

  unit 13 the mystery of the moonstone
  step 1 pre-reading:
  1.what do you already know about the story the moonstone?
  something about the moonstone
  2.how many main characters in the novel? who are they?
  characters :
  rachel verinder : a beautiful and wealthy young woman, who lives with her mother and several servants in a fine house in england.
  godfrey: a successful bachelor with many lady admirers, who asks rachel to marry him .
  franklin blake: rachel’s childhood friend.
  dr. candy: a local doctor who has a quarrel with franklin about a prescription.
  the indians they follow the moonstone around the world wait for an opportunity to take it back .
  rosanna: rachel’s maid who seems fond of franklin.
  sergeant cuff: a policeman.
  step 2 fast reading
  make the students try summing up the main ideas of some paragraphs, then show them some suggested ones.
  para 1 : sth about the moonstone
  para 2: some information about rachel
  para 3 : the tension and strange things caused by the moonstone
  para 4 : sth happened at rachel’s birthday party
  para 5 : the miss of the moonstone and sergeant cuff’s discovering
  para 6 : the 1st suspect
  para 7 : the 2nd suspect
  para 8 : the 3rd suspect
  para 9 : the 4th suspect
  para 10: sergeant’s vital clue
  analyse the structure of the passage:
  part 1 ---- paragraph 1 : how rachel gets the moonstone as her present.
  part 2 ---- paragraph 2: rachel’s happy life before her eighteenth birthday party.
  part 3 ---- para 3-4: what happens at the party.
  part 4 ---- para 5: the moonstone is missing and sergeant cuff is asked to investigate the case.
  part 5 ---- para 6-9: how sergeant cuff analyse the case
  part 6 ---- para.10 the last paragraph: sergeant cuff finds a vital clue of the theft ---- a smear in the wet paint on the door.
  step 3 careful reading
  1.who gave rachel the moonstone ?why did he give it to her ?where did her uncle get the moonstone ?
  rachel’s uncle gave her the moonstone .he wanted to pass on his bad fortune to her in an act of revenge .he stole the diamond from the temple in india.
  2.what happened to the diamond after the birthday party ?
  it was gone .
  sergeant cuff thought many people might have stolen the diamond .who do you think stole the diamond ?
  decide true or false:
  1.the man who stole the moonstone left it to his sister’s daughter because he loved her very much. f
  2.godfrey was under suspicion for stealing the diamond because rachel refused his marriage . 3.sergeant cuff has one vital clue_ the stained garment . f
  4.franklin’s being love with rachel made dr candy angry for dr candy loved her deeply. f
  5.rosanna may have taken the diamond to please franklin who had heavy debts. f
  step 4 post-reading:
  1. rachel’s birthday party was not a success. why not?
  several arguments and strange things happened: godfrey proposed marriage to rachel and was turned down, franklin argued with mr. candy, and indian entertainers arrived but gave poor entertainment. the passage also suggests a reason why the party was not successful might be the bad luck of the moonstone.
  why did sergeant cuff think franklin might have stolen the diamond?
  he is enthusiastic to help the investigation even though this makes rechel very angry. is he covering up hid guilt?
  a list about the suspects and reasons :
  reasons for suspicion the indians
  they followed the moonstone around the world waiting for an opportunity to take it back to india . godfrey
  he might have stolen the moonstone as revenge for loss of face ,because rachel turned down his proposal of marriage . dr candy
  as with godfrey, he lost face because of the quarrelling with franklin. rachel
  perhaps she had debts that needed to be paid . rosanna
  she might have taken the diamond either from force of habit ,for she was a thief before rachel’s mother gave her a job or cause a disagreement between rachel and franklin franklin
  he gave the detective assistance.his enthusiasm was the reason why he was suspected ,because it was not his business. step 5 what are the main clue of the story?
  the detective story develops completely following the structure: the appearance of the moonstone (receiving from rachel’s uncle) ---- the loss of the moonstone ---- the investigation of the moonstone (and the person who might have stolen it )---- discovery of the truths or facts. language points:
  1. be set in 以------为背景
  2. be cursed with ___________
  under the curse of = as a result of curse
  3. live a sad, lonely life ____________
  4. leave sth. to sb. 将某物遗赠给某人
  leave the moonstone to his sister’s daughter ______________
  4. in an act of revenge (在)作为报复(的行动中)
  take the moonstone as revenge for the loss of face 因丢了面子而将宝石拿进行报复
  get/have/take revenge on sb. for sth.因某事而报复某人
  in revenge 作为报复
  类似的:in return/exchange___________
  5. pass on sth.to sb.转交; 将------传递给------
  pass on his bad fortune to her___________
  6. on the reception for her eighteenth birthday
  para 2
  7. be considerate towards sb.对------体贴
  句型:it is considerate of sb. to do sth.
