

  unit 4 sharing一、语言要点i单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)
  辨析1. imaginative/imaginable/imaginary 2. dry up/dry out 3. other wise/therefore/however
  变化1. operate v. 操作, 动手术operator n. 操作员, (电话)接线员,operation n. 运转, 操作, 实施2. donate v. 捐赠, 赠予donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献3. arrange v. 安排, 排列,arrangement n. 排列, 安排4. adjust v. 调整, 调节adjustable adj.可调整的adjustment n. 调整, 调节, 调节器5.participate v. 参与,分享, participant n. 参与者,participation n. 分享, 参与
  单词1. adjust vt.&vi.调整;使适合. 2. participate vi.参与;参加.3. otherwise adv.用别的方法;其他方面. adv & conj.否则;不然4. arrangement n.安排;排列. 5. donate vt.捐赠.6. purchase vt.&n.买;购买.7. distribution n.分配;分发;分布状态.8. relevant adj. 有关的, 相应的9. operate v. 操作, 运转, 开动, 起作用
  词组(be) dying to. 极想;渴望. the other day 几天前stick out. 伸出 in need. 在困难中;在危急中.
  重点句型1. when i reach the school grounds there are lots of "good morning" for me from the boys.2. you asked whether i’m getting to know any local people.3. the gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages.
  重点语法限制性定语从句 (见语法专题)ii 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). imaginative/imaginable/imaginary adj.【解释】imaginative富有想象力的,创新的imaginable可想象得到的imaginary想象中的,虚构的【练习】选择imaginative/imaginable或imaginary并用其适当的形式填空1) although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are _______. 2) it’s _______ for such an _______ writer to create _______ stories.3) this is the only solution _________. 4) the famous poem was from an ______ poet.keys: 1) imaginary 2) imaginable; imaginative ; imaginary 3) imaginable 4) imaginative2). dry up/dry out 【解释】dry up使完全变干;(河流,湖泊等)干涸dry out变干,干透(不及物短语)【练习】选择dry up或dry out,并用其适当的形式填空1) the farmers pumped water to their fields to stop the soil ________.2) the pool ________ in the late autumn.3) the villagers had to wait for the sun to _________ the dirt road.4) don’t leave the vegetable on the table, or it will ________.keys: 1) drying out 2) dries up 3) dry up 4)dry out3) otherwise/therefore/however【解释】otherwise否则;不然therefore adv.因此, 所以however无论如何, 可是【练习】选择otherwise/therefore或however并用其适当的形式填空1) he didn"t work hard at english_______ he wouldn"t find it difficult to learn now. 2) we do not have enough money._________we cannot afford to buy the new car. 3) the first part was easy;the second,________,took hours. 4) he is noisy, but ________a nice boy.5) we were going to play football,but it was so hot that we decided to do_____________.keys: 1)otherwise 2)therefore 3)however 4) otherwise 5)otherwiseiii 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. operate v. 操作, 动手术operator n. 操作员, (电话)接线员,operation n. 运转, 操作, 实施2. donate v. 捐赠, 赠予donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献3. arrange v. 安排, 排列,arrangement n. 排列, 安排4. adjust v. 调整, 调节adjustable adj.可调整的adjustment n. 调整, 调节, 调节器5.participate v. 参与,分享, participant n. 参与者,participation n. 分享, 参与【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) they encouraged the _______ to _______ in the singing performance after the contest..(participate)2) the doctor are ________ on an ______ of a factory who got injured when _______a machine, and the ________ is said to last over ten hours.(operate)3) the seats in the plane are ________ , and you can ________ them to a certain angle. the ______ is not difficult to make. (adjust)4) the drinks were ________ to them by coca cola company and they received _______from other companies as well. (donate)5) our department will be in charge of _______the conference. would you please give us some suggestions on the _______ for it? (arrange)keys:1) participants; participate 2) operating; operator; operating ; operation 3) adjustable; adjust; adjustment 4) donated; donation 5) arranging; arrangementiv 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. adjust vt.&vi.调整;使适合.[重点用法] adjustment n. 调整;修正adjustable adj. 可调节的;可调整的adjust(sth./oneself)(to sth.)使适应;适应。注意:该词作不及物动词时,其意思是"适应于",后常跟介词to。