

  section one composition according to the given situation
  1.随着时代的发展,我们的生活将会发生许多变化,下面三幅图片所描绘的情景有可能在未来的生活中变为现实,同学们可结合图片,发挥想象,展望未来的生活,以life in the future为题,用英文写一篇60—80瓷的短文(开头语已给出,不计入总词数)。
  life in the futre
  as time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives. for example,
  2、弄明白第一幅图所给的词语tale pills only是什么意思呢?联想一下,然后考虑它与后面的两幅图有什么关系。什么情况下可以乘spaceship旅行呢?第三幅图中城市怎么会和鱼儿在一起呢?会不会是和take pills有关呢?
  3、分析完了后,要弄明白,本文写作时要注意的时态问题!以将来时间为主,be going to 的形式最佳。但别忘了if条件句。
  one possible version:
  as time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives. for example, cars are going to drive us to places without a driver. we’re going to tell the car where we want to go, and the car is going to get us there! also, we can talk to people on small video telephones that we can wear like a watch. if we are free, there are cities under the sea or space stations to visit. what about meals? it is easy— taking only one pill is ok! (75 words)
  my name is li qiang. ________________________________________________________
  1. 弄清楚表格中的内容及相互之间的联系,在动手写之前组织好所给材料的前后顺序;
  2. 在明确主语人称后,注意时态的使用。要注意一般现在时和一般过去时之间的转换,同时也要注意时间和地点状语的先后位置。
  3. 要注意句型的选择和使用,不要将一个句型写到底。
  4. 千万不要将所给的表格提示内容逐一按顺序翻译,要灵活地写作。
  one possible version:
  my name is li qiang. i was born in harbin, heilongjiang province in february 1990. i have worked for our school newspaper for two years. i like english writing and computer best and i am very good at them. last year, i won first prize in the school english competition. as for my interests, i enjoy reading english novels and collecting stamps. my favorite sport is basketball. i often play basketball with my friends after school. and i think i can play it well.
  my e-mail address is liqiang@bs178.com.
  (1) 仔细观察,了解文字提示、表格或图示的具体要求
  (2) 通读提示和对图画的分析来掌握关键内容,确定写作需要使用的主要词汇
  (3) 逐图描述,综合思考;但一定要注意故事的连贯性
  1.同学们的大部分时间都花在学校了,要是学校的生活过得full of fun的话,那一定是很cool了吧。可是,在学校能做些什么使自己的心态变得好些,从而使自己的学生生活很cool呢?下面请根据提示词语,完成一篇词语在80—100左右的小短文,描述一下你的学校生活吧,写作完美的composition吧!
  time durationthings to do or want to do
  school timebusy, tired
  noon timerelaxing, take a walk, free talk, games online
  breakdiscuss, interesting, homework
  sports timefull of fun
  2.标题:take my american teacher to hospital
  3. 如果你是图中的学生,有一天在放学的路上目睹了图中的情景。请你以what shall i do?为题,用英语写一篇字数不少于80个的短文。要求以第一人称描述图画情景,并谈谈你会怎么办?说出自己的理由。注意:本题不能出现真实姓名、学校等有关信息。(XX年台州)
  4. 一些来自美国的学生到你们学校参观。老师安排了一些英语成绩好的学生与他们进行座谈。你有幸成为其中一员。请你根据自己的实际情况,简述一下与他们交流的过程。要求不少于100词。下面的要点必须包括在内:
  5. 内容提示:昨天你在街上遇见了多年未见的孩提时代的好朋友。他发生了很大的变化。以前的他话语不多,现在很健谈;以前个子不高,现在已经很高了;以前的短发,现在则又长还带卷。看上去也比以前健康多了,他已经不再是以前的他了。我非常高兴再次见到他。同时我邀请他到我家去玩。
  6. 这是一个五口之家。今天是周末,各人有各人的安排。请根据下面的提示,进行适当的判断,说出他们在干什么。字数在80---100词之间。
  提示:mr. green----in the living room; mrs. green---in the kitchen
  susan green---at a shop; jenny green---at a shop; jimmy green---in the study(书房)
  7. 根据所给提示内容,写80字左右的短文。
  2)最喜欢的电影之一是a super man。篮球明星kobe brant担纲主演。最后在可爱的动物帮助下,他赢得了比赛
  8. 根据下列四幅图和提示词语。写出一篇语法正确、意思连贯、语句通顺、符合逻辑的短文。
  要求:1.叙述要用第三人称。 2.词数80个左右。
  4.选择下列词语:rush hour cross make sure come over traffic rules
  last monday, tim got up at 7: 40 in the morning.
