快好知 kuaihz

61. You need to widen your circle of friends. 62. The silent wolves would track and circle them. 63. Johnson was part of the president's inner circle . 64. Please move counterclockwise in a circle! 65. She has a large circle of friends. 66. Her hand described a circle in the air. 67. Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity. 68. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones. 69. The children stood round in a circle . 70. He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 71. Draw a circle 30 centimetres in circumference. 72. He has a small circle of friends. 73. Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle. 74. The plane flew around in a tight circle. 75. They formed a circle and sang "Auld Lang Syne". 76. The police have a closed circle of suspects. 77. They stood in half a circle. 78. We all sat down in a circle. 79. She was always surrounded by a circle of admirers. 80. Aim at the yellow circle. 81. The subject was never discussed outside the family circle. 82. He used compasses to describe a circle. 83. The axis of a circle is its diameter. 84. We had seats in the circle. 85. Circle the correct answers on the coupon below. 86. Twenty years later his son made the same choice and the wheel came full circle. 87. Do you know the formula for finding the area of a circle? 88. Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle. 89. "Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time. 90. He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends.