快好知 kuaihz

1 The guests unmasked at midnight. 2 The traitor was at last unmasked. 3 We shall unmask that cowardly cheat. 4 The conspirators were unmasked and summarily shot. 5 Elliott unmasked and confronted the master spy and traitor Kim Philby. 6 He was one of the most high-ranking spies ever unmasked by the CIA. 7 A war hero unmasked as a traitor. 8 It is also through observation that fakes are unmasked. 9 She needn't have worried about Lori being unmasked. 10 And surely J.H. Hodges should have been unmasked earlier. 11 Read in studio A man hailed as a hero for fifty years has been unmasked as a traitor. 12 The world will offer itself to you to be unmasked; it can't do otherwise. 13 Only by unmasking the killer can she hope to free herself from the terror. 14 He was said to be one of the highest-placed spies unmasked by Soviet intelligence in recent years. 15 Perhaps we're in the middle of a nest of spies whom Meredith-Lee was about to unmask. 16 Feminist campaigns around the state effectively unmasked the unofficial masculine culture of politicians,[www.] experts and administrators. 17 Now Benjamin had unmasked many a killer and brought numerous murderers to boot. 18 The CIA succeeded in unmasking the spy who sold military secrets. 19 As glucose concentration falls, severe volume depletion may be unmasked. 20 Switching between masking, and unmasking and working at a high magnification of 200 to 400%, allows you to cover exactly the area you will want to work on later. 21 That could lead, they argue, to the unmasking of otherwise undetected suspects. 22 We noted earlier that the origin of economic unmasking, demystification, is to be seen in the conjunction of two values of a different nature. 23 Philby remained bitter towards Burgess, whose defection had thrown suspicion on him and ultimately led to his unmasking. 24 Therefore, our decision has been playing an extremely positive role in unmasking the US imperialist intervention to world's people. 25 Whether this "age of man" will be short or long is unknown, says Crutzen, who shared his Nobel for unmasking the man-made chemicals eating away at the atmosphere's protective ozone layer. 26 Not by accident did strict new accounting rules follow the unmasking of fraud at Enron and WorldCom. 27 It is secure since it has the capacity to resist chaotic unmasking, noise filter, and synchronization-based parameter estimation. 28 It's worth noting that traditional and new media organisations were instrumental in unmasking the falsity of the "gay girl" blog. 29 Your doctor may recommend weight loss, aggressive lifestyle changes, and possibly medication, she says. "We are unmasking a problem early so that we can prevent full-blown cardiovascular disease." 30 This is the focus of a new UN-HABITAT/WHO report on Hidden cities: unmasking and overcoming health inequities in urban settings.