

  ⅰ. 单项填空
  1. do you think it is ________good manners to hear others’ conversations in ________curious manner?
  a. the;a         b. /;/
  c. /;a d. the;the
  解析:选c。good manners"礼貌"前不加冠词,而in a . . . manner 为固定搭配,所以选c。
  2. -could i ask you a rather personal question?
  -sure, ________.
  a. pardon me b. go ahead
  c. good idea d. forget it
  解析:选b。句意:"我可以问你一个私人问题吗?""当然可以,说吧。"pardon me请再说一遍;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意;(表示不想重复说过的话)别提它了;住嘴。
  3. jim’s father didn’t ________him to join the school football team,which made him angry.
  a. let b. promise
  c. permit d. hope
  解析:选c。let sb. do sth. ;hope 无此结构;promise sb. to do sth. 意为主语答应要干某事,不符合句意。
  4. —i hear johnson was badly injured in the accident.
  — ________,let’s go and see him.
  a. if not b. if so
  c. if necessary d. if possible
  解析:选b。if not 如果不的话;if so如果那样;if necessary 如果有必要;if possible 如果有可能。根据语境,选择b。
  5. the poor young man is ready to accept ________ help he can get.
  a. whichever b. however
  c. whatever d. whenever
  6. i have no ________with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes.
  a. devotion b. belief
  c. patience d. balance
  7. when he looked up, he suddenly found himself ________ by a group of teenagers, ________looked at him anxiously.
  a. to be surrounded;which
  b. surrounded;who
  c. be surrounded;who
  d. having been surrounded;which
  解析:选b。考查非谓语动词和定语从句。"发现自己被一群十几岁的孩子包围了。"用过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动,第二处用who 引导定语从句,修饰teenagers。
  8. —does it rain a lot in this area?
  — ________,it hardly ever rains;the climate is like that of a desert.
  a. what’s more b. in other words
  c. on the contrary d. as a result
  解析:选c。on the contrary意为"相反地"。
  9. it’s wise of you to ________your father’s advice when you come to any difficulty.
  a. ask b. seek
  c. try d. attempt
  解析:选b。seek one’s advice 意为"征求某人的意见"。a应为ask for one’s advice,c、d构不成有意义的词组。
  10. when the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police ________.
  a. in a spot b. on the spot
  c. off the spot d. to the spot
  解析:选b。本题考查spot 短语的用法。句意:当那个人试图闯入银行时,他被警察当场抓获了。on the spot 在现场,当场,与本句的语境一致;in a spot陷入困境;off the spot 不准确,离题;而d项是一个不存在的结构。
  ⅱ. 阅读理解
  (XX届英语周报第20期)it was a half-hour before midnight on december 24th. i was a ticket counter supervisor(主管) for a major airline and was looking forward to the end of my shift(班)at stapleton international airport in denver. my wife was waiting up for me so we could exchange gifts.
  a very worried gentleman approached me. he asked how he could get home to cheyenne, wyoming. he had just arrived from philadelphia and missed his connecting flight. i pointed him to the ground transportation area. there he could rent a car. and then i called my wife to let her know i would be home shortly.
  about fifteen minutes later, the gentleman returned and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars available. i told him he had to stay for a night. hearing that, he burst into tears.
  he explained that his name was tom, and his son was seriously ill and was not expected to live another year. he expected that this would likely be the last christmas with his son.
  i told tom to collect his luggage and wait for me. i called my wife kathy and told her not to wait up for me. i was driving to cheyenne. we arrived in cheyenne around 2 30 a. m. .
  kathy was waiting up for me when i got home. we traded gifts and then our conversation concerned tom. for kathy and me, there was no question that driving tom to cheyenne was the only option.
  a couple of days later, i received a christmas card with a picture of tom and his family. in it, tom thanked me for the special gift he had received that holiday season, but i knew the best gift was mine.
  【解题导语】 "我"帮助一位错过转接飞机的父亲圆了和患重病的儿子一起过圣诞节的愿望,妻子为"我"感到欣慰。
  1. how long was the journey from denver to cheyenne?
  a. half an hour’s drive.
  b. two and a half hours’ drive.
  c. two hours and forty five minutes’ drive.
  d. three hours’ drive
  解析:选c。细节理解题。作者晚上11 30遇见tom,约15分钟后出发,凌晨2 30到达,总共用了两小时45分钟。
  2. when the author met tom the first time, ________.
  a. he planned to drive tom back home
  b. he was about to go home
  c. he was considering buying his wife a gift
  d. he wanted to help tom board the plane
  解析:选b。细节理解题。由第一、二段内容可知,作者的轮班马上结束了,盼望着下班以后回家和妻子交换圣诞礼物,正在这时tom 走了过来。
  3. kathy thought that ________.
