

  module 1
  the general aims of module one:
  language points:
  (1) the new words: chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess
  (2) the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.
  do you want…
  do you use…
  (3) the new words: hamburgers, chips, fast food
  (4) the basic structure of processing tense
  attitude aims:
  the students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and china.
  teaching important points:
  (1) do you use chopsticks in …?
  do you use a knife and fork in …?
  (2) the processing tense
  teaching difficult points:
  (1) the pronunciation of some new words. for example, chopsticks
  (2) the changes of "be"
  activity for module one:
  in module one, the topic is mainly about the different customs in china and western countries. before the class, i require the students to prepare the pictures of food. in the process of teaching, i begin the class with talking about the differences in food and then some other topics are related. with the help of pictures, the students talk about the differences in group. several minutes later, one group is given two minutes to show the results of discussion. then the teacher takes out the chopsticks and fork and knife. the students can also talk about the other aspects. this activity class is designed in the form of dicussion. the students could speak freely according to their own vocabularies.
  unit 1 do you use chopsticks in england?
  teaching aims:
  (1)make students remember the new words:
  chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess
  (2) mastering the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.
  do you want…
  do you use…
  attitude aims:
  the students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and china.
  teaching important points:
  do you use chopsticks in …?
  do you use a knife and fork in …?
  teaching difficult point:
  the pronunciation of some new words. for example, chopsticks
  word card, cd-rom
  teaching process:
  warming up part:
  the teacher shows many pictures about food.(noodles,rice, hamburgers,cakes and so on). firstly, the teacher leads the students to get familiar with these food names and then on this basis the teacher can ask them to practice the sentence pattern.
  do you like noodles? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
  do you want …? yes, i do.no,i don’t.
  step two: presentation and practice
  the teacher makes use of the picture "noodles" and a new word "chopsticks" can be leaded out.
  t: i like noodles. i eat noodles with chopsticks.
  the teacher takes out the real chopsticks and then says the new word. at the same time, the teacher shows the picture of chopsticks.
  an activity can be made here. the title of the activity is saying words as quickly. the pronunciation of new word is a difficult point. so the teacher should ask students to practice more.
  step three:
  the new word "use" can be leaded out in the process of communication.
  t: can you use chopsticks?
  the word card of use should be shown.
  we use chopsticks in china. and the teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard.
  we use chopsticks.
  do you use chopsticks? yes, we do. no, we don’t.
  ask and answer in pairs.
  the teacher inquires the students if the english people use
  chopsticks and a knife and fork will be leaded out.
  t: we use chopsticks in china. do the english people use chopsticks?
  s: no, they don’t.
  english people use a knife and fork.
  do you use chopsticks / a knife and fork? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
  step four:
  (1)presentation of the text.
  amy and daming are in the park. they want to eat noodles. watch the cd-rom, then answer the questions: "does amy use chopsticks in england?"
  the students look at the co-rom and then answer questions.
  now amy is using chopsticks. watch again, then answer the next question: are the chopsticks "easy" or "hard" for her?
  easy – hard
  chopsticks are hard for amy.
  a knife and fork are easy for her.some other oposite words are shown here.
  listen again, then answer:
  are the chopsticks "easy" or "hard" for english people?
  t: if i say "big". you should say "small". please say the words as quickly as you can.
  chopsticks are hard for english people. so amy make the mess.
  ?mess /e/
  then the students read the passage again.
  find the sentences, " do you …?". then circle them.
  (1)in china, we use __________. in england, people use ________.
  chopsticks are ________ for chinese people. they are _______ for english people.
  do you use chopsticks? yes i do. yes, i do.
  we use chopsticks in china.
  they’re easy for us.
  do you use ___________? yes i do. yes, i do.
  we use ________ in england.
  they’re easy for us.
  ask students to practice the sentence patterns that they have learned in this lesson.
  unit 2 i’m eating hamburgers and chips
  teaching aims:
  (1)mastering the new words:
  hamburgers, chips, fast food
  (2)the basic structure of processing tense
  teaching important point:
  the processing tense
  teaching difficult point:
  the changes of "be"
  word card, card for real things,cd-rom
  teaching process:
  warming up part:
  review the content of unit one.
  we use chopsticks in china. english people use a knife and fork in england.
  listen to a poem, then say it.
  step one:presentation and practice
  a. the teacher does actions and ask questions.
  what am i doing?(running, playing, jumping, etc.)
  e.g. you’re running.
  b.do actions:look, i’m eating. i’m eating hamburgers and chips.and then the new words are be leaded out. hamburger, chip
  ?it’s english fast food. here we can talk about the england food. steak, cheese, bread and butter, etc. what is chinese / english fast food? do you like …? do you want …?
  step two:
  asking students to listen to the tape and answer the questions.
  what is amy eating?
  listen, point and repeat the text.
  here the teacher asks students to practice the processing tense.
  look at amy. she’s eating hamburgers and chips. she’s using her hand.
  what is daming doing ? he’s eating rice.
  what is he using? he’s using chopsticks.
  then the teacher asks students to talk about the pictures in the textbook.
  s: what is daming doing? s: he’s ---
  s: what is daming using? s: he’s ---
  step 3 consolidation and extension
  1. game: what am i eating?
  the teacher does actions and asks students to guess what heshe is doing.for example: are you eating a hamburger?
  2. guessing game: what am i doing? what is he / she doing?
  3. make a new dialogue.
  it’s time for _________. (breakfast/ lunch/ dinner)
  i like _______.
  look, i’m eating ________.
  i’m using ________.
  step 4 summary
  the differences between chinese customs and english customs
  china england
  we use ___________. they use _____________
  _____ is chinese fast food. _____ and _____ are english fast food
  step 5 homework
  make a summary about the differences in customs in different countries.
  reflection of module one:
  the topic of module one is talking about the different customs in different countries. at the first, i prepare many datas about the differences. i think that the students maybe know little about these differences. but i am surpised at students’ aboundance in the knowledge. so i change my plans. i asks them discuss these differences in groups. then i ask them to stand up in a line in the front of the classroom to tell others about the differences. they tell a lot. i am very happy. in the future, i should make great efforts to find students’ knowledge. we should really believe them and give tasks to them. they can achieve the tasks perfectly.
  reading of module one:
  content of reading:
  an article about the different customs
  purpose of reading:
  broaden the cultural knowledge of students.
  step of reading:
  firstly, i ask students to discuss about the festivals. then they can talk freely about the festivals in china. talking as the topic, i lead students to talk about the festivals in western countries. in this lesson, i take christmas day as an example. the students are required to express more idea. they must speak in english. then i write down all the sentences on the blackboard. more than thirty sentences are learned in the class. in my opinion, it is a good way. it is not necessary to find all the reading materials in datas. our students are the good material resource. the sentences are spoken by students as following:
  it is very good.
  i like it.
  module 2
  the general aims of module one:
  language points:
  (1) the new words: make, cake, idea, instead, lovely.
  (2) the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.
  what are you making?
  (3) the new words: good idea! be quiet!
  teaching important points:
  1. what are you making?
  i’m making…
  2. can use these by themselves.
  unit 1 we are making a cake.
  teaching aims:
  1. make students remember the new words:
  making a cake; good idea and so on.