  9. 根据下面的内容,以li hua的名义给市长写一封信。
  dear mayor,
  10. 根据图片内容和所给提示词语,写短文一篇,要求语句通顺,全文意思连贯。数字在100字左右。
  提示词语: 时间----圣诞节;地点-----我家
  11. 十堰是我国的汽车城,许多年前,随着汽车工业的发展,环境一度受到破坏。近年来,随着人们环保意识的增强,城市面貌发生了很大变化。
  shiyan city is known as china’s motor city. but not many years ago, with the development of car industry, _______________________________
  12. 周末你在北京动物园做导游,请你写一篇100词左右的短文,向美国朋友介绍我国的国宝---大熊猫。表中所给出的情况供你参考。
  13. 下面有四幅图,请你仔细观察,然后用英语描述图中的内容
  要求:1、写出图中的主要内容; 2、字数80 左右
  14. 下面有四幅图,请你仔细观察,然后用英语描述图中的内容
  要求:1、写出图中的主要内容; 2、字数80 左右
  15. 你是柳英,申请到一家公司工作。对方要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。要求含有的基本情况如下:
  姓名:柳英 出生年月:1980年2月
  16. 李莉是我的同学,在住院治疗。有一天,我们去看她,医生说她还要住很长时间,因为她的病情严重,而且要花很多钱。但是她家很穷,支付不起她的费用。于是,我们就向报社写了封信,请求人们来帮助她。后来,在医生的帮助下,她的病好了,她非常感激,决心努力学习,赶上我们。 要求词数在100左右。
  17. john住在学校(n0.2.middle school)。同学betty到他住处请他参加韩红的生日聚会,碰巧他不在。以下是betty给他的留言条。请你根据所给材料,将留言条的内容补充完整。
  注意:1.地点:图中标 处是王红家。 2.聚会内容:唱歌、跳舞、吃蛋糕。
  june 19th
  dear john,
  i came to see you but you were out. tomorrow is wang hong"s birthday. ______________(1) tomorrow afternoon.________________(2). we"ll be very happy if you will come.
  wang hong"s home is not far from our school. if you come, you may go straight along the people"s road, then _____________(3). _______________(4). wang hong"s home is just beside the cinema._________________(5). hope to see you at the party.
  wang bin
  18. 根据所给的四幅图来描述mr smith上班路上所发生的事情
  要求:(1) 意思连贯、符合逻辑,能表达出完整的意思;(2) 所给提示词语必须全部用上;(3)字数不少于80词,开头的词语不计算在内。
  提示词语:miss, sad, late, wait, half an hour, come, get on, something important,
  one morning, mr. smith __________________________________________________________
  19. 请你根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。中文提示要点不要逐条翻译,可适当发捧。要求字数在60个左右,开头部分已给出,不计入字数总数。
  中文提示:假设你是li lei,作为一名导游,现在向你的游客们介绍一下桂林。要点可包括:
  ①位于广西北部 ②市区人口六十多万 ③以风景美丽而闻名于世
  ④山青水秀,环境干净、整洁 ⑤每年有许多游客
  英语提示:population, environment, tourist, scene(风景),scenic spots(景点),on free buses
  ladies and gentlemen, welcome to guilin.
  20. 根据中文提示写一篇100字左右的短文。要求:时态正确,书写规范。
  section two composition according to the given topic
  1.if we don"t save water,the last drop 0f water will be our tear.
  1.生命离不开水; 2.饮用水在减少; 3.水污染严重; 4.应该保护和再利用水。
  1. 分析所给提示的重点关联处:水的重要性、目前水的状况以及如何保护并再利用(recycle)水资源。
  2. 直接翻译是不能很好地完成本文的写作的,因此和合理的安排和组织。一定要按照第一点的提示顺序来写作。
  3. 注意字数的控制,同时因为是中考形式,"注意"的第四点一定要特别留意,尤其是"不得使用真实人名",否则该试卷会按舞弊处理的。
  one possible version:
  water is very important to us.we can’t 1ive without water. but some people don’t care about this.they often waste a lot of drinking water.they pour dirty water into rivers or lakes, and they throw rubbish into them, too. so we have less and less drinking water. at the same time, many rivers and lakes are seriously po1luted.we must do something to stop the po1lution.we must protect the water.we must find ways to recycle it.if we don’t,the last drop of water will be a tear drop.
  zhou yi; 14; tall/short; thin/strong; kind; favorite sport; listen to music; read books….
  1、可用所给信息,也可适当发挥;2、词数: 60---80词(XX陕西)
  1. 文章要求里没有说明男女,因此可以根据自己的理解来选用。对于所给的选用词语,应当结合自己的写作进行选择。
  2. 所给的词语比较简单,在书写时要注意选用不同的句型,避免一个句型用到底。建议合理使用一下复合句。
  3. 由于是人物介绍,因此时态使用一般现在时是毫无疑问的,但要注意第三人称单数的变化。
  one possible version:
  today i want to tell you something about my classmate/ one of my best friends, zhou yi. he / she is a boy/ a girl of 14 years old. he / she is tall/ short and thin/ strong. he / she likes reading books very much. he / she likes sports, such as swimming and playing basketball. sometimes when he / she is free, he / she enjoys listening to music. he / she is kind. i’m not good at english and he / she often helps me with my english. i’m happy that i have such a good friend.
  1.用100个左右的单词, 写一篇the importance of plants的说明文.内容提要:
  1). 没有植物, 生命就不能延续;
  2) 植物能从阳光, 空气和水中生成食物, 而人和动物则不能;
  3) 人类主要靠吃植物而生存;
  4) 植物能使空气清新, 有利于人类健康.
  2.以am i ready for a higher school?为题写作文一篇,要求内容表达完整。
  3. 不论在家还是在学校,总是要吃午饭的。是吃中式盒饭还是西式快餐呢?就你所了解的情况,写短文一篇,说说为什么快餐非常受欢迎。
  4. 根据下面的写作要求,回忆发生在你身边的一件难以忘怀的事情,字数不少于100字。内容必须包括:
  1. 事件中的人物、时间和地点。 2. 事情的经过、较为具体的内容描述。
  3. 有什么收获。 4. 不少于两种时态。
  5. 以i like science. 为题,写短文一篇。
  根据学校的实际情况,说说自己对学校所开的科学课有什么看法, 为什么?
