given.
  please write the name of a different food after each word.
  you can write the name of any food you know in the blank. can you think of other sweet food now? (apple, orange, etc.)
  ask the students to complete the activity on their own.
  after they all finish writing, ask some students to read their answers to the class.
  check the answers with the whole class.
  answers :
  answers will vary but may include:
  sweet: apple, orange juice, soda, cake, honey
  crispy: french fries, salad, lettuce
  salty: french fries, olives, pepperoni, pizza, popcorn
  sour: pickle, grapefruit
  step ⅳ 2a
  this activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
  let the students read the instructions together. be sure that they all know what to do.
  call the students" attention to the six sentences in the box. ask six different students to read them and do some explanation in their own words on each sentence.
  after that, get the students to guess what they will hear about.
  maybe someone can answer like this, we may listen to something about the potato chips. show some bags of potato chips to them or even let some children taste the chips.
  yes. you"ll hear a story about the invention of the potato chips. please look at the first sentence now. it is a sample answer given. the statement is true so the letter
  t is circled.
  then play the recording first. students only listen.
  play the recording again. ask the children to listen and circle t for true or f for false.
  check the answers with the whole class.
  1.t 2.f 3.t 4.f 5.f 6.t
  boy 1 : hey, did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?
  boy 2 : really? what do you mean?
  boy 1: well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a chef called george crum.
  boy 2 : when was that?
  boy 1: oh, it was way back in 1853.
  boy 2: so, why was it an accident?
  boy 1: well, one day a customer in the restaurant where george worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.
  boy 2: so what happened?
  boy 1 : well, george was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. and he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. he thought the customer would hate them.
  boy 2 : and?
  boy 1: and the customer loved them and asked for more. he told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly sliced, crispy, salty potato chips.
  boy 2 : and we"re still eating them today. what a cool story!
  boy 1: yeah.
  step ⅴ 2b
  this activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.
  get the students to read the instructions together.
  point to the blanks in the sentences in the story and tell them to complete the sentences while they are listening.
  you"ll listen to the same recording again. before i play the recording, please try to give the answers by memory, or just by guessing.
  it doesn"t matter whether your answers are right or wrong.
  after a while, have the students get ready to listen.
  play the recording again. ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear.
  get several students to share their answers with the class. correct the answers with the whole class.
  1.did you know 2.were invented 3.1853 4.were crispy 5.really salty
  step ⅵ 2c
  this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
  play the recording of the history of chips again. pause for the students to repeat after it. get the students to read after the tape at least twice. tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of the recording.
  read the instructions to the class. tell them that they will role-play the conversation, using the information from the activities in activity 2a and activity 2b.
  ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation in the box.
  sa: did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?
  sb: wow, i didn"t know that. who invented them?
  sa: they were invented by a chef called george crum.
  write the conversation on the blackboard.
  then ask another pair to make a conversation or continue the model conversation.
  they may say like this;
  a: did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?
  b: wow, i didn"t know that. who invented them?
  a: they were invented by a chef called george crum.
  b: why was it an accident? can you tell me the story?
  a: well, one day a customer in the restaurant where george worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut too thick.
  b: what happened next?
  a: so george was unhappy, he cut the potatoes really thin, and he cooked them for along time until they were crispy. he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were really salty. he thought the customers would hate them.
  b: go ahead, please.
  a: and the customer loved them and asked for more.
  b: what a cool story!
  step ⅶ summary
  in this class, we"ve learned to describe how food tastes with some new adjectives. and we"ve done much listening practice on the target language. at last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.
  step ⅷ homework
  1.try to remember the new words learned today.
  2.write out the conversation that you made by yourselves in activity 2c.
  step ⅸ blackboard design
  unit 9 when was it invented?
  section b
  the fourth period
  target language:
  a: did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?
  b: wow, i didn"t know that. who invented them?
  a: they were, invented by a chef called george crum.
  when was it invented教案5
  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
  1.knowledge objects
  (1) key vocabulary
  by accident, beverage, thousand, according, according to, ancient, legend, emperor, boil, fire, leaf , nearly, fall into, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, smell, taste, in this way, metal, pie, flying disk, bakery, bridgeport, connecticut , throw, special
  (2) the reading passage about tea.