  2.can listen and say: what are you doing? we’re making a cake.
  please be quiet! i’m working.
  teaching important and focal points:
  what are you doing? we’re making a cake.
  please be quiet! i’m working.
  teaching aids:
  2.some cards
  teaching course:
  step one warming up
  1.say the poem of module 1.
  2.review: do you use chopsticks in england? no, we don’t.
  what are you doing? i’m eating.
  are you eating a hamburger? yes, i am.
  step two presentation and practice
  1.ask the child to act, and ask him: what are you doing?
  the child try to answer: i’m eating…
  2.ask ss to look at their books. elicit as much as i can.
  3.play the cassette. the children listen and follow it.
  4.play the cassette again. pause after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture.
  5.play the cassette again. ask the children to find "we are making…" then explain.
  6.play the cassette again. ask the students to repeat.
  step three
  1.listen to the tape and say the sentence.
  2.explain and practice: read row by row.
  3.practice in pairs. then check it.
  step four
  1.point and say: cake, plane, kite, noodles
  2. practice in pairs.: what are you doing? we’re making a plane.
  3.check them.
  step five
  1.listen and write the missing words.
  2.now point and say.
  read the text to your friend or your parents.
  this book is difficult for almost students. i spent more time to teach it about module one. they are not happy to learn it. unit one: they couldn’t read it well. they couldn’t say, "chopsticks, knife, fork" and some sentences well.
  unit 2 i’m watching tv.
  teaching aims:
  1.can listen and repeat: i’m watching tv.
  2.can sing the song.
  3.play the game: point and say.
  teaching important and focal points:
  i’m watching tv.
  teaching aids:
  teaching course:
  step one wrming up
  1.listen to the tape of unit 1 and repeat.
  2.review: what are you doing? we’re making a cake.
  step two
  1.ask the children to look at the picture. listen to the tape.
  2.play the cassette again and explain.
  3.play the cassette again. the children follow it.
  4.practice the sentence: i’m watching tv.
  step three
  1.listen and say the words.
  2.teach the children the song line by line.
  3.listen and sing.
  step five
  1.play the game in groups.
  2.point and say: what is he doing? he’s sleeping.
  finish activity three.
  this book is difficult for almost students. i spent more time to teach it about module one. they are not happy to learn it. unit two: it’s easier than unit one. almost students could read it well.
  reflection of module one:
  name: who is clever?
  purpose: remember the words in module one
  teaching steps:
  step one
  read the texts and the words in module one.
  step two
  give the students ten minutes to remember these words: chopsticks, knife and fork.
  step three
  check them.
  step four
  give the students ten minutes to remember these words: use, people, hard and easy.
  step five
  check them.
  step six
  find out who is the best one.
  the students could remember these words quickly to use this way. they did this well that their group could get high points.
  title: fox and grapes
  this is a fox. he is very hungry. he sees some black grapes. the grapes are high from the ground. he wants to eat them very much. he jumps and jumps, but he still can’t reach the grapes.
  in the end, the fox gives up. he says to himself, "i don’t want to eat the grapes. they are not good to eat."
  teaching steps:
  1. watch the flash about "fox and grapes" in chinese.
  2. teacher tells the students the story in english, and ask them to listen it carefully.
  3. give them the paper and ask them to read it by themselves.
  4. ask them to tell the story with their own words.
  5. make a book about this story.
  this is the first class about english reading. so i just ask them to listen the story and say some easy sentences. i want them to listen the story just like chinese story, so i do some actions. at last, some students from class one can recite the story with their own words. but the class two is not good.
  module 3
  the general aims of module three:
  teaching aims:
  (1) vocabulary: naughty, dragon boat, row, lake, feed, get out
  sentence structure:what are these/those?
  (2) vocabularies:wet, shorts
  sentence structure: this is …’s …
  these are …’s …
  teaching important points:
  (1) mastering the sentence introducing the plural forms
  (2) the students could describe the processive form of some things in non-plural sentences.
  teaching difficult points:
  (1) the students could describe a situaton in which plural forms
  are used.
  (2) the students could use non-plural sentences correctly.
  ativity for module three:
  purpose of activity:
  having a systemic review of the important sentences and words that have been learned in module three. at the same time, the students’ interests are aroused through the organization of activity.
  preparation of activity:
  pensil, pens, and many other things that students owns.
  process of activity:
  firstly, i let students to show the things that they have prepared. each one has a fixed place to stand up. and then we imitate the enviornment of supermarket. they can introduce their own things to other persons. they can persuade other persons to buy the things. the teacher guides the students to using the sentence:
  this is…
  these are …
  this is sam’s …
  the students are active because they all want to let others to know their things and exchange the things with other person. at the same time, they practice the sentence correctly and frequently.
  unit 1 these ducks are very naughty.
  teaching aims:
  vocabulary: naughty dragon boat, row, lake, feed, get out
  sentence structure:what are these/those?
  attitude aim:
  cultivating the emotion of loving life and nature
  teaching important point:
  mastering the sentence introducing the plural forms
  teaching difficult point:
  the students could describe a situaton in which plural forms
  are used.
  picutres, cards,cd-rom,
  teaching processes:
  step one: warming up
  the students enjoy the song: row row row your boat. the teacher does actions and
  sings this song together with the students. the teacher writes these words on the
  blackboard and the students could learn these words from the song.
  row your/a boat
  step 2: presentation and practice
  the teacher asks students "do you want to row a boat?" according to the song. and further the teacher asks students "where can you row a boat?" then the teacher draws a picture of boat on the blackboard and teaches the new word lake. and the teacher says like this: "you can row a boat on a lake." at this time, the teacher can show the picture of dragon boat. "look! this is a very big boat. it’s a dragon boat! the teacher asks questions such as what’s this/that ? it’s a …to practice the new words and sentences. then the teacher can show more pictures about dragon boatand asks them. what are these? the students are leaded to speak out the sentence that they are dragon boats. the teacher draws some pictures of some ducks and practice the sentence pattern. the teacher says that"sam and his family are in the park now. let’s have a look. what’s happen?" after listening to the tape,some students perform different roles and read the new lesson. at the same time the teacher teaches the new words: these, those, feed the ducks. the students imitates the sound of ducks and teaches the word naughty.
  activities: read the text in roles
  step 4 summary
  the teacher asks students to reinforce the new words:this, that, these, those.
  step 5 homework
  read the lesson for three times and write one time
  unit 2 this is sam’s sweater.
  teaching aims:
  vocabulary: wet, shorts
  the sentence structure: this is …’s …
  these are …’s …
  teaching important point:
  describing the processing of things using non-plural sentence.
  teaching difficult point:
  using the non-plural sentences correctly.
  cd-rom, pictures and word cards
  teaching processes:
  step 1 warm up
  review the song row row row your boat.at the same time, the teacher sings and does action to creat the situaiton for speaking english.
  the teacher takes out the rulers, pensils and so on. then the teacher leads the students to use the new sentence
  is it ……’s….?
  yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.
