

  人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第3单元)知识讲解
  (1) sth with sb 与某人分享某物 he would share his last pound with me.
  1 share (v) (2) sth between sb 共同承担… we share a small room between us. 我们俩合用一个房间.
  (3) share sth among sb 共享/均分… please share the sweets among the children present here.
  profits are shared (out) among the partners. 合伙人均分利润。
  (4) (in) sth we will share the joys and sorrows.
  (5) vi there is only one room , so we’ll have to share. (合用) you must learn to share.
  (6) n 一份,股份 let me take a share in the expenses . 这些费用让我也出一份。
  he owns 500 shares of the company. 他拥有那家公司的500 股股份。
  share sb’s joys and sorrows 和某人同甘共苦
  2 favorite (1) adj 最喜欢的 who is your favorite writer?
  be favorite with 在…中受欢迎 the singer is popular with young people.
  (2) n最喜欢的人或物the book is a favorite with students. liu xiang is a general favorite.。刘翔是最受大众喜欢的人
  favor 喜欢,支持 in favor of 支持,赞成 favorable 赞成的,有利的,讨人喜欢的 favoritism (n) 偏爱,得宠
  3 witness (1) v 当场见到,目击 i witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday.
  (2) v表明,说明 her flushed(通红) face witnessed the excitement she felt.
  (3) v作证 none could witness that he was present.
  (4) v 为…作证 常与to 连用 he witnessed to having seen the man enter the room. 他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。
  (5) n (c) "目击者,证人"常与to连用the police found the witness to the murder case.he was a witness to the accident.
  (6) n (c,u) 证词,证据,证明 his ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty.
  the old man gave witness on behalf of an accused person. 那位老人为被告作证。 on behalf of 代表/替…
  相关短语:be a witness to 是…的目击者 give witness on behalf of 替…作证 witness to 为某事作证说
  4 as (1) conj 用作连词可引导时间,原因,让步,比较,方式等状语从句
  as he looked at her, she made a face. as he didn’t know much english, he got out his dictionary and looked up .
  he doesn’t speak as the other people do . you must do as i told you. he is not so diligent as you.
  young as he is , he knows a lot. child/student as he is, he has a good knowledge of history.
  as a young boy , he lost his parents in the war. i watched her as she combed her hair.
  i have changed it as you suggested. i read the letter as i walked along the river.
  as you weren’t there , i left a message. as he has been ill , perhaps he needs help.
  try as he would , he couldn’t open the door. tired as they were, they walked on. leave the table as it is.
  (2) 作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,先行词前常有such, the same, as, so 与之呼应,构成such…as, so…as,等
  we’ll make such computers as are needed in different branches of science.
  i want to buy the same shoes as were advertised.
  (3) 作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,as 指前或后面整个句子的内容。
  as you can see in the map, the two cities are far away from each other.
  as everybody knows ,all that glitters is not gold. as is known to us all, taiwan is part of china.
  (4) prep 作为 you will be welcomed as a hero tomorrow morning . she treats him as her brother.
  近义词辨析:① as 强调主从句谓语动词的动作同时发生。 we talked as we walked on our way home.
  ②when 侧重表示瞬间(时间点),主从句所述动作可以同时也可先后发生 .
  he went home when he had finished his homework.(先后) it was snowing when we got to the airport. (同时)
  ③while 表示时间段或两个延续性动作同时发生strike while the iron is hot. please look after her while i’m away.
  ④because 语气最强,着重说明原因或理由(其从句一般放在主句之后), 在回答why问句时,必须用because 不能用其他词。 he was tired because he had done much hard work.
  ⑤since 语气比because 稍弱,表示关系上的必然结果,一般译成"既然,鉴于" (一般放在主句前)
  since everyone is here, let’s begin our class.
  ⑥as 语气最弱,只说明一般的因果关系(可放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后)。
  as he didn’t know much english , he had some difficulty in making himself understood.
  ⑦for 是并列连词,不能放在句首,提供一种解释、理由或推断。the electricity must be cut off for the light went out.
  5. sort (1) vt 把…分类 ,拣选 she is busy sorting letters. 她正忙于给信件分类。he was sorting his foreign stamps.
  (2) sort out 整理(好) i have sort ed out the letters. 我已把信分好。he sorted out the old cards.他整理好了旧名片
  we must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.
  (3) n 种类,类别 a hammer is a sort of tool. you can ask him for help---he is a good sort. …他是个好人。
  he’s the sort of person i really dislike. what sort of paint are you using?
  (4)词组 sort of 颇为,有几分 i feel sort of sick. all sorts of 相当于all kinds of
  近义词辨析 ①sort 种类,在口语和商业语言中更常用,还可表示轻蔑的意思.
  this sort of question is easy to answer. how did you get this sort of idea into your mind?
  ②kind 种类,特指某种性质相同,具有极其相似特征的东西,适用于某种方法分类,并置于一起。
  he is the person of this kind.
  ③type 类型,在一般情况下,kind较笼统、模糊,而type 较具体、肯定。
  do you know how many basic types of blood there are in all ?
  6. accommodation (1) 房间,住所 the accommodation of this hotel is scare. (不足)
  (2) 膳宿 (常用复数) this hospital has accommodations for 600 patients.
  (3) accommodate 向…提供住处,接纳 (v) the house will accommodate two families.
  相关短语: (1) make accommodations for 为…提供膳宿 (2) book accommodation at a hotel 在旅馆预订房间
  (3) arrange sb’s accommodation 给某人安排住处 (4) accommodate …to = adapt… to 使…适应
  you will have to accommodate yourself to the situation.
  (5) accommodate sb with = supply sb with the bank will accommodate you with a loan.
  7 out of (1) 离…一段距离,不在内 fish can survive for only a short time out of water.
  (2) 离开 he jumped out of bed when he heard the door bell rang.
  (3) 出于…动机 he helped you just out of kindness. (4) 从…中 please don’t look out of the window.
  (6) 用,以(某事物) she made a skirt out of the material i gave her.
  (7) 缺乏,无 lack (sth), without : i’m beginning to feel out of patience. 我开始觉得有些不耐烦了。
  (8) 不出于out of 后的名词所表示的情况,脱离 he’s still in hospital but out of danger. my radio is out of order.
  相关短语: (1) out of breath (2) out of it 不加入,孤立 (3) out of date 过时的 (4) out of control 失控(5) out of repair
  失修(6) out of question 毫无疑问(7) out of the question 不可能的 (8) out of sight 看不见(9) out of mind 离久情疏
  (10) out of line 不协调,不一致 (11) out of work/a job 失业
  与out 有关的短语:stick out 伸出,突出pick out 挑选出 read/shout sth out/loud 大声念出/叫出 be worn out =be tired out =give out 某人累坏了/筋疲力尽 run out 用完/尽,有宾语时加of sell out 卖完 help out 帮助…
  8 be about to do 表示即将发生的动作 ,意为"正要,即将" 此结构不与具体的时间状语连用。常与when连用。
  she was about to go to the cinema when i came. i was about to leave when the telephone rang.