  6. 根据提示要求,完成下列:标题为the climate in my city
  我市位于山区,湖北省西北部。冬天时间比较长, 基本上没有风。虽然下雪不多,但还是很冷。夏天很长,天气很热, 没有地方去游泳;秋天很干燥, 也很热,白天和晚上的温差比较大。总是还没有感觉到春天到来的时候就已经走了。
  7. 结合去年学校举办的christmas party,写一篇90字左右的文章,将party的内容简介地介绍一下。内容必须包括:
  1. 外教参加的舞蹈节目;2.老师的流行歌曲。 2. 自己班的节目 4. 全校师生全部参加。
  5. 节目持续时间2个小时。 6. 结束时天已经快黑了。
  8. 根据自己的实际情况,说说自己在节假日的休闲方式,内容要具体,一定是自己的习惯性的休闲方式。标题my way to relax
  9. 记叙你曾经历过的一次旅游,内容要涉及到交通方式、游览内容、住宿等。
  10. 根据你所居住的地方,描写一下你的neighborhood情况。重点在环境、卫生状况、小区(housing estate)的设施等内容,叙述时要有一定的条理性。
  section three practical writing
  要求:1.词数 60—80。
  地点:南京,北京,海南…… 活动:游览,拍照,划船,潜水,购物……
  名胜:玄武湖,天安门,长城,天涯海角…… 食物:北京烤鸭,水果,海鲜(sea food)……
  交通工具:汽车,火车,飞机 ……
  from: zhangtao@bs178.com
  to: wanggang@bs178.com
  dear wang gang,
  how are you these days?
  the summer holiday is coming. it’s really a long holiday, isn’t it? i still remember that you once invited me to travel with you. maybe we’ll have enough time soon. i’d like to visit some places of great interest, and eat delicious snacks. it must be exciting to travel with you without any homework. ha! ha! you are a good traveler. could you tell me when and where to go, how to get there and what to do there?
  please email me soon. good luck with the exams.  yours,
  zhang tao
  from: wanggang@bs178.com
  to: zhangtao@bs178.com
  dear zhang tao,
  glad to hear from you. i’m fine, thank you.
  best wishes!
  wang gang
  1. 写email时首先要考虑来信中提出的、需要你回答的问题,即:when and where to go, how to get there and what to do there.因此,要结合所给的提示内容,进行合理的写作。
  2. 因为是书信格式,因此要注意书写部分问候话语。
  3. 在文字说明时间地点时一定要准确明白,内容表达要清晰,使看信的人对你所写的内容一目了然。
  4. 要注意正确理解要点中的"以下内容供参考,也可以自行安排计划。"内容,也就是说你可以自行安排合理的旅游路线。但在设计自己的旅游线路时,一定注意内容的长度和句型使用的控制。
  one possible version:
  dear zhang tao,
  glad to hear from you. i’m fine, thank you.
  it is really a good idea to travel with you. i’d like to start our travel on july 10th. first, we take a bus to nanjing. we can go boating on xuanwu lake. then we’ll go to beijing by train at night. in beijing, we’ll visit the great wall, tian’anmen square and the palace museum… we can take photos there, do some shopping and eat some famous food like beijing duck. we may spend one week there. i’m sure we’ll have a good time!
  best wishes!
  wang gang
  假如你叫li ming,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目。请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。
  1. 你很喜欢这个节目,特别(especially)是英语歌曲。
  2. 你学习很忙,疲劳时,会打开收音机听这个节目。
  3. 从英语节目里你学到了……
  4. 你最喜欢……
  my name, a middle school student, like, listen to, programme, especially, busy with, tired,
  no. 28 middle school
  april 22, XX
  dear sir
  ____________________________________________ _________
  ____________________________________________ _______
  ____________________________________________ _________
  yours sincerely,
  li ming
  1. 在书写具体内容时不要忽略了前面的提示内容,即"叫li ming,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目"否则书信的内容就不够完整。
  2. 在使用所给的英文提示词的时候要注意,不能每造一个句子就使用一个提示词;要注意适当地增加部分相关的词语或句子,使书信内容更加完整和有序。
  3. 在补充所缺的提示内容时,所使用的句型要尽量简洁,明了,内容不能罗唆,必须符合写信的目的。
  4. 保证在字数上不少于50,以符合写作要求,但也不能多出太多,因为所写的内容越多,就越容易出错。
  one possible version:
  no. 28 middle school
  april 22, XX
  dear sir.
  my name is li ming. i’m a middle school student. i like listening to music, so i often listen to your music program. i like the program very much, especially the english songs.
  as a student, i’m busy with my studies. when i feel tired, i will turn on the radio and listen to your program. i’ve also learned many english words from these songs.
  of all the english songs, i like "my heart will go on" best. would you please send me the words of the songs?
  yours sincerely
  li ming
  dong feng no. 2 middle school
  shiyan, hubei, p.r.china
  dear nick,
  deng jiao
  地点:205教室。主讲人:mr. wang.
  3. 假如你是刘明珠,将于今年七月参加中学生英语夏令营(the english summer camp)。你将寄住在英国某家庭,请你给该家庭发一封e-mail,介绍一下自己的情况。词数:80词左右。
  4. 假设你是王雪,你的妈妈病了,而爸爸不在家。你得在家照顾妈妈,不能前去上开学了,因此向李老师请假。字数在70左右。
  5. 根据中文提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。
  假如你叫li ming,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目。请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。信的要点如下:
  1. 你很喜欢这个节目,特别(especially)是英语歌曲。
  2. 你学习很忙,疲劳时,会打开收音机听这个节目。
  3. 从英语节目里你学到了……
  4. 你最喜欢……
  my name, a middle school student, like, listen to, programme, especially, busy with, tired,
  注意:①信的内容要通顺、连贯。 ②信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
  no. 28 middle school
  april 22, XX
  dear sir
  yours sincerely,
  li ming
  6. 你班班委会决定将于6月18日上午举行初三离校前的最后一次班级活动。假如你是班长,请你根据表格中的活动内容,用英语写一篇短文,向你班外籍老师汇报这次活动的安排。短文的开头和结尾己给出。
  时 间内 容
  9:00~10:101.唱歌、跳舞 2.表演短剧
  10:10~11:001.打扫教室 2.修理桌椅
  11:00~11:301.拍照 2.互留电话号码、地址
  our class is going to have a farewell party on the morning of june 18,___________________
  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________at 11:30, the party will be over.
