快好知 kuaihz

61. The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay. 62. The present aspect of society is portentous of great change. 63. She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy. 64. She launched into a detailed explanation of every aspect of her work. 65. The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched. 66. Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare. 67. Every aspect of their private life has been laid bare. 68. A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect. 69. He had to cover every aspect of the war. 70. Each aspect of their life deeply affects the other. 71. Another aspect of the times had made its debut. 72. He had a belligerent aspect. 73. An aspect of this story was the total absence of the Doctor from Episodes Three and Four. 74. Millions of women died and with them a certain untamed aspect of the female spirit. 75. Even the slightest interface aspect could trigger a heated debate, with adherents of opposing solutions arguing with near-Jesuitical intensity. 76. Today the company boasts 150 titles in 49 different countries, each dealing with a slightly different aspect of the computer trade. 77. Birthtales became an expression and validation of birth, an often neglected aspect of life in Western culture. 78. In these examples we see death and bereavement, together with other losses as an important aspect of work in counselling elderly people. 79. Another aspect of organisations which you might have discovered is that organisations are constantly changing. 80. Tell everyone you are looking for work-use your network of contacts in every aspect of your life. 6. 81. Another aspect of these aims was the powerful attraction of establishing international companies for their own sake. 82. Reasoning along such lines is necessary to bridge the gap between the public and the private aspect of authority. 83. The most disappointing aspect of this matter is that he should have seen fit to introduce politics into licensing board affairs. 84. The critical aspect still to be agreed was the gas price. 85. Another aspect which should be considered is the input of clients' in-house departments in the design process. 86. They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources,(Sentence dictionary) and the redistributive aspect of the budget. 87. This aspect of assessment is essential because a person's verbal consciousness is critical for making sense of the world. 88. One final but critical aspect of Touch / Training is body image. 89. Observations with apparatuses of relatively small aspect ratio have led to interesting comparisons with theories to be discussed in Chapter 24. 90. One aspect of the family that must be taken into account when working with people with cancer is the children.