

  unit 5 abilities(reading i)
  teaching goals:
  1. to introduce and expand vocabulary to describe dangerous situations
  2. to guess context from text type, title and picture
  3. to infer general meaning from picture, key words and context
  4. to identify names and specific places and actions
  to infer general meaning from picture, key words and context
  to guess meaning from picture, keywords and context
  step 1 presentation
  1. free talk with ss about how to help people in need in society.
  2. lead int o the new items in the period: danger and potential hazards at home. talk about what to do in the case of emergency? can you give us an example? elicit ss’ answers on the bb.
  call the police
  call 110 for help
  call 119 for help
  call 120 for help
  shout loudly for help
  help others by oneself
  save themselves
  use one’s own wisdom
  3. talk about the picture: what can you infer from the picture?
  step 2 listening and practicing
  1. play the tape three times for ss to listen and find out the answers to the following questions:
  ① how old is zhang hua?
  ② what did she do on 10th may? .
  ③ where did the fire happen?
  ④ why didn’t mr sun get out by himself?
  ⑤ how did zhang hua put out the fire?
  ⑥ how long did zhang hang stay in hospital?
  ⑦ do you agree with what zhang hua said at the end of the story?
  ⑧ if you were zhang hua, would you like to do like her? why?
  2. ss read through the play and try to find out the topic sentences in the story.
  ① zhang hua helped her neighbour out of a fire.
  ② mrs sun, zhang hua’s neighbour was in danger.
  ③ zhang hua put out the fire with a blanket and helped mrs sun out of the fire.
  ④ zhang hua was burnt and stayed in hospital for two months.
  ⑤ zhang hua told people it’s important to be careful with fire.
  step 3 reading
  1. ss skim the text quickly, focusing on the new words and main points only.
  neighbour alone hear heard fire smoke kitchen
  hurt pour rush put out blanket burn
  neck hospital brought dangerous
  2. play the tape for ss to follow together.
  3. talk about how to praise zhang hua for his bravery : give him an award for bravery.
  step 4 practice
  true or false questions about the reading part.
  ① zhang hua helped his neighbour out of the water. ( )
  ② zhang hua was staying at home on may 10th . ( )
  ③ mrs sun hurt her leg in the fire. ( )
  ④ zhang hua poured some water on his jacket before she rushed into the fire. ( )
  ⑤ zhang hua wasn’t afraid at all. ( )
  ⑥ zhang hua didn’t hurt in the fire. ( )
  ⑦ zhang hua thought people should help each other. ( )
  ⑧ all of us should learn from zhang hua. ( )
  step 5 reading (ii)
  1. play the tape twice for ss to listen and repeat with book s closed.
  2. play the tape for inpiduals to repeat once.
  step 6 practice
  1. learn the new words together, then get inpiduals to match the words with their meanings, check as a whole class.
  2. page 80 part d: learn more about fire safety and try to add other safe ways about using fire.
  step 6 production
  1. finish off the conversation.
  2. talking about zhang hua
  ss find out daniel’s mistakes and give their correct answers.
  simon= s daniel= d
  s: do you know what happened to zhang h ua?
  d: yes. i read about it in the sunshine post. ( )
  s: what did he do?
  d: he heard his neighbour, mr sun, calling for help. ( )
  then he poured water over his trousers. ( )
  s: how clever!
  d: but the fire burnt his neck, legs and face. ( )
  he was in hospital for two weeks. ( )
  s: how terrible! is he getting better now?
  d: yes. many visitors brought him flowers and cards.
  s: that’s nice.
  d: i’m very happy that he is well now.
  s: me too.
  step 7 homework
  1. go over reading part after class.
  2. try to find all the language points in the part.
  reading (iii)
  teaching goals
  1. to master the details of the story
  2. to do some relevant exercises
  1. to practice the language points well
  to use the information to express their own opinions
  step 1 reading / acting
  1. play the tape for ss to repeat one by one in class with books closed.
  2. practice acting the part in pairs.
  step 2 summary
  i. give the proper forms of the given words
  1. alone synonym by oneself/ on one’s own
  2. hear ved heard
  3. go ved went
  4. run ved ran
  5. put ved put
  6. burn ved burnt/ burned
  7. bring ved brought
  8. say ved said
  9 . hurt ved hurt
  9. danger adj dangerous
  ii. give the english for the phrases.
  1 . 帮助某人脱离火灾
  2. 听到某人正在喊叫
  3. 79岁的孙夫人
  4. 伤了某人的腿
  5. 跑回到......
  6. 把水倾倒到......上
  7. 冲进......
  8. (用......)扑灭火
  9. 住院(治疗)
  10. 相互帮助
  11. 小心用火/防火
  12. 给他带来礼物
  13. 某人发生......
  14. 在那时/那一刻
  15. 伤了某人(自己)
  iii. finish off the following sentences.
  1.zhang hua helped his neighbour____________ (脱离火灾).
  2. suddenly he _______________(听到有人在喊) ‘fire! fire!’.
  3. she could not _________(出来) because she ___________(腿伤了).
  4. zhang hua _____________(倒水在夹克衫上) and _______________(冲进) mrs sun’s kitchen.
  5. the fire ___________ (烧了) his arms, neck and face but he was not afraid.
  6. he ___________________ (住院) for two months.
  7. fire can be very_______________ (危险) , it’s important ________________(防火).
  step 3 production
  finish off the passage according to the story of zhang hua.
  zhang hua is a _________ young man. on may 10th, he _______ his neighbour out of a fire with a __________. the fire was very _______ but he wasn’t _________ at all. the fire _________ his neck, arms and face and he had to stay in _________ for two months. zhang hua thought it was duty to help ______________ when they are in danger. he also told people to be ________ with fire.
  step 4 homework
  1. go over vocabulary after class.
  2. do step 3 as written work