  9 come on (1) 表示劝说,激励, 不耐烦或催促等 come on, we’ll be late for school.
  (2) 上演,演出 there’s a new play coming on next week.
  相关短语: (1) come about 发生 (2) come across 偶然遇到(3) come out 出来,花(开), 出版 (4) come up 走近,上升, 发芽(5) come up with 赶上,补充, 提出 (6) come to 谈到,总计为,达到,苏醒
  10 ahead (1) adv 向前,朝前 the way ahead was blocked by fallen trees. he ran ahead .
  (2) ahead of 在…前面,优于,胜于 she was always well ahead of the rest the class. 她在班上总是遥遥领先。
  his ideas were ahead of his time . 他的思想比他所处的时代先进。 ahead of time 提前
  you should have told me that ahead of time. he is ahead of me in chinese
  11 throw (1) 投,掷,扔,抛 throw the ball to your younger brother. he was thrown into prison.被关进…
  i felt discouraged when he threw cold water on my idea. she threw herself into a chair and began to cry.
  (2) 匆忙或随便穿/脱 he threw a blanket over the injured man. 他匆忙给伤者披上毯子。
  she threw on/off her overcoat. 她匆匆穿上/脱掉大衣。
  (3) 惊扰,使不安 the news of fu biao’s death really threw us.
  (4) 使某人处于某种状态 the big fire threw hundreds of workers out of work. 大火使几百人失业。
  the explosion threw the people into confusion. 爆炸使人们慌乱。
  we were thrown into confusion by the news. 我们让那消息给弄糊涂了。he was threw himself into teaching.全身心
  相关短语: (1) be thrown into confusion 陷入混 乱 (2) throw away 抛弃,浪费,拒绝 (3) throw cold water on
  向…泼冷水(4) throw off 匆匆脱掉,抛弃,摆脱 (5) throw oneself on 依靠,求助于 (6) throw oneself into doing sth
  开始热心做某事(7) throw up 举起,呕吐,丢弃
  12 grab (1) 抢,抓, 抢夺 he grabbed my collar and pulled me before the boss. 他抓住我的领子把我拎到老板面前。
  when i gave him the chance , he grabbed it at once. he grabbed at the boy, but failed.他想抓住那个男孩,可是….
  he grabbed at the boy, but couldn’t save him from falling. 他伸手去抓那个男孩,但还是没有阻止他跌落。
  (2) 取/ 拿某物 grab a seat and make yourself at home. 随便找个位子坐,别客气。
  (3) 给某人留下深刻印象 how does this music grab you? it doesn’t grab me at all.这音乐你喜欢吗? 一点都不喜欢。
  13 pack (1) v 打包,收拾行李 they packed their things for the trip . all these books need to be packed into boxes.
  he takes a packed lunch to work every day. 他每天带盒装午饭上班。
  (2) v 挤满,塞满 the stadium was packed with chanting fans. 热情的观众积满了体育馆。
  the book was packed with useful information. 这本书了有很多有用的资料。
  (3) c 包,捆,群 the girl left the room in a hurry with a pack of clothes under her arm.
  相关短语 a pack of cigarettes 一包香烟 packs of 大量的,一堆堆的 pack off 运走,打发掉 pack up 收拾行李
  a pack of wolves 一群狼 a pack of lies 一派谎言 package (n) 包装,包扎 packed 充满的,打包的 packer
  14 flee (vi, vt) 逃跑,逃离,迅速消散,消失,破灭 (fled ,fled ) he fled his hometown during the war.
  they fled japan. during the civil war, thousands of people fled the country.
  his hope fled when he was refused the admittance to the company. 当他被拒绝进入这家公司时,他的希望破灭了。
  注意: he fled (from) that country. he escaped from that country. he ran away from that country.
  escape(1) 用作及物动词时意为"逃避,躲避"
  in order to escape being punished he made an excuse. in order to escape punishment he made an excuse.
  (2) (从监禁或管制中)vi 逃跑,逃走 he escape from prison this morning. two prisoners have escaped.
  (3) (从不愉快或危险处境中) vi 逃脱,摆脱 she managed to escape from the burning car.
  近义词辨析:(1) flee 强调逃跑行为本身,含有"逃走,消散"的 意思
  the villagers fled about when the flood broke out. 洪水爆发时,村民们四处逃窜。
  his hope fled when he was refused the admittance to the company. 2
  (2) escape 强调逃跑的结果,即成功地跑掉了。 in the war, the soldier escaped death. …那名士兵死里逃生。
  they managed to escape from the burning building by breaking down the door.
  (3) run away 多用于口语,含有"不辞而别" 之意。 he ran away from home at the age of thirteen.
  15 drag vi, vt 拖,拉,扯; c 供拖拉之物,累赘的人或物 we dragged the fallen tree from the road.
  her skirt dragged on the floor. 她的裙子在地上拖着。
  相关短语: (1) drag behind 落在后面 (2) drag in 扯进来 (3) drag sb down 使某人沮丧 (4) drag on 拖延
  近义词辨析: ① drag 费力,缓慢而艰难地拉、拖较重的物体。
  he dragged a heavy box. he dragged himself/his tired feet home . 他拖着疲倦的步子回家。
  ②draw 从容地拉、拖 he drew the curtain apart. 他拉开了窗帘。
  ③pull 突然、急速地拉,方式不限。 he pulled the door and rushed in. pull it up.
  相关短语: drag behind 落在后面 drag in 扯进来 drag sb down 使某人沮丧drag on 拖延
  16 annual 每年的,年度的,一年一次的annually (adv) 每年 an annual event/festival what’s your annual salary?
  17 abandon (vt) (1) 遗弃,抛弃 parents who abandon their babies should be punished.
  the captain gave orders to abandon ship. we must urge people who smoke to abandon the habit.
  (2) 放弃 luxun abandoned medicine for literature. the match was abandoned because of bad weather. (取消)
  (3) abandon oneself to 沉迷(be addicted to) he abandoned himself to despair. 他悲观厌世。
  the young man does nothing but abandon himself to pleasure. 那位年轻人除了沉溺于玩乐什么都不做。
  abandoned (adj) 被遗弃的,自暴自弃的,无耻的,堕落的 abandoned young man 堕落的年轻人
  abandoned ship 被弃的船只 walking in the forest, he felt abandoned by the world.
  abandonment (u) 遗弃,抛弃 abandoner 放弃者,遗弃者,投保人 abandonee 被遗弃者, 承保人
  18 leave …alone 让… 一个人待着,不管,别惹,不打扰 she is very upset. leave her alone for some minutes.
  leave me alone.= let me be .= let me alone.
