

  unit17 great women
  teaching aims and demands
  words and phrases
  four skills: inspire admire generous mean threaten bottom optimistic regret extreme extremely climate value pianist bother promise graduation around the corner die down come to terms with
  three skills: cheers tense dull dishonest champion mile stormy workday somehow shelter kindergarten hardship scholarship bear fame
  spoken english:
  describe people
  she seems tome to be the kind of woman who …
  the impression she makes on me is …
  i think she is the kind of person who …
  she could be … she looks as if …
  she might be … you can see that …
  people like her… she doesn’t seem …
  subject-verb agreement
  (1) the boy’s team has some good players, but the girl’s is a better team.
  (2) my dog team weren’t with me to pull the sled.
  but changes were just around the corner.
  use of language:
  help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. learn the text alone in the antarctica and oprah winfrey. and get the students to fell the power within women, therefore, form the idea of respecting women.
  important points: to get the students to learn something about subject-verb agreement.
  difficult points: the use of subjective agreement
  teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder
  way of teaching: 交际法教学
  step 1 warming up
  step1 .greetings and lead-in
  t: good morning , everyone .
  ss : good morning , teacher .
  t ; sit down please . in march , there is an important international festival . do you know what festival it is ?
  ss ; yes . it’s women’s day .
  t :very good .
  step 2 .warming up
  t ; now we are going to talk about some famous women in the world . open your books and turn to page 29 .please look at the pictures .talk about them in group of four .you are given three minutes to discuss them . after that , i’ll ask some students to talk about them . is that clear ?
  ss : yes .
  t :ok . please begin
  t :(three minutes later ) are you ready ?
  t ; who’d like to talk about the first picture ?
  s1 :i’d like to have a try .the woman in the first picture is song qingling ,who is one of the greatest women in china ,she made great contribution to opposing the war of aggression and defeating the peace of the world .
  t : well done . anything else
  s2 :she stuck to the revolutionary views of sun zhongshan and is also a great patriot and internationalist .
  t : very good . let’s talk about picture 2 .can you try , li ming ?
  s3 yes . madame curie is a great scientist of physics and chemistry , who is the first woman to receive two nobel prizes in the world .she is known for discovering radium .
  t : quite right .sit down please what else do you know about her ?
  s4 : she is also great woman of great determination and courage . though her husband pierre died in a road accident
  she still went on working . and she is willing to share her knowledge , her interest in women’s rights .
  t : wonderful . sit down please the third picture .any volunteer ?
  s5 :i’ll try . the picture is about a famous american writer . she is a legendary figure , who was born in america . she lived in china for about 30 years . she loves the chinese people and it’s culture .
  t : you are right . anything else
  ss : no
  t : pearl s . buck wrote many novels set in china , for example , "the good earth".she received the nobel prizes for art she played an important part in connecting the civilization
  between the east and the west .is that clear ?
  ss :yes
  t : let’s look at the fourth picture . wang kai can you try ?
  s6 : sorry , i don’t know
  t : it does matter , sit down please . the woman called mother teresa is a christian . she won the nobel prize for peace , and was loved and was worshipped in india , she was given the highest honour as gandi by the government of india . if you are interested in her , you can serf the internet .
  step 3. listening
  t: let’s do some listening . first read the requirement in part 1 , then listen to the tape carefully and write you answers to the questions
  step 4 speaking
  t : now look at the three pictures on page 30 .what kind of people do you think they are ? try to tell us something about their qualities .do you understand ?
  ss : yes
  t : let’s look at picture 1 .what kind of person do you think ? any volunteer ?
  s7 : i think she is very hard—working . she must be very kind .friendly and honest , judging from her clothes , she is a little conservative , but she is fond of her work .
  t : very good . picture 2 .who’d like to try ?
  s8 : i guess she is a modern woman , who is very smart . fashionable and cheerful . she loves life and work . and she is very healthy and lovely professional woman .she is popular with young people .
  t : well done . the third picture . who will try ?
  s9 : i’ll try . i believe the woman is very kind .warm and generous . she loves her family and her child . but she is traditional .
  t : good . sit down please
  step 5 summary and homework
  t : today we are done some listening and speaking , and we have also learned something about some famous woman in the world . if you are interested in the subject . you can serf the internet to get some information about famous women . form what we have learnt . we can understand that if want to succeed , we must study hard , just as madame curie says : life is not easy for any of us . we must work .and above all we must believe in ourselves . we must believe that each of us is able to do something well and that , when we discover what this something is . we must work hard at it until we succeed ." first ,say something about women in the world.
  prepare a short passage for tomorrow as an oral report.
  the second period: alone in the antarctica
  teaching aims :
  1 . train the students’ reading ability
  2 . learn and master the following words and phrases :
  mile antarctic stormy threaten optimistic somehow shelter regret extreme climate value struggle through threaten to do sth. lie down
  be thankful for in good health struggle to one’s feet make a decision
  teaching important points :
  1.train the students’ reading ability
  2 .enable the student to understand the text better
  3 .let the students have strong wills and determination by reading the passage
  teaching difficult points :
  1.how to improve the students’ reading ability .
