快好知 kuaihz

61) All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. 62) He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 63) If a friend tells a fault, imagine always that he has not told the whole. 64) A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy. 65) A man without a friend is only half a man. 66) There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy. 67) A man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him. 68) The only way to have a friend is to be one. 69) You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward, but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend. 70) A friend is never known till a man has need. 71) Hunger knows no friend. 72) He that has a full purse never lacks a friend. Even in a busy market, nobody cares to know a poor person. 73) Nothing is dearer to a man than a friend in need. 74) There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 75) Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 76) A true friend is known in the day of adversity. 77) A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 78) A friend is never known till a man have need. 79) A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 80) Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 81) A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 82) All the splendor 1 in the world is not worth a good friend. 83) Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him. 84) He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger. 85) A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 86) Don't try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others 'heart through appropriate ways. 87) We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. 88) I met an old school friend today. 89) She behaves more like a friend than a mother. 90) You'd better first know a friend from an enemy.