  (3) the writing passage about the flying disk.
  2.ability objects
  (1) train the students" reading skill on how to answer the questions.
  (2) train the students" writing skill by writing an article.
  (3) train the students" speaking skill.
  3.moral objects
  china is among the leading countries in tea production in the world. let"s learn some history about the invention of tea.
  ⅱ.teaching key points
  1.the reading passage about tea.
  2.lots of new words.
  3.the writing practice on the invention of the flying disk.
  ⅲ.teaching difficult points
  1.to teach the students so many new words in a single class.
  2.to help the students understand the reading passage.
  3.to direct the students to write the article.
  ⅳ.teaching methods
  1.understanding the passage by answering the questions.
  2.doing writing practice by writing similar articles to the model one.
  ⅴ.teaching aids
  1.some real different kinds of tea and a real flying disk.
  2.a projector.
  ⅵ.teaching procedures
  step ⅰ revision
  1.revise the history of chips by asking the following questions;
  were the potato chips invented by mistake?
  when were they invented ?
  who invented the potato chips?
  how were the potato chips invented?
  2.dictate the words below:
  sprinkle, chef, in the end, by mistake, potato chips, crispy, salty, sweet, sour, thin.
  3.check the homework.
  step ⅱ 3a
  this activity provides reading practice using the target language.
  first, show the new words in the reading passage on a screen by a projector:
  by accident 偶然;意外
  beverage n. 饮料
  thousand n. 一千;许多
  according adj. 相符的;一致的
  according to 根据……;按照
  ancient adj. 古代的;古老的
  legend n. 传说;传奇故事
  emperor n. 皇帝;君主
  boil v. 煮沸;烧开
  fire n. 火;炉火
  leaf n. 叶;树叶(pl. leaves)
  nearby adj. 临近的;附近的
  adv. 在附近
  fall into 落入;陷入
  remain v. 保持;剩余;残余
  notice v. 注意到
  n. 注意;通知
  produce v. 生产;制造;产生
  pleasant adj. 舒适的;令人愉快的
  smell n. 气味;嗅觉
  taste v. 尝;品尝
  in this way 这样
  point to each word on the screen and teach the children to read it. do it several times until the students can read each word correctly. ask some students to read the words to the class to see if they can pronounce each word correctly.
  ask the students to read the instructions together.
  point to the title of the passage and say like this, showing a bag of tea to the class, we"ve learned the history of chips. now there is a passage about the invention of tea. please read the article silently by yourselves now and write out the answers to the questions beneath the article.
  read these four questions to the class:
  1.what is the article about?
  2.when was it invented?
  3.who was it invented by?
  4.how was it invented?
  tell them to read the article at least twice. they can try to catch the main idea the first time and answer the questions the second time. tell them to circle any words or phrases that they don"t understand.
  ask four different students to read their answers to the class. then ask some others to decide if their answers are right. anyone in the class can provide his or her different answers to the class.
  check the answers with the class.
  then encourage the children to ask questions on the words or phrases that they don"t understand. ask other students to explain or define the new words in their own words, but make sure that they can be understood.
  have the children correct their answers in writing and read the article loudly several times.
  1.the article is about the invention of tea.
  2.it was invented over three thousand years ago.
  3.it was invented by the chinese emperor, shen nong.
