

  9b unit 3 study skills
  个性化补充step 1 revisionrevise the language points in last class ‘integrated skills’check the preview work. help them to give the chinese meanings of the key phrases on the paper.let the ss share their own preview work about transitions between ideas, they can exchange their ideas, the more the better.  step 2 presentation the teacher shows the ss transitions between ideas on the bb or screen. then give them some minutes to learn these words by themselves, next ask them to discuss with partners, and try to catch the chinese meanings of these words. at last the ss read the three paragraphs by themselves, if they have some questions, they can ask teacher or their classmates for help. step 3 practice 1first, ask the ss to read the passages on page 52, then ask them some questions about it. therefore, they can have some more details.next, the teacher helps the ss find out how it is organized, and ask them to underline the transitions.finally, let the ss talk about how these transitions are used to connect sentences. the teacher can draw a conclusion for them. step 4 practice 2 ask the ss to fill in blanks according to chinese with proper transitions, then the ss can check their answers with help of the teacher, the teacher can explain the usage of transitions.step 5 practice 3give the ss 2 minutes to finish the passage with right transitions, choose the best students to give the others some help. step 6 rewriting help the ss to rewrite the composition film or book, which do you prefer? again, and try to use suitable transitions. the ss check the compositions each other, and invite some of them to report to the class what they learn from the others’ and what they should pay attention to. step 7 writing give the students 4-5 minute to complete the sample composition is daily homework necessary or not ?let the students figure out the mistakes and how to make it better. step 8 a summary analysis the structure of the passage and work out the structure about how to write a better composition.step 9 language points go through the article and help the students to take some notes about key phrases and sentences.教师组织小组汇报复习上节课integrated skills相关语言点。教师引导学生分享学习成果,同时指导他们如何取长补短,互相学习。教师提供分类过渡词,这样可以有效输入。引导学生学会质疑,帮助学生释疑。帮助学生分析文章得出初步结论,师生共同探讨,教师进一步总结。提醒学生使用最恰当的过渡词。放手让学生讲解如何运用过渡词有机连接文章。给足够时间去写。如果时间允许,进行学生作品的展示。事先定一个评价标准,参考该标准给出等第。教师点拨总结。学生以学习小组为单位进行复习汇报。学生的小组活动,激发他们的学习欲望。学生及时讨论,及时巩固。学生积极提问的状态和问题的质量可以看出学生的思维的深度。必要时学生可以用中英文解释。学生根据汉语提示能初步学会使用过渡词。学生写作。了解结构,对照范文,进行二次写作。学生的三次习作学生语言知识积累
  板书设计conclusion how to make a passage better the structure of the passage  beautiful expressions  good words and phrases  beautiful sentences  transitional words  no mistakes
  教学反思【当堂巩固】一、根据汉语意思,用适当的过渡词填空。 i think life on mars is much better than that on earth, especially with my robot tim.  ______(首先), i can have tim do all the housework, _______(如), doing the laundry, cleaning dishes, making the bed, etc. __________(结果), i will have more free time. _________( 第二点), tim can help me a lot with my study. _______ (当) i study at home, i can have tim take notes for me. it can______ (也)help me with my homework. ___________(还有), it will correct the mistakes in my homework. __________ (然而), if it catches a virus, it causes trouble. _________(为了) make it work normally, i have to check it once a week. 二、根据上下文,用适当的过渡词填空。 computers can do a lot of things. __________, they can calculate very fast and rarely give wrong answers. ___________,they can also operate railways and fly aeroplanes. _________, computers are welcomed by human beings._________, they can’t take the place of humans, 三、写作 is daily homework necessary or not?useful expressions:if…, although…, …because …, so that, for example, without, it is … to do …learn some bad habits, such as, review old knowledge, gain new knowledge, enable the teachers to…, boring, many times, a waste of time, a saying goes, duty, pass the exam, achieve greater success,