[典例] 1) i usually adjust my watch before i go to work in the morning.我通常早上上班前校准我的表.2) it seems that the newcomers have adjusted themselves in the schoo1.新来的同学看来适应了学校生活。3) he adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。4)the desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.这些桌子和凳子能被调整到适合任何孩子的高度。[练习] 汉译英1) 他很快就适应了这种生活方式,从此幸福地生活着。___________________________________________________________________________________2) 许多新兵没能很快适应军中生活,结果病倒了。___________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) he soon adjusted himself to the way of life and has lived happily ever since.2) quite a few new soldiers could not adjust themselves to army life and fell ill.2. participate vi.参与;参加; 分享[重点用法] participant n. 参与者,共享者找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.comparticipate in a discussion参加讨论participate in profits分享利润participate in sb. ’s sufferings分担某人的痛苦;与某人共患难 [典例]1) if only i could participate in your good fortune. 要是我能分享你的好运就好了2) when in grief, you need some friends to participate in your suffering.悲伤时,你需要朋友帮你分担痛苦。[练习]根据括号里所给的中文意思补全句子。1) i managed to get in touch with my old schoolmates graduated in XX _________ (参加校庆100周年)2) if only_____________________________________(分享你的好运).3) he is an ___________________________________ (积极参加社会活动的人).keys: 1)to participate in the hundredth anniversary of schoo1 day of our high schoo1.2)i could participate in your good fortune 3)active participant in social work3. otherwise adv.用别的方法;其他方面. adv & conj.否则;不然[重点用法] and otherwise等等;其他but otherwise然而在别的方面却or otherwise或相反[典例]1) he is slow but otherwise he is a good worker.他虽慢,但在其他方面却是个好工人。2) he reminded me of that; i should otherwise have forgotten. 幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。3) you should go now,otherwise you"ll miss the bus.你现在该走了,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。4) he thinks otherwise.他是另外一种想法。[练习] 汉译英1) 今天我身体不舒服,否则我会去机场接你了。2) 房租贵了些,但其他方面还挺令人满意的。3) 我们得到达那儿,搭乘飞机或者其它方式。keys: 1) i’m not feeling well today; otherwise i would meet you at the airport. 2) the rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 3) we’ll get there somehow, by plan or otherwise.4. arrangement n.安排;排列.[典例] 1) he arranged the books on the shelf.他把书架上的书整理了一下。2) we have arranged a party.我们准备了一个晚会。 3) arranged with her to meet at 8.和她商定8点钟见面。[重点用法] arrange v.安排, 排列, 协商come to an arrangement谈妥;达成协议make arrangement for为……做好准备;为……做好安排make arrangement with sb.与(某人)商定或约好,(和某人)达成协议;做好准备;做出安排[练习]根据括号里所给的中文意思补全句子。1) the secretary has _____________ (为这次会议时间和地点做好了安排)the meeting.2) the flower shop provided flowers and saw to _______________________________.(这花店提供花卉并保证为他们的典礼作好布置。) 3) the doctors had _______________(为外科手术做好了准备) before the patient was carried in.keys: 1) made the arrangement of a time and place for 2) their arrangement for the ceremony3)made arrangements for surgery5. donate vt.捐赠.[重点用法] donation n.[c]捐赠物;n.[u]捐赠,赠送donator n.捐赠者donate sth.(to sb./sth.)捐赠,赠送(钱、物等)make a donation(donations)l提示:donate虽然是及物动词,常与介词to搭配,但位于直接宾语前的介词to不能省略。类似用法的词语还有:introduce sb.to sb.;explain sth.to sb.等。[典例] 1) all the teachers and schoolmates donate blood to the nation annually.全校师生每年都向国家献血。2) would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal? 你愿意响应我们慈善团体呼吁来捐物吗?3) donation is the act of giving to a fund or cause.捐赠是对某一基金或事业的赠送行为。[练习]用donate的相关介词或正确形式填空。1)the hope project_____ which everyone at work donates a day’s pay is significant.2)almost a third of the best seats are set aside for members,who have made_____ to the opera.3)the activity of charity______ is due at 8 tomorrow morning.4)the_____ refused his name after______ a large sum of money. (donate)keys: 1)to 2)donations 3)donation 4)donator; donating6. purchase vt.& n.买;购买; (以某种代价)换得;(经过努力)取得,赢得(常与with连用)[典例] 1) the new couple spent some money on the purchase of the furniture necessary for their new house.这对新婚夫妇花费了一些钱购买新房子里必需的家具。找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com2) the farm was sold at ten years’ purchase. 