monetary union造句(31) The single market and economic and monetary union will expose regions and firms to greater competition.
(32) If there is a move towards monetary union, convergence across the Community must take place.
(33) The upper limit for prospective members of the future monetary union is 3 percent.
(34) That gap has fluctuated between about 2. 7 percent and 1. 45, widening whenever prospects for monetary union dim.
(35) Farmers were among the hardest hit by economic and monetary union.
(36) A small monetary union here would be relatively safe, under almost any conceivable scenario.
(37) Already, there are plans for another intergovernmental conference in 1996 and they already have a timetable for economic and monetary union.
(38) While monetary union has made great strides,[http:///monetary union.html] economic union is at a standstill.
(39) The reason is that the treaty sets criteria to measure whether a country is ready for economic and monetary union.
(40) Maastricht makes exchange-rate stability a precondition for participating in monetary union.
(41) Is a breakup of the European monetary union possible?
(42) Will European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) still exist?
(43) The European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) originated from the acceptability of sovereignties in the European Community(EC).
(44) The project of European monetary union is entering the most dangerous phase in its 11 - year history.
(45) In Asia, this theory is also considered to be the theoretical foundation of Asian Monetary Union ( AMU ).
(46) The Germans were promised that monetary union would not give rise to fiscal transfers, and would create a currency at least as stable as the Deutschmark.
(47) On January 1, 1999, The European Union will start to use European Monetary Union ( Ecu ).
(48) This paper first introduces general theories of economic integration and optimal currency area and reviews the history of European Union and European Economic and Monetary Union.
(49) The emergence of euro signified that the procedure of creating European Economic and Monetary Union has officially proceeded into the third stage.
(50) With the launching of the euro in the early 1999, the European Economic and Monetary Union is coming definitively into the third phase.
(51) The author thinks Euros weakness at the beginning resulted from her own some instability and the weak economic strength of EMU(European Economic and Monetary Union).
(52) Needless to say monetary union was a significant surrender of monetary sovereignty.
(53) A fully operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of success.
(54) Instead, the key solution from almost every Eurocrat and talking head, is to continue to support and promote a broken banking system and failed monetary union.
(55) The chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Jim O'Neill, said the crisis of European economic and monetary union (EMU) meant "big decisions have to be taken pretty quickly".
(56) European Economic and Monetary Union ( EMU ) is the main case studied to test the theoretical analyses.
(57) But in five years, with coherent political leadership and a lot of luck, the institutional framework of a passably workable monetary union will have been cobbled together.
(58) European Economic and Monetary Union, Wang He , Beijing : Social Sciences Academic Press, 2002.
(59) This is one of many costly facts about monetary union now bursting disagreeably to the surface.
(60) European Monetary Union is the typical model of the financial development from inside to outside.