  is daily homework necessary or not?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________main task 【自学探究】新课 标第一 网 一、预习p53—p54,在课本上划出下列词组并翻译。
  1. 去韩国的一次旅行__________ 6. 主题公园 __________________
  2. 首都城市 ______________ 7. 懂中文 __________________
  3. 旅行的方式________________ 8. 数百家商店 __________________
  4. 吸引游客的地方____________ 9. 肯定会找到你想要的东西____________
  5. 最美丽的宫殿 _____________ 10. 去滑雪 __________________二、完成课本p53—p54练习。 三、根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语或英语单词的适当形式填空。1. the sun r in the east and goes down in the w .2. if you want to answer the teacher’s question, please r your hand.3. do you know m satellites can help us do many things.4. cleaning house is a t job. the children felt very t after that.5. to our s , he passed his exam . (success)6. people like to h him to work for them because he is very hard-working.7. the great wall lies in the n part of china. 8. the teacher usually give their students a number of s .9. don’t eat , it’s bad for our . (health)10. beijing is the c city of china.11. the food is delicious, so the restaurants are always c .12. unless i learn to cook, i won’t be able to enjoy t chinese food when i go back to the usa.13. the exchange students are going to stay in beijing for one week. (many)
  14. our planet, earth, is becoming more and more ____________(拥挤的)and polluted.【教案】
  9b unit 3 main task
  个性化补充step 1 revisionrevise the passage in reading.step 2 presentation 1. show a picture of south korea.2. let the ss talk about the country.step 3 part a miss thompson has asked the class 1, grade 9 students to suggest a country in asia that her students can visit. amy would like to suggest south korea and has prepared some notes. read her notes. in this ways, they can get some idea about south korea. get the students to read the notes one by one. motivate the students to read it aloud. after reading ask the students some questions about south korea.step 4 writing a guide.tell the students that amy is writing a guide to south korea for miss thompson. help her complete her guide. ask the ss to work in pairs to finish the guide.check the answers. direct students’ attention to the structure of the passage. first, you should introduce the country. second , you can talk about the language and currency there. then, you can talk about some interesting places there. at last, you can talk about the things you can do there. after this it is important to point out that to organize the ideas will help people who are writing a guide. (见板书设计)step 5 discuss what to write give the students 3-4 minutes to decide which country to write about. walk around the class to help the ss if necessary. then make notes about the country.step 7 writing walk around to help the student to organize their ideas and get more ideas. tell the students to write about their favourite country because this may help them to write their guide better.step 8 language points go through the article and help the students to locate some important sentence patterns. explain some important language points. 教师提问复习reading所学课文,帮助学生激活所学关于北京的知识, 然后引出有关韩国的知识。在阅读信息时教师有针对性地突出一些问题。老师带领学生过part a中的短语。要求学生把part a中的信息填入到旅游指南。引导学生分析旅游指南的结构,并指出我们可以按照这样的结构来安排我们自己的语言材料,形成自己的文章。给学生补充一些亚洲国家的知识。激发学生的思维,让他们把以前所学句型用于写作。给足够时间去写。如果时间允许,进行学生作品的展示。事先定一个评价标准,参考该标准给出等第。学生回答(齐答或个别回答)。学生大胆表达和提问。这是一个信息输入的过程,学生应尽可能通过跟读、复述、扩句等形式记住这些语言讨论parta中的信息应该如何填进旅游指南。学生完成文章,感知如何用自己所熟知的语言描写自己需要描述的国家。理解、记忆写旅游指南的文章的结构。完成p54 b2 填写信息学生写作。了解标准,对照找出不足,进行二次写作。
  板书设计 introduction : what country , capital city , how  language and currency a trip to south korea  interesting places  things to do