  a. her husband was to blame for coming home late
  b. driving tom home was extremely tiring
  c. it was kind of her husband to have driven tom home
  d. her husband should give tom a christmas gift
  解析:选c。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的for kathy and me, there was no question that driving tom to cheyenne was the only option. 可知,妻子认为丈夫做得对。
  simply sitting and watching birds is a popular hobby around the world. it’s fun and relaxing at the same time.
  many people quite enjoy just watching the birds in their garden, yard, trees and bushes from their front window. and it’s even better to actually go out into the wild and watch the birds in their own natural habitats.
  natural habitat of course usually means going into the woods, or to remote areas. so before going on a bird watching outing, be sure you’ve prepared a little. first and foremost, be sure you’re wearing the appropriate clothes for both the location you’ll be visiting, and the climate that area is currently experiencing.
  if you live in a warm desert area,for instance,and you plan to go up a mountain for a day of bird watching, you’ll want to first find out if there’s any snow on the mountain,or whether it’s cold during the daylight hours.
  you’ll of course also want to be sure you have some food or snacks, and plenty of water.
  besides, binoculars are almost a requirement for bird watching too. they allow you to get a close up view of any birds,nests,and chicks. many bird lovers also enjoy having a pen or pencil, and a notebook on hand so they can take notes about the birds they’ve seen,or sketch them as they’re watching.
  and of course if you like pictures,you’ll want to bring along a camera.
  last but not least, it would be helpful to have some sort of bird identification reference available. whether you can take it with you into the woods,or you have it hanging at home,it is always quite useful in the long term.
  【解题导语】 你喜欢到野外观鸟吗?观鸟之前你要做好充分的准备!
  4. while watching birds in their natural habitats, you should do the following except ________.
  a. make sure you’ve got enough food
  b. bring enough water
  c. wear suitable clothes
  d. always take the bird identification reference with you
  5. the underlined part"binoculars"in the sixth paragraph probably refers to ________.
  a. a pair of special glasses b. foods
  c. tools for catching birds d. high spirits
  解析:选a。词义猜测题。由后文中的they allow you to get a close up view of any birds,nests,and chicks. 可以推断,binoculars指的是一种可以让人近距离观察鸟的仪器,所以选a。
  6. which of the following is true according to the passage?
  a. many birds like to stay on the mountains when it snows.
  b. many people find that watching birds in the yard is boring.
  c. using cameras while watching birds will scare birds away.
  d. a bird watching outing is different from watching birds from the window.
  7. what’s the best title for the passage?
  a. wild bird watching tips
  b. a popular hobby
  c. watching birds in the garden
  d. natural habitat
  (XX年南昌调研)many people wonder why the united states has been a hot spot for chinese students for years, despite its extremely strict visa policy. on the other hand, china’s rise as an economic powerhouse is resulting in a rapid expansion of its higher education system,making it the faster growing destination for american foreign exchange students.
  recently,according to a study by the institute of international education, a research organization based in new york, the number of american students seeking higher education in china has never been greater, increasing by 90 percent from XX to XX. alan goodman,president of the institute,believes that the_phenomenon lies in the pace of change in china, which is spending billions of dollars to expand and transform its higher educational facilities into world class institutions.
  "china is a job market,"said professor chou,professor of east asian studies at princeton university. "twenty years ago,only those interested in chinese literature would study the chinese language. now all professors have opened up. "
  china now ranks 9th as a host destination for american students, advancing from the no. 12 spot it held a year earlier. the study revealed that britain continues to be the leading destination,attracting 16. 8 percent of all american students who study abroad. on the other hand, in the XX -XX academic year, china sent more than 62,000 students to the united states, nearly 60 percent more than a decade earlier. according to the study, the chinese now make up 11 percent of foreign students in the united states, the second largest group behind students from india.
  8. from the first paragraph, we know that for many years chinese students want to go to the us but ________ .
  a. chinese government refuses to give a visa
  b. it is extremely difficult to get a visa
  c. it results in a rapid expansion
  d. china becomes a fast growing country
  9. according to the text,"the phenomenon"in the second paragraph refers to ________.
  a. more american students’ seeking higher education in china
  b. the pace of change in china during the past few years
  c. founding a research organization based in new york
  d. expending and transforming its higher educational facilities
  解析:选a。词义猜测题。根据该词组所在的语境可知,此处的the phenomenon 指的是上文提到的越来越多的美国学生愿意到中国留学这一现象。
  10. ten years ago,china sent about ________students to the united states.
  a. 62,000 b. 55,000
  c. 38,750 d. 6,820
  解析:选c。数字计算题。根据最后一段倒数第二句中的数字信息计算可得:6XX 1. 6 38750。
  11. what is the main idea of this text?
  a. american students are looking for destinations.
  b. american students are interested in chinese culture.
  c. britain continues to be the leading destination.
  d. china grows as a study hot spot for us students.