  相关短语:leave out 忽略,不考虑 leave for离开去某地 leave behind 留下leave off 停止
  19 set aside "为…节省(时间或钱), 把…放在一边she tries to set aside some money every month.
  he sets aside one hour to do some reading every day.
  20 crash (1) v, n 突然倒下,撞击(某物),发出声响the rocks crashed (down) onto the car. 石头轰隆一声砸砸在…
  she crashed the plates(down) on the table. 他哗啦一声把盘子摔倒桌子上。
  (2) 猛撞 he crashed his car into a wall. 他把汽车撞到墙上了。
  (3) 突然倒台,崩溃 the company crashed with debts. 那家公司因负债而破产。
  (4) n 坠落(声),破裂(声) the tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了。
  (5) n垮台,倒闭the great financial crash in 1929 ruined the international trade.1929年经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易。
  21 beat (1) 连续而有规律的击打、跳动 who’s beating the drum? waves beat the shore.
  he is alive---his heart is still beating. the bird was beating its wrings. 那只鸟在拍打这它的翅膀。
  (2) 打败某人,胜于,击败 she beat her younger brother at tennis. our team was easily beaten.
  (3) puzzle 使困惑 your question has beaten me . 你的问题把我难住了。
  近义词辨析: (1) beat 后接比赛、辩论、 或战争中的对手。 i can easily beat him in a table tennis.
  (2) win 后接比赛、争论、战争或奖品等。 he won the match. he won the nobel prize for chemistry in 1986.
  22 lead (1) 指路,领路a policeman was leading a blind man across the road.
  (2) 引导某人,影响某人 he is too easily led. 他太容易受人左右了。 what led you to this conclusion?
  (3) 通,达 all roads lead to rome. this misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误导致了很大的混淆。
  (4) 过某种生活 today we are leading a happy life.
  (5) lead to +(doing ) sth 导致做某事 the strike can lead to a loss of jobs.
  leader 领导(人) leadership 领导,领导地位/能力 leading 指导的,主要的
  23 distance (1) n 距离,间距 my school is within walking distance of my house. 学校离我家不远,走几步就到了。
  (2) n 远方,远处 at a distance of six miles you can’t see much. she keeps him at a distance. 她冷淡他。
  in the distance 在远处 within distance在…距离内 at a distance of… 在…的距离 from a distance 从远方
  i saw the mt. fuji in the distance.我在远处看到了富士山。
  the picture looks beautiful at a distance.这幅画稍远处看很美。 at a distance 从稍远处
  24 draw (1) 用铅笔等画 he drew a house in one minute.
  (2) 向某方向移动 christmas is drawing near. 圣诞节日渐临近。 the train drew in/into the station. 火车进了站。
  (3) 拉,拖she drew me aside to tell me what she had heard. the cart (大车) was drawn by two horses.
  (4) 拔出,抽出 he came towards me with a drawn sword. 他拔剑出鞘冲我而来。
  (5) 获取, 吸取,吸气,取钱 what conclusion can you draw from your research? the per first drew a deep breath.
  we hope it will draw the attention of all comrades. for this he drew out 1000 yuan from the bank.
  they were not willing to be drawn into the conflict. (卷入)
  (6) 打成平局 the two teams drew. they drew the game.
  draw a conclusion 得出结论 draw near 挨近,靠近 drawer 抽屉,开票人
  25 aim (1) 瞄准,对准 he aimed his gun at the enemy. my remarks were not aimed at you. 我的话不是针对你。
  this product is aimed at the female market. the criticism wasn’t aimed at you.
  (2) 指望,目的在于 what are you aiming at ?你的用意何在?
  the visit is aimed at improving the relations between the two countries.
  (3) (向某方向)努力,力争 he worked hard, aiming at a scholarship. 他努力学习力争拿到奖学金。
  (4) n 瞄准,目标,目的 my aim was accurate. he has only one aim in all his life--- to become rich.
  aimless 无目标的 aimlessly 无目标地 aimlessness 无目标 aim (sth) at sb/sth 拿…瞄准… aim at sth
  以…为目标 take aim at 对…瞄准 without aim 无目的的 aim high 胸怀大志 aim at the moon 妄想
  26 feed (1) n 一顿,一餐,饲料 when is the baby’s next feed? there’s no feed left for the hens.
  (2) v喂养,饲养the baby needs feeding. have you fed the chickens? we fed wheat to cattle.=we fed cattle with wheat
  (3) feed on 吃…过日子,依靠,以…为食cattle feed chiefly on grass. 牛主要以草为食。
  (4) feed up 供给食物 there are hundreds of poor children there needing feeding up.
  (5) feed…on 用…喂养 they feed the babies on milk. in winter they feed the cows/cattle on hay and corn.
  也可用作feed…with sth , with 后可接食物或工具 the nurse was feeding the baby with porridge.
  mother was feeding her son with a spoon. 相关短语: be fed up with 吃…吃得饱,厌倦
  pigs__ in our school __ the food we students have thrown away.
  a fed, feed on b are fed, live on c that are fed, feed with d fed, feed to
  27 take 需要,花费,要求 the journey from london to oxford takes about an hour and a half.
  it would take a strong man to lift that weight. 身强力壮的人才能举起那么重的东西。
  it took me two hours to mend my bike. it takes a long time for her to recover from the illness.
  writing books must take a great deal of time. 短语: take great trouble to do 不辞劳苦做某事 take one’s time
  从容不迫,不着急,慢慢来take sb seriously as 认真对待某人 take sth as it comes 顺其自然 take against sb/sth
  (说不清原因地) 开始不喜欢某人/某事 take after sb 追赶某人
  近义词辨析: (1) spend 主语必须是人,构成spend …on sth 或spend …(in) doing sth
  he spent much money on books. every morning he spends an hour in reading english.
  (2) cost 主语必需是事或物,一般指花钱,侧重于"花费"的代价。cost还有 " 以…为代价,丧失…"之意其后常跟双宾语及life, money, health, time 等.the book cost him one dollar. his careless driving cost him his life last year.
  (3) take 表示"花费" 时,其主语是"一件事" 一般指花费时间 the journey took me three hours.
  it took me ten minutes to go to the post office. it took me three days to finish reading the novel.
  (4) pay "付钱 ",主语是人。 常用于pay for 或pay (sb) some money for sth 结构中。
  i paid five yuan for the pen. he paid the taxi and hurried to the station. he paid me 5yuan for mending the clock.
  28 approach (1) v 接近,靠近 his work is approaching completion. 他的工作接近完成。we approach the museum.
  as you approach the town , the first building you see is the church. national day is approaching.
  (2) v 着手考虑/处理; (因事) 找或接近… he is rather difficult to approach.
  then i approached him on the matter. 接着我就去找他谈这件事。
  when is the best time to approach my employer about an increase in salary?
  (3) n 接近 at her approach the children ran off. the approach of winter brings cold weather.
  (4) n 通路,入口 all the approaches to the meeting hall were guarded by troops. all approaches were blocked.
