快好知 kuaihz

61. My friend has just come back from Lanzhou, bringing me two genuine honeydew melons. 62. Lanzhou City climate types are semi - arid north temperate continental monsoon climate. 63. Subject_Topical_Eng: Lanzhou University; School of Life Science; Botany; Bionomy ; Biology. 64. Abstract: A newly developed high temperature flue gas energy recovery technology has been applied in RFCCU at Lanzhou Petroleum Processing and Chemical Complex. 65. Two optimal models of intensity of pollution sources were applied to Lanzhou city, and calculation and analysis performed for the models with linear program method. 66. David asked people around whether 1200 yuan was higher than the average income in Lanzhou. 67. Poor college student who came from western Cina was refused by Lanzhou university. 68. The authors studied and measured the shopping centre in Lanzhou by using CBI (the central business index technique) to decide whether there is a CBD in Lanzhou and what its scale is.