快好知 kuaihz

61) Instruction Instruction is informal and tailored to individual needs. 62) This child would normally be given special reading instruction. 63) He was reluctant to let us browse without instruction. 64) Miss Gabriel offered to give instruction in First Aid. 65) I also remember a specific instruction: come alone. 66) Only a psychopath would include children in the instruction. 67) The State Committee's resolution was issued on Yeltsin's instruction. 68) Probably the instruction manual for the first vacuum cleaner. 69) Following his instruction, his party hastened to the windows. 70) A brief review of existing work in library user instruction evaluation was then given and related to the parameters previously described. 71) Classroom instruction is invaluable in providing some of this background and in giving the learner confidence. 72) You simply set a starting bid and leave an instruction to raise the bid in preset increments up to a ceiling. 73) Religious instruction and lessons in writing Arabic, followed by training in weapons and tactics. 74) You can also expect to see true multi-tasking and use of the faster 386 instruction set. 75) This is particularly so in the case of course-integrated instruction and this ideal is more seldom reached in practice than course-related education. 76) Programme A course of instruction with a pre-determined timespan, content and structure, whether a short or long course. 77) Since the incremental value is encoded in the operation field, there is room to specify a store address in the instruction. 78) It may be uneconomic or too inflexible to implement in hardware all of a computer's instruction set. 79) Half an hour's instruction from an experienced horse-rider is much better than anything you can learn from a book. 80) They have less need of instruction manuals and can follow their instincts and the dictates of their heart. 81) The greatest problem at the orientation stage is getting the balance between orientation and more advanced instruction. 82) More prayers, more training, sometimes with live firing, followed by more religious instruction. 83) Also does anyone have an instruction book for a Singer Magic Memory. 84) Instruction is in various media and covers landscapes, portraiture, still life, book illustration and more. 85) The duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction training and ensuring use of safety equipment. 86) LEFT-HANDED Chapman Stick, including case lead and instruction book, £500. 87) What he must do is to formulate an assertion which contradicts our own, and give us his instruction for testing it. 88) Conversely, you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give. 89) There is little point in reproducing the instruction manual here. 90) Several basic procedures are included in the instruction manual supplied with the de Fonbrune microforge.