  7. 下面描述的是XX年5月15日(周三,晴天)你的一次经历,请根据其内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的日记。日记的开头格式已给出,不计入文章总词数。注意要点完整,语法正确,上下文连贯,并适当发挥。
  may 15, XX, wednesday fine
  8. 根据中英文提示,与一篇日记,记叙一次(西塞山)郊游。(短文的开头已经给出。)
  要求:1.短文应包括汉语和英语提示内容: 2.语句通顺,意思连贯; 3.书写工整,卷面整洁,标点符号正确; 4.字数不少于80个英语单词(不包括短文开头已给出的词语)。
  sunday, may 1st
  i got to school very early. our class took a special bus to xisai mount. we got to the foot of the mount at 8:30.___________________ _________
  9. 假如你(chen yu)从mr. white那里借了一本chicken run。到期了不能归还,你写信向他表示歉意,并说明原因。
  10. 现在你陪同外宾参观你校新建的图书馆,外宾看见图书馆的墙上贴有一张读者须知,外宾看不懂中文,但很想知道"须知"的内容,请你用英文把内容告诉他们。
  注意:1、开头部分已经写好,不计入总词数,你只需接着写; 2、词数80左右; 3、内容要点次序肯根据你的行文要求排列。
  参考词汇:renew 续借
  well, it’s a notice to the readers. it says that we should _________________________________
  11. 假如你叫李明,是武汉某中学的学生。暑假你的笔友mike邀请你去海南岛旅游。请你用英语为给写回信,告诉他你去海南岛的计划,如交通工具、路线等。
  how to get therehow long to get therehow much it takes
  by plane2 hours1,000 yuan
  by train30 hours300 yuan
  by bus35 hours350 yuan
  1. comfortable or not 2. time to take you there 3. cost of tickets 4. safety 5. places of interest
  1、写作时要注意合理的组织,不必逐条写明; 2、词数80---90; 3、开头结尾已给出,不计算在总词数内容。
  dear mike,
  i’m glad you’ll invite me to hainan island, which is indeed a wonderful island with lots of places of interest. ….
  12. 根据下面的提示内容,写一篇招领启事
  march 13
  13. 根据下面的提示内容,写一篇寻物启事。
  14. 假如你是宫显,星期二下午3点去拜访肖未,不巧他不在家,请你给下写个留言条,主要内容包括:
  3 pm. tuesday
  gong xian
  15. 根据所给提示内容,写一篇请假条
  dear miss yang,
  i’m sorry i can’t go to school today.
  16. 为了提高口语表达能力,学校决定下周五将召开一次以keep our school clean为主题的英语活动,请你根据下面的提示内容,用英语写一篇发言稿。
  1、不随地吐痰,不乱人垃圾; 2、不在墙上乱涂乱画;
  good afternoon everyone!
  that’s all. thank you.
  17. 你所在中学决定举行一次万米赛跑活动,请你以学生会的名义用英文写一个书面通知,词数90左右,具体内容如下:
  2.长跑路线:沿人民南路跑到市电影院 ,然后向右转,一直跑到一中再向右转;在第三个拐弯处左转,沿着河跑,直到跑回到学校。
  the students’ union
  may 1,XX
  18. 假如你叫张萍,你的笔友kelly今年暑假打算到中国来学习汉语,你得知你们学校将于7月30日举办为期六周的"暑假汉语口语培训班(anoral chinese training course)",请将此信息写信告诉他。信的内容应包括以下几点:
  1、时间、地点、性质(初级)、学费($60 a week);
  19. maria是你校刚来的外籍教师,你很喜欢她的教学,所以你向你的好朋友jane写邮件介绍她。表格里的内容将为你提供帮助。
  name: maria hatton
  date of birth: april 1, 1953.
  height: 1.65m
  home address: 34 wall street, washington
  present address: 12 shaoxing road, shiyan.
  telephone: 0719-8352790color of hair: blonde
  education: post graduate
  teaching experience: 20 years
  interests and hobbies: reading, music and swimming, collecting stamps
  dear jane,
  how’s everything there? this term i _________________________________________________
  with love,
  20. 你在4月10日上海友谊商店买了一只由sony company出产的mp3,回家后发现有质量问题。请你根据下面的对话内容,向商店外方经理mr. brown写一封投诉信,反映情况。
  注意事项:1、文章的开头部分已经写好,只需接着写; 2、可适当增加细节,使文章连贯; 3、词数:80左右
  girl: may i help you, sir?
  me: yes. i bought an mp3 here last sunday. i took it home and tried to download some music from the internet, but it didn’t work. here is the invoice(发票).
  girl: oh, let me have a look. (he tries to download, but he fails.)
  girl: yes, it really doesn’t work well. i have to say sorry. can i change a new one for you?
  me: i’m afraid not, because i don’t want the same brand(牌).
  girl: but we only have this brand mp3. what should i do?
  me: well, can i get my money back?
  girl: i’m sorry you can’t. we replace(换) the goods taken out of the shop with new ones, but we can’t give back the money.
