

  unit 15
  1. look into 调查 look about = look around = look round 环顾四周 look after = take care of = care for 照顾 look back = call up 回忆 look down upon 看不起… look up to 尊敬… look forward to 盼望…
  look out = watch out = take care = be careful 当心 look over 查阅 look through 流览
  look up the dictionary = turn to the dictionary 查阅字典
  2. every now and then = from time to time = at times = every now and again= now and then = occasionally不时地
  3. get / be tired of 对…感到厌倦 be tired with / from 因…感到累 give out = be tired out 精疲力竭
  4. cool off = cool down 变凉/ 冷静 keep cool = keep calm 保持镇定!
  5. be guaranteed for 对…提出担保
  6. gather (in) crops 收割庄稼 gather oneself 使振作 gather up 聚拢 / 概括
  7. foreign currency 外币
  8. be faced with 面对… in face of… 面对 face to face 面对面 lose one"s face 丢面子
  see fit = think fit 认为恰当 think fit to do sth
  9. argue sb into doing 劝说某人做某事 argue sb out of doing
  argue with sb about sth 与某人争辩某事 apologize to sb for doing = make an apology to sb for sth
  10. have an itch for sth = have an itch to do sth 渴望做某事 have itching ears 爱听新奇的事
  11. be considered as / to be 被认为… consider doing sth 考虑做某事 all things considered 纵观一切
  12. urge sb to do sth = urge sb into doing sth 催促某人做某事
  13. catch / get / have a glimpse of = glimpse at 瞥见
  14. be known for 因…而出名 be known to 为…所熟知 be known as 作为…而出名
  15. celebrate sb sth 庆祝… in celebration of 为庆祝… congratulate sb on sth 庆祝某人某事
  16. there is no doubt that… 毫无疑问… there is no possibility that … 不可能…
  there is chance that… 有可能… there is no point in doing sth 做某事无意义
  there is no need to do sth 没有必要做某事 be in need of 需要量 need to do sth 需要做…
  it is no good doing sth = it is no use to do sth = it is no use doing sth 做某事没用
  17. breath-taking 惊险的 peace-loving people 爱好和平人士 meat-eating animals 食肉动物
  18. a feast for the eyes 大开眼界 / 眼睛的盛宴 / 赏心悦目 give / hold a feast 举行宴会
  a wedding feast 婚宴
  19. take / have a dip in 在…里游泳 / 洗澡 go for a dip 去游泳
  take a bath 淋浴 take a vacation 休假 take a journey / trip去旅行 take a walk 去散步
  20. offer to do 主动提议做某事 offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 提供某人某物 offer oneself to 献身于
  offer sth for money 开价…
  21. things work out quite well. 结果 i work out regularly to keep fit. 锻炼
  i"ve worked out the difficult maths question. 计算出 work out a plan 设计出
  22. should you have enough energy left, … = if you should have enough energy left, …. 如果..
  23. draw up a list 制表 make a list of 列表 put one"s name on the list 把某人列入名单中
  24. travel budget 旅行预算 balance the budget 平衡预算 travel document 旅游证件
  25. fall in with one"s view 按某人意愿行事 in my view = in my opinion in view 计划好了
  in view of 关于 with a view to doing… 为了做…
  26. arrange for 安排/准备/ 商定 make arrangements for 为…作出安排
  27. make photocopies of 复印… if possible 若可能的话 a seasoned sailor = an experienced sailor
  28. act as 充当/ 起…作用 act for 代理 act out 表演 act up 捣乱/ 出毛病 act on / upon 对…起作用
  29. especially 尤其/ 特别是 both the brothers are tall, john especially.
  specially 特别地 / 专门的 this car was specially designed for use in the desert.
  30. make forecast = make weather predictions 天气预报
  foretell / forecast / predict the path of a hurricane 预测飓风路径 in all directions = in every direction
  in a certain direction 从某个方向过来 give directions 给予指示
  scientific equipments 科学仪器 / 设备 musical instruments 乐器
  31. prepare for… = make preparations for 为…做准备 prepare …准备…
  be well prepared for = be ready for 做好了做某事的准备
  when first ____ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.
  a. introducing b. introduced c. introduce d. being introduced
  "we can"t go out in this weather," said bob, _____ out of the window.
  a. looking b. to look c. looked d. having looked
  helen had to shout _____ above the sound of the music.
  a. making herself hear b. to male herself hear c. making herself heard d. to make herself heard
  reading is an experience quite different from watching tv; there are pictures _____ in your mind instead of before your eyes.
  a. to form b. form c. forming d. having formed
  it shames me to say it, but i told a lie when ______ at the meeting by my boss.
  a. questioning b. having questioned c. questioned d. to be questioned
  alice returned from the manager"s office, _____ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.
  a. having told b. tells c. to tell d. telling
  you were silly not _____ your car.
  a. to lock b. to have locked c. locking d. having locked
  having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ______ the exam.
  a. pass b. to pass c. passed d. passing
  _______ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
  a. compare b. when comparing c. comparing d. when compared
  having been attacked by terrorists, ______.
  a. doctors came to their rescue b. the tall building collapsed
  c. an emergency measure was taken d. warnings were given to tourists
  he looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
  a. put b. to be putting c. to put d. putting
  the pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing.
  a. seat b. seating c. seated d. to be seating
  victor apologized for _____ to inform me of the change in the plan.
  a. his being not able b. him not to be able c. his not being able d. him to be not able
  after his journey from abroad, richard jones returned home, _______.
  a. exhausting b. exhausted c. being exhausted d. having exhausted
  suddenly a tall man driving a golden carriage _____ the girl and took her away, _____ into the woods.
  a. seizing; disappeared b. seized; disappeared c. seizing; disappearing d. seized; disappearing
  a cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.
  a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoke d. smoked
  _____ time, he will make a first-class tennis player.
  a. having given b. to give c. giving d. given
  the discovery of new evidence led to ______.
  a. the thief having caught b. caught the thief
  c. the thief being caught d. the thief to be caught
  an army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered __ clear warnings before firing any shots.
  a. to issue b. being issued c. to have issued d. to be issued
  _____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.
  a. the president will attend b. the president to attend
  c. the president attended d. the president"s attending
  unless _____ to speak, you should remain silent at he conference.
  a. invited b. inviting c. being invited d. having invited
  she will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live.
  a. to have played b. to play c. to be played d. to be playing
  mr. smith, _____ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel.
  a. tired; boring b. tiring; bored c. tired; bored d. tiring; boring
  —are the new rules working in the library — yes, _____ books are stolen.
  a. few b. more c. some d. none
  fuzhou is bigger than ______ in fujian.
  a. many another cities b. many other cities c. any city d. any of the other city