这农场以相当于XX年间土地收入的价钱售出。[重点用法] made a purchase买件东西leave sb.to his purchase让某人自谋生路live on one"s purchase 自谋生计,自找活路purchase freedom with blood以血的代价赢得自由purchase and sale买卖[练习]根据括号里所给的中文意思补全句子。1) it is __________________________________(我前几天买来的一件东西。).2) you can"t_________________________________(你不努力什么也不能得到).3) he gave his son some money______________________ (买课本).keys: 1)a recent purchase of mine/what i purchased the other day 2)get any purchase without efforts/purchase anything if you don"t make any effort 3)for the purchase of/to purchase his school books7. distribution n.分配;分发;分布状态.[重点用法] distribute v. vi. 分配; 散布distribute sth. to把某物分[配, 发]给...distribute sth. among把某物分[配, 发]给...[典例] 1) at present, the distribution of profits cannot satisfy most of the people.目前利润的分配未能满足大多数人民。2) before the opening ceremony of the super-market, some workers are sent to distribute handbills on the street.超市开业前,一些工作人员被派去街上散发传单。[练习] 汉译英1) 幼儿园的老师正在给小朋友们派发礼物。___________________________________________________________________________________2)救援物资的发放依然在讨论中。___________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) the teacher in the kindergarten is distributing the small gifts to the children. 2) the distribution of the rescuing goods is under discussion.8. relevant adj. 有关的, 相应的[典例]1) more relevant details have been found out.找到了更多有关的细节2) he refused to say anything not relevant to the present question他拒绝回答和目前的问题无关的内容。[练习] 汉译英1) 要了解更多信息,请登陆相关网站。______________________________________________________________________________________2) 你有关于健康饮食的书吗?______________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) for further information, please refer to relevant website. 2) have you got any book relevant to healthy diet?9. operate v. 操作, 运转, 开动, 起作用[典例]1) the medicine operated quickly.这药很快就起作用了。2) he is operating a patient on the head他正在给病人头部做手术3) he helped his father with operating a business.他帮他的父亲经营着一家企业[练习] 汉译英1) 起初发动机工作正常.2) 这家公司在30多个国家开了快餐店。3) 时下许多小孩擅长于操作电脑。keys: 1) at the beginning, the motor operated smoothly. 2) the company operates fast-food restaurants in over 30 countries. 3) nowadays many kids are good at operating computers. v 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. be dying for sth/to do sth迫切想要;渴望[短语归纳]be thirsty for sth/to do sth渴望[典例]1) i"m dying/thirsty for something to eat.我极想吃点东西。2) she is dying/thirsty to know where you have been。她极想知道你去了哪儿。3) after a long dry season the trees are dying/thirsty for water.经过一个漫长的旱季,树木迫切需要水分。 [练习] 汉译英1) 我姐姐非常渴望能在外企工作。_________________________________________________________________________________________2) 我和我的同学们都迫切想看电影《马达加斯加 ii》_________________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) my sister is dying for a chance to work in a foreign enterprise. 2) my classmates and i are dying to see the movie madagascar ii2. the other day 几天前[典例]1) i came across my old friend in the street in the other day.我几天前在街上碰见一个老朋友。2) i heard of the news in the other day, but i dared not tell you.几天前我就听说这个消息了,但不敢告诉你。[练习] 汉译英1) 前几天通过的决定已经被执行了。 ___________________________________________________________________________________2) 几天前发生的车祸让这对老夫妇依然心有余悸。___________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) the decision passed the other day has been carried out. 2) the traffic accidence happening the other day still frightened the old couple.3. stick out. 伸出,突出,坚持到底[短语归纳]stick to sth. 坚持(to是介词)stick with sb/sth继续支持某人/某事提示:stick(stuck,stuck)不规则动词[典例] 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com1) don"t stick your head out of the car window.不要把头伸到车窗外。2) stick with me and you"ll be all right.有事你来找我就没问题了[练习]选择填空1) he wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet,with holes all over them,his toes______ out. a.stuck b.came c.went d.rushed 2) because edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _____ his opinion.a. stuck at b. stuck to c. stood for d. stuck outkeys: 1) a 【解析】考察短语记忆 b "出来;长出; 出现" c "出去; 熄灭" d "冲出去"2) b【解析】 对固定短语的记忆和句意的理解是解题的关键。a"不断地认真做了顾虑、犹豫(指坏事);c"主张,容忍,代表,象征"。4. in need. 在困难中;在危急中.[短语归纳]in need/want of需要the need for sth.对……的需要at one’s need在某人困难时satisfy/meet one’s needs满足某人的需要[典例]1) after the lack of water for a long tie, crops are in great need of water; 长时间缺水后, 庄稼急需要水.2) as we all know, everyone in the world has a need for affection.我们大家都知道,每个人都有对感情的需要[练习] 汉译英1) 无论孩子们提出什么要求,家长们总是设法满足他们的需要。________________________________________________________________________________________2) 勤奋工作是成功的需要。________________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) no matter what requirements are raised by children, the parents would manage to satisfy their needs.2) hard work is the need for success.vi 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)1. sometimes i wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back totheir villages after year 8 anyway. 有时候,我真想知道化学对这些孩子究竟有多大的用处。他们中大多数学完八年级以后就回到他们的村庄去了。[解释]名词/代词/数词+of+which/whom…引导定语从句[典例]1) she has two sons, both of whom are serving in the army.她有两个儿子,都在部队服役。2) today my mother bought several shirts, one of which is for me.今天妈妈买了几件衬衣,其中一件是给我的。[练习] 汉译英1) 他有许多朋友,但没一个能帮他解决问题。___________________________________________________________________________________2) 他向震区孩子捐赠了许多衣物,其中有些是全新的。___________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) he has many friends, none of whom can help him out of problems. 2)he donated many clothes to the children in earthquake area, many of which are completely new.2. you asked whether i’m getting to know any local people.你问我是否了解当地的老百姓。[解释]get to+喜好/认识,表示渐变的过程。[典例]1) i got to realize how important the happy life was as i grew older.随着年龄的增长,我逐渐意识到幸福生活的重要性。2) i got to like the flat we were going to move in.我逐渐地喜欢上我们即将搬进去的公寓。[练习] 汉译英1) 他渐渐地知道了为什么他奶奶那么小心地保存这张相片的原因。___________________________________________________________________________________2) 莎莉逐渐意识到她母亲为她做的一切。___________________________________________________________________________________keys: 1) he got to know why his granny kept the photo so carefully. 2) sally got to realize what her mother did for her.二、课文要点1课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:jo worked at a bush school 1 classroom were made from bamboo and grass. there’s no electricity or water there. it 2 the students about two hours 3 (get) to the school. jo hoped to make some difference to the children’s lives by teaching them. the other day, jo visited tombe’s home. when they arrived 4 the village, tombe’s mother who 5 (work) in the garden , started crying "ieee ieee". tombe’s father led them to his house, 6 low bamboo hut with grass 7 (突出) out of the roof, 8 he could only see a few tin plates and cups and greens. that night jo and jenny slept on a 9 (新近地) made platform. they left the village the next morning 10 many goodbyes and shaking of hands.答案: 1. whose 2. took 3. to get 4. at  5. had been working 6. a 7. sticking 8. what 9. newly 10. after2课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)阅读课文,试着用30个单词概括课文大意,再比较答案找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com故事讲述了rosemary作为一名志愿教师在一个遥远的地区工作的经历,并且详细地描述了他第一次到tombe家探访的故事。 the passage tells us abou________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案:the passage tells us about rosemary’s experience as a volunteer teacher in a poor remote area and also gives us a description of her unforgettable first visit to tombe’s family. 3课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)1.【原句】the other day i was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before i knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere. 有一天,我正在给孩子们做每周一次的化学实验的演示,我还没明白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒气泡了。[模仿要点] 句子结构: when + 时间状语从句+before +时间状语从句
  答案:chenkaige, director of meilanfang , was making quantities of preparations for the movie when, even before it was put on , he suffered from great stress.
