快好知 kuaihz

the city造句
151. It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people can't bear to part with city life. 152. They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city. 153. The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure. 154. There was a square with trees and grass in it in the center of the city. 155. The city centre streets are paved with dark local stone. 156. Homage was paid to the great sages buried in the city. 157. The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events. 158. The earthquake hit the city at two in the morning. 159. Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city. 160. A bus transported us from the airport to the city. 161. Distantly, to her right, she could make out the city of Shanghai. 162. The post-war government