probe into造句 241. Objective To probe into rehabilitation education and kinesiatrics of patients after total knee arthroplasty(TKA). 242. AIM To analyze the routine composition and function of dietary fiber in undaria pinnitafida and preliminarily probe into the toxicology of dietary fiber in undaria pinnitafida through animal test. 243. Purpose:To probe into pathogeny, pathology, symptoms diagnosis and treatment of adrenal ganglioneuroma.英文造句crispnessturn of phraseon an even keeltakedowndirect taxationlakshmimateriaexport credittransmission mechanismvisible tradeadverse selectionconventional methoddiscoiddress outciscoclonalstrip downtobagonixonback sawmillard fillmorewallow inget into a rutprayer meetingurologiconcologicvinyannual basiscanner