  me: that’s unfair. i’ll write to your manager to talk about it.
  dear sir,
  on april 10, i bought an mp3 from your store. when i took it home, _____ ____________
  could you please help me solve this problem?
  zhang pei
  chapter iii writing
  section one
  i love school time very much, though it is so busy, and sometimes tiring. we, however, have more fun at school.   noon time belongs to us students. we usually feel relaxing and enjoyable. we can take a walk on the playground unless it’s raining. we can talk about anything we are interested in and discuss it warmly. we enjoy talking about pop music, famous actors or computer games online.   when we finish class work at school, sports time starts. have fun! it’s our world! you can see me almost anytime on the basketball court after school!   school life is full of fun, and i enjoy it.   2.
  take my american teacher to hospital   my american teacher’s left foot hurt him a lot. he couldn’t walk well. one day, i took him to a hospital because he didn’t know any chinese. the doctor looked him over carefully, and said he needed a small operation. he was afraid of pain, but he had no choice. if he didn’t have this operation, it could hurt him much worse. after the small operation, he didn’t feel so much pain. so i took a taxi and sent him home. he couldn’t thank me too much.   3.
  one day, i was on my way home when i saw a man and a lady get off a bus. the lady had a beautiful handbag with her. to my surprise, i found the man began to follow the lady quietly. i was afraid something might happen and decided to follow them. seeing the street was almost empty, the man went up, snatched (grabbed) the handbag from the lady, and got away with it.   now the lady was running after him, shouting, "stop thief! stop thief!" "what shall i do?   shall i call 110 or..."   4.
  last week a group of american students came to visit our school. after they were shown around the school, they wanted to have a talk to some of the students in my school. i was lucky to be one of the students. at first i was afraid to talk to them because i thought my spoken english was poor and they would laugh at me. but then one of the american students named peter asked me some questions. to be polite i had to answer him. i spoke very slowly, but he just encouraged me to go on talking. and he spoke slowly so that i could understand him. gradually i began to speak better and better. at last we exchanged our addresses and we became good friends. from that i understand that if you are brave enough to speak out, it’s easy to speak english. don’t be afraid of making mistakes.   5.
  yesterday i met one of my old friends in the street. i haven’t seen him for a long time. we were good friends when we were classmates in the same school. but now he has changed a lot. he used to be very shy , but now he can talk a lot. he used to be short, but now he is growing much taller. he used to have short hair, but now he has long straight hair. and he looks much healthier than he used to. he is not the boy i have known before anymore. i am very happy to meet him again and asks him to visit me some day.   6.
  see who is busy preparing for lunch? it must be mrs. green. she is always cooking in the kitchen at this time of day. mr. green is in the living room. he must be reading books there because he is used to doing some reading. where are the two girls? they could do some shopping at a shop. they are free during the weekends and they need some new dresses. oh, poor jimmy. he is busy with his work in the study. he must be doing his homework now. he often has a lot of homework to do on sunday.   7.
  i like watching movies very much. i love movies that are about sports. they are very exciting. watching this kind of movies can make me feel excited. one of my favorite films is "a super man" in which kobe brant, a very famous basketball player, plays an important part. when i saw that he won the game with the help of those cute animals, i was so excited that i jumped up and down. it was really interesting. i love to watch it once more.   8.
  last monday, tim got up at 7: 40 in the morn¬ing. it. was the rush hour. he rode his bike to school very fast. he was crossing the street when a car came at that moment. tim"s bike hit the car and he fell to the ground heavily. the driver was very kind and stopped to make sure that tim was all right. then a policeman came over. he told tim to ride more slowly next time and it was dangerous. tim thanked him and went to school. all the young men should obey the traffic rules.   9.
  dear mayor,   i’m a middle school student in junior grade three in no. one middle school .i find some students like playing computer games so much that they don’t finish their homework and even don’t go to school. some of them have spent a lot of money on computer games. so they begin to steal. parents and teachers are terribly worried about them. playing computer games is not good to our studies and health. it’s especially bad for out eyes. i hope our government can do something to stop middle school students from playing computer games. let’s be away from it.   yours truly,   li hua   10.
  it was christmas day. my friends and i played happily in my house. it was time for us to exchange our christmas presents. i went to my bedroom to get the presents. when i entered the room, i was surprised to find ben reading my diary. i was so angry that i shouted at him. ben felt a bit sorry when he saw me standing behind him. he went out of my room at once and rode home without saying goodbye to any of us. amy saw this and asked me why ben hurried off. i told him the story. but she said i should not do like this to a friend.   11.
  shiyan city is known as china’s motor city. but not many years ago, with the development of car industry, the city was seriously polluted. heavy smoke and waste water from factories made the air and rivers dirty. in the narrow and dirty streets you could see people spitting and throwing litter here and there. in recent years, however, people have realized the importance of protecting the environment. they have planted a lot of trees and the air is becoming fresher and fresher. you can see fish swimming in the clean rivers and birds flying among the trees. there are wide streets with green grass and beautiful flowers on both sides. the old city has now taken on a new look.   12.
  pandas are the protective and endangered animals in china. they’re from the west of china. they are very kind and shy. they look so beautiful and cute. their color is white and black. and a baby panda weighs about 1.5 kilos. but an adult one can weigh as much as 100 kilos. pandas feed on bamboo leaves. the number of wild pandas in china is fewer than 100 now. people hunt and kill them for their fur. we must stop people from killing those and we must work together to protect the cute animals. if we don’t protect them, maybe in the next hundred years we can’t see pandas on the earth anymore.   13.
