快好知 kuaihz

monetary union造句
(1) Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues. (2) He has changed his stance on monetary union. (3) The grand design of Europe's monetary union is already agreed. (4) Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany. (5) Doesn't monetary union inevitably lead to political union? (6) Monetary union is shaping as the new political battleground. (7) First, a definition of monetary union will be presented. (8) Bonn sets new deadline for full monetary union. (9) The treaty covers economic and monetary union and political union. (10) At Maastricht next month, political, economic and monetary union will take pride of place. (11) Let us consider economic and monetary union and a single currency. (12) The Bundesbank has warned that monetary union will fail because Maastricht did not go far enough on political union. (13) That is true on economic and monetary union and on political union. (14) I believe that monetary union is political union, and that the creation of a single currency is federalism. (15) Monetary union has long been seen as a way of bringing about greater economic and political unity within the Community. (16) Monetary union was also discussed, with governors of central banks being instructed to work towards union by 1995. (17) There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union. (18) We shall play an active part in negotiations on Economic and Monetary Union. (19) My right hon. Friend the Chancellor and his counterparts ably negotiated amendments in the documents on economic and monetary union. (20) In his speech, the Prime Minister set out the weak position from which he negotiates on economic and monetary union. (21) It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 1995. (22) The unanswered question is whether economic convergence and the move towards monetary union are a self-reinforcing mechanism. (23) These problems would intensify following the introduction of a core monetary union. (24) There are still matters to be agreed on the monetary union treaty, but in both cases we are making progress. (25) They are intimately connected, for as this chapter will show, acceptance of monetary union implies defacto acceptance of political union. (26) Mitterrand made clear his desire to see new treaties on political and monetary union concluded before the end of the year. (27) No doubt we will have another debate before then on economic and monetary union. (28) Among international economists, it is widely accepted that free trade areas do not require monetary union in order to function effectively. (29) There are two important issues to be resolved before the character of the economic and monetary union will be determined. (30) As a result, they are determined to build on that interdependence by moving towards economic and monetary union.