  教学反思【当堂巩固】翻译下列句子。1. 在韩国人们主要说韩国语,但是他们当中一些人可能懂汉语和英语。 in south korea people , but some of them .2. 那儿使用的货币是韩元。 the is the south korea won.3. 在北京银行兑换钱币很容易。 it’s easy in beijing.4. 奥运会公园是1988年首尔奥运会举行的地方。 olympic park is .5. 韩国也是一个购物的好去处。在明洞购物区有数百家商店。 south korea is also . there are in myeongdong shopping district. 6. 你和你的学生们肯定会找到你们想要的东西。 you and your students will there.7. 虽然交通总是很繁忙,然而有足够的公共交通服务以便人们可以容易地到达任何地方。 always busy, there are enough people can go anywhere easily.8. 我希望人们能够步行或骑车而不是开车,除非是确实需要。 i wish people instead of it is really necessary.checkout【自学探究】 一、预习p55,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1. public transport services 2. so that 3. go anywhere easily 4. all the beijing people 5 too much traffic 6. ride bicycles instead of driving cars 7. enjoy the fresh air there 8. taste tasty chinese food 9. go back to the usa 10. serve a lot of people every day 11. although many people in beijing don’t speak english, all the beijing people are very nice. 12. i hope there are more parks so that more people can enjoy the fresh air there. 13. i wish people would walk or ride bicycles instead of driving cars unless it is really necessary. 二、完成课本p55, parts a、b练习。 三、问题探究:1. if you have a chance to travel, which country do you want to go best?2. do you like to live in foreign country in the future?3. till now, how much have you known about beijing?四、根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语或英语单词的适当形式填空. 1. i have to go outside because the house is __________ with smoke. (充满)2. there are all kinds of old______________ in the museum. (家具)3. the kites come in different __________ and sizes. (形状)4. as we know xi’an was a great capital in _____________ china in chinese history. (古代)5. it’s reported that more people with disabilities will be ____________ in XX. (雇用)6. when i was young, my teacher told me that taiwan ______(lie) in the southeast of china.7. the beauty of mount. tai was so __________(attract) that we decided to spend another day on it.8. have you ever seen the raising of the ______ flag? (nation) 9. we should show kids and teenagers how you can eat ____________. (health) 10. most big cities in china are located in the ____________ part of the country. (east) 五、翻译句子1. 我说慢一点,这样你们能听清我所讲的话。 ______________________________________________________________________. 2. 你能想象独自一个人生活在孤岛上吗?  ______________________________________________________________________.3. 尽管那辆车价格很贵,但我们还是决定把它买下来。 ______________________________________________________________________. 4. 我的小妹妹从来不哭,除非她饿了。 ______________________________________________________________________. 5. 除非你上课认真听,否则你不会通过考试的。__________________________________________________________________________【教案】
  9b unit 3 checkout
  教学目标1. 复习用although引导一个从句。 2. 复习用unless 谈论意外情况。 3. 复习用so that 引出做某事的目的。 4. 巩固本单元所学的生词。 5. 让学生检查自己是否取得进步,并提出尚未解决的问题。
  重难点分析1. 复习表示名胜地的单词以及重点词汇短语句型2. 教会学生解决的问题的方法。
  个性化补充step 1 lead-inplay a guessing game. pide the students into four groups and let them guess what the place of interest is according to the description.. step 2 word puzzle1. show them a word puzzle and ask them to find the words of places of interest. 2. show them six small pictures in the textbook and ask them to find a proper word for each picture in the puzzle. step 3 presentationshow the students a short video of two cities in china and let them have an idea of solving problems. ask them a few questions about the two cities step 4 part aask them to read the conversation between millie and miss thompson in the textbook. they can practice in pairs and fill in the blanks using " although, unless and so that" step 5 practice1. ask some students to describe the trips. 2. ask how to describe the trips. they can use the information in the article. step 6 production1. have a small quiz about how to describe the trips. 2. ask the students to discuss with classmates how to protect nature. ask the students to discuss with their classmates how to protect nature. give as many ideas as they can. step 7 revision of the language pointshave a competition to see who is the fastest and learns this unit best. step 8 writing1. pide the students into 4 teams. work in groups. 2. give the students 5 minutes to finish the article. walk around to help the student to organize their ideas and get more ideas. tell the students to pay attention to the requires to get more points.把学生分成四组。猜谜游戏既能复习亚洲名胜地的名词,又能调动学生的积极性。练习呈现在屏幕上,核对答案时很清晰,一目了然。播放中国两城市的视频,提问有关的问题。同时巩固了reading的内容。在班级巡视,帮助学生解决遇到的困难。把学生分组进行阅读提供的文章让学生能学习描述名胜地。调查学生对在世界名胜的了解情况,进行情感教育。把一些行为用图片的形式呈现出来,很直观。对学生的回答及时做出评价。通过提问的形式引入学生需要保护自然的情感目标。告诉学生保护自然等于保护我们自己。让学生独立完成,但可以选择问题,激发他们争优情绪。复习了本单元重点。检查他们有无掌握。把学生分组合作,形成合作学习小组。呈现一些小组的成果,给予公正的评价,有利于他们更好的完成这一任务。为了使学生的写作能力得到提高,当众批改2-3篇。学生抢答回顾本单元的名胜地的词汇,积极性高。学生独立完成练习,然后核对答案。学生观看视频,回答老师的问题。
