快好知 kuaihz

1. The doctor is reading the Journal of Medical Science. 2. 'Nature' was the highest-ranked journal in the survey. 3. He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 4. The journal rubs against the bearing surface. 5. All our results are published in scientific journals. 6. Lady Franklin kept a journal during the voyage. 7. We publish a quarterly journal. 8. On New Year's Day in 1974, I started keeping a journal. 9. This short story was published by two journals of repute. 10. The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year. 11. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal? 12. A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives. 13. Lady Franklin kept a daily journal of the voyage. 14. Please send me two copies of your new journal. 15. He published widely in scientific journals. 16. My father often contributes to a literary journal. 17. Cooper wrote to the journal immediately, defending himself. 18. I wrote tortuous essay for obscure journals. 19. The journal had a devoted following of around 1000 subscribers. 20. The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head. 21. This new mode works by journaling metadata only. 22. If possible, you should use journaling file systems exclusively. 23. Now that you've seen the journaling file systems of today (and yesterday), let's look at what's ahead (and what's not). 24. The most commonly used journaling file system, ext3fs (or third extended file system) is an extension of ext2 with journaling capabilities. 25. Before the advent of journaling filesystems, recovery of a filesystem after a system crash often took a long time. 26. Journaling is a beautiful thing. Not only do you get a chance to express your opinions and feelings in a judgement-free zone, you'll often learn things about yourself you never knew. 27. Journaling file systems provide reliability and protect against corruption in the face of system crash or power loss. 28. It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas. 29. The third extended file system (ext3fs) is the most popular journaling file system and is the evolution of the popular ext2 file system. 30. JBM demonstrates impressive performance and things will only get better with the new append-only journaling storage that comes down the line.