

  sbia unit 9 technology
  考点1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说 vi.加;加起来;增添
  new functions are being added to the phones.
  the modern pentathlon was added to the olympic program.
  add…to 向……增加
  add 补充说;又说
  add up加起来
  add to 增加
  add up to总计共达
  (1)________(增加)a few more names of labourers to the list.
  (2)all his school education ____________(加起来总共)no more
  than one year.
  (3)fireworks __________(增加)the attraction of the festival night.
  added up to
  added to
  (4)since then, the great wall has always ________, rebuilt and
  a. been added to b. added to
  c. been added up d. been added up to
  a。add to"增加",现在完成时与since连用。
  there have been several new events _________ to the program for XX beijing olympic games.
  a. add b. to add c. adding d. added
  考点2. dare vt. & v. aux. 敢;胆敢
  i don’t dare to use the phone in school.
  i don"t dare tell him. how can i do it?
  dare to do(实意动词)竟敢;敢(否定句可省略to)
  dare (dared) do sth.竟敢
  dare sb. to do 挑战,激将
  dare n. 挑战
  (1)don"t _______(敢)do that again!
  (2)i don"t think he will ________(敢)the risk.
  (3)i took his _______(挑战).
  (4)你怎敢说出这样的话?(写作小练笔:主谓宾;such, thing)
  考点3. force n.力量;暴力vt. 强制;促使;强迫
  q12cannot be defeated by force.
  peace cannot be kept by force.
  force vt. 强制, 强加 force n. (物理)力;暴力
  forces n.(复数)军队 by force  通过暴力
  force sb. to do 强制某人干 force…open 强行打开
  how dare you say such a thing?
  (1)the servant had to _______(强行)the window
  open every morning.
  (2)the _______(力)of gravity makes things fall to earth.
  (写作小练笔:主谓宾+to do;against one’s will)
  (4)the bank robber ________ the staff and customers to lie on the
  a. obliged b. requested c. forced d. demanded
  c。forced "用暴力强迫"。
  the government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.
  a. forced b. forcing c. to be forced d. having forced
  they forced me to do things against my will.
  考点4. call for要求;需要
  having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.
  they call for more government investment in new industry.
  call for 要求;需要;邀约
  call back召回;回电话
  call in回收;邀请
  call off取消;叫住
  call out 召集
  call up征召;唤起
  (1)he came in and ____________(要求)some magazines.
  (2)the occasion __________(需要)a cool head. you’d better stay
  (3)she ____________(拿回)the books she had lent me.
  (4)the man sat down and ____________(要了)some beer.
  called for
  calls for
  called for
  called for
  考点5. in case (of)假设;万一
  having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.
  they would be in a dangerous situation in case of a fail.
  in case万一;假设;以防;可能;倘若
  in case of 万一
  in case (that)倘若
  in that/ this case如果是那样/这样的话
  in no case决不
  (1)take a hat with you ________(以防)the sun is very hot.
  (2)i didn’t want to buy anything but i took my cheque book
  (3)__________(万一)of rain they can"t go.
  in case
  in case
  in case
  (1)i always take something to read when i go to the
  doctor’s _____ i have to wait.
  a. in case b. so that c. in order d. as if
  【解析】in case的意思是"以防万一"。句意是:当我去看病时,我通常带一些读的东西,以防万一等待的时候可以读书。so that引导目的状语从句;as if 似乎。
  (2)----it’s cloudy outside. please take an umbrella.
  ---- _______.
  a. yes, take it easy b. well, it just depends
  c. ok, just in case d. all right, you’re welcome
  考点6. take over 接受;接管
  it is the year 2374 and the machines have taken over.
  these local stores were later taken over by the local government.
  take over 接受;接管; 接任 take in 收留,收容(某人)
  take up 开始从事;专注于 take away 拿走; 夺走; 拆去
  take on  雇佣
  (1)the firm has been ____________(被接管)by an american
  (2)who is going to ___________(接任)as assistant when tim
  考点7. break down 毁掉;坏掉;中止
  the few surviving human beings are being used in the way we use machines today: they have to make electricity for the machines, repair them when they break down, and do everything q12 tells them to.
  i seem to break down today.
  taken over
  take over
  the army took over the city after 1949.
  break down 出故障;分解;垮了 break in 进入;打断
  break into 强行进入 break off 断绝关系;弄断
  break out 突然爆发 break up 分解;破裂
  break through 突破
  (1)her health ___________(垮了)under the pressure of work.
  (2)the car ____________(抛锚)halfway to the camp.
  (3)_____________________(电梯出故障了)and we were trapped inside it.
  (4)we are late because our truck _________ outside town.
  a.broke off b. broke in c. broke down d. broke out
  c。broke down"出故障了"。
  the computer system _______ suddenly while he was searching
  for information on the internet.
  a. broke down b. broke out c. broke up d. broke in
  【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。break down"出现事故;坏了"。
  broke down
  broke down
  the lift broke down
  考点8. it depends.
  i don"t know if we can help —it all depends.
  it /that (all) depends视情况而定
  depend on =rely on依靠;信任
  dependent adj. 依赖的
  dependence n. 依赖
  independent adj. 独立自主的;
  independence n. 独立;自主;自立
  (1)that all _____________(依靠)your efforts.
  (2)can i _______________(信任)you?
  (3)sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not so busy,
  (4)i may help you, ___________________(但得视情况而定).
  depends on
  depend on
  that depends
  but that depends