  (5) n方法,手段 our teacher uses a new approach to language teaching. he presented a new approach.
  (6) n 意图,尝试the club has made an approach to a local firm for help. 俱乐部已尝试向本地一家公司求助。
  29 hold (1) v 拿住,抱住,拖住,抓住the child was holding her father’s hand. she was holding her baby in her arms.
  (2) 召开, 举行 the meeting will be held next week.
  (3) 保持某一状态 hold your head up. hold yourself still for a while when i take your photo. 我给你拍照时你别动。
  (4) 容纳,包含 the lecture hall can hold XX people. my brain can’t hold so much information at one time.
  we want to rent a bus which can hold 40 people for our trip to beijing.
  (5) possess ,occupy 占有,占据,担任 how long has he held office? 他已任职多长时间了?
  we hold a major share in the company .我们持有这家公司的大部分股份。
  (6) 获得,怀有 he holds the world record for long jump. 他保持着跳远的世界纪录。
  a good teacher must be able to hold his pupils’ attention. 一位好老师一定能够吸引学生的注意力。
  (7) 承受,支撑is that box strong enough to hold you? 那个盒子能承受得住你吗?
  the dam gave away, it was not strong enough to hold the flood. 水坝坍塌了,它不够坚固,挡不住洪水。
  相关短语: hold back 阻止,踌躇,保守秘密 hold on 坚持下去,抓牢,(打电话)不挂断 hold up 举起,支持住
  hold out 伸出,提出,制止 hold on to 保住,保留,抓住
  we thought of selling the furniture . but we’ve decided to hold on to it. it might be valuable.
  29 migrate vi (1) 迁移,移居 people migrate to find work. 人们迁居别处去找工作。
  (2) vi (鸟兽等)迁徙 some birds migrate to find warmer weather. 有些鸟迁徙以寻找更暖的气候。
  migration n 迁移,移民,迁徙的鸟类
  30 rough adj (1) (表面)粗糙的,不平的 this table is rough. the car is running on a rough road.
  the ship traveled up and down in the rough sea. 轮船在汹涌的大海中上下颠簸。
  (2) 粗野的,粗鲁的 he is rough in speech . 他言语粗鲁。
  (3) 粗略的,大体 he made a rough sketch.他画了一张粗略的草图。
  (4) 难受的,艰难的 she has had a rough time since her husband died.
  be rough on 苛刻地对待 … the boss was very rough on the junior staff. 那个老板对资历浅的职员相当苛刻。
  31 handle vt (1) 对付,应对 she is good at handling children. 她很会带小孩。
  (2) 使用 he learnt how to handle an axe. the car handles easily/ badly. 这车易/难开。
  (3) 拿 handle the glasses with care. 这些玻璃杯要小心轻放。
  32 endanger v 使受危害, 伤害,危及 the polluted air in the city endangered the health of the residents.
  smoking endangers your health. endangered adj 有危险的,将要绝种的,濒危的
  we must do our best to save the endangered animals.
  33 species 种类n 单复数同形,表示" (动/植物)物种 various animal species各种动物 the human species 人类
  34 oppose v 反对,使对立/对抗 they opposed the plan. they are opposed to the plan.他们反对这个计划。
  i am opposed to his going alone. i opposed myself to his plan. 我反对他的计划。
  don’t oppose your will against mine. 不要把你的意见同我的对立起来。
  35 ban (1)禁止v 表示禁止某人做某事,通常用ban sb from doing sth he was banned from driving. 他被禁止开车。
  smoking is banned in school . 在学校禁止吸烟。
  (2) 禁令 n 其后常接介词 on ,表示对某事的禁止。 there is a ban on smoking in petrol stations. 加油站禁止吸烟。
  36 wander (1) 徘徊,流浪,闲逛 v wander (about /up and down ) (in ) the street 徘徊街头
  my mother told me not to wander the streets after school. i enjoy wandering in the street in my spare time .
  (2) 迷路,走散(off/away) they wandered off (away) in the mountains . 他们在山中迷了路。
  (3) v 走神,思想随便活动 my attention was wandering . 我的注意力不知到哪儿去.
  he realized his students’ attention was beginning to wander.
  (4) 偏离(话题) he wandered off the subject.他说离了题。 don’t wander from the subject.不要偏离主题。
  (5) v 蜿蜒,迂回曲折 the road wanders through the range of hills . 这条路在山丘间绕来绕去。
  37 rent (vt) 租,租赁,租借(from) ; (常与out连用) 出租,租出 i rent a house from mrs jones.
  (1) he rent out a room to a student at 100 yuan a month.
  (2) n 租金 what’s the rent for the counter ? 这柜台租金是多少? rents of room are going up again.
  38 survive (1) 做不及物动词, 意为 " 活下来;幸存" only ten people survived in that bus accident .
  her parents died in that earthquake but she survived.
  (2) vt "幸存于; 经历…之后还幸存" chuck survived the crash (空难)and landed on a deserted island.
  few buildings survived the fire. 这次火灾中没有几所建筑物幸免于难。
  (3) 比…活得长 she survived her husband by ten years. 她比他的丈夫多活了十年。
  survivor n 幸存者 survival n 幸存,死里逃生
  in such dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they ___.
  a have survived b are to survive c would survive d will survive
  39 reflect (vt, vi ) (1) 映出某人/某物的影像he looked at his face reflected in the mirror.
  a mirror reflects a picture of you when you look into it . 当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象。
  does this letter reflect how you really think ? 这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?
  (2) 反射the mirror reflected the light. the moon shines with reflected light . 月球是借反射光而发光的。
  (3) 表达,表现(某事物)的性质 a man’s action reflects his thoughts.
  (4) 考虑,思考,沉思.常与on 连用 he reflected before answering my question. i’m reflected on what to do next.
  he reflected that his troubles would soon be over. he reflected on the matter. 他考虑了这件事。
  (5) 对…有坏影响 such behavior will only reflect discredit on yourself. 那样的行为只会影响到你的信誉。
  reflection 映像,倒影 n on reflection 再三考虑 the reflection of the trees in the water was very clear.
  40 aware (adj) 做形容词,意为"知道的,明白的,意识到" 即having knowing .作表语或补足语,通常不做定语,后接that从句或of 介词短语。we are fully a aware of the gravity of the situation . 我们十分明白形势的严重性。
  i was not aware that he had felt deeply sad at the death of his mother. i was well aware of the problem. …很清楚…
  what the teacher said made me aware of the importance of english. were you aware that something was wrong?
  you are not aware (of ) how worried i felt about your safety. it happened without my being aware of it. 在我不知不觉
  41 surround 包围 the pool was surrounded with a fence.
  he found himself surrounded by three boys. the firemen surrounded the burning building.