  step 2 presentation and practice
  the teacher draws sam’s clothes and amy’s clothes on the blackboard. the students are required to introduce the clothes.the teacher can write the sentence on the blackboard.
  this/that is …..’s….
  these/those are …..’s…….
  the teacher asks students to open the book and introduce like this: it’s raining now.what is happening to sam and amy? the teacher illustrates the new word wet.
  the trees are wet.
  the dog is wet.
  the teacher asks students to practice the sentence pattern that they have learned.
  this/that is ….’s…
  these/those are …’s…
  then some dialogues are shown.
  sam:this is my red sweater. these are my blue shorts.
  the students are required to draw on the paper according to the content.
  step 3 summary
  the teacher makes use of the picutre on the blackboard to practice the important sentence patterns.
  step 5 homework
  draw a picture about your home and use the sentence to introduce
  this/that is ….’s…
  these/those are …’s…
  and also they should be able to write down at least four
  unit 2 this is sam’s sweater.
  teaching aims;
  language points:
  vocabularies:wet, shorts
  sentence structure: this is …’s …
  these are …’s …
  emotion and attitude aim:
  create the english enviornment and the students could be enjoyable in the process of speaking english.
  teaching important point:
  the students could describe the processive form of some things in non-plural sentences.
  teaching difficult point:
  the students could use non-plural sentences correctly.
  cd-rom, pictures and word cards
  teaching steps:
  step one:warming up
  review the song: row row row your boat. the teacher can do actions with the students to arouse the students’ interests.
  then we can take out the pensils, pens and so on. the students are guided to use the sentence as following.
  is it ……’s….? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.
  through the guessing, the students finds the owner of these things.
  step two:presentation and practice
  the teacher draws two different pictures and explains that this is sam’s clothes and amy’s clothes. the teacher write the following sentence on the blackboard and asks students to practice according to the pictures.
  this/that is …..’s….
  these/those are …..’s…….
  the students are required to open the book and the teacher introduces that it is raining now. what has happened to sam and amy? the teacher asks students to listen to the tape and answer the questions. the teacher should explains the meaning of wet. here we can show a picture of raining and make students understand the word better.
  the trees are wet.
  the dog is wet.
  the students are required to listen to the tape for three times and retell the story.
  in the next step we should guide students to practice the sentence pattern.
  this is my red sweater. these are my blue shorts.
  step three: summary
  the teacher can use the pictures on the blackboard to review the important sentences.
  step four: homework
  asks the students to draw a picture of their own home and introduce the home using the sentence pattern that have been learned in the class. also at least four sentences are required to write down.
  this/that is ….’s…
  these/those are …’s…
  reading lesson:
  the reading class content:
  a flash: can i help him?
  purpose of reading:
  the students could review the content about the ducks and at the same time the story could arouse the students’ emotion of protecting animals.
  the content of story:
  i find a turtle in the street, i want to keep him. "mom, can i keep him?"
  mom says, "no, it is not easy taking care of him. you have to feed him everyday. i find a cat in the street and i want to keep him. mom, can i keep him?
  mom says, "no, it is not easy taking care of him. you have to feed him everyday. you have to wash him everyday.
  i find a dog in the street, i want to keep him. "mom, can i keep him?"
  mom says, "no, it is not easy taking care of him. you have to feed him everyday. you have to wash him everyday. you have to walk him everyday.
  process of reading:
  in the first period, i ask students to listen to the story and look at the flash. with teachers’ guidance, the students listen to again and again. then the teacher know the situation if the students have mastered the main idea through asking questions. i do not require students to remember all the new words. the main idea is that the students could understand the idea and then they can get some ideas of protecting animals.
  reflection of module three:
  in module three, we mainly learn the processive forms of nouns. also through the learning of unit one, the students are active in the aspect of protecting animals. in the teaching of unit one, the students are very interested in the knowledge of protecting. therefore, i think that we should love nature and impart these good things to our students. our students are also volunteers in the proteching of our earth. in this method, the students learn quickly, efficiently.
  module 4
  the general aims of module four:
  language points:
  (1) the new words: can, jump, far, see, winner.
  (2) the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.
  can you…?
  yes, i can.  no, i can’t.
  (3) the new words: winner, far, jump.
  (4) the basic structure of processing tense
  attitude aims:
  the students could use the important sentences to introduce themseleves.
  teaching important points:
  (1) can you…?
  (2) the processing tense
  unit 1 can you run fast?
  teaching aims:
  ①could speak and usethe words: can, winner, jump, far, see puddle。
  ②could use the sentences:
  can you …? yes, i can. / no, i can’t.
  ③could introduce themselves to use:
  i can…  i can’t…
  teaching important points:
  1. can you …? yes, i can. / no, i can’t."
  2. could introduce themselves to use:
  i can…  i can’t…
  word card, cd-rom
  teaching steps:
  step one: warm-up
  1. sing the song《row row your boat》,
  2. go over some words.
  t: boys and girls, look at the tv, what’s it?
  ss: swim.
  t: can you swim?
  ss: yes. / yes, i can. /no./ no, i can’t.
  t: do it, please!
  ss: (do the action )
  step two: presentation
  1. t: today we’ll make a survey to find who can run fast/jump far and so on. now we’ll learn the unit 1.
  2 run & run fast
  t: boys and girls, can you run? put up your hands.
  ss: (put up their hands)
  t: do the action, please.
  ss: (do the action)
  t: very good. all of you can run. but can you run fast?
  t: all of you can run. but can you run fast?
  look at me , run/ run fast
  t: well, can you run fast?
  ss: yes, i can./ no, i can’t.
  t: well, a, you can run fast.
  b, you say you can run fast.
  a, you come here. b, you come here.
  let’s see. who can run fast?
  3 jump & jump far
  t: boys and girls, can you jump?
  ss: yes, i can. /no, i can’t.
  t: who say "yes", put up your hands.
  ss(put up their hands)
  t: well, can you jump far?
  ss: yes, i can. /i can’t.
  4. practise in pairs.
  (1)s1:can you run fast? (2) s1:can you run fast?
  s2:yes, i can. s2:no, i can’t.
  s1:do it, please.
  s2:(do the action)
  5. practise (sb p15)
  t: now, i want you to use these phrases .who can have a try?
  6. the text.(sb p14)
  t: some of you can run fast. some of you can’t jump far. how about sam and amy, do you know? now, let’s see.
  (1).listen and find "can, can’t".
  (2). listen and repeat.
  (3).listen and repeat ,answer the questions.
  can sam run fast? yes, he can.
  can amy run fast? no, she can’t.
  can sam jump far? no, he can’t.
  can amy jump far? yes, she can.
  can sam swim? yes, he can.
  (4) look and match.
  can can’t
  sam run fast jump far
  amy jump far run fast
  (5)say the sentences.
  t: look at the blackboard, can sam jump far?
  ss:no, he can’t.
  t:then what can sam do?
  s1: sam can run fast.
  t: how about amy?
  ss: amy can jump far. / amy can’t run fast.
  7. game---good luck or bad luck?
  t: sam can run fast. sam can’t jump far.
  amy can jump far. amy can’t run fast.
  how about you? what can you do or can’t do?
