dweller造句1. What the farmer gets is what the urban dweller pays minus transportation and distribution costs.
2. To a town dweller the silence is eerie - so this is how the wilderness felt to the early explorers and settlers.
3. Both city and town dweller should pay tax.
4. Cave dweller live mainly on berries.
5. At the appointed time, community dweller shops more convenient.
6. The dweller is the only architect.
7. Man is a dweller on the earth.
8. Build dweller lowest maintenance to route system very necessary.
9. The city dweller never experiences anxieties of this sort.
10. The Shenzhen dweller can enjoy a housing fund 13 % of their wages.
11. Join Naija, a lone underwater dweller in search of her family, as she explores the depths of Aquaria .
12. The Naysayer. This office dweller delights in shooting down ideas.
13. No sea - dweller worshiped the Queen of the Oceans.
14. In industrialized country, outside the dweller that divides remote region, realized electrification generally.
15. Gap of town dweller income is pulled ceaselessly big, the central point that already made attention of all circles of Inner Mongolia society and eristic popular topic.
16. How to apply for to enjoy dweller lowest life to ensure treatment?
17. City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do.
18. Because situation is special, the dweller here pays close attention to global climate more calefacient brought adverse effect.
19. Bartlett drew from the old-fashioned uniforms of the virile football player and the preening perfection of the city dweller.
20. Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
21. It seemed that he was not, after all, a true barge dweller.
22. In an urban environment, basement flats are not advisable for the single dweller.
23. Aggression would have given a survival advantage in cave dweller days and earlier and so would have been favored by natural selection.
24. This assistance inevitably spilled over as an increase in general prosperity for the ordinary Milanese city dweller.
25. Architecture's beauty, is gradual bourgeon from inner place to outside, from the dweller's need and mental disposition. The dweller is the only architect.
26. This is an illustration of how the night sky might look to a dweller in the core of galaxy NGC 4261, which harbors an 800-light-year-wide disk of dust and 1.2 billion-solar-mass black hole.
27. When first stage of human evolution, Cercopithecoidea succeed arboreal niches. the founding member of human family have changed living dweller from tree to ground. They exploited new food...
28. But a man's free condition is of two parts: the instinctive freeness he experiences as an animal dweller on a planet, and the practical liberties he enjoys as a privileged member of human society.
29. His house in Berlin was rummaged along the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised dweller inhabitant in 1940.
30. Flavor Every wood has a path that only the wood dweller knows.