  there were many people in the park. suddenly a man threw banana skin onto the ground. a girl student saw it happen. she came up to the man and told him to pick up the banana skin from the ground, and told him not to do that again. the man didn’t do as the girl said. at last she persuaded him. the man said sorry and picked it up and threw it into the dustbin.   14.
  a boy was on his way to school by bike. there was a girl in front of him. she was also on her bike. when the girl was crossing the street, she was hit by a motorbike. the girl fell down on the ground. when the boy saw it happen, he quickly came up to help her and sent her to hospital. in the hospital the doctor looked over the girl. she got good treatment there.   15.
  my name is liu ying. i was born in shiyan, hubei in february 1980. i studied in no. one middle school from 1998 to XX. the main subjects i studied at school included chinese, maths, english, physics, chemistry and computer. i like english and computer best and i am very good at them. last year i won first prize in the school computer competition. in my free time i enjoy listening to pop music and collecting stamps. my favourite sports are swimming and roller-skating.   16.
  li li is my good classmate. she has been in hospital for half a year since she fell ill.   we went to the hospital to see her one day. she lay in bed with a sad look. her doctor told us that her illness was very serious and she had to stay in hospital for a long time.   how could her poor peasant family pay for the medicine she needed? we decided to do something. we wrote a letter to a newspaper and asked all the people to help her. with the help of the doctors, li li is getting better and better now. she said thanks to all of us and expressed that she would study harder to catch up with us.   17.
  1. we"ll hold a party at wang hong"s home 2. we"ll dance, sing and we"ll also have a cake. 3. turn right at the happy road 4. walk along the happy road until you get to the cinema 5. you can"t miss it   18.
  one morning mr smith was late when he got to the bust stop. he missed the early bus. he felt very sad and had to wait for another bus. but the bus went every half an hour. he looked at his watch and didn’t know what to do. it was very cold that morning, but he had to wait and wait. half an hour passed, a bus came. mr. smith hurried to get on the bus. he hoped he would not be late for his work, or his boss would be angry with him.   19.
  ladies and gentlemen,   welcome to guilin. guilin is in the north of guangxi. the pop¬ulation in the city of guilin is over (more than) six hundred thousand (600,000). guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery in the world. the hills are green and the water is clear. the environment here is clean and tidy. every year a lot of tourists come to visit guilin. you can see the scenes of the li river by boat. you can visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. i hope you"ll enjoy yourselves in guilin.   20.
  there is going to be a school autumn sports meeting next thursday. it will last two days. zhang ming will take part in the girls" 800-meter race. her running shoes are too small and worn out. she needs to buy a new pair. so her mother took her to the shopping center last night. there were many different kinds of sports shoes there in all colors. she wanted to buy a blue pair in size 36. but the blue ones were sold out. she had to choose a white pair. when she tried them on, she found they were very comfortable. she decided to buy a pair. even though they were very expensive, zhang ming"s mother bought them for her.   section two   1.
  the importance of plants   plants are very important living things. life cannot go on if there are no plants. this is because air, water and sunlight make plants grow and at the same time plants can make food from them while man and animals can’t. animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. so, animals and man need plants in order to live. this is why we find that there are so many plants around us. as we know, plants can make air fresh. this is good to our health.   2.
  am i ready for a high school?   how times flies! it seemed to me that i began my grade three only a few months ago, but then i got a smell for something different: i’m going to have my exams for higher school!   i can’t have time to do my homework at home, so i have to do some of it at school. when i learn this, i am surprised. is this the time for grade three?   i can feel my teachers are a little nervous and some of them seem to be easier to get angry with our students when we don’t do well in our studies. it seems to me they have lost some of their patience. i’m feeling nervous.   at the same time, i realize we have no classes for activities. sure we have pe classes. but where are the classes for art? where are your breaks? why do we have classes after classes? …   does it mean we are machines and our teachers are mechanics?   i am not ready, yet!   3.
  meals   everybody must eat. but they have different ways.   america is a busy country. to save every second of time, people have to work faster and better. usually americans don’t have breakfast, and most of them don’t have enough time to have lunch, either. fast food is their best choice. fast restaurants are almost everywhere in america. hamburgers, sandwiches, pizzas, potato chips etc., they are easy to get, and not expensive.   but in china, things are a little different. most people like to have breakfast in snack bars, because it’s convenient and not expensive. but more and more people, especially in big cities, prefer to have fast food because of heavy work and busy time. but it’s quite different from american fast food. we call it "hefan", which means a share of meal. it saves time and is cheap. it can make people free from housework, too.   american fast food is getting more and more popular in china, i think.   4.
  catch crabs   i can’t forget the day i caught crabs with my parents in the summer of XX.   my family went to a reservoir to smell the flowers that day. on the way there was a small river. the water was very clear. i could see fish swimming around. we decided to stop to have a rest by the river. i saw some crabs in the water and tried to catch some. suddenly i saw a small crab climbing under a stone. i tried to move the stone away and catch the crab, but i was a little afraid of it. my father told me that if i caught the crab by side, it wouldn’t hurt me. after thinking for a while, i decided to have a try. i quickly caught one with my right hand. some time later i got used to it, and caught a lot more.   well, i learned some knowledge from it and it brought me fun. i’ll never forget it!   5.
  i like science   it surprised me when i learned we were going to have science lessons.   a mr yang taught us science. he was medium height and a little bit heavy. at first we didn’t think he would teach us well. but by and by we got interested in his lessons because when he had his lesson, we could see he had prepared really well and he really knew much about science, specially about handicraft.   one day in spring, he even taught us how to make kites on the school playground. we were so surprised and excited that we got there much earlier before the lesson started. that was a flying-kite season. we wanted to fly kites so much. just in that lesson, i learned how to make kites.   and from then on, i learned a lot in his lessons until one day he left our school. but my interest in science has been going on.   6.