  8.finish the blanks.
  t:some students say "i can play football." some students say "i can’t swim."
  how about your classmates ? now, look at this piece of paper. this time, i want you to ask your classmates and fill the blank, use the sentence "can you…?"
  can you…pupil 1pupil 2pupil 3
  row a boat?
  run fast?
  speak chinese?
  step three: homework
  1 to remember the new words.
  2. to read the conversation fluently.
  3 to ask your parents what they can do or can’t do.
  unit two this bird can fly.
  teaching aims:
  1.can read and use: fly, walk
  2.this … can …. but this …can’t ….
  can this …? yes, it can. no, it can’t。
  teaching importance and difficulce:
  talk about the abilite of the animals.
  teaching steps:
  step 1 warm up
  1、sing a song. row row row your boat
  2.tpr活动: t: run run ss: i can run.
  t: swim swim ss: i can’t swim. (ride jump walk fly sing)
  step 2 presentation and practice
  1. review the words:
  t: look! what’s this? ss: it’s a bird.(chicken duck fish panda m frog)
  what’s missing? 或
  t: look. he’s a baby.(learn the word)
  2. t:can you fly? s1:no, i can’t.
  t:can this bird fly? ss:yes, it can.
  3. (picture of a fish) discribe it. discuss this one and say: "this fish can swim. (another picture) how about this one? discuss this one and say:but this fish can’t swim.
  4.listen to the tape.
  5.practice: discuss the ability of some animals.
  step 3 consolidation and extension
  1.t: look at this picture. can this dog run?
  ss: no.
  t: oh. no, it can’t.
  2.cai:guess(can this… … ? yes, it can. no, it can’t.
  3.talk about the pictures at page 16
  4. (lion, tiger, elephant, cat,……)(climb the tree, swim,……),
  t:this cat can climb the tree. this tiger can’t climb the tree.
  5.do activity book.
  step 4 summary
  step 5 homework
  draw a picture. and discribe it. e.g.this dog can run. this chicken can’t swim.
  it’s easy for the students to learn this module. they could say some sentences to use the important sentences. and they’re happy to learn this module.
  reflection of module four:
  the topic of module four is talking about the ability of themselves. i ask them to draw some pictures. for example:
  the left one is drawing somethings of " i can…" the right one is drawing somethings of " i can’t…"
  reading of module four:
  title: dreams
  in my dreams…
  i can fly.
  i can drive.
  i can cook.
  i can run.
  i can play.
  i can swim.
  sweet dreams!
  teaching steps:
  1. watch the flash about "dream".
  2. teacher tells the students the story in english, and ask them to listen it carefully.
  3. give them the paper and ask them to read it by themselves.
  4. ask them to tell the story with their own words.
  5. ask them to say what they can do and what they can’t do.
  6. draw a picture about it.
  this story is the same as our this module. they could practise the important sentences in this module.
  module 5
  the general aims of module five:
  teaching aims:
  1.can i have an ice cream, please?
  yes, you can.
  no, you can’t.
  2. the students could ask requirements in a certain situation.
  3.the sentences:
  can i come in? yes, you can./no, you can’t.
  can i ……?
  4. the important words:worry, all
  teaching important and difficult points:
  1.the students could master the sentence pattern of can through the learning of module four. they can talk about their own abilities.
  2. the students could ask for somethings for themselves. at the same time, they can answer when facing the asking.
  3. the students could talk about the needs according to their own requirements.
  unit one: can i have an ice cream?
  1. teaching aims:
  can i have an ice cream, please?
  yes, you can.
  no, you can’t.
  2. the students could ask requirements in a certain situation.
  teaching important and difficult points:
  the students could master the sentence pattern of can through the learning of module four. they can talk about their own abilities.
  teaching preparation:
  teaching processes:
  step1. warming-up
  (1) sing the song
  row your boat or make a cake and do the actions.
  (2) free talk
  t: can you run?
  can you pick up this bag?
  show me.etc.
  t:ask and answer with your partner.
  step2: text teaching
  1. watch a cartoon. and think it over, what does the doctor advise her?
  s:don’t ……
  t:can she watch tv?
  can she have a drink? and so on.
  2. extension
  t: now i am the girl, you are the doctor. can i have an ice cream?
  show the sentence on the blackboard: can i have an ice cream?
  s:no, you can’t.
  show the answers on the blackboard.
  t: now i want to do something, but first i should get your concent. ready?
  can i read a book?
  s: yes, you can. / no, you can’t.
  change the role
  t: this time you can do what you want to do, but also must get my concent.
  s: can i have a rest?
  t: yes, you can.
  then the student can bend over the table.
  t: practise like this with your partner.
  3. have a look at a story.
  t:watch and think it over what you can’t do at that scene.
  4. the showing of whole passage:
  t:listen to the radio, which part you can’t understand?
  s: sun/ sandals/ sunglasses and so on.
  t: listen to the radio again, this time point and read after it.
  step 3:practice and consolidation.
  1. make use of the task
  t:look at the picture. and think it over, what you can do?
  what you can’t do?
  and let’s have a match. you can ask a question, but the answer must be "yes, you can." one group by one.
  g1s:can i read a book?
  others: yes, you can.
  t: this time the answer must be "no, you can’t.
  g2s: can i go to sleep?
  others: no, you can’t.
  2. dicussion:
  t: look at the picture, and talk about it with your partner.
  3. listen and draw
  t: take out the form, and listen, then if you allow me to do it at that scene please draw a happy face, if not please draw a sad face.
  step4: sum-up
  t: what have we learnt today? talk about in pairs.
  step 5: setting homework
  class survey.
  unit two: can i come in?
  teaching aims:
  the sentences:
  can i come in? yes, you can./no, you can’t.
  can i ……?
  the important words: worry, all
  teaching important points:
  the students could ask for somethings for themselves. at the same time, they can answer when facing the asking.
  teaching difficult points:
  the students could talk about the needs according to their own requirements.
  teaching preparation:
  pictures, cards
  teaching steps:
  step one: warming up
  review the basic sentences in the last lesson. can i have…..?
  after practicing the sentence, we can lead into the new lesson. the teacher knocks at the door and at the same time asks that can i come in? though the repeating of the sentence the students could imitate the pronunciation of the sentence. on the basis of pronunciation the teacher can try to let students to understand the meaning of the sentence.
  step two:
  in the warming up part, we have shown the basic important points. then we can create a situation to learn the new passage.
  step three:
  the teacher asks students to listen to the tape and then the students are required to read the text. at last, the students can be required to read in groups in roles.
  step four:
  in the second part, there are some excerices to practice the important sentence pattern"can i …..?
  in this part, the expressions have been given. the students could answer according to the expressions. it arouses the interests of students. later, a song is given. we can asks students to enjoy the song to release themselves.
  step five: homework
  the students are required to write some sentences with using the word "can".
  activity of module five:
  can i …..?
  purpose of activity:
  practicing the forms of requirement and requiry in the fixed situation.
  preparation for the activity
  pictures about the daily life
  process of activity:
  the students are formed into three groups. one student comes up with requirements to other groups according to the pictures. then the students in the other group should answer. the answer must be: yes, you can. until the student comes up with the requirements that are not qualified with the situation. the group who insists on is the winner.
  module 6
  the general aims of module six:
  language points:
  1. words: computer game, careful, fix, jigsaw puzzle, pet, mouse.
