快好知 kuaihz

121. Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain. 122. All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre. 123. Things have come full circle now that long skirts are back in fashion. 124. He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle. 125. The political wheel had turned full circle, and he was back in power. 126. She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking. 127. He invited only a select circle of friends to the wedding. 128. What do you call that thingamajig? You know - the circle with the line through it. 129. We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style. 130. The revolving circle is concentric with the fixed outer circle. 131. His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office. 132. He was unable to differentiate even between the circle and the ellipse. 133. Many new stars are spewing out of the singing circle. 134. He described a circle on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 135. Our seats are in the front row of the dress circle. 136. Then I widened my circle to boxing friends. 137. A circle of friends, doesn't always keep perfect relationships.".Anthony Liccione 138. A bonfire blazed inside a small circle of stones. 139. The children were dancing around in a circle. 140. God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.Voltaire 141. Down on the beach Tonton now ran in a crazy circle, his tail tucked between his legs. 142. As the bikes bowled down the dark lane, so the circle of the sky seemed to wheel the other way. 143. But they ignored the unthinking acceptance that Jeffries enjoyed among a far wider circle of students. 144. She glanced round, spotting Terry Lewis on the outer fringes of their circle, an expression of chagrin on his face. 145. Each clique treated the establishment as its club and took no notice at all of anyone outside the charmed circle. 146. Line the bottom of the basin with the small bread circle then arrange the bread slices around the sides. 147. Like all successful businessmen, John was willing to delegate responsibility to a trusted circle of people while he developed new contacts. 148. She had not realised they could reach out from the charmed circle of themselves. 149. Spread a little buttercream over the centre of the marzipan circle and place the second cake on top of this. 150. Right on her rib was a circle and a cross burnt right in the skin.