

  unit 3 in the future 教学设计
  一. 本周教学内容:
  module 3 unit 3 in the future
  be able to petrol pill
  room seal sign
  pe rhaps 也许,可能
  i think that is perhaps her finest picture.
  perhaps there will be more people.
  mayb e i will see you tomorrow.
  i may be see you tomorrow.
  be able to
  1. he can stand on his head against the wall.
  = he is able to stand on his head against the wall.
  as a child, he could play the violin fairy well.
  = as a child, he was able to play the violin fairy well.
  2. i can see him tonig ht.
  i said that i could go.
  w hat can he mean?
  could i use your pen?
  th e child has been able to read short stories.
  1. i hope she likes (will like) the flowers.
  i hope he comes (will come) tomorr ow.
  i hope everything goes well.
  they hope to visit china soon.
  2. i hope (wish) to meet you soon.
  i hope (wish) for one hundred in my english exam.
  3. i hope he succeeds.
  i wish i were a bird.
  i wish you good luc k.
  wish you a happy birthday.
  do you wish me to go with you?
  1. he lives in london.
  2. we work in the daytime.
  in twenty years, the new students will open it.
  3. the children are all in good health.
  4. the woman in white dress is her mother.
  5. let’s talk in english.
  6. they talked in crossing the river.
  in the future 和in future
  i hope you will be more careful in future about the things you s ay.
  i want to buy a car in the future.
  in the future there will be less and less oil.
  i think so. i don’t think so.
  do you think it will rain? yes, i t hink so.
  do you think it’s necessary? yes, i think so.
  unit 3 in the future
  part a language
  i. words and expressions
  1. sign n. 标志  v. 签名
  wher e can we see this sign? 我们可以在哪里看到这个标志?
  sign here, please. 请在这里签字。
  2. discuss v. 讨论   discussion n. 讨论
  think about the questions on the blackboard a nd discuss/ have a discussion with your classmates. 考虑一下黑板上的问题,与你的同学讨论一下。
  3. necessary adj. 必要的(反义词unnecessary, 不必要的)
  it is necessary/ unnecessary to have a lift in our building. 在我住的大楼里安装电梯是有必要的/没有必要的。
  4. take pills 服药
  you are on ly having a cold and don’t have to take any pills. 你只是感冒,不必服药。
  5. be able to 能够,与can/could 同义,但较之can /could,它可用于各种时态,且表示经过努力所能够达到的。
  he is able to draw chinese paintings. 他 会画国画。
  she wasn’t able to fly a light plane then. 那时她不会开轻型飞机。
  they will soon be able to repair a fridge. 他们将很快就会修理冰箱。
  ii. language structure
  1. 一般将来时:用will 动词原形表示
  perhaps they will./ won’t live under the sea.
  2. 同意和不同意:i (don’t) think so. 我(不)这样认为。
  愿望:i hope so /not. 我希望/不希望这样。
  3. 宾语从句
  i hope that there will be no wars in the world. 我希望世界上没有战争。
  i think that i’ll possibly b e a policeman . 我认为我可能会成为一名警察。
  do you think (that) people will still use cars?你认为人们还将使用车吗?
  动词hope, think 等后面可以跟句子作它的宾语,叫 做宾语从句。在这些从句中常会出现一般将来时,尤其是在i hope后。
  4. either
  perhaps there won’t be enough room for everybody on earth, either.
  可能地球上也没有足够的空间。either表示 "也",用于否定句,肯定句用too。
  i don’t like rice dumplings , either.
  i like rice dumplings, too.
  iii. notes
  write down what you think may happen in twenty years’ time. 写下你认为二十年后可能会发生的事。
  unit 3 in the future
  period 1 课型:新授
  using the simple present tense to express thoughts
  using the future tense to talk about future events
  1. learn to use formulaic expressions to show disagreement
  2. do you think…..?
  i thi nk so./ i don’t think so.
  i hope so./ i hope n ot.
  3. be able to 和 can 的区别。
  be able to do sth.能够做 某事,意思与 can do sth.接近,但be able to有时态的变化,而can作为情态动词,两者用法不一样。
  1.the future tense
  肯定形式:will + do 否定形式:will not ( won’t ) + do
  疑问形式will………do ?