  2. sentences:
  i’ve got a new kite.
  we’ve got a jigsaw puuzle.
  she’she’s got a pet.
  attitude aims:
  1. can read and use the words in module six.
  2. can use the important sentences to pratise their own things.
  unit 1 i’ve got a new kite.
  teaching aims:
  1.words: computer game, careful, fix, jigsaw puzzle.
  2. sentences:
  i’ve got…
  teaching important and difficult things:
  can discuss their own things.
  teaching steps:
  step 1 warm up
  1. sing a song.(just they like)
  2. say a everyday english.
  step 2
  1. read the text by themselves. and find out the new words, line them on their books.
  2. listen to the teacher to read the text.
  3. after that to read the text in the groups.
  4. check them.
  step 3 practise
  to make a short text in the groups.
  unit 2 she’s got a pet cat.
  teaching aims:
  1. ability aim: read, know and understand the word:pet;
  can use this sentence:he’s/ she’s got…
  2. 情感目标:创设活动型与任务型学习情景,努力提高学生英语学习兴趣,加强学生间的合作意识培养,鼓励学生积极参与学习,敢于展示自我,渗透关心、爱护小动物、热心助人的情感教育,同时进行爱国主义教育,增强民族自豪感。
  teaching important and difficult things:
  1. can use the sentence: he’sshe’s got…
  2. pay attention to the word: pet一词中e的发音
  something: pen, pencil, ruler and so on.
  teaching steps:
  step 1 warm-up/revision
  1. sing a song.<<hello!how do you do>>
  2. let’s chant.
  i’ve got a book. you’ve got a book.
  books, books. we’ve got books.
  i’ve got a ruler. you’ve got a ruler.
  rulers, rulers. we’ve got rulers.
  3. free talk.
  4. play a guessing game. what animal is it?
  1)、t: elephant and cat
  2)、draw a monster.
  t: i’ve got a pet rabbit.
  t: what pet have you got?
  step 2 presentation
  1. t: (pratise)pet dog  pet duck  pet cat
  2. a chant.
  3. today i will introduce a new friend.
  his name is li jie. can you guess what pet has li jie got?
  4. group work.
  5. pratise: amy sam daming lingling and four pets,
  6. a new chant.
  step 3 revision and consolidation
  1. open your books at page 24.
  listen and point.
  the second time listen and repeat.
  read the sentences by themselves.
  2. game: help the girl.
  3. goup work:
  i’ve got nothing.
  you’ve got nothing.
  she/he’s got a m.
  step 4 summary
  reflection of module six:
  ask the students to draw a picture of their own things. after that they discuss it in their group. and find out a best one in the group. then do it in the class. and put it on the wall in their classroom.
  reading of module six:
  title: the lion and the mouse
  long ago a great lion was fast asleep in the wood. a mouse ran over the lion"s paw. the great lion woke up and caught the little mouse, and was going to kill her. the poor mouse looked up." o dear lion! ’’ cried the mouse; " do you kill me? please spare my life. if you spare my life now, i will repay you some day." " how can you repay me?" said the lion. "you are too small to help a great lion." but he lifted the paw and away the mouse ran. not long afterward, the lion was caught in a net, and could not get out. " i can" t break this net," he said, " i"m afraid i shall be killed." just then the little mouse happened to pass by. she ran up to the lion and said, " kind friend, i will help you." she cut the ropes of the strong net with her sharp teeth. " thank you," said the lion. " i see that even a little mouse can help a great lion."
  teaching steps:
  1. watch the flash about "the lion and the mouse".
  2. teacher tells the students the story in english, and ask them to listen it carefully.
  3. give them the paper and ask them to read it by themselves.
  4. ask them to tell the story with their own words.
  we just remember some important sentences. and i asked them to write them on the books.
  module 7
  the general aims of module seven:
  teaching aims:
  a. motion aims:培养学生关心他人的情感,树立锻炼身体的健康意识。
  b. knowledge:have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t. talking about the case of disease and illness.
  c.the word: where and the sentence including where
  d.一般疑问句:has sara got a cough?
  and its answers: yes, she has./no, she hasn’t.
  teaching important points:
  a. learning of new words: headache, stomachache, test, friday.
  b. learning of new structure:
  c. have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t.
  d. he’s got …
  has he got…?
  teaching difficult points:
  a. the reading of new words: headache, stomachache
  b. learning of new sentence:
  have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t
  c. the students could make clear with the differences between have and has.
  unit one have you got a headache?
  1. teaching aims:
  a. motion aims:培养学生关心他人的情感,树立锻炼身体的健康意识。
  b.knowledge:have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t. talking about the case of disease and illness.
  c. 能力目标:培养学生听、说、读、写的能力;
  2. teaching important points:
  a. learning of new words: headache, stomachache, test, friday.
  b. learning of new structure:
  have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t.
  3. teaching difficult points:
  a. the reading of new words: headache, stomachache
  b.learning of new sentence:
  have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t
  4. teaching preparation:
  tape, word cards, pictures, survey forms,vcd
  teaching steps:
  step one: warming up
  greeting and sing a chant in module 4.
  step two: revision
  free talk between the teacher and the students.
  t : i’ve got an english book. what have you got?
  s1: i’ve got….
  s2: i’ve got…
  step three: new teaching
  learning of new sentence pattern:
  have you got…?
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t.
  the teacher can have a guess about what the students have got.
  the teacher turns back and every student prepares one thing and then the teacher asksthe students like the following:
  have you got a pen?
  the students could answer with "yes or no."
  the teacher can lead students to answer like this:
  yes, i have.
  no, i haven’t.
  the teacher continues to communicate with other students and then the teacher writes the following sentences on the blackboard.
  have you got…?
  yes, i have. no, i haven’t.
  then the teacher can give the rights to the students and asks them to practice with their partners. then the teacher teaches the new words: test, friday. the teacher prepares one test paper and then asks students to what is this. the students could use the basic sentence:
  have you got…? the teacher can fold the hand and say:
  look, i’ve got a test paper. then the teacher explains the chinese meaning of test.
  the teacher communicates with students.
  do you like tests?
  here the students could talk about their own feelings about the test. the teacher shows one picture about the seven days in a week. and then the students are required to answer according to the real situation.
  step four: homework
  make a survey about health.
  unit 2 she’s got a cold.
  teaching aims:
  1. the word: where and the sentence including where
  2. 一般疑问句:has sara got a cough?
  and its answers: yes, she has./no, she hasn’t.
  teaching important points:
  he’s got …
  has he got…?
  teaching difficult points:
  the students could make clear with the differences between have and has.
  teaching preparation:
  teaching steps:
  step one:warming up
  the teacher shows some pictres about the illness. one picture is shown and then the teacher asks students to guess what illness it is. firstly, the interests of students are aroused through the activity and then the students could review the words learned in the last lesson.
  cough, stomach ache, cold.