  42 yellowed-spotted, blue-striped 类似用法: 心地善良的______________________冷血的______________________
  人造卫星________________________________ 雪山_____________________________________________________
  a funny-looking man an ordinary-looking man 讲英语的国家_______________________热爱和平的__________
  43 complain 抱怨,申诉(1) complain to sb about/of sth ; complain that抱怨… he is always complaining of the food.
  she complained to me about the service here. he complained that his job gives him no satisfaction .
  44 find out 主要表示调查或观察询问等而查明情况或弄清事实真相等。
  it was not until the people’s republic of china was__ that his lost brother was __.
  a find, found b found, founded c founded, found d founded, founded
  45 …that were on their annual migration . …他们在进行一年一度的迁徙。
  on 在句中表示"(状态,方法等)进行中,在…中,于…状态" the house is on fire. the workers are on strike.
  the car is on sale. the students are on their holiday.
  46 hear of (1) "听说,听到 " 可与hear about 互换 i don’t know the writer but i have heard of him.
  (2) 与will not , would not 连用时,意为"不同意,不考虑" i won’t hear of such a thing. 我不赞同此事。
  hear about 收到...的来信, 得到…的消息 we haven’t heard from him since last christmas.
  two years later, her father disappeared, never to be heard from again. ……走了,再没有得到他的消息。
  47 48 with my own eyes 用我自己的眼睛,亲眼 i saw the accident with my own eyes. (亲眼)
  与eye 有关的短语: have an eye on …密切注视,监视 keep an eye on …照看,照顾catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意, an eye for an eye 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 in the eye of 从(某人) 的眼光来看,在某人眼里
  shut one’s eye to sth (对…)视而不见 under person’s eyes 在某人面前,公然地
  will you keep __ my child for a while? –with pleasure. she’s fun, i think.
  a care of b attention to c an eye on d a blind eye to
  in the eyes of the law/world 从法律、世人的观点看 have an eye for 对…有眼光/鉴赏力
  keep an eye on 密切关注,留神,看管 make eyes at sb 向… 送秋波
  will you keep __ my child for a while ? ---with pleasure. she’s fun, i think.
  a care of b an eye on c attention to d a blind eye to
  49 be about to do 不与具体的时间连用。意为"正要,即将" when i came back, she was about to leave.
  the plane is about to take off. 飞机即将起飞。 my mother was about to go shopping when it began to rain.
  he was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
  50 ahead adv (1)(表位置) 前面 go straight ahead till you see the gate of the school.
  he is ahead of any other student in our class in this examination .
  (2)(表时间)提前,事先 the time is nine hours ahead of london. 这儿的时间比伦敦早9小时。
  if you come , please tell me ahead of time.
  (3) (表关系)领先our team is ahead by 6 points. 我们队领先6分。
  get ahead of 超越 she soon got ahead of the others in her class because of her hard work.
  go ahead with 继续 go ahead with your work. 继续干活吧。
  go ahead 说吧,用吧,干吧 i wonder if i could use your phone. sure, go ahead. …请用吧。
  can i borrow your bike? ---yes,__. a go on b go ahead c go forward d go off
  51 i had already heard that george didn’t like being kept waiting …我早已听说乔治不喜欢等人…
  句中like 后用了keep sb dong 的被动式做宾语,即为动名词的被动式。动名词的被动式表示动名词的逻辑主语是动作的承受着。动名词的被动式分为一般式( being done) 和完成式(having been done )两种。
  he is used to being asked questions in class. (被提问) he came to our party without being asked.
  i don’t remember having been given such a book. he prided himself on having never been beaten. 为…而自豪
  52 have on "穿着,佩戴,在身上带有" she had on a red dress and white shoes.
  i don’t have that much money on me at the moment.
  近义词辨析: (1) wear 穿着,指状态,可以用进行时,宾语是衣服、鞋帽、眼镜、发型等。
  she often wears a white coat. he is wearing a shirt. xiao ming is wearing a pair of glasses.
  (2) put on 穿戴,穿上(反义词take off ); 指穿的动作,用于穿鞋、戴帽、穿衣等。
  he put on his hat rapidly and went out .
  (3) have on 穿着,指状态,没有进行时,宾语是代词时,必须放在该词组中间。
  (4) dress vt 给(某人) 穿衣,宾语一般是人,不接衣服类的词语作宾语,"衣服" 类的词要用在介词的后面。
  the mother is dressing her baby. he is old enough to dress himself. she dressed the girl in a new blouse.
  (5) be (dressed) in 之后经常接颜色或服装式样之类的名词。she is (dressed) in a red shirt.
  he often __ a suit of jeans to school. a puts on b wears c dress d has
  53 head out into 相当于head for /to/towards 或 make (a pe) for "前往,向…进发"
  they are heading for new york. we headed for/towards /to/ out into the field.
  he made a pe for the rejected suits.
  54 lead to (1) 通向 all roads lead to rome. the path leading to the top of the mountain is covered with snow.
  (2) 带领 our party led us from victory to victory.
  (3)导致 ,其中to 是介词 his careless led to the accident. his laziness led to his failure.
  (4) lead sb to sth (to 是介词) what led you to this conclusion? 是什么使你得出这样的结论?
  注意: 当我们用lead sb to do sth 时,to 是不定式符号,意为"导致,促使某人做某事"
  your answer led me to make further inquiries. (调查) what does the writer lead his readers to believe?
  55 hold up (1)竖起,不倒this building holds up well despite its age . 尽管年代久远,这座建筑物仍巍然屹立。
  (2) 举起the pupil held up his right hand. (3)使停顿、使耽搁 the traffic was held up by an accident.
  (4) 拦劫 the robbers held up the train.
  与hold 有关的短语: hold a meeting/party election举行会议/聚会/选举 hold a position/rank/job 拥有职务/级别 /工作 hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸hold back 阻止 hold on 等会儿,等一等 hold out (供给品等)维持,持续
  ;守住,坚守 get/take/catch /grab hold of… 抓住/拿住/握住… hold on to sth 保住,保留,抓住
  we thought of selling the old furniture . but we’ve decided to__ it. it might be valuable.
  a hold on to b keep up with c turn to d look after
  56 help out 使(某人)脱离困境, 援助,协助 nobody helped me out when i lost my job.
  jane helped him out of his financial difficulties.