  considering(prep.) 就------而言;考虑到
  consideration(n) eg . take sb/sth. into consideration(account)
  8. bring ---back (1)将某人(物)带回
  eg. please bring back the book tomorrow.
  (2) 恢复某事物 eg.they voted against bringing back the death penalty. 他们投票反对恢复死刑。
  eg. a week by the sea brought her back to health.______________
  bring ---back to life ________ bring sb./sth.( with one)___________
  bring about____________ bring ---down ______ ]
  bring on ___________ bring up_______
  bring out 使某物出现;显现出;阐明
  9. fasten it to her dress 将宝石系在他身上
  tie---to---________ fix---to---______ pin ---to---______
  10. go wrong 变糟糕,出问题,出故障 类似的有 :
  go hungry/bad/white
  表状态持续的 keep/remain/stay
  11. over dinner 在吃饭时;过了饭后
  12. in unusual foreign clothes 穿奇装异服
  13. offer to entertain the guests 主动要求给客人演节目
  14. behave strangely 举止怪异
  behave+adv.(towards sb.)
  eg. behave well/badly/shamefully_____________
  behave (oneself) 表现好
  eg. children, please behave ( yourself)! 孩子们,规矩些!
  a bachelor with many lady admirers有好多女子追求的未婚男子
  15. except for / except except for 强调部分与整体,不同类事物之间
  eg. your composition is wonderful ______________(except/ except for) some spelling mistakes.
  考点 : except + that,when等引导的从句
  she is excellent except that she is a little careless._________
  i go to work every day except when it is rainy. _____________
  16. cause a disagreement between ---and--- 在某人之间制造矛盾
  para 9
  17 be stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the moonstone
  18.give sb. as much assistance as sb. can 尽可能给予某人帮助
  与此类似的有:do as much as one can to do sth.
  do all/everything/whatever one can to do sth.尽力做某事
  19.be guilty 有罪 be guilty of a crime 犯了罪
  eg. because i am not guilty, they set me free. ______________
  she had a guilty expression on her usually cheerful face.(内疚的)
  that makes him guilty of treason. 那使他犯了叛国罪。
  the pilice said he was guilty _______ the murder.
  a.with b. for c. of d .to
  20.his move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with rachel.
  move(n) (1)行动;步骤
  eg. the government’s announcement ]is seen as a move
  towards settling the strike.
  eg. she sat in the corner , watching my every move.
  make a move 出发,动身 on the move 在移动中
  evidence (n) 证据
  eg. she admitted that she had hidden the evidence because she
  loved him and and wanted to keep him out of trouble.
  evident(adj.) 句型: it is evident/obvious that---
  be/fall in love with sb. 爱上某人
  step 3.some key sentences:
  21.franklin’s reply that doctors just guess which drug they should recommend makes dr candy extremely angry..(reply后是同位语从句)
  22.troubled by the loss of such a valuable jewel, rachel’s mother hires the famous detective sergeant cuff to investigate the theft.
  23.as the story develops,(with the development of---) we discover some secrets about the people at the house that night, and the reasons why they might have stolen the diamond.
  24.rachel is stubbon in resisting his enquiries about the moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery( to be )solved.(seem/look/appear+as if 引导的表语从句)
  25.if he can find the stained garment , he will have found the thief. (将来完成时)
  26.whoever (=anyong who ) is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes.(疑问词+ever可引导名词性从句,亦可引导让步状语从句)
  27 franklin, who is a smoker, is considerate towards rachel. # 老师是体谅学生的。 teachers are considerate towards students. # 在我睡觉的时候你不弹钢琴,真是考虑得周到。 it was considerate of you not to play the piano while i was having a sleep. consider/ consideration/ considerable/ considering he bought his car at a _________ expense. she’s very active, _________ her age. when marking tom’s exam papers, the teacher took tom’s long illness into__________. they ________ themselves very important.