  step two:
  the teacher tells a story about the absence of jake and sara. and then the students could make a guess about the reasons of absence. a situation can be created here. the teacher asks students to listen to the tape and understand the main idea of this story. some questions can be listed.
  where is jake?
  what about sara?
  has daming got a cold too?
  after answering these questions, the teacher can ask them to listen again and then they are required to read in roles in groups.
  step three: considation
  the students are required to make a dialogue according to the content they have learned.
  step four: homework
  the students are required to write down the dialogue they have made.
  activity for module seven:
  purpose of activity:
  let the students understand the basic asking ways of health. they can talk about illness freely and actively.
  preparation of activity:
  pictures, word cards
  process of activity:
  the students are formed into several groups. one student in one group shows the pictures about the illness. another student guess what illness it is. then the two students make a dialogue with the picture reminding. then the other students are required to practice again. the following sentence pattern should be used.
  she has got a …
  he has got a …
  has he got a …?
  yes, he has.
  no, he hasn’t
  has she got a …?
  yes, she has.
  no, he hasn’t.
  i have got…
  reading lesson:
  title: by the sea
  look, sam, what is this?
  it’s a starfish, amy. but don’t touch it.
  look at this beautiful shell.
  you can hear the sea.
  come and look at this funny animal.
  it’s a crab.
  dad, come and look at the fish. they are beautiful.
  mum, come and look at my sand castle.
  reading steps:
  i find out some pictures about the beautiful sea and ask students to say some sentences about the sea. they say as following:
  i like the beautiful sea.
  it is big.
  how beautiful!
  then i tell students to read this passage. let’s know of some animals and shell. the students read for the first time by themselves. the difficult words they have lined out can be explained later. the teacher should tell them the correct pronunciation about these words.
  for the second time, the teacher can read firstly and then create a situation. in the situation the students are required to read in groups.
  after reading this passage,the teacher can ask them to discuss this story. for example, the teacher tells students to protect environment. the students can talk about the story.
  本单元的主题是疾病。教师可以创设相关情景,从涉及疾病的单词入手,呈现新知,进行语言教学。疾病的话题十分贴近学生生活,因此课的内容趣味性强。在教学过程中有实际意义学生们喜欢的一系列活动,如:做动作猜疾病;呈现同学生病时的照片,询问同学的病情;调查好朋友的健康状况等。调动学生参与课堂教学,使学生在运用语言的同时掌握技能,形成能力。关注课堂教学的高效性,鼓励学生积极主动地发展。教师应该注重基础词汇与语言的训练,涉及疾病的单词如headache, stomach ache对于学生难度较大,通过做动作猜单词的活动有效地强化了学生对单词的记忆。通过看照片询问他人病情、健康小调查的活动,学生表现出了关爱他人的精神。
  module 8
  the general aims of module eight:
  language points:
  1. words: stone, animal, elephant, horse, visit, man, woman.
  2. sentences:
  there is a horse.
  there are stone animals.
  how many…?
  there are…
  how many people are there in your family?
  attitude aims:
  the students could use the important sentences to introduce.
  teaching important points:
  the words and the important sentences.
  unit one there are stone animals.
  teaching aims:
  1. 知识技能目标:
  (1). can understand th words: ming tombs,stone,camel,animal,elephant,horse。
  (2). can use the sentenses: "there is…/there are…"
  2. 情感态度:培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于开口,积极参与的情感态度。
  3. 学习策略:培养学生合作学习的精神。
  teaching important and difficult things:
  the sentences: "there is…/there are…"
  4. cd-rom,cards,tape, magic trees.
  teaching steps:
  step1 warm-up
  1. greetings
  2. sing songs."old macdonle"
  step2 lead-in and task-setting
  t:look!there are some pictures .there is a picture of haicang zoo.there is a picture of zhongshan park.there is a picture of huandao road.our teacher ms bachelor wants to visit them.she needs some guides.do you want to be her guides?
  step3 presentation
  1. watch cd-rom
  2. present "animal,camel,lion,horse,elephant,there is"
  3.(sing a song)
  song:(there is a lion.there is a lion.there is a horse,there is a horse.there is an elephant.there is an elephant.there is a camel.there is a camel.)
  4. present"there are"
  5. say the chant:听音,说一说。
  (there are dogs.there are ducks.there are cats.there are snakes.)
  let’s say the chant.选出最棒的组。
  6. listen and repeat
  step 4 consolidation.
  t:miss huang 有棵魔术树,长满了奇怪的果实,小朋友们想得到他们吗?看看哪个小组拿到最多的礼物。
  ss:there is /are…
  step 5 task-fulfilling
  t:now it`s time to finish our task.we`ll choose guide groups.stick them and say out by turns.give you 3 minutes.
  t:it`s time to choose guide groups.四人小组上台介绍图片,评出导游小组。
  step6 exercise book & homework .
  1. listen and ead the text.
  2. tell you parents what you learned.。
  3. finish the pictures.
  unit 2 how many people are there in your family?
  teaching aims:
  1.knowledge target:
  words: visit, man,women
  sentences: how many....?
  there is .... there are....
  2.skill target:
  intruduce the famuly.
  let ss learn to share with others.
  main points:
  to master the basic words and sentences.
  difficult points:
  use these words and sentences in activities and daily life.
  teaching aids:
  radio , cards , small pictures , multimedia
  teaching steps:
  step 1 warm up
  1. warming-up
  (1)listen and sing: look at the ducks on the water
  (2) greetings
  2. revision
  (1)look at the pictures and say the sentences: eg: girl—girls,i’m a girl .they’re girls.
  (2)go over the sentences of the last class.
  step 2: presentation:
  1. lead-in:
  t: look ,this is a photo.it’s my family.
  review some words: mother,father ,brother ,sister,grandma and daughter .
  2. text-study:
  (1) t play a tape and ask ss to say "true" or " false":
  a、there are five people in his family.
  b、there are two boys.
  c、they’re visiting the ming tombs.
  (2)t draw a picture of man and teach this word: man ,( there is a man.)
  t draw another man and say: there are two men.
  (3) ss listen to the tape recorder and understand the text
  (4)cai show this boy’s family picture,
  t : how many people are there?
  let’s count. one,two...there are five people.
  1. t ask ss to take out his/ her family picture and introduce to all class, use this sentence pattern: there is/are…..