  4.it was invented by accident.
  step ⅲ 3b
  this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
  ask the whole class to read the instructions together.
  then show a real flying disk to the children and tell the children the name of the toy is a flying disk in english.
  you"ll have to write an article using the notes in the box, the article will tell how the flying disk was invented. at first, let"s go over the notes in the box. there are some new words.
  go over the notes with the class. point out the new words. teach them to read and do some explanation at the same time. make sure that all the students make everything in the notes clear.
  then ask the children to look at the contents and the picture in the right box.
  look at the picture in the right box. we can see a flying plate in the animal"s mouth. and the title of the article has been given—from pie plate to flying disk. also the first sentence has already been given to us. let"s read the title and the first sentence together now.
  have the students read together.
  find out how the writer combined the phrases in the notes into one sentence and try to say out the next sentence.
  let them think for a while. then ask several ones to say their sentences to the class. the sentences will vary, but have to be correct and meaningful.
  for example, someone may say like this:
  the original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery in bridgeport, connecticut.
  then ask the children to make their own sentences with the notes given and note to say out the sentences in proper order to be an article. let them work in pairs, listen to and help each other.
  after that, get the students to write their own articles. more around the classroom while they are writing, checking progress and offering help as necessary.
  next, ask several students to share their articles with the class.
  correct the mistakes they may have made.
  if time permits, get the students to work in pairs and check each other"s article.
  sample writing:
  the flying disk is a toy which was invented by a group of college students. it was invented in the 1950s.
  in fact, the students didn"t invent it. they just discovered it. the original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery named bridgeport in connecticut. the students there liked to eat the bakery"s pies. and then they threw the pie plates around. a company began making plastic disk. now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festival in september. don"t you think it"s amazing that all this started from a pie plate?
  step ⅳ 4a
  this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.
  read the instructions to the students.
  there is always something that we hate doing. for example, i hate cleaning the blackboard. what about you?
  then ask some children to say the things they don"t like doing to the class.
  after that, continue saying. now please think of an invention that could help you. for me, i want to invent a self-cleaning board with something like a car"s windsheld wipers. then i would never need to clean the blackboard myself. what about you?
  get the students to discuss the things they hate doing and the inventions that could help them. let them work in pairs. then call the children"s attention to the chart on the right.
  get them to look at the sample answer and try to complete the chart first.
  ask some children to give their answers to the blanks of use and price. such as, use: to write tests instead of me by listening to me
  price: one hundred yuan per pen
  then get the students to fill in the chart with the details of their own inventions. don"t review the task. it will be done in the next task.
  step ⅴ 4b
  this activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.
  read the instructions to the class.
  get the students to ask and answer questions about their inventions in pairs first. ask a pair to make a model conversation before the whole begin practicing. for example, they may say like,
  (b—businessperson, i—inventor)
  b: excuse me, what invention was invented by you?
  i: a special pen.
  b: what is it used for?
  i: it is used for writing tests. while the test is on, the pen can write tests instead of persons according to what its owner tells it.
  b: wow. that"s great. how much would you like to sell it for?
  i: i hope i can get 100 yuan.
  b: ok. i will try to sell it to the class. after that, let the students work in pairs. imagine one is a businessperson and the other is an inventor while they are practicing.
  ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.
  then tell them to look at the model conversation in the box.
  ask one student to read the conversation below to the class:
  a: this special pen was invented by zheng jie. it has three colours and it is used for writing tests. it can listen and write while the test is on. it is 100 yuan. is anyone interested in it?
  then ask some others to share their presentations with the class.
  they have to state the reason for buying them.
  then the class votes for the most popular invention they want to buy.
  step ⅵ summary
  in this class, we"ve read an article about the invention of tea. we"ve also written an article about the invention of the flying disk. we"ve done much reading, writing. listening and speaking practice using the target language through groupwork.
  step ⅶ homework
  1.review the new words learned today.
  2.rewrite the article—from pie plate to flying disk. prepare to hand in it next class.
  3.write out the presentation in activity 4 b.
  step ⅷ blackboard design
  unit 10 when was it invented?
  section b
  the fifth period
  answers to the questions in activity 3a :
  1.the article is about the invention of tea.
  2.it was invented by the chinese emperor, shen nong.
  3.it was invented by accident.
  suggested answers for activity 4a:
  problem: writing tests
  new inventions: a pen that listens and writes
  use: writing tests instead of persons by listening to the owner
  price: one hundred yuan per pen