  2.the use of some useful expressions.
  teaching methods
  1 .discuss before reading to make the students be interested in what they learn in class .
  2. fast reading to get the general idea of the text
  3. careful reading to answer some detailed questions
  4. inpidual , pair or group work to make every student work in class
  teaching aids
  1 .a tape recorder
  2 .a projector and some slides
  3. a map of the world
  teaching procedures :
  greet the whole class as usual
  step 1 .revision
  get one or two students to give their reports: a great woman i know.
  t : yesterday we learned some new words describing people’s qualities . can you make sentences with those words ?
  s :yes .
  t : ok . one word , one sentence .who can try first ?
  s1 : generous he is generous with his money .
  s2 : cheerful he came into the classroom with a cheerful look .
  s3 : mean he is mean over money matters .
  s4 : warm-hearted the woman is a warm-hearted person , who often helps others .
  s5 : tense it was tense games .
  s6 : miserable : in the old days , they lived a miserable life .
  s7 : dishonest the boy is dishonest , who often tells lies .
  t : well done .
  step 2 pre-reading
  t : now ,look at the map of the world ,try to find where antarctica is
  then discuss the questions on page 31 , ok ?
  ss : ok
  step 3 presentation
  first show the students some pictures of antarctica in order to arouse the student’s interest there.
  then ask some questions about the lonely continent.
  1. imaging if you are traveling alone to the south pole. what will you take with you? why?
  2. can you name out some typical animals or plants there?
  3. tell out the animals on the picture which animals live on the north pole? and which on the south pole?
  step 4 fast-reading
  t : today we are going to read a text about an expedition . it’s about helen thayer’s expedition to the south pole , who is a brave woman , before we read it ,let’s deal with the new words in the period .
  t : ok .open your books and turn to page 31 .let’s look at reading , read the passage quickly .get the general idea and answer the following questions
  1. how did the writer celebrate her 60th birthday ?
  2. has she ever been to the north pole when ?
  3. what happened to her during the journey ?
  4. why did she say it was an experience she would never forget and would value for the rest of her life ?
  step 5 post-reading
  t : well , read the passage carefully and try to get as much as information as you can . after a while , we will do ex.1 in post-reading
  students read the text fast to find the answer to the questions in the part
  the answers are: 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. c
  step 6 . language study
  now you’re familiar with the passage , but you should pay attention to some useful phrases
  1. struggle through
  eg the soldiers struggled through the snowstorm .
  2. threaten to do sth.
  eg it threaten to rain
  3. lie down
  eg the wind finally lay down .
  4. be thankful ( to sb. ) for
  eg i’m thankful to you for all this help .
  5. be in good /bad /poor /health
  eg she was in poor health when she was young .
  6. make a decision
  eg she made a decision to travel alone to the great wall .
  explain the language points in the text.
  be about to 正要;
  find sb. doing发现某人做某事
  threaten to do sth 威胁要做某事
  somehow 以某种方法
  step 7 interview
  ask the students to work in pairs --- one plays as the writer, one as the reporter.
  the reporter may ask the following questions:
  1. why do you plan a trip to antarctica?
  2. what’s the weather like there?
  3. how do you celebrate your birthday?
  4. have you had any bad accident?
  5. what do you think of your trip to antarctic?
  summary and homework
  t: in this period , we’ve read a passage about the expedition of a woman called helen thayer . we have learnt a lot from her , for example , where there is will , there is a way . after class , read the passage again and again until you can retell the story in your own words . at last , don’t forget to preview "word study and grammar" in the next period .
  lesson 3
  the third period
  teaching aims :
  1. review the words in the last two periods
  2. learn the rules of subject-verb agreement
  teaching important points :
  1. master the rules of subject-verb agreement
  2. choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences according to the grammar item .
  teaching difficult points :
  how to use the singular or plural form of the verb if the subject is the collective noun .
  teaching methods
  1. review method to consolidate the words we’ve learned in the last two periods .