  2. (pictures) t:how many elephants are there?
  lead them to say the sentences.
  step4 homework:
  talk about some things about their family.
  reflection of module eight:
  i ask them to draw a picture about their family. and ask them to intruduce it for all the class. then ask them to write it on the paper.
  reading of module eight:
  titil: my family
  my introduction
  hello, everyone !
  today , i will do my introduction. oh yeah!i will introduction myself.
  i’m a little girl. i’m twelve .my name is joanna , my mother often call me gillian. i am chinese, i can speak chinese、english、cantonese .i study at a big big school. the school is very nice. there is a small zoo in it. in the zoo, there are many animals. my teachers are kindly and my classmates are friendly. i have a warm family, there are four people in it, my mum、my dad、my sister and me. my mum is very beautiful, my dad is handsome, my sister is pretty. i love my family.
  i have many friends, lily is one of them.. she often comes here to see me. so, you can know her.
  now, it’s time to introduce my favourite. my favourite food is boiled dumplings. my favourite colour is green , because green is the symbol of spring. when i am sad, i see green thing, i’ll be happy again.
  i’m good at english, i like english. i’m a good student in my class, but my friend sherry is better than me.
  that’s all, thanks for reading my introduction. see you!
  teaching steps:
  step 1
  to read it by themselves, and line the new words.
  step 2
  to read it for them and ask them to translate it.
  step 3
  to ask them to write one passage about themselves.
  module 9
  the general aim of module nine
  teaching aims:
  a. the students could read, recognize and use the new words and phases:long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim.
  b. the students could use the basic sentence to express that he or she wants to do something.
  i’m going to ….
  b: motion aims
  a. cultivating the students’ idea of loving labor.
  b. improving the interests of learning english.
  c. reinforcing the confidence of students.
  a. english expression about the caree
  nurse, teacher, train, taxi and bus driver, doctor, policeman.
  b. using the basic sentence pattern:
  what are you going to be?
  i’m going to be a …
  b : 能力目标
  a. the ability of listening and speaking
  teaching important points and difficult points:
  a: master and use these words and phrases: long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim.
  b: master and use the sentence: i’m going to ….
  teaching difficult points:
  understanding and mastering the new sentences:
  what are you going to do on sports day?
  i’m going to ….
  mastering the words about the career:
  nurse, teacher, train, taxi/bus driver doctor policeman.
  mastering and using the sentence:
  a: what are you going to be?
  b: i’m going to be a …
  unit one: i am going to do long jump
  analysis of textbook:
  it mainly learns the important word phrases.
  long jump
  high jump
  run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim and the important sentences:
  i’m going to….
  the topic is mainly about the sports day. after the learning of new sports words, the teacher can lead into the sentences.
  what are you going to do on sports day?
  i’m going to ….
  teaching aims:
  a:basic aims
  a. the students could read, recognize and use the new words and phases:long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim.
  b. the students could use the basic sentence to express that he or she wants to do something.
  i’m going to ….
  b: motion aims
  a. cultivating the students’ idea of loving labor.
  b. improving the interests of learning english.
  c. reinforcing the confidence of students.
  teaching important points:
  a: master and use these words and phrases: long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim.
  b: master and use the sentence: i’m going to ….
  teaching difficult points:
  understanding and mastering the new sentences:
  what are you going to do on sports day ?
  i’m going to ….
  teaching preparation:
  teaching steps:
  the teacher prepares a song that they have learned in the last lesson.
  new knowledge showing:
  a. showing the multi-player
  (five friends and panpan run to XX the olympic game in beijing.)
  t: ok! look at the board, boys and girls. do you know who they are?
  ss: ……..
  t: they are panpan, beibei, jingjing, huanhuan, yingying and nini.
  yes! they go to the olympic games XX in beijing, yes or no?
  ss: ……
  t: let’s do some sports on the ground, ok? (do sports with ss ,then lead in new words and phrases ,
  showing some pictures of playing football and many other pictures to lead into the new words,
  reinforcement of the words
  all the students read after the teacher to get familiar with the new words.
  showing some sports stars pictures. for example:姚明,贝克汉姆,刘翔,乔丹
  t: look at the board carefully. do you know who he is?
  ss: …….
  t: he is yao ming. he is playing basketball, he is a basketball player , right ?
  with the same way, the teacher requires the students to practice the sentences.
  showing the new sentences: ww w.x k b1.co m
  next week, we are going to have a sport meeting, and what are you going to do on sports day
  then the teacher leads them to answer like this:
  i’m going to …
  then the teacher asks continuously:
  what are you going to do on sports day?
  i’m going to …
  the teacher engages a game to help students to remember the new words.
  all the students speak the sentence together:
  what are you going to do on sports day? then the teacher says "stop". the student who gets the book should say the following sentences:
  i’m going to …
  the teacher shows and uses the sentence: what are you going to do on sports day?
  he can ask one or two students and then asks students to answer to each other. and then another student writes down what they will do in the sports meeting of next week.
  then another sentence will be shown:
  what is he /she going to do on sports day?
  the students will be leaded to answer like this:
  he /she is going to …
  today, we have learned some new words and phrases: long jump, high jump, run a race, play basketball, play table tennis, swim and new sentences:
  what are you going to ….?
  i’m going to…..
  you did a good job.
  survey: having a survey about the sports day.
  unit 2 i’m going to be a driver
  teaching aims:
  a :认知目标
  a. english expression about the caree
  nurse, teacher, train, taxi and bus driver, doctor, policeman.
  b. using the basic sentence pattern:
  what are you going to be?
  i’m going to be a …
  b : 能力目标
  a. the ability of listening and speaking
  teaching difficult and important points:
  mastering the words about the career:
  nurse, teacher, train, taxi/bus driver doctor policeman.
  mastering and using the sentence:
  a: what are you going to be?
  b: i’m going to be a …
  teaching preparation:
  teaching steps:
  a:warming up part
  all the students review the content in the last lesson and do actions with the review.
  b:new knowledge showing
  the teacher shows some pictures about different careers and asks students to read the new words of careers.
  the teacher can interview some of students as following:
  what does your father/mother do?
  ss: my father/mother is …
  then the teacher continues to ask:
  what are you going to be? then the teacher leads students to answer like this:
  i’m going to be a …
  a.出示多媒体课件.listen and say .then say the poem .
  i’m going to be a driver.
  i’m going to drive a train.
  i’m going to be a pilot.
  i’m going to fly a plane.
  i’m going to a doctor.
  i’m going to help the ill.
  i’m going to a nurse.
  i’m going to give a pill.
  b. playing a game
  s1: i’m going to be a pilot.
  s2: she is going to be a pilot and i’m going to be a doctor.
  s3: she is going to be a pilot .he is going to be a doctor. and i’m going to be a teacher.
  s4: she is going to be a pilot .he is going to be a doctor. she is going to be a teacher .and i’m going to be a policeman.
  d: homework
  what are you going to be? then the teacher asks students to interview their friends and write down the content.
  tomorrow is another day!!
  activity for module nine
  purpose of activity:
  let students to talk about their dream freely and cultivate their spirit of making efforts for their own dreams.
  purpose preparation:
  make a survey about the dreams of the students.
  processes for the activity:
  each one is required to write down their dreams on a beautiful card. it is a secret for other students. if one student is interested in the dream of his or her partner, he can make a guess about the dreams. in the process of guessing, the students can use the sentences freely:
  what are you going to be?
  i am going to be…
  through the practice, the teacher can check out the mistakes in the speaking of students. then the teacher gives them a guide.
  module 10
  the general aims of module ten:
  language points:
  1. words: hong kong, airport, sea, srturday.
