快好知 kuaihz

1. Note: Electrifiied scope of Lanzhou Railways Bureau since 1995. 2. Passengers for Lanzhou alight at Nanjing. 3. Based on Lanzhou town gas plant, an analysis and comparison are made of different CO shifting programs, and a reasonable program is recommended. 4. Lanzhou Airport to Xining, which mode of transportation convenient, the cheapest? 5. Bitter water is in Gansu Province Lanzhou, there is the oldest rose to produce base here, attar majority of China originates in here. 6. The serious air pollution in Lanzhou city is closely related to property of atmospheric boundary layer. 7. They are working on a farm in Lanzhou these days. 8. The scattering optical characteristics of aerosol over Lanzhou in winter are analyzed, using the data monitored by Integrating Nephelometer and Multi-wavelength Sun-photometer. 9. Lanzhou Bureau of Statistics. 2008 Lanzhou Statistical Yearbook [ M ]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2008. 10. In order to protect the Anseriformes in Lanzhou, suggestions for the improvement of the urban environmental structures are given here. 11. Lanzhou fern in the main origin of the Yuzhong Nanshan Yam area. 12. Lanzhou to Dunhuang City Qingyang Road House, the best cuisine. 13. Based on the Lanzhou Hui community in Qing Dynasty, the article discusses the ethnic identity function of mosques with history documents from anthropological view. 14. Lanzhou University, Humanities Takamoto what classes will be on what courses, what professional triage meeting? 15. How long does it take by air from Changchun to Lanzhou? 16. There were many good strains which had such potential such as X4 and X1 in Xi'an only in consideration of nitrogenase activity. But few strains with such ability were isolated from Lanzhou. 17. You promise me that Black Scorpions will never come back to Lanzhou. 18. The results of harmonic analysis of observation data at Lanzhou station also habe been shown. 19. The dustfall samples collected under typical dust and non - dust weather were made size analysis in Lanzhou. 20. Conclusion:Content of sulphite in dried fruits and apricot meat are sold in Lanzhou market badly exceed the State standard, especially the products of apricot meat. 21. Chen Yijiang , male, unripe 1943, person of city of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province, was graduated from Lanzhou to earth up goosefoot oil school 1967. 22. Annex 1 to the CTBT Protocol had listed the 50 seismological stations (arrays) comprising the primary network of International Monitoring System (IMS ), and Lanzhou seismic array (PS13) was in it. 23. The thesis attaches great importance to logistic development planning in the material system of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, as the object of research , on the basis of modern logistic theory. 24. This paper analyses the present situation of water-supply pipe network in Lanzhou and the existing problems, and proposes the concrete measures to solve the problems. 25. The intensity of a pulsed beam of charged particles in the Cooling Storage Ring Project of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR) will be measured with a toroidal current transformer. 26. The study was in acoal mining industrial area Honggu coal mining in Lanzhou, Loess Plateau. 27. It is the first time that the first stage oil from butane deasphalting plant was processed in lube oil hydrotreating plant of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company. 28. Twice improvements of GS-11 gravimeter in C value standardization with the precision increase in Lanzhou seismic station has been described by the paper. 29. Wuqiaoling tunnel, the longest single-track railway tunnel in China, is the key project of Lanzhou— Urumchi Railway. 30. Sour water stripping unit was revamped by using DYF-110 type oil-water separator and "tank within tank" deoiling technology in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company.