  相关短语:can’t help doing 禁不住,不禁 can’t help (to) do 不能帮忙 help over 帮助克服/越过 help (to) do help oneself to 请自己动手,请随便用 can’t help but do 不得不/不能不做 help sb with sth
  when a friend gave jim a ticket he __ to the game.
  a couldn’t help but go b couldn’t help but going c can’t help but go d can’t help but going
  i’m sorry to say that i can’t help_ the room because i’m busy right now. a cleaning b to cleaning c clean d cleans
  when i heard the good news i couldn’t help___. a to laugh b laugh c laughing d to laughing
  57 look forward to "希望,盼望,期望" 其中to是介词 we are looking forward to seeing you again.
  look 组成的词组 look after 照看 look around/ round 环顾,仔细考虑 look back 回头看,回顾look on 旁观
  look down upon 蔑视,瞧不起 look at look big 洋洋自得look for look into 调查,注视 look on as 看待
  look up to 尊敬 look out 小心look over 仔细检查 look through 透过…看,看穿,从头到尾通读一遍
  look up 查找,翻阅, (形势等) 好转,改变
  to 为介词的短语: devote…to /be devoted to 献身于,致力于 contribute…to 把…贡献给 contribute to 有助于,是…的原因 get down to 开始认真干,着手干 refer to 涉及,提到stick to 坚持see to 负责,照顾 relate to/be related to 与…有关系 object to… 反对… pay attention to 注意 resign oneself to 听任,顺从,只好接受
  i’m looking forward to__ the beijing university. a to visit b visiting c visit d visited
  he looked forward __what was happening in the crowd? a to see b to seeing c see d seeing
  58 concentrate "把…集中在…上" 常与介词on 连用,与center… on , focus…on 同义。
  they concentrate their attention on their work. we must concentrate our efforts on improving education.
  this firm concentrates on the european market. discussions were centered on developments in eastern europe.
  the discussion focused three main problems. each exercise focuses on a different grammar point.
  59 hang (1) 吊着,悬挂( hung; hung ) the picture hangs now in the library. (vi)
  is this raincoat yours? –no, mine_ there behind the door. a is hanging b has hung c hangs d hung
  there are several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe. hang your coat (up ) on the look. (挂钩)
  (2)(使某物)下垂 the boy hung his head in shame. the dog’s tongue is hanging out because of hot weather.
  (3) 吊死,绞死(hanged; hanged ) he was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country.
  the murderer was hanged for murder this morning.
  60 from behind 这两个词都是介词,属于介词叠用。 英语中这一现象比较普遍。
  he drew his case from under the bed. his father didn’t return home until after the war.
  they took a boat here from across the lake. a voice came from above the tree.
  61 scare 作名词或动词, 表示" 惊吓,恐惧,恐慌" (1) n he gave me a good scare.
  there has been quite a scare about the possible side effects of his new drug. 关于…可能产生的副作用引起了相当…
  (2) v you’ll scare the baby if you shout . i don’t scare easily, you know. 你知道,我不容易受惊吓。
  (3) adj scary " 令人惊恐的,可怕的" don’t be so scary . we’re quite safe. a scary ghost story
  the story he told me was the scariest one i ever heard. it is a dark scary street.
  (4) scared"惊恐的,恐惧的"be scared of (doing ) sth be scared to do sth scare sb into/out of doing…干/不敢干…
  i’m scared of ghosts. scared of being attacked scared to go out alone a very scared man 吓怕了的人
  be scared to death" 吓坏了,吓得要死" 其中介词to 表示到达某种结果。 starve to death 饿死 beat sb to death
  打死某人 sentence sb to death 判处某人死刑 be tired to death 累极了 be bored to death 烦透了
  work oneself to death 积劳而死 my income this month has amounted to 5,ooo dollars.
  she tore the letter to pieces. …撕得粉碎 the train slowed to a stop. 火车减速停车。
  she was scared __ the yard because she was scared __ by the big dog__ at the gate. a to go into, to be bitten, lay
  b of going into, to bite , laying c of going into , to be bitten, lay d to go into, of being bitten, lying
  when mary heard the story of the hero ,she was moved __ tears. a at b to c by d with
  62 offer v " 提供,出价" (1) offer sth to sb = offer sb sth she offered me the job .= she offered the job to me.
  he offered me a chance to do the experiment once again. i’ve been offered a job in japan .
  the company has offered a high salary. we offered him a lift, but he didn’t accept.
  we offered him the house for 10,000 pounds. 这幢房子我们向他开价一万英镑。
  (2) offer to do he offered to lend me his bike. he offered to give me a ride.
  (3)n "提议,提供, 给予,出价,报价" 后面接不定式或of 介词短语,两者均做offer 的定语。
  he made an offer of help. 他主动提供帮助。 they made an offer of $ 3,000 for the car.
  thank you for your kind offer to help. 谢谢你愿意帮忙的好意。
  offer sb sth= offer sth to sb 相当于provide sb with sth= provide sth for sb 和supply sb with sth=supply sth to sb
  短语: offer to do 愿意干offer sb sth for 向某人出价(多少钱)买… turn down /refuse/decline an offer 拒绝提议
  make sb an offer (for) 出价/开价买… accept an offer 接受报价
  63 ing 形式的用法:(1) 当动名词的逻辑主语与动名词为被动关系时,动名词要用被动式。
  the man was angry at being kept waiting. 因别人让他久等而… it was impossible to avoid being affected. 想不受影响是不可能的。who prevented the plan from being carried out? he couldn’t bear being made fun of like that.
  he didn’t mind being left at home. you can’t eat anything before being operated on.
  (2) 动名词用主动表示被动的两种常见情形。① be worth 后的动名词要用主动表示被动
  the book is well worth reading. she is not worth getting angry with. 注意:worth 与worthy 相似但却不一样。
  the book is worthy of being studied .
  to be studied .
  ② 在need , want , require 等少数表示"需要"的动词后的动名词用主动形式表示表被动意义。
  the old man needs looking after. the plants want watering every day. this wall requires repairing.
  your hair wants cutting/to be cut. the garden needs watering/to be watered.
  the floor requires washing/to be repaired . the problem requires studying with great care. (仔细研究)
  (3) 现在分词被动式的用法:
  he asked who was the man being operated on. that building being repaired is our library. (定语)
  we saw her being taken to the operating room. you will find the topic being discussed everywhere. (宾补)
  as we approached the village we saw new buildings being built. (宾补)
  having been neglected for years, the house collapsed. being protected by a thick wall,they felt they were quite safe.
  having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?人家给了她…,她怎么能轻易放弃呢? 状语
  the decision having been made, the next problem was how to make a good plan . 状语
  not having enough hands, they couldn’t finish the work in time. (主动)
  (4) 过去分词与现在分词被动式的区别: 过去分词表被动的同时还表完成,而现在分词被动式在表被动的同时还表正在进行。 the building built last year is a hospital. the building being built now is a hospital.