  答案:it was august , before we knew he had joined the army, when we received a letter from him. 三、单元自测 1完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。词数:215完成时间:14分钟难度:***one very cold, wet night, there was a knock on my front door. a young man, wet from 21 to toe, explained that he had run out of petrol. he had left his pregnant(怀孕的) wife and his two children 22 at the car and said that he would hitchhike(搭便车) back.once i had 23 a can with petrol, i took him back to his car. once the car had started, i suggested that he follow me back.before leaving, i had turned the heater on so that it was nice and 24 . while the little ones played and ran around, i prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolate for the 25 .the young fellow asked me how much he owed me and i told him that the petrol pump(加油泵) had 26 $15. he offered to pay "call-out fee", but i wouldn’t accept it.about a month later, i received a 27 from interstate, a large bus company. it 28 out that the young fellow i had helped was its general manager, the most 29 person in the company.in his letter, he thanked me again and 30 me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my service station. in this case, a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of benefits.21. a. finger b. shoulder c. head d. hand22. a. away b. behind c. over d. out23. a. supplied b. poured c. equipped d. filled24. a. neat b. hot c. warm d. attractive25. a. drivers b. guests c. customers d. adults26. a. appeared b. exhibited c. calculated d. shown27. a. call b. letter c. check d. notice28. a. pointed b. turned c. worked d. found29. a. generous b. successful c. serious d. powerful30. a. praised b. persuaded c. informed d. convinced答案本文主要讲述作者在多年前的一个寒冷的冬天帮助了一家人,没想到令他获得了巨大的利润。21. c 那个年轻人从头到脚都湿了。22. b 固定搭配,leave…behind意为"把……留下",他把他怀孕的妻子和两个孩子留在车里。23. d 固定搭配,fill…with,用……装满,作者把油箱装满汽油。24. c 作者把暖气打开了,因此会感到温暖舒适。25. d 上文说为孩子们准备面包和黄油,下文则讲为成年人准备热巧克力。26. d 作者告诉他加油泵显示是15美元。27. b 根据下文提示,作者收到了一封信。28. b 结果证明这位年轻人是这家公司的总经理。29. d 总经理当然是公司里最有权势的人。30. c 他告诉作者他公司里所有的车将会停留在作者的服务站。2语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。词数:147完成时间:7分钟难度:*** the origins of the music are as 31 (interest) as the music itself. jazz 32 (invent) by american negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, 33 were brought to the southern states as slaves. they were sold to farm owners and  34 (force) to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. 35 a negro died, 36 friends and relatives would gather and carry the body to have a ceremony  37 they buried him. there was always a band with them. on the way to the ceremony the band played slow, solemn music  38 (suit) for the situation. but on the way home the mood changed. spirits lifted. everyone was happy. death 39 (remove) one of their members, but 40 living were glad to be alive. the band played happy music. this music made everyone want to dance. it was an early form of jazz.答案:找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com31.interesting 32.was invented 33.who 34.forced 35.when 36.his 37.before38.suitable 39.had removed 40.the  31.interesting.令人有趣的…… 32.was invented. jazz是过去被黑人发明的,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。 33.who.引导一个定语从句,指代前面的american negroes,or blacks,在从句中作主语。 34.forced.与前面的"they were sold并列,省略了they were。 35.when.引导一个时间状语从句。 36.his.根据这句话的最后一个单词him可以得知答案。 37.before.仪式是在埋葬死人之前举行的,所以用before。 38.suitable.(be) suitble for固定搭配,形容词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的slow, solemn music。 39.had removed.因为remove这个动作发生在过去动作changed, 1ifted,was happy,were glad等的前面,所以要过去完成时。 40.the.the十adj.表—类人,the living指"活着的人"。3阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c和d项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。