  2. inpidual , pair or group work to make every student work in class
  teaching aids
  1 . a projector and some slides
  2. the blackboard
  teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings and lead-in
  t: teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings
  greet the whole class as usual
  step 2 .revision
  t : yesterday we learned a passage about the expedition of a woman called helen thayer . who traveled to the south pole at the age of 60 , who can retell the story to us ?
  s1 : let me try . helen thayer , who was born on 1st november ,1937 , traveled alone dangerous and adventurous travel to the south pole . although she met with many difficulties , she will succeeded in finishing her journey by her strong will and determination .
  step2 . word study
  t : in the last two periods . we’ve learned some new words . now let’s review them . complete these sentences with the words from the box on page 32 .
  sept 3 . grammar
  t : well done . now please look at the following sentences . pay attention to the underlined part in each sentence and find the rules of them .
  1. the story was so interesting that i couldn’t help laughing
  2. they are working on the farm .
  3. there are many people in the meeting room .
  4. the police are looking for the lost child .
  5. the cattle are eating grass in the field .
  6. my family is a big one .
  7. my family are watching tv .
  t : well , there are collective nouns , such as family , group, team , army , class , government . but these nouns can have a singular or plural verb . if the noun refers to the inpidual member of a unit , the verb is plural . if the noun refers to a whole unit , so the verb is singular .
  step 4 summary and homework
  t : today we’ve reviewed the new words in the last two periods . we are also learnt the rules of subject-verb agreement . in the grammar item , we should pay more attention to the collective words . people , police , cattle , family , group , team , army , class , government .they are all collective nouns , but they have different verb forms . after class. you should do more exercises to master them better .besides ,preview next period .class is over .
  the fourth period
  teaching aims :
  1. do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’ integrating skills
  2. get the students to master the useful words and expressions of the text
  3. learn to write a fan letter .
  teaching important points :
  1. improve the students’ integrating skills
  2. help the students master subject-verb agreement .
  teaching difficult points :
  how to improve the students’ integrating skills reading skills and writing skills
  teaching methods
  1. fast reading to get through with the reading material. .
  2. inpidual , pair or group work to make every student work in class
  teaching aids
  1 . a projector and some slides
  2. a tape recorder
  teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings and lead-in
  t: teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings
  greet the whole class as usual
  step 2 .revision
  t : yesterday we learned the rules of subject-verb agreement: who can tell us what the rules are ?
  s1 : let me try . generally speaking . singular nouns are used with singular verbs . plural nouns are used with plural verbs . the collective noun can have a singular verb or a plural verb . if the noun refers to a whole to the inpidual member of a unit , the verb is plural . but some collective nouns , such as people , cattle ,police , are always used with plural verbs .
  step 3 .reading
  now please turn to page 34 and read the passage quickly to get the general idea . then anser the questions on page 34
  step 4 listening and reading aloud
  now , i’ll play the tape for you to listen , the first time ,just listen . the second time . you can follow . and then read the passage aloud by yourselves .
  step 5 . writing
  t : now try to write a letter to someone who you admire very much . tell him or her how much you like him or her
  one possible version :
  780zhonghua road
  xichang district
  beijing ,china
  april 5 ,
  dear mr liu ,
  my name is liu lu . i’m a 17-year-old girl . i’m eager to write to you . among all my hobbies ,singing is my favourite . i enjoy listening to your songs in my spare time . your handsome looking and beautiful songs attract me deeply . i also admire you very much because of your strong will and confidence . you had a hard life in your childhood , but you lived through all the difficulties . i hope i’ll be successful in singing as you are in the future . i’ll learn from you .
  wish you an even brighter future and a happier life .
  your fan and friend ,
  liu lu
  step5 summary and homework
  t : in this class ,we’ve reviewed the useful expressions and the important grammar in this unit . and we’ve also done some reading and learnt how to write a fan letter , after class , go over all the important points learnt in this unit and go on with your letter if you’ve not finished it in class . class is over .
  the fifth period
  teaching aims :
  1.review the grammar item : subject-verb agreement
  2. sum up some special rules of subject-verb agreement
  teaching important points :
  1 .enable the students to master some special rules of subject-verb agreement
  2 help the students consolidate the form of the verb that the collective noun should take
  teaching difficult points :
  1. the form of the verb that two subject joined by "and" should take
  2. the form of the verb that the collective noun .
  teaching methods
  review , explanation , inductive methods
  teaching aids
  1 . a projector and some slides
  2. the blackboard
  teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings and lead-in
  t: teaching procedures :
  step1 .greetings
  greet the whole class as usual
  step 2 .revision
  please look at following sentences , tell me whether the sentences are true or false . if they’re false , please correct them .
