multiprocessor造句1. The commercial line will include large multiprocessor servers.
2. Another example of special hardware is Texas Instruments' multiprocessor Odyssey Board.
3. The multiprocessor version of the R4000 central processing unit is expected, finally, in November.
4. A multiprocessor backplane bus contains a separate Internet network.
5. On a multiprocessor system, they really can run simultaneously.
6. In addition, some multiprocessor systems support parallel processing.
7. In a transputer - based multiprocessor system , the individual CPU is a multiple resource.
8. Different with the dominant list scheduling algorithm, evolutionary multiprocessor task scheduling algorithm is a probabilistic global search algorithm.
9. Multiprocessor task allocation and scheduling is a key technology aircraft Utility Management System ( UMS ).
10. In this paper, We discuss the multiprocessor support of embedded system, illustrating with an example of RTEMS.
11. On account of the developed multiprocessor with multiport memory, this paper presents the detailed methods to implement FFT on the machine.
12. In this paper, a multiprocessor video surveillance system over CDMA network is introduced.
13. Dynamic scheduling algorithm for real - time multiprocessor systems is an important subject in real - time system research.
14. But because of characters of expansibility, heterogeneous multiprocessor and un- predictability of a grid, resource management and task scheduling are facing great challenge.
15. A multiprocessor architecture of one dimentional two level control flow for parallel implementation of a backtracking control strategy in a VLSI expert system is presented in this paper.
16. To utilize multiprocessor systems more efficiently, copying and compression can also be performed in parallel.
17. Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem ( MSP ) is one of the basic problems in "The Design and Analysis of computer Algorithms" , and is a NP-Problem.
18. However, if your application is deployed on a multiprocessor system or uses a very large heap, you may get some performance boost from changing collector options.
19. Some things must be done before others, and this limits how much faster a multiprocessor computer can chug along.
20. Fortunately the process is explicitly parallel and were it to be run on multiprocessor hardware then there could be substantial speed-up.
21. Task groups are formulating standards for the areas of multiprocessor technologies, compliance technologies and native language system localisation.
22. One dimensional bin packing problem has many important applications such as multiprocessor scheduling, resource allocation, real world planning, and packing and scheduling optimization problems.
23. Being aimed at audio—visual form of some processors being connected by multibus , this paper puts forward a proposal to research multiprocessor communication system reliability with hypergraph.
24. The company sun microsystems reported the release of the first 10 gigabit net adapter, optimized for multiprocessor systems and polynuclear CPU.
25. Using the queueing theory, the queue model of memory with multibank in tightly—coupled multiprocessor system is constructed.
26. In this paper, a novel genetic algorithm, namely critical path based genetic scheduling algorithm (CPGS), was developed for multiprocessor scheduling.
27. If low level of parallelism is considered, multicomputer architecture is better than multiprocessor architecture.
28. The Concept of Client - Server Model is used on a tightly - coupled multiprocessor system for FASTBUS data acquisition.
29. With this new viewpoint, we yield an easy way to diagnose a multiprocessor system.
30. In the next major section, I'll tell you about spin locks , which combine the within-a-CPU synchronizing behavior of an IRQL with a multiprocessor lockout mechanism.