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创立了宜家的瑞典商业巨头Ingvar Kamprad今天90岁了。宜家一位设计师透露,员工为其在公司瑞典总部用蛋糕庆生。

Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish business magnate who founded IKEA, turns 90 today. Employees celebrated with cake at the company"s headquarters in Sweden, according to one of IKEA"s designers.

创立了宜家的瑞典商业巨头Ingvar Kamprad今天90岁了。宜家一位设计师透露,员工为其在公司瑞典总部用蛋糕庆生。

Kamprad started IKEA more than 70 years ago, and today the beloved brand is the world"s largest furniture maker. Though he no longer actively manages the company — one of his sons serves as chairman — he remains a senior adviser.


With an estimated net worth of $39.3 billion, Kamprad ranks as the 10th-richest person on earth and the second-richest in Europe. Still, Kamprad is considered one of the world"s most frugal billionaires.


The 90-year-old grew his flatpacking-furniture brand by maintaining a personal and professional ethos of innovation and simplicity.


From humble beginnings selling holiday tchotchkes to his neighbors as a child, Kamprad started a revolutionary, privately held furniture giant with $33 billion in sales — and became one of the richest people on the planet in the process.


Kamprad was born in the south of Sweden in 1926 and by the age of 5 began selling matches for profit. At 10, he rode his bike around the neighborhood to sell Christmas decorations, fish, and pencils.


In his teens, Kamprad became involved in a Nazi youth movement by the influence of his German grandmother, who was "a great admirer of Hitler." He later described that time as "the greatest mistake of my life" and even penned a letter to his employees asking their forgiveness.


When Kamprad was 17, his dad gave him a cash reward for making good grades in school despite his dyslexia. He used the money to found IKEA in 1943. Kamprad didn"t introduce furniture until five years in; he"d started by selling small household items, like picture frames.

当Kamprad17岁的时候,虽然他有阅读障碍,但他的父亲为了奖励他在学校中取得的好成绩给了他现金奖励,他用这些钱在1943年创立了IKEA. Kamprad在开始的五年并没有引入家居;开始时卖一些小型居家物件,比如相框。

The name IKEA is an acronym for the initials of his first and last names, plus the initials for the name of the family farm where he was born (Elmtaryd) and the nearest village (Agunnaryd).


In 1956, Kamprad revolutionized the furniture market by introducing "flatpacking," the method now synonymous with IKEA that cuts costs by letting consumers purchase their furniture in pieces and assemble it themselves.


According to best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, Kamprad is a rare breed — he possesses a combination of conscientiousness, openness, and disagreeableness. These personality traits are what made him a fearless innovator in the beginning of his career.

通过畅销书作家Malcolm Gladwell,Kamprad是极其优秀的-他集正直,开放,乖戾于一身,这些人格特性使他在事业初期成为一个大胆的创新者。

In that vein, Kamprad made the unpopular decision to move IKEA headquarters from Sweden to Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1973 to avoid unfavorable business taxes for his growing company. He also moved himself and his family to Switzerland to protest Sweden"s increasing taxes. But the corporation is now based in the Netherlands, and Kamprad has since returned to Sweden.



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