快好知 kuaihz

31. For skilled occupations the supply of labour is typically fairly inelastic, because few workers are capable of doing the work. 32. They dammed up the river to make a lake for their water supply. 33. The cooker is not yet wired in to the main supply. 34. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off. 35. We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow. 36. The village is so far from the river that their water has to be pumped in from the nearest water supply. 37. If you have great talents, industry will improve them;if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 38. Our task is to supply vegetables all the year round. 39. If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off. 40. We diverted the river to supply water to our city. 41. Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply. 42. A healthy diet should supply all necessary vitamins and minerals. 43. The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 44. She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing. 45. It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation. 46. They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. 47. The fertilizers and pesticides used on many farms are polluting the water supply. 47.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 48. A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being. 49. The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods. 50. The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply. 51. The supply fell short. 52. A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany. 53. They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts. 54. Civil servants and ministers were accused of conniving with the company in the supply of arms to Sierra Leone. 55. Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam. 56. Can we hook up to the electricity supply at the campsite? 57. The chemical leak had poisoned the water supply. 58. Food is in short supply following the flooding. 59. Our water supply has been cut off. 60. The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.