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无法竞争过大疆!美国无人机公司 Airware 烧尽 1.18 亿美元融资轰然倒闭

近日无人机市场竞争非常的大,有的无人机厂商遭到专利纠纷事情,有的已经被收购,确没想到又有一家无人机公司倒闭。现在最新消息,美国无人机公司 Airware 宣布立即停止运营。

据消息了解,美国无人机公司 Airware 突然告知员工,该公司将立即停止运营,该公司曾有多达 140 名员工,现在所有员工都失业状态。该初创公司最初专门为无人机提供自动驾驶系统,曾耗费了所有资金用于尝试自己生产硬件,后尝试设计了两款无人机,但是根本无法与中国的大疆这样的无人机巨头竞争。

据悉,Airware 成立于 2011 年,是由 Jonathan Downey 创立的,该公司之前已获得了安德森 · 霍洛维茨、谷歌的 GV 和凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins)等顶级投资者筹集了 1.18 亿美元(约合 8.1 亿人民币)。

最后,Airware 对所有员工安排将获得一周的遣散费,保险会缴到 11 月,公司还将支付未使用的带薪休假费用。有 Airware 前雇员透露:" 认为正是因为有着 1.18 亿美元的资金才导致了 Airware 失去了耐心,还没等到硬件足够完善就过于提前发力并且将大量资金投入到了强行产生结果的错误方法之中。"(天一)

以下 Airware 官网发布的关闭运营的解释:

San Francisco, CASeptember 14, 2018

History has taught us how hard it can be to call the timing of a market transition. We have seen this play out first hand in the commercial drone marketplace. We were the pioneers in this market and one of the first to see the power drones could have in the commercial sector. Unfortunately, the market took longer to mature than we expected. As we worked through the various required pivots to position ourselves for long term success, we ran out of financial runway. As a result, it is with a heavy heart that we notified our team, customers, and partners that we will wind down the business.

This is not the business outcome we had worked so hard for over the years and yet we are deeply proud of our company ’ s accomplishments and our leadership in driving the adoption of drone powered analytics to improve productivity, mitigate risks, and take workers out of harm ’ s way.

As we close the book of Airware; we want to thank the partners and customers who believed in us and helped us along the way. And, while it is difficult to say goodbye to our team, we want to thank them for all they have contributed to Airware and the industry. We look forward to seeing how they will take their learnings from Airware to fuel continued innovations in the world around us.


" 历史经验教会了我们抓住市场转型的时机是多么的困难。我们已经在商用无人机市场领会到了这一点。我们曾是这个市场的领路人,并且也是最早预见到无人机的商用价值的一批人。但是不幸的是,市场走向成熟的时间要远比我们所认为的要长。当我们努力熬过各种必要的转折点并最终走向成功的道路上时,我们用尽了所有的资金。因此,我们只能怀着沉重的心情向我们的团队、我们的客户以及我们的合作伙伴宣布了这么一个决定——关闭我们的业务。


在如今关闭 Airware 之际;我们想要感谢所有曾经相信着并一路帮助我们的所有的合作伙伴以及客户们。另外,虽然要很难与我们的团队说出再见,我们依然想感谢他们为 Airware 以及整个无人机产业所作出的贡献。我们很期待看到他们今后依靠在 Airware 所学到的东西去继续为我们的世界创造出有价值的东西。"


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