

  unit 1 festival around the world
  part 1 teaching design
  第一部分 教学设计
  period 2 a sample lesson plan for learning about language
  (modal verbs: may/ might, can/ could, will/ would, shall/ should, must/ can’t)
  in this period students will be first helped by the teacher to discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions, and then to discover and learn to use the following useful structures: may/ might, can/ could, will/ would, shall/ should, must/ can’t. the following steps of teaching may be taken: warming up,learning about grammar and closing down by doing a quiz.
  to help students learn about modal verbs
  to help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions
  to help students di scover and learn to use some useful structures
  1. warming up by discovering useful words and expressions
  turn to page 4 and do exercises no. 1, 2 and 3. check your answers against your classmates’.
  2. reading and finding
  turn to page 1 and read the text of festivals and celebrations. as you read, find o ut examples of may/ might, can/ could, will/ would, shall/ should, must/ can used in the sentences.
  3. doing exercises no. 1, 2 and 3 on page 5
  turn to page 5 and do the exercises no. 1, 2 and 3 in groups of four.
  4. study the uses of modal verbs
  next we go on to make a careful study of all the modal verbs.
  words like can, will, may, must, and a few others are called modals. modal auxiliary verbs help other verbs express a meaning or an idea. some common uses of the mod als are these:
  ability: he can speak english now.
  he couldn’t speak english a year ago.
  i’m not able to come to the game on friday.
  permission: all passengers may now board.
  we can board now.
  obligation: you must fasten your seat belts. (strong)
  you should pay attention.
  you out to pay attention.
  possibility: it may rain.
  how could i forget an import thing like that?
  he can’t /must have known the result.
  meanings similar to those of the modals can often be conveyed by real verb form s:
  he has to =…must…
  is able to speak english. =…can…
  is allowed to =…may…
  is supposed to =…should…
  (be) able toability, less used than can
  e.g. i’m not able to come to the game on friday.
  e.g. can you play the piano?
  asking for and giving permission
  e.g. "mom, can i go the cinema tonight?"
  "no, you can’t. you have homework to do"
  e.g. can i help you?
  request, instruction
  e.g. can you switch on the light for me?
  e.g. the summers in england can be really unpredictable.
  with be to make criticisms
  e.g. susan can be a real pa in in the neck at times.
  e.g. i can’t come to the game on friday.
  when you feel sure something is not possible (opposite of must)
  e.g. the tennis match ca n’t be over yet. (i’m sure it isn’t).
  possibility or uncertainty (can also use might)
  e.g. he could be the one for you!
  request (more polite than can)
  e.g. could you switch on the light for me?
  e.g. we could go on a picnic this afternoon.
  asking for and giving permission
  e.g. "could i use yo ur phone?"
  "yes, of course you can"
  e.g. i couldn’t possibly leave tom alone while he ’s in this state.
  with comparative adjectives to express possibility or impossibility
  e.g. i could be fitter.
  e.g. he couldn’t study harder.
  had betterstrong advice (less used than should)
  e.g. you’d better do the washing up now.
  e.g. i’d better not go out tonight, because i have to get up early tomorrow.
  to express although in clauses
  e.g. i may be married to you, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like dirt.
  possibility or uncertainty (formal)
  e.g. there may be a cure for aids within the next ten years.
  asking for and giving permission (less usual, more formal)
  e.g. "may i use your phone?"
  "yes, of course you may"
  may as well/might as welldescribes the only thing left to do, something which the speaker is no t enthusiastic about
  e.g. i’m so bored, i may as well do some housework.
  possibility or uncertainty
  e.g. there might be a cure for aids within the next ten years.
  unreal situation
  e.g. if i knew her better, i might invite her to the ball.
  when you feel sure something is true (opposite of can’t)
  e.g. the tennis match must be over by now. (i’m sure it is).
  necessity, personal feelings
  e.g. i haven’t spoken to liz for ages. i must give her a call.
  order, strong suggestion
  e.g. you must stop smoking or you’ll get lung cancer.
  certainty or desire (mainly british english)
  e.g. i shall give up chocolate for lent.
  in formal rules and regulations (mainly british engli sh)
  e.g. racism or sexism shall not be tolerated in this building.
  in questions to ask for instructions and decisions, and to make offers and suggestions (mainly british english)
  e.g. what shall i do?
  when shall we come and see you?
  shall we go to the cinema this evening?
  shan’tcertainty (less usual, mostly british english)
  e.g. i shan’t be late for the meeting.
  expectation (can use ought to)
  e.g. if you like picasso, you should enjoy the exhibition.
  suggestion, advice, opinion (can use ought to)
  e.g. you should have more driving lessons before you take the test.
  when something is not right or as you expect it
  e.g. the price on this can of beans is wrong. it should say $1.20, not $2.20.
  criticism (can use ought to)
  e.g. you shouldn’t shout at your mother like that.
  e.g. should i ask her out on a date?
  should + words of thinking, to make an opinion less direct
  e.g. i should think he could find a more compatible match.
  with be and adjectives describing chance, including odd, strange, typical, natural, interesting, surprised, surprising, funny (=odd) and what a coincidence.
  e.g. it’s odd that he should ask you so many personal questions.
  after in case to emphasise unlikelihood
  e.g. i’m not going out tonight in case she should call me.
  e.g. if jane should drop by when i am out, tell her to come back later.
  polite order or instruction
  e.g. applications should be sent by 3rd january.
  e.g. oh, that’ll be john on the phone.
  request (can and could are more common)
  e.g. will you go to the shop for me?
  intention or willingness
  e.g. "i’ll take gran’s pearls then".
  "you won’t!"
  "i will!"
  e.g. will you please shut up?
  e.g. "i won’t clean my room!"
  "yes you will!"
  habits and typical behaviour
  e.g. sarah will sit and gaze at the stars all night.
  e.g. she will drink too much when she goes out.
  emphatically forbid an action, in response to a will expression
  e.g. "i’ll take gran’s pearls then".
  "you won’t!"
  "i will!"
  e.g. "i won’t clean my room!"
  "yes you will!"
  request (can and could are more common)
  e.g. would you go to the shop for me?
  would like - offer/invitation
  e.g. would you like a cup of tea?
  after be, followed by adjectives doubtful, unlikely, to emphasise a tentative action
  e.g. it’s doubtful that he would be there in time of need.
  annoying habit, typical of a person
  e.g. she would ask me for money, wouldn’t she?
  certainty in a suppressed conditional sentence
  e.g. i would never agree to that. (even if he asked me)
  wouldn’tcertainty in a suppressed conditional sentence
  e.g. i wouldn’t agree to that. (even if he asked me.)
  5. closing down by doing a quiz
  to end the period you are going to take a quiz on modal verbs: can, could, may and might
  use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill each gap:
  1they (can/might)________________ be away for the weekend but i"m not sure.
  2you (may/might)________________ leave now if you wish.
  3(could/may)________________ you open the window a bit, please?
  4he (can/could)________________ be from sheffield, judging by his accent.
  5(may/can)________________ you swim?
  6listen, please. you (may not/might not)________________ speak during this exam.
  7they (can"t/may not)_______ _________ still be out!
  8you (couldn"t/might not)________________ smoke on the bus.
  9with luck, tomorrow (can/could)________________ be a cooler day.
  10you (can/might)________________ be right but i"m going back to check the times.
  keys: 1~5 might, may, could, could, can;6~10:may, can’t, couldn’t, could, might