  the climate in my city   my city is in the northwest of hubei, a mountainous city. it has a long winter, and there is almost no wind. it snows little, but it is very cold. we have a long hot summer, but we can’t find good places to swim because we can’t find lakes or big rivers to swim in. it is dry in autumn, and it is hot, too. and the difference in temperature is great! spring is too short. when we feel spring comes, summer follows soon.   7.
  a christmas party   before christmas day, our school held a big celebration party because we had two american english teachers this year. all the teachers and students in our school took part in it.   nick, the boy teacher, joined the dance. he danced very clumsily, but he was very interested in dancing with his students. my english teacher sang a pop song with some students dancing with him. and our class had a short program. it was not very good, but full of fun. the whole program lasts about two hours. when it finished, it was going to be dark.   this is the first time i have had with my foreign teachers to celebrate christmas day. i enjoyed it a lot.   8.
  my way to relax   most of my classmates like playing computer games or play sports to relax themselves, but i don’t. i am very quiet, so i prefer reading at home or visiting the bookshop.   during this may day holiday, i stayed at home. i wanted to read dream of the red chamber once again. i read it once, but i couldn’t understand it. i hoped i could understand more this time.   the whole seven-day holiday i didn’t walk out at all. i tried my best to read though some words and sentences still stopped me understanding them well. i read and thought, and read again. i didn’t want to get help from my parents though they were both at home.   i only read less than half of the book before the holiday was over. but i understood much more than the first time i read it. i felt very happy, because i learned something more by myself.   9.
  the journey i’ll never forget   when i was seven years, i went to beijing with my parents.   the first place in beijing we visited was the great wall. it was an amazing place, long and wide, and there were many people there. i climbed the great wall with my parents. it took us a long time to climb it, but i enjoyed it because i wanted to be a man after i grew up. and at the same time my father took me some photos there, which i kept in my album for so many years.   then we walked to the summer palace because my hotel was not far from it. it was a great place. but i was too young to remember all the things that happened there. as to some other places in beijing, i have no idea at all.   10.
  my neighborhood   i like my new home. it’s in a new housing estate.   usually on sunday morning, i get up early and go to the exercising place. there are often many people exercising there. it is clean and there is lots of grass and flowers. in the late afternoon, i’d like to sit in the pavilion and do some reading because it is very quiet, and i can smell the flowers.   sometimes when i have time, i go there with my parents to enjoy evenings. some people like sitting there, and talking freely. some school children like playing badminton or playing games there. no one climbs trees or picks flowers or sits on the grass, because they all love their own "home".   section three   1.
  dong feng no. 2 middle school   shiyan, hubei, p.r.china   dear nick,   how are you? i’m very glad to hear that you’ll come to visit wuhan, china with your parents. we’ll meet each other at that time. how happy i will be!   by the way, would you please do me a favor? i’d like to have some british stamps. but i can’t find any here in my city. will you please buy some for me in your country? i’ll pay you the money when you come here.   welcome to visit my school. i’ll show you around it and the whole city of wuhan. i’m sure you’ll have a good time.   looking forward to meeting you soon.   yours,   deng jiao   2.
  announcement   classmates:   please be quiet. i have an announcement to make. i am very glad to tell you that an english talk will be held in our school. it is to be on sunday evening of may 20, from seven to nine in the classroom no. 205. mr. wang will give us a talk about how to learn english well. you may invite your friends or the students in other classes to come to the talk. after the talk, we’ll have a discussion on the subject in our classroom. please be there on time for the talk.   that’s all. thank you!   3.
  dear mr and mrs white,   my name is liu mingzhu. i’m going to take part in the english summer camp this july. i’m very glad to know i would live with you for some time. i think it’s necessary for me to introduce myself to you so that you can know something about me before you see me.   i’m a girl student of 15 now. my hobby is listening music and reading different kinds of books. i’m good at playing the violin. i am a pleasant girl. i like to make friends with others though sometimes i am a little bit forgetful, which brings me quite a lot of trouble. i will try my best not to forget things any more.   i hope i can get on well with you.   best wishes!   liu mingzhu   4.
  dear mr. li,   i’m sorry to tell you that my mother is not feeling well today. my father is out on business. so i took my mother to a hospital near my home. the doctor took her temperature and said she had a bad cold and a fever. he told her to stay in bed for a day. i have to look after her at home. so i can’t go to school and ask for a day’s leave.   5.
  no. 28 middle school   beijing   april 22, XX   dear sir.   my name is li ming. i’m a middle school student. i like listening to music, so i often listen to your music program. i like the program very much, especially the english songs.   as a student, i’m busy with my studies. when i feel tired, i will turn on the radio and listen to your program. i’ve also learned many english words from these songs.   of all the english songs, i like "my heart will go on" best. would you please send me the words of the songs?   yours sincerely   li ming   6.
  our class is going to have a farewell patty on the morning of june 18. at eight, we"ll begin to talk about what we are going to do when we grow up. and we"ll talk about how we are going to spend our summer holiday. at nine, we"ll sing, dance, and put on short plays. we"ll play games together. from 10:10 to 11:00, we"ll clean the classroom and repair the desks and chairs. we"ll clean the teachers" offices. at eleven, we"ll enjoy some fruit(s) and drinks, take photos and give each other telephone numbers and addresses. at 11:30, the party will be over.   7.
