

  lesson 1 a material world
  teaching aims:
  1.to read a text to find out specific facts
  2.to review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.
  3.to practice students’ expressing ability
  teaching difficulties:
  to review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.
  teaching aids: computer
  teaching procedures:
  ⅰ. warming up:
  t: would you like to be a millionaire? why or why not (show some pictures)
  t: what can money buy?
  t: what can’t money buy?
  t: money can make you get something you need. in material world, money is important but remember money is not everything many evils come from greed for money. not all people care about money for example "who wants to be a millionaire? i don’t" says charles gray
  why does he say so?
  ⅱ listening
  t: now listen to the cassette you will know why there are such people that don’t want to be a millionaire.
  then ask the students to answer the question.
  ⅲ reading
  do the exercise2
  read the article. decide if the statements below are true (t), false (f) or there is no information (ni)
  read the text aloud then answer the questions
  1. what was charles’ life like in the past?
  2. why didn’t charles want to be a rich man?
  3. how did he deal with his money?
  4 how about his life now?
  5. how does he feel now? good or bad?
  how do you treat the thing?
  ⅳ correct mistakes
  1. becoming a millionaire seem to be a lot of people’s dreams.
  2. have a little money makes you free and happy.
  3. the mean man turns back on his old friends as soon as he is successful.
  4. there are certainly no signs that charles used to a rich man.
  5. i bought a three – bedroom house in new york at last year.
  6. i would not go back to be poor for anything.
  7. how i wish i would own a fortune $3 one day.
  answers: 1. seem改为seems 2.have改为having
  3.turn 后面加his 4 to后面加be 5. 去掉at 6.be 改为 being 7.fortune 后面加 of
  ⅴ language points and vocabulary
  1. turn one’s back on 不理睬 拒绝
  did you really turn your back on his invitation?
  turn one’s back to 转身
  the teacher turned his back to his students and found a boy making face.
  2. give away 分发, 出卖, 送给人
  he is a man who can give away friends for money.
  look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give away.
  3. feel like 想要
  i was so angry that i felt like throwing something at him.
  i feel like going to bed, i’m tired.
  4. drop out 退出
  ten runners started, but three soon dropped out.
  do the exercise 3
  match the verbs from the text with the correct meaning.
  ⅵ voice your opinion
  do you think money makes you happy? are there more important things in life?
  ⅶ grammar
  do the exercises 5, 6, 7
  best choice to consolidate the grammar
  1.i don’t think we’ve met before. you ‘re taking me for ______
  a. some other b. someone else
  c. other person d. one other
  2. we’ve been looking at house but haven’t found ____we like yet.
  a. one b. ones c. it d. them
  3. we ask john and jerry, but ___of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.
  a. either b. none
  c. both d. neither
  4. playing tricks on others is ____we should never do.
  a. anything b. something
  c. everything d. nothing
  5. she doesn’t know anyone here, she has got ____to talk to.
  a. anyone b. someone
  c. everyone d. no one
  6. i will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will______.
  a. anyone b. anyone else
  c. no one d. no one else
  7. there’s ____cooking oil in the house. would you go to the corner and get ____?
  a. little; some b. little; any
  c. a little; some d. a little; any
  8. many people have helped with canned food, however, the food bank needs
  ____ for the poor.
  a. more b. much c. many d. most
  9. some of the wheat is from canada.
  what about_____?
  a. another b. the other c. others d. the rest
  10. --what kind of food would you like to eat?
  -- ____ but japanese.
  --how about korean, then?
  a. anything b. something c. everything d. nothing
  answers: a a d b d b a a d a
  ⅷ homework
  imagine what was in charles gray’s previous home and is in his caravan, using the vocation above to help you
