快好知 kuaihz

91. Even Sonya had a different aspect for me ever since I became fascinated by that book. 92. Eventual guaranteed success is often a very desirable aspect, especially for young or slow learners. 93. Table 16-2 picks out the most controversial aspect of the tax system, the marginal rate of income tax. 94. This intriguing finding from the surveys led medical researchers to investigations into a whole new aspect of dietary fibre. 95. An encouraging aspect was that each of the three new caps in the squad contributed to the victory. 96. In later chapters we shall give this aspect of the book closer attention. 97. Another aspect of the applied philosophy of the polytechnics is that they should maintain close contacts with industry and business. 98. The negative aspect of providing this flexibility is the added complexity, in particular to support insertions, deletions and updates. 99. A principal aspect of that role is as a deterrent. 100. They gave my new acquaintance a somewhat belligerent aspect, you may be sure! 101. Outwardly, the most curious aspect of Neon Prophet is that none of them are Rastafarian. 102. The Clay Roofing Tile Council offers you a free technical advisory service on any aspect of the use of clay tiles. 103. Stevenson was deliberately seeking a plot that would allow him to explore an aspect of human psychology. 104. Compared to Windows 3. 1, the most important aspect of Windows 95 is that it: A.. Looks cool. 105. The relocation officer held departmental meetings during which every aspect of the move was discussed and employees' questions were answered. 106. He concentrated his efforts on the posterior aspect of the eye and established the ophthalmic exam. 107. Brooke-Rose was generally thought to have overdone the serious aspect of her tale to the detriment of its comic potential. 108. The most striking aspect of the past week is the degree to which the Government is underestimating Labour's post-conference political strength. 109. Nevertheless, one aspect of the AD-AS approach deserves brief mention. 110. A crucial aspect of the productive process is the division of labour into restricted tasks. 111. Based on this comprehensive service, which is designed to cover every aspect of customers' requirements. 112. Is it possible that some aspect of his personality is causing this problem? 113. In this highly competitive business, cost control is a major aspect of good management. 114. The first aspect - the role of narrative in learning - is introduced through a study of literature in early childhood education. 115. A large canvas of poppies provides a particularly attractive example of this aspect of her work. 116. The Government abstained on a different aspect relating to the treaty of Rome basis. 117. The proposal should discuss this aspect and quiet the worries of the reviewer or academic advisor. 118. So far we have been discussing the intentional aspect of language in our comparison of human with other animal communication. 119. When Menzies opened the door to radio communication, he could have had little appreciation of one aspect of its future impact. 120. But there is another aspect of the primacy which has so far been only briefly mentioned.