词数:335完成时间:7分钟难度:**** a bad working memory ( 大脑的工作记忆) – the brain"s temporary storage box -- may explain, new research suggests, why one child cannot read his or her history book and another gets lost in math. as many as 10 percent of school-age children may suffer from poor working memory. british researchers said in a report last week, yet the problem is rarely identified. "you can think of working memory as a pure measure of your child"s potential. many psychologists consider working memory to be the new iq (智商), because we find that working memory is one of the most important predictors (预示物) of learning ability," said dr. tracey alloway of britain’s durham university. many children with poor working memory are considered lazy or dull. working memory allows people to hold in their minds and deal with a few items, such as telephone numbers, over a short period of time. alloway compares working memory to a box. for adults, the basic box size is thought to be three to five items. it"s important, therefore, to put in the right things. irrelevant (不相关的) information will clutter working memory. the question many researchers are struggling with is how to help children with this problem, which appears to be closely, related to a lack of attention. "in children with learning difficulties, it becomes a huge issue, especially around middle school, when the demands on working memory really grow," said dr. mel levine, co-founder of all kinds of minds, a nonprofit organization in north carolina that studies learning difficulties. memory training may help improve working memory. alloway has a tool that allows teachers to assess (评定)the working-memory capacity of children as young as 4; it has been used in 35 schools across britain. levine’s organization trains teachers through a program called schools attuned, which is working with several thousand schools across the united states, canada and europe. while he is not sure working memory can be expanded, levine said children can be taught ways to do better in school.41. which of the following is a characteristic of working memory? a. it has a limited capacity. b. it is usually better in children than adults. c. it improves with use. d. it can cause a lack of attention.42. according to the new research, ___________. a. the importance of working memory has been long recognized b. working memory is becoming recognized as a factor in intelligence c. laziness can weaken working memory d. working memory helps people remember things forever43. what does the underlined word "clutter" in paragraph 3 probably mean? a. change. b. improve. c. strengthen. d. confuse.44. which of the following may help improve a child" s working memory? a. expanding the brain" s storage box. b. training the memory. c. remembering more things. 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com d. being reminded frequently.45. according to the passage, dr. mel levine has ___________. a. invented tools to help improve a child"s working memory b. founded an organization to train teachers to help students with this problem c. identified the problem clearly d. compared working memory to a box答案:本文介绍了学习障碍儿童(如数学障碍儿童)大脑的"工作记忆"容量方面的研究情况。大脑的"工作记忆"不好,会使孩子不能专心读书,百分之十的孩子有这方面的问题。很多心理学家认为应该把大脑的"工作记忆"可以看作是一种新智商,因为它可以反映人的学习能力。alloway把大脑的"工作记忆"比作一个盒子,并认为它的容量是有限的。文章还告诉我们记忆训练可以帮助改善"工作记忆"。41. a。 事实细节题。根据第三段中的"alloway compares working memory to a box. for adults, the basic box size is thought to be three to five items."可知人的"工作记忆"就像一个盒子,它的容量是有限的。42. b。 推理判断题。根据第二段的"many psychologists consider working memory to be the new iq, because we find that working memory is one of the most important predictors of learning ability"可知,很多心理学家认为working memory是一种新的智商,因为研究者发现working memory是衡量一个人学习能力的最重要的指标之一,因此可以把它看作是预测孩子智力的一个重要因素。43. d。 猜测词义题。根据第三段可知人的working memory是有限的,因此要去记那些重要的信息,不相关的信息只会使记忆更加混乱,所以选d。