快好知 kuaihz

151) A better method is to provide a special supervisor call instruction which causes a distinguishable interrupt into the supervisor to be generated. 152) The intensity of instruction is a combination of fast pace and close focus. 153) The trainees work at their machines under instruction from a supervisor. 154) During recent years, librarians have become more aware of the need to evaluate programmes of library instruction. 155) Last I saw, a couple of hand-in-hand schoolkids had fished them out and were avidly reading the instruction leaflet. 156) Stewart and Jones have produced something extremely rare - a computer instruction manual written with verve, life and humour. 157) What he experienced through his hands made more sense to him than written words of instruction. 158) Underlining: Never underline in a release as this is a printing instruction to set in italics. 158)try its best to gather and build good sentences. 159) The technique of guidance is often used by parents when a child refuses to comply with a request or instruction. 160) There are positive implications for the providers of well organized clubs offering guidance and instruction at varying levels. 161) Either way it allows rather better continuity of instruction - frequently advocated by user education librarians. 162) An instruction book is included in the box, with helpful hints and suggestions for projects. 163) An assembler instruction will correspond to a frequently performed operation and represents many machine code instructions. 164) Notice that a clear accumulator instruction can be seen as such an instruction with an implied operand value of zero. 165) The tutor will provide instruction in methodologies involved in an investigation and in the interpersonal skills which may be required. 166) She started giving children religious instruction and grew to love teaching. 167) You had an Instruction Book, all your various accoutrements at home. 168) In the simplest case an instruction tests for all, some or none of the bits being set to one. 169) A film of Tuva will be shown, followed by instruction in throat-singing. 170) In this way, contracts can serve as a basis for individualised instruction. 171) It was aimed at teaching children correct diet, oral hygiene instruction and the importance of visiting the dentist. 172) A computer needs one cycle to process a basic instruction. 173) Employers' duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction and training. 174) Televised instruction is, at best, a useful adjunct to the real thing. 175) In the light of this distrust in the effectiveness of verbal instruction, what was Rousseau's opinion of reading? 176) I was wondering if you have, or know where I can get, an instruction book. 177) The activities of the business partners provide other sources of instruction and motivation for students besides those provided by teachers. 178) Even courses in effective communication rarely include instruction on media use. 179) Have you had lots of instruction with each new teacher seeming to contradict the one before? 180) But another factor is that instruction manuals that usually accompany new computer hardware and software are difficult to understand.