  1. the news are very exciting to every one of us .
  2. the police is looking for the lost boy .
  3. nobody know who is going to win in the competition .
  4. the army has rescued the travelers .
  5. his physics is weaker than others .
  step 3 .summary of the special rules of subject-verb agreement
  一.the following can usually be used with plural verbs .
  two or more singular subjects joined by "and" . " both…and…" usually take a plural verb .
  eg my father and mother are away on business in this part of china .
  ① two singular subjects joined by "and" but denoting one person or thing or idea should be used with a singular verb
  eg time and tide waits for no man .
  ② two or more singular subjects joined by "and" but preceded by "each" "every" "no" take a singular verb
  eg in our country every boy and every girl has the right to education .
  no teacher and no student stays at school at sunday .
  1. collective nouns such as " people , public , police , cattle , militia , poultry," are always take a plural verb .
  eg . the cattle are eating grass in the field .
  3. nouns that are plural forms , such as " clothes , shoes , trousers , scissors , socks , slippers ,glasses , compasses ,always take a plural verb
  eg . my trousers were made by my mother .
  4. the expression more than  numeral  noun (pl.) usually take a plural verb .
  more than two hundred students are planting trees.
  二. the following usually takes a singular verb .
  1. when the subject is expressed by an infinitive , a gerund , or a subordinate clause , the verb is generally singular .
  eg .to complete the project is a great success .
  when he will leave for beijing is unknown .
  2. when the subject is expressed by indefinite pronouns , such as either , neither , another , each , anything , little , ect. the verb is usually singular .
  eg . everyone is here .
  3. nouns that are plural in form but singular in sense , such as news , politics , mathematics , economics , usually take a singular verb .
  eg . physics is difficult to learn .
  4. plural expressions of time , distance , weight , value , ect. usually take a singular verb .
  e.g . two and ten is twelve .
  5. when a plural noun is used as the name of a book , drama , newspaper , country ect .the verb is singular .
  e.g . the new york times is published daily .
  step 4 . practice
  choose the best answer .
  1 . on the wall ____two large portraits .
  a. hangs b. hang c. hanged d. hanging
  2.all but one _____here just now
  a .know b . knows c . have known d . is known
  3 .a library with five thousand book ______to the nation as a gift .
  a . is offered b . has offered c. are offered d . have offered
  4 . e-mail , as well as telephone , ____an important part in daily communication .
  a . is playing b . have played c . are played d . play
  step5 summary and homework
  t : in this class , we’ve reviewed the grammar ---- and we’ve also done some reading and learnt how to write a fan letter , after class , go over all the important points subject-verb agreement . we have also summed up the special rules of subject-verb agreement . after class , review and remember these special
  step 1.revision
  check the homework.
  step 2 word study
  finish the exercise in the language study part.
  the answers are: cheerful inspires/inspired mean miserable threatened slopes optimistic shelter solo value
  and then finish the similar exercises in their workbook.
  step 3 grammar
  first introduce the content about subject-verb agreement. then finish the exercise in the following part.
  the answers are: 1 is 2 do 3 is 4 is/are 5 is 6 have 7 has/have 8 have/has
  step 4 practice
  check the answers to exercise 2:
  1. they/we are preparing for a party.
  2. yes, they seem to enjoy themselves./ yes, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.
  3. yes, if they finish the work today.
  4. tell them there will be a meeting this morning.
  5. tell them to phone this number.
  step 5 workbook
  finish the two exercises in the workbook.
  step 6 homework
  prepare some information about oprah winfrey.
  lesson 4
  step 1 revision
  get the students to give their reports about oprah winfrey.
  step 2 presentation
  first, give an introduction about oprah winfrey:
  oprah winfrey is a black woman. in her youth her family was very poor. she came from a small village in the us. despite difficulties in her life, she worked hard and went on without giving up hope. eventually, she earned a scholarship that allowed her to go to university. at university she continued working hard on her studies film stars.
  step 3 reading
  read the short passage about oprah winfrey and be prepared to answer the questions 1 and 2 in the following part.
  step 4 writing
  first give some basic features about a letter to some famous person that you admire very much.
  step 5 homework
  read the passage in the workbook.
