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31 Second, loop Chua's circuits has two regulated bifurcation parameter resistors, they play a part in encryption key parameters and increase the difficulty of unmasking signals. 32 Since Moscow is such an immense, sprawling place, the metro will become your best friend in further unmasking the city. 33 Unmasking Mental Illness: But is is possible that the drugs really don't work? 34 The unmasking of Mr Kurras does not entitle Germans to pin the blame for Ohnesorg's killing on East Germany. 35 Ours is an era of unmasking: many a former emperor is now seen to be naked. 36 "I misdiagnosed male depression for years and years, " says psychologist Archibald Hart,[http:///unmasking.html] author of "Unmasking Male Depression. 37 Fighting US imperialist globalization involves unmasking the nature of the strategic class alliances that perpetuates neocolonial relations. 38 The yellow colour seen in some autumn trees results from the loss of chlorophyll simply unmasking the yellow carotinoids that were there all along. 39 But during scary times like these, says Dr. Hariri, 'environmental stresses can play a critical role in unmasking any underlying biases determined by your genes . 40 The financial crisis provides an apparently endless opportunity for unmasking deceit, malfeasance, and corruption.