  2.in the future
  take pills
  under the sea
  air pollution
  on the moon
  wo n’t go to school a ny longer
  learn from computers at home
  in twenty years’ time
  in twenty years
  seal the box
  preview the new words
  recognize differences in the use o f intonation in questions and statements ( including approval and disapproval )
  i. choice:
  1.last sunday he saw ______ bull. _____bull was running after a man.
  a. the, the b. a, a c. a, the d. the, a
  2. a:i wish you happiness forever.]
  a. not at all b. i agree with you c. yes, i do. d. thank you.
  3. h urry up ! you have_______time left.
  a. little b. a little c. few d. a few
  4. her sister usually practises________ the piano in the evening.
  a. play b. to play c. plays d. playing
  5. people_________more free time_____fun in the future.
  a. will be, for b.will be, to c. will have, to d. will have, for
  6. alice is a girl who is always ready to learn_______others.
  a. to b. with c. from d. in
  7. i think people will not have enough work_________.
  a. to do b. doing c. do d. for doing
  8. it is interesting to see leaves______falling in autumn.
  a. to start b. started c. starting d. start
  ii. rewrite the sentences as required:
  1.i have got some apples and oranges.(改为否定句)
  i______ _______any apples________oranges.
  2.more land will be used for building new towns in the future.
  more land will be used _______ ______new towns in the future.
  3.i hope that i’ll be a teacher.(保持原句意思)
  i hope_______ _______a teacher.
  4. it is wonderful to see a lot of flowers in spring.( 改为感叹句 )
  ________ ______ __it is to see a lot of fl owers in spring !
  unit 3 in the future
  period 2-3 课型:新授
  1. using the future tense to talk about future events.
  e.g. perhaps people will be able to…….
  2. using formulaic expressions to show agreement/disagreement.
  e.g. i think so. / i don’t think so.
  1. learn to use prepositional phrases to indicate future t ime reference.
  e.g. what do you think may happen in twenty years’ time?
  2. learn to use the simple present tense to express thoughts.
  e.g. i think my mum will become a grandmother.
  3. ……, but ……
  4. i hope/think that…..
  in twenty years’ time = in twenty years
  listen to the recording of page 57
  listen to the recording of page 58 and repeat sentence by sentence.
  i. complete the following:
  1._______ ( lucky ) ,li hong got the first prize at last.
  2. watch___________( care ), and you will find the difference between the two pictu res.
  3. hongqiao airport is far away from here.it is__________( possible )
  for you to walk there.
  4. there have already been two_________( library ) in my home town.
  5. the________( nine ) lesson is the most interesting in book two.
  6. let’s have a_________( discuss ) about our plane.
  7. miss green is very _________( friend ) to us. we all like her.
  8. our flat is on the __________( twelve ) floor.
  9. he did the work as__________( care ) as mo st of us.
  10. could you tell me how many_________( woman ) were at the party?
  11. it is an __________( awfully ) story. don’ t tell it to children before they go to bed.
  12. playing badminton can give us much__________( happy ).
  13. the tsunami in south asia made thousands of people_______( home ) in XX.
  14. the weather in spring is so_________( change ) that many of us have caught a bad cold.
  15. teachers hate those________( honest ) students.
  16. my father_________( joy ) that film very much.
  17. i always feel sleepy and tired , so i have decided to watch_______( little ) television.
  ii.rewrite the follo wing sentences as required.
  1. mary does her homework every evening.(改为一般疑问句 )
  ________mary_________her homework every evening?
  2. i was born in canada.( 对划线部分提问) )
  __________ __________y ou born?
  3. i think he will come soon.( 改为否定句 )
  i_________ __________h e will come soon.
  4.to catch a mouse with your hands only is difficult.(保持原句意思)
  _________isn’t_________to catch a mouse with your hands only.
  5. ther e is little water left.( 改为反意疑问句 )
  there is little water left , ___________ ___________?
  6. the nurse is so busy that she has no time to look after her family.
  ( 保持原句意思 )
  7. you don’t have to hand in your exercise books at once.(保持原句意思)
  you__________hand in your exercise books__________.
  8. there are many interesting places in beijing.( 保持原句意思 )
  beijing has many_________of_________.
  9. he d idn’t go outing . he went to the cinema . ( 合 并成一句 )
  he went to the cinema________of_________going outing.
  10. i have got neither a car nor a bicycle.( 改为否定句 )
  i have got_______a car________a bicycle.