  2. sentences:
  where are you going?
  i’m going to…
  are you going to…?
  yes, i am. no, i’m not.
  what are you going to do on…?
  i’m going to do…
  attitude aims:
  the students could use the important sentences to introduce thire travel.
  teaching important points:
  the words and the important sentences.
  unit 1 are you going to go to hong kong?
  teaching aims
  vocabulary: hong kong, airport, sea, live.
  sentences: are you going to go to hong kong? no, i’, not. what are you going to do ? i’m going to swim in the sea.
  moral education: be more careful!
  teaching difficult points:
  i’m going to visit my grandma. i’m going to swim in the sea.
  teaching important points:
  are you going to go to hong kong? no, i’m not.
  teaching aids: cai, picture, word cards, stickers.
  teaching steps
  step 1 warmer
  2.free talk. what’s the weather like? it’s cold and windy.
  3.play a game. i say, you do. revise some phrases, such as: watch tv, play football, play basketball, and so on.
  4.watch the videos, and say those phrases.
  step 2 lead in
  look at the picture, and ask some questions about it, such as: who can you see in the picture? what can you see in the picture? where are they?teach the word airport.
  step 3 presentation
  1.listen to the tape one, and ask the ss what they have got.
  2.listen to the tape again, and then ask some questions, such as:
  a.where is sam going? teach the new word hainan and ask students to find hainan in the map. and show some pictures about hainan.
  b.where is xiaoyong going? teach the new word hong kong, and ask ss to find hong kong in the map, and introduce hong kong to ss.
  c.what is sam going to do in hainan? teach the new word sea.
  d.what is xiaoyong going to do in hong kong? teach the new word visit my grandma. invite ss to repeat one by one.
  3.ask ss to open the books, and repeat after the cd, and invite some ss to pronounce the sentence, then all the students repeat it.
  4.read the text together, and then ss finish the exersies, they are allowed to finish it in groups of two.
  step 4 activities
  1.introduce the beautiful places in the world, such as: beijing, shanghai, dalian, tibet, london, paris, new york, sidney, tokyo
  2.talk about the holiday plans.
  step 5 homework
  1.listen to the tape for six times.
  2.copy the new words for four timesl
  unit 2 what are you going to see?
  teaching aims
  vocabulary: the weeks
  sentences:what are you going to do on saturday?
  i’m going to …
  what are you going to see?
  i’m going to see…
  teaching difficult points:
  what are you going to do on …?
  teaching important points:
  ask some one the activities.
  teaching aids: cai, picture, word cards, stickers.
  teaching steps:
  step 1:
  warming up
  1.listen and do.
  eating, reading, jumping, hopping, playing football, doing homework
  2.say some words about actions.
  listen, eat, drink, write, jump, hop,
  read, blow, run.
  3.let the students close their eyes.
  t:what are you doing?
  s: i’m listening.
  t: o.k. let’s listen to the story.
  new lessons
  1.listen to the story with two questions:
  1>who are in the pictures?
  2>what words can you hear?
  2.new words:
  t: what is the first last letter of the words?
  teacher eat great leaf,总结字母组合"ea"的发音。
  try to read.
  new lessons
  first, read after the teacher; then, read the words by themselves.
  3.play a game
  t: i’ ll give you some objects. please do something.
  a bottle of water—— drinking
  color pen and a piece of paper——drawing
  step 3:
  learn the sentences
  1.i’m building a house with sticks.
  1>read after the teacher.
  2>read the sentence by themselves.
  3>slowly ,then quickly.
  t: i’m a bicycle. bus taxi train.
  4>pair work..
  2.i’m building a house with leaves.
  1>read it one by one.
  2>read it in pairs.
  3 i’m building a house with bricks.
  t: do you like the third pig?
  do you want to be the third pig?
  who’s the volunteer?
  consolid-ation act the story
  1.the teacher and 3 students make a modole.
  2.practise in the groups.
  3.act out.
  which pig do you like? why?
  give the students a word:
  no pains, no gains.
  reflection of module ten:
  ask the students draw a picture about their travelling. it’s the time, the place, doing things and so on. after they draw it and write a short passage under the paper.
  reading of module ten:
  title: a little m
  i am a m .i’m hungry.i’m going to a fruit garden. woo,what big pears!hmm.it tastes good.i like pears.. woo,what nice oranges!hmm.it tastes good.i like oranges.i don’t like pears. woo,what nice peaches!hmm.it tastes good.i like peaches.i don’t like oranges. woo,what nice watermelons!hmm.it tastes good.i like watermelons.i don’t like peaches. oh,a rabbit! i like the rabbit.i don’t like watermelons. where’s the rabbit? where’s the rabbit? wee,wee,wee.. .
  step 1
  to read the story for them.
  step 2 teach them to say the diom.
  a man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.(一心不能二用。)
  step 3 practise
  to ask them to act it in the groups.
  review module
  the general aims of module review module:
  language points:
  to go over the words and the sentences of all the modules.
  attitude aims:
  can say some sentences by themselves to look at the pictures.
  teaching important points:
  the words and the important sentences.
  unit 1 have you got a teddy bear?
  teaching aims:
  1.sentence: i have got aan …
  have you got aan…? yes,i have.no,i haven’t.
  has heshe got aan...?yes,heshe has./no,heshe hasn’t.
  2. words:all words we have learned.
  teaching important and difficult:
  have you got aan…? yes,i have.no,i haven’t.
  has heshe got aan...?yes,heshe has./no,heshe hasn’t.
  teaching steps:
  step 1 warm-up
  1. say the chant.
  spring is warm, spring is warm ;
  summer is hot, summer is hot;
  autumn is cool, autumn is cool;
  winter is cold, winter is cold.
  2. recite an everyday english.
  step 2 leading
  1.t: now, i do some actions, you answer "what am i doing?" in english.
  for example: go swimming/ play basketball /play table tennis,
  ss: go cycling .
  t: i have got a bike.
  step 3 pratise
  use the words to practise the sentences.
  step 4 game: do and talk
  finish the activity 2 on the book.
  unit 2 can you swim?
  teaching aims:
  to go over the important sentences that we have learned.
  teaching steps:
  step1 preparation
  2.sing " head, shoulders, knees and toes."
  3.do some actions. some are easy to do. then say: "i can do it. can you." help the students say: "yes, i can."
  4.some are difficult to do. then say: "no, i can’t." let the ss follow you and help them say: "no, i can’t."
  step2 presention
  1.practice: yes, i can. no, i can’t.
  ① draw a happy face and a sad face on their hands.
  ② ask some questions. if then can, they must lift the happy face and say " yes, i can."
  2.practice the new words: run, jum…. do the action and say " run". the same as follow.
  3.ask questions like this: can you run? can you run fast?
  4.game. 明星猜猜看,让学生通过询问 "can you… ?"等句型来猜who is he/she?
  step3 summary
  1. can you swim? yes, i can. no, i can’t.
  2. he’s got a stomach ache.
  3. this is a…
  that is a…
  these are …
  those are…
  4. what are you going to do today?
  i’m going to…
  reflection of review module:
  i asked the students to finish the questions on the books. and after that, i asked them to write a short passage about we have learned.
  reading of review module:
  title: the little red hen
  the contents are on the book on the page 50.
  teaching steps:
  step 1
  to listen to the tape about this story.
  step 2
  to look at the film about it and read the sentences after that.
  step 3
  to say out some sentenses that we learned.
  step 4
  to tell them the story to the whole classes.