44. b。 事实细节题。根据倒数第二段第一句"memory training may help improve working memory."可知进行记忆训练会有助于改善"工作记忆",因此b正确。 45. b。 事实细节题。根据最后一段第一句 "levine’s organization trains teachers through a program called schools attuned"可知,levine成立一个组织,这个组织培训老师,然后让老师们帮助学生改善"工作记忆"。 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com4.读写任务 阅读下面一篇一位美国朋友希望找个中国大学生作为游伴的博客短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 i "m 19-year-old, named boobi smith, a young college student from usa. i hereby earnestly invite a chinese young college student preferring to make a three -week touring trip with me in china. my plan, based on some travelling information on the internet, is to set off next weekend when the summer vacation officially begins. the first stop is kunming, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. we"ll get there by train and stay there for 2 days, and then we"ll head for jinggangshan, a former revolutionary base as well as a natural beauty spot. after a 3-day visit there, we will take a long-distance coach to a nearby port city by the changjiang river and board a downstream ship to shanghai, so that we can enjoy the great scenery alongside the third longest river in the world. as everybody knows, shanghai is the busiest and fastest developing city in china. i"d like to have a look at its prosperity, so the stay there will be about half a week. a 4-day visit to these two cities near shanghai is a must. all together, our trip will last about three weeks. i only expect that my travel-mate could split the expenses with me, and talk with me in english, and he or she would be an excellent guide. those interested please contact me through email (smith boobie @ssnet.com).  [写作内容] 假如你叫李华,是一名就读大学生。你想和boobie结伴同游。你写一封电子邮件和他联系, 谈谈你对这次同游的计划的打算,内容要点包括: 1.以约30个词概括boobie的博客短文的要点; 2.然后以约120个词谈谈你对这次同游计划的打算,内容包括: (1)对boobie这次中国之游的感受; (2)对boobie的日程安排、费用分担情况和相关要求表示赞同,并说明赞同理由; (3)你对boobie来华旅游的祝愿和希望。[写作要求] 1.作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用 原文中的句子;邮件的开头、结尾已写好。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯: [写作辅导] 1.写作有可能用到的主要短语和单词:中国之旅the journey in china, 安排arrange for sth. 2.本文的概要必须包含以下要点:i hereby earnestly invite a chinese young college student preferring to make a three -week touring trip with me in china. / my plan, based on some traveling information on the internet, is to set off next weekend .... / i only expect that my travel-mate could split the expenses with me, and talk with me in english, and he or she would be an excellent guide. 3.本文要注意,概要一定要根据文段的时态来写。同时,绝对不能抄袭原文的句子。文章对boobie的日程安排、费用分担情况和相关要求表示赞同,并说明赞同理由;对boobie这次中国之游的感受;对boobie来华旅游的祝愿和希望等内容,属于评论性文字和结论性的观点,故用一般现在时或一般将来时态。dear boobie, hi, i am a chinese college student. in your blog,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案:找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.comdear boohie, hi, i am a chinese college student. in your blog, i know that you want a travel-mate who will go with you to have a three-week trip in china.you also offer me some information in details about the travel plan and other requirements about this trip. i am absolutely delighted to get such a travel-mate from the usa. you can enjoy the beauty of our country. meanwhile, you will be my good helper to my english study. i share your opinion about your plan. i have never been to kunming, jianggangshan, the changjiang river and shanghai. this is my first trip with a native english speaker to travel in china, which is of great help to improve my english. i also like to share the expenses with you because i don"t need to ask my parents for more money. and i have worked as a part-time guide for two years during my college life, so i will be your ideal guide. i am looking forward to your reply, and you will enjoy your journey in china. yours truly, lihua