  may15, XX,wednesday fine   when i got home this afternoon, i found my mother was lying in bed sick and my father was away on business. what should i do then?   since mother was ill, i should take care of her. i first sent her to hospital and bought some medicine. when we got home, i began to cook dinner and wash clothes.   i was praised by my parents later for this. i think i have grown up now and i should help do something for my family.   8.
  sunday, may 1st   i got to school very early. our class took a special bus to xisai mount. we got to the foot of the mount at 8:30.)   we began climbing the mount soon. on our way the air was so fresh and the scenery was so beautiful. everybody was talking and laughing.   we reached the top at about 10:00.the yangtze river appeared in the north, and over the river there was a great bridge. we felt very relaxed.   seeing some birds flying in the sky, i suddenly remembered a popular poem of tang dynasty. " birds are flying in front of xisai mount…". i kept feeling proud of our city.   9.
  dear mr. white,   last week i borrowed the book chicken run from you. it was very interesting and i really enjoyed it. but now i can’t return it to you because it helps me a lot to learn english. i am copying something from it while i am reading. i’m sorry for not returning you on time. may i keep it for another week if you don’t have to use it now? i’m sure i will take good care of it and return it to you sometime next week. thank you so much for your kind help.   yours,   chen yu   10.
  well, it’s a notice to the readers. it says that we should keep quiet in the library and mustn’t talk noisily. we must keep the room clean and never litter or spit on the floor. we can borrow books by our library cards and borrow no more than two books each time. we should return the books in two weeks; if we can’t finish them, we must come to renew them. we must take care of the books and never lend them to others. if we lose the books, we must pay for them.   11.
  dear mike,   i’m glad you’ll invite me to hainan island, which is indeed a wonderful island with lots of places of interest. thank you very much for your invitation. in your letter you asked me to make some suggestions on how we two are going there. in my opinion, we’d better first go to guangzhou by train. i think it is not only safe, but less expensive, though it takes more time. after visiting guangzhou, we can take a ship to hainan island. it must be very interesting. just imagine how wonderful the sights at sea will be!   what’s your opinion about my suggestions? looking forward to hearing from you soon.   best wishes!   yours,   li ming   12.
  found   march 13   a purse was found on the school playground this morning while i was doing sports. there’s some money in it. will the owner please come to class three’s head teacher to get it?   13.
  lost   i’m a student in class 2 grade 3. my name is wang hai. i lost my school bag in the school reading room yesterday afternoon. the color is yellow and blue, with an english dictionary and a pair of glasses inside. if someone finds my bag, please call 13100453586. thank you very much.   14.
  3 pm. tuesday   i’m sorry that you were not at home when i came to see you. i am asked to speak in english at the school meeting tomorrow afternoon. i am a little nervous, because i don’t know what to say. you know i am not so good at english. please come over to my house this evening and give me a hand if you are free tonight. do let me know if you have time or not. i’ll be very glad if you can come. many thanks.   gong xian   15.
  dear miss yang,   i’m sorry i can’t go to school today. i helped my parents do housework yesterday afternoon. unluckily, i fell off the chair and hurt my left leg. it was badly hurt, but the doctor said i would have to stay at home for some time and had a good rest. so i have to ask for three days’ sick leave.   yours,   chen hui   16.
  good afternoon, everyone!   we are studying in this school, and it is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. it’s not good to spit in public places, such as in the school library, in the classroom, etc. we should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw rubbish here and there. i think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. if everyone tried his best to do something useful for our school, i’m sure it will be more and more beautiful.   that’s all. thank you.   17.
  notice   our school has decided to hold a 10,000-metre race on the afternoon of april 6. whether it rains or not, the race will start at 2:00pm. ten students of each class are asked to take part. those who want to take part in the race should be on the school playground at 1:30. don’t be late. all the runners will run along the south renmin road to the city cinema and then turn right.go on running until reaching no. 1 middle school and turn right again. take the third turning on the right. run along the river and finally return to the school. teachers in our school are welcome to join us.   the students’ union   may 1,XX   18.
  dear kelly,   how have you been? i’m glad to know that you’re coming to china to learn chinese this summer vacation. here is some information from our school.   there is going to be an oral chinese training course for beginners. it will start on july 20 and last six weeks. it will cost $60 a week. if you could come, you can stay with me and i’d be glad to help you practice chinese.   by the way, i enjoy english songs. would you please get me a tape of english songs for children? that will be a help to my english study.   i’m really looking forward to meeting you soon.   yours,   zhang ping   19.
  dear jane,   how’s everything there? this term i have a very nice english teacher with the name maria hatton. she was born on april 1st, 1953. she is 1.70 metres tall and has blonde hair. she is a post graduate. she has been a teacher for 2o years. she likes reading, listening to music and collecting stamps. she is good at swimming, too. she’s always kind to us and we love her very much. do you want to make friends with her? if so, you can send her a letter. her home address is 34 wall street, washington. but she lives at 12 shaoxing road, shiyan. and you may call her at 0719-8352790. i think she’ll be happy to know you because she is very friendly and loves making friends.   so long. tell me something about you. hope to hear from you soon.   with love,   grace   20.
  dear sir,   on april 10, i bought an mp3 from your store. when i took it home and tried to download some pop songs from the internet, it didn’t work. the songs couldn’t be loaded down. i thought it might be the computer’s problem. so i tried another one, but it was all the same.   the next day i took the mp3 back to the store. after a shop assistant checked it, she found it really didn’t work. but she said she could only change a new one for me. i didn’t want the same brand. i wanted to get my money back, but the shop assistant refused to do so. could you please help me solve this problem?   yours,   zhang pei