  64 ing形式常见考点归纳:(1) ing形式做主语,可以将其放在句首,有时为了式句子结构保持平衡,也用it 做形式主语。 常见句型 it’s no use /no good/ useless doing sth 等句型中。
  eating too much is bad for your health. it is no use crying.
  it is necessary to be prepared for a job interview. __ the answers ready will be of great help.
  a. to have had b. having had c. have d. having
  (2) ing 形式做宾语,① 可作finish, enjoy, escape , mind, miss(错过), imagine, consider, suggest(建议),appreciate, mean(意味着), risk, stop,mind 等动词的宾语。in order to escape being punished, he made up an excuse.
  i can’t __ with jane in the same office. she just refuses __ talking while she works.
  a working, stopping b to work, stopping c working, to stop d to work, to stop
  ② ing 形式还可以做短语动词 look forward to, be used to do(习惯于), give up, get down to, be busy (in), feel like, lead to, insist on, pay attention to 等的宾语或介词的宾语。
  isn’t it time you get down to __ the papers? a mark b be marked c being marked d marking
  (3) ing形式做宾语或主语补足语。 用在动词see, watch, feel, hear, notice, find ,catch, keep, leave , 等动词后,或with复合结构中,作宾语补足语,表示宾语的动作正在进行。 当这些动词变为被动语态时,其宾语补足语就变成了主语不补足语。 we saw the boys playing near the river. the boys were seen playing near the river.
  i couldn’t do my homework with all the noise __. a going on b goes on c went on d to go on
  (4)ing 形式做表语。 动名词和现在分词均可做表语。动名词表主语的内容; 现在分词表示主语的性质或特征。
  my job is taking care of the children. the story is interesting.
  it is believed that if a book is __, it will surely _ the reader.
  a interested, be interest b interesting, be interested c interested, be interesting d interesting, interest
  (5)ing形式做定语。 表示主动、正在进行、经常性的动作或现在的状态。
  i was told there were about 50 foreign students __ in the school , most __ were from germany.
  a study, of whom b study, of them c studying, of whom d studying , them
  (6) ing 形式做状语。 可作时间,原因,方式,条件,结果,伴随等状语。与主语是主动关系。
  we often provide our children with toys ,footballs or basketballs, __ that all children like these things.
  a thinking b think c to think d thought
  (7) ing 形式的否定形式是在ing 形式前面加上not
  ____ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.
  a not completing b. not completed c. not having completed d. having not completed
  (8) ing 形式的复合结构的构成为" 名词所有格/普通格/形容词性物主代词/代词宾格+ v.- ing 形式"。 如果v—ing 形式的复合结构做主语,应用" 名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+ v—ing 形式。
  __ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement .
  a. the president will attend b. the president to attend c. the president attended d. the president’s attending
  (9) ing形式的完成式(having +pp) 表示其动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。
  ___ in the queue for half an hour , tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
  a. to wait b. have waited c. having waited c. to have waited
  (10) ing 形式的被动形式分为一般式和完成式两种。 一般式(being done) 表示一个被动的动作正在进行,或与谓语动词的动作同时发生;完成式(having been + pp ) 表示一个被动的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。
  ___ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
  a. exposed b. having exposed c. being exposed d. after being exposed
  (11) ing形式的固定结构中用法,常用于固定句型( have difficulty / problems /trouble / pleasure/ a good pleasant/ a hard time doing…, spend…(in) doing…, be busy doing …等) 中或固定用语( generally speaking ,judging from …,
  talking of…, considering that…等)中。according to a recent u.s survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week _tv.
  a to watch b to watching c watching d watch
  65 mind (1) v 照看,留心 mind my bike when i go into the shop, please.
  (2)介意,反对 did you mind not getting the job? do you mind my (me ) closing the window?
  (3) n 心智,心思 ,心意 he is one of the greatest minds of the age. 他是当代最有才智的人之一。
  don’t let your mind wander. 别走神儿。 make up one’s mind to do sth change one’s mind
  keep/ have /bear in mind 记住,记在心里 keep one’s mind on 注意,专心
  66 experience (1) n 经验,体验u my li is a teacher of rich experience. learn by experience 从经验中学习
  he has much working/teaching experience .
  (2) c 经历,阅历 he had many interesting experiences while traveling in africa.
  he can’t forget his experiences in africa.
  (3) v 有…的经验,感觉,感受 i have experienced what hardships mean. 我体验过艰苦的生活。
  the child had never experienced kindness. experienced 有经验的 an experienced reporter /photographer
  67 pure (1) 纯的,纯净的,洁净的 the room was painted pure white . the air is so pure in these mountains.
  (2) 无邪的,洁白的,贞洁的 his motives were pure. 他的动机很单纯。
  (3) 完全的,仅仅的 they met by pure accident. 他们的相见纯属自然。
  he helped you out of pure kindness. 他帮你完全出于好意。
  pure gold 纯金 pure water 纯水 pure white 纯白 purely 完全地,清洁地
  68informed 有学问的,有见识的,了解的 they are not fully informed about the changes. 他们不完全了解这些变化。
  an informed critic 有见地的批评家 an informed choice/decision/guess/ opinion 有依据的选择/决定/猜测/看法
  well-informed 见闻广博的,(对实事)感兴趣的,keep… informed of 使某人了解/知道
  keep me informed of any developments . 随时通知我进展的情况。
  69 vivid (1) 生动的,清晰的,逼真的 vivid memories/dreams 清晰/犹新的记忆,清楚的梦a vivid description 描述
  he gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot. 他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。
  (2) (光线或颜色) 鲜明的,鲜艳的,强烈的 vivid blue eyes 碧蓝的眼睛 a vivid flash of lightning 耀眼的闪电
  70 narrow (1) adj 窄的the road is too narrow for the cars to pass.
  (2) 有限的,受限制的 he has a narrow circle of friends. in a narrow sense 在狭义上
  the secret is known only to a narrow group of people. 这个秘密只有很少的一群人知道。
  (3) 勉强的 a narrow escape from death 九死一生 he was elected by a narrow majority. 他以微弱多数当选。
  (4) 偏狭的,狭隘的he has a very narrow mind. 他度量小。 narrow-minded心胸狭隘的
  (5) v变窄,缩小 the road narrows here. the river narrows at this point . 这条河在这里变窄了。
  in the bright sunlight ,she had to narrow her eyes. 在耀眼的阳光下她将眼睛眯成一条缝。
  narrow…to把…局限在… the doctor narrowed his interest only to diseases of heart
  71 upside down (1) 上下翻过来的 the picture is upside down .
  (2) 乱七八糟的,毫无条理的the house was turned upside down. 房子被翻得乱七八糟的。
  he has an upside down way of doing things. 他做事毫无条理。
  72 workbook 中的词语: fill…with …用…装满/填满 be aware of 意识到 in the meanwhile 同时 make sure 确保 up to 达到,高达be delighted to do 高兴地做introduce… to 把…介绍给… be tired of 对…感到厌倦 change one’s mind改变…add up …to… 把…加到…上 look after 照料 look around 环顾 in search of 寻找,搜寻 in the direction of 朝…的方向 cut off 切断 provide…with… 向..提供… become used to 习惯于 set off 出发,动身catch up with 赶上show respect (for) 表示敬意
  73 he told the hunter that his daughter would make a good wife. 他告诉捕鱼者他的女儿会成为一个好妻子。
  make (1) v 成为,变为,结果是 if you train hard , you’ll make a good footballer.
  she would have made an excellent actress. 她本可以成为一名杰出的演员。
  that will make a good ending to the story. 那将成为这个故事很好的结尾。
  this hall would make an excellent theatre. 这座大厅可以当作极好的剧院。
  (2) 制作,创建,准备god made men. 上帝创造了人类。
  wine is made from grapes. i made myself a cup of tea.(沏) the boy is always making trouble.