  学生两人一组进行操练,完成书上的练习。学生进行小组操练,表演。巩固了part a的内容。拓展了自救能力。学生讨论,回答老师的提问。并根据老师的评价,在脑海里形成正确的方法,加深印象。学生回答老师的问题。学生与同学讨论保护自然的方法,充分发挥他们的想象力。学生以小组为单位合作完成。学生在做的过程中复习了重难点创造了合作竞争气氛。根据制定的计划自行完成作文。
  作业设计1. finish designing the real web page on places of interest. 2. review the whole unit and get ready for the test.
  板书设计unit 3 check outplaces of interest words and phrases grammars
  教学反思【当堂巩固】一、选择填空 ( ) 1. it is very difficult to talk. there is _________ noise.  a. much too  b. too many  c. too much  d. too far ( ) 2. there are __________ museums in guilin. a. too few  b. too much  c .too little  d. a little ( ) 3._________ i slept well last night, i still felt very tired this morning.  a. until  b. because  c. although  d. whether ( ) 4. the girl sang _________ that all the people stood up and cheered her. a. so beautiful b. so beautifully c. such beautiful d such beautifully ( ) 5. i won’t go swimming this afternoon __________ i can finish my homework ahead of time.a. but  b. in order to  c. unless  d. as a result ( ) 6.lots of visitors come to shanghai because it is _____ city.a. so a beautiful  b. very a beautiful  c. quite a beautiful  d. such beautiful二、词汇运用 1. __________ you go, i’ll follow you. (无论哪里) 2. he often _________ information from the internet.(收集) 3. the teacher asked the students to _________ in the blanks.(填) 4. according to the law, one person should not have two _________ (国籍) 5.___________ you want to buy lots of souvenirs, or you needn’t go there. (除非) 6. it is one of the _________ of the world (wonder) 7. people like to buy ___________ product. (nature) 8. kyoto is the ___________ capital of japan.(culture) 9. to everyone’s __________, the plan succeeded.( surprise) 10.you can experience its __________ and greatness through climbing it step by step. (beautiful) 三、完成句子 1. 上海的交通量太大。 ___________________________________________________________________. 2. 尽管王老师很忙,他还是来帮我学英语。 ___________________________________________________________________. 3. 水喝得太少补利于你的健康。 ___________________________________________________________________. 4. 他们要在苏州再多留一周。 ___________________________________________________________________. 5.这是我在中国参观的第二个大城市。 ___________________________________________________________________. 6 .除非太忙,不然明天我将到那儿去。 ___________________________________________________________________. 四、缺词填空one day tom went out to look for work. he went from place to place, b could not find a job. in the afternoon he came to a f . he went into the office building and o the door of a big room. there he s a fat man sitting at a desk."what do you want?" the man asked. "i am looking for work," answered tom. "what kind of work?" the man asked. "any kind of work, please. i am strong, you see," tom said.the man looked at tom f a while and then he said, "we have got enough workers in our factory. we want no more. get out."tom turned around. when he was going to the d , the fat man said, "look! can you see the man over there?" he p to a man outside the window. "i give him f dollars a day. do you want his job? he is getting old. of course, i won’t give you five dollars a day. i can only give you four dollars a day."for some minutes tom said n . he thought of his wife and children. but that worker had wife and children, t . finally tom said, "no, i don’t want the job!"tom was right. he didn’t want to take the bread out of another worker’s mouth.