  (3) 强迫某人做某事,使某人做某事 she can’t make herself heard because of the loud noise.
  i was made to sing a song again. onions make your eyes water. 洋葱能刺激你的眼睛流泪。
  (4) 选举,指派 she made him her assistant . we made him monitor.
  (5) 赚得,获得 make money make a living how much can you make a month?
  词组:make up 弥补,组成,打扮,编造 make out 理解,发现,起草,领悟make it 办成,约定时间
  helen had to shout __ above the sound of the music.
  a making herself hear b to make herself hear c making herself heard d to make herself heard
  74 promise (sb) to do sth he promised to buy a present for me.
  (1) promise sb. sth the firm promised the workers a wage increase.
  that-clause he promised that he would come on time.
  (2) 使(某物) 有可能 the clouds promise rain. 阴云预示着有雨。it promises to be fine tomorrow.
  (3) n 承诺,诺言,保证书 i told him the truth under a promise of secrecy.我在他答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他。
  make a promise 许诺 break a/ one’s promise 违约,违背诺言 keep a /one’s promise 遵守诺言
  (4) 可能性,希望 there seems little promise of success for the research. her work shows great promise. (大有前途)
  show / give promise of…有…的希望
  75 (1)provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb the school provides us with a lot of books.=___________________.
  (2) 供应某人所需 he has two children to provide for. 他有两个孩子要抚养。
  (3) provided/providing (conj) 在…情况/条件下,假若,除非 provided that you go, i’ll go too.
  76 agree (1) agree to do 同意,答应 he agreed to let me go home early.
  (2) 同意(某人的意见等) 常与with 连用 i quite agree with you. they agreed with this idea.
  (3) 在某一点上取得或具有相同意见 常与on/upon 连用 ,一般主语为复数。 they agreed on going. 他们同意去。
  i’m sorry we can’t agree on this . 很抱歉我们在这一点上未能达成一致意见。
  (4) agree to (to为介词) 同意某一建议/安排 we agreed to their proposal . please agree to this arrangement.
  agree with 还表示" 适合,适应" the climate here doesn’t agree with me.
  76 marry (1) a marry b 嫁,娶jane is going to marry john. he didn’t marry until he was forty. are you married?
  (2) a marry b to c the old man married his daughter to a young doctor.
  (3) be/get married to结婚,与…结婚tom got married to rose last year. marriage (n) married 已婚的 unmarried
  porced 离婚的get porced (from)与…离婚 get a porce from 与,,,离婚 they got porced last year.
  77 at the time 在那时,在那段时间 we were living in the country at the time .我们当时住在农村。
  i agreed at the time but later i changed my mind.
  相关短语:ahead of time提前 all the time一直,永远 at one time从前,一度 at a time 一次,每次 at times 有时
  for a time 暂时,短时间内 have a good time 过得愉快 in time 及时,迟早from time to time 不时 in no time
  立刻,马上 on time 按时 many a time 多次,时常
  78 confident 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 he is confident of success. he is confident that he will succeed .
  confidence (n) u 坚定的新年,自信心,把握 with confidence 有把握地
  练习: 1. between astonishment and joy , the young woman couldn’t help__ tears.
  a burst into b bursting into c to burst into d being burst into
  2. the film is so good that it is worth __ a second time. a seeing b to see c being seen d to be seen
  3. did__ home on time make her mother angry? a not to come b her not to come c her not coming d not her coming
  4. what made alice so angry?--__ in the rain for an hour.
  a. being kept waiting b. being kept to wait c. because of waiting d. she was kept waiting
  5the yellow river,__to be "the mother river ", runs across china like a dragon. a saying b to say c said d being said
  6. didn’t you have a good time at the party? ---of course i did. as a matter of fact, i had such fun that time seemed to__ so quickly. a go by b go away c go out d go over
  7. at the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement __.
  a has been reached b had been reached c has reached d had reached
  8it is not socially_for parents to leave children unattended at that age. a accessible badorablec adaptable daccessible
  9 he is a student at oxford university, __ for a degree in computer science.
  a studied b studying c to have studied d to be studying
  10 this coffee is very sweet. you __ a lot of sugar in it. a should put b could have put c might put d must have put
  11 maggie had a wonderful time at the party .__ , and so did i . a. so she did b. so had she c. so she had d. so did she
  12 let’s go to a movie after work, ok?--__. a. not at all b. why not c. never mind d. what of it?
  13 jim passed the driving test,__ surprised everybody in the office. a which b that c this d it
  14 i was just talking to mary when jackson __. a cut in b cut down c. cut out d cup up
  15 they started off late and go to the airport with minutes to__. a spare b catch c leave d make
  he was at dinner when i came. 我来时他正在吃饭。the country has been at war with its neighbor for three years.
  she stayed at work when everybody else had gone home. 别人都回家了,她却还在工作。
  类似的还有: at cards 在玩牌 at work 在办公 at play 在玩耍at lunch 在吃中饭 at rest 在休息 at table 在吃饭at school 在上学at church 在做礼拜at peace 和平时期at press 正在排印
  at one’s meals 在吃饭at one’s study 在学习at the piano 在弹钢琴at the end (of) 在结束时 at the desk 在读书
  he’s been in politics all his life. 他一生从政。her husband was in business. 她丈夫是经商的。they are in danger.
  he looks tired. he is in need of a rest. 他看来很累了,需要休息一会儿。
  类似的还有: in action 在运转in progress 在进行in operation 在运行中in danger in trouble
  有些结构可能带有冠词:in the course of 在……过程中in the act of 正在做……时
  are you here on business or for pleasure? 你是来办事还是来玩?
  the typist is away on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假。
  the man on watch didn’t notice the danger. 值班的人没有注意到这危险。
  we have so arranged matters that one of us is always on duty. 我们做了这种安排,以便我们总有一个人值勤。
  还有:on guard 在值勤 on leave 在休假on holiday 在度假 on strike 在罢工on sale 出售on loan 借贷 on duty
  有些结构带有冠词: on the boil 水正在开on the move 在移动,搬迁,离开on the march 在行军
  on the watch 注意,提防on the flow 在涨潮on the turn 在转折中on the fly 正在飞行on the increase 正在增加on the go 正在活动,正在奔走on the air 正在广播
  don’t worry. everything is under control. 别担心,一切都在控制之中。
  that has no relation to the matter under discussion. 这和讨论的问题没有关系。
  类似的还有: under development 在发展中under observation 在观察中under test在被测试
  under construction 在建设中under fire 在炮火中 under examination 在检查(调查)中
  under consideration 在考虑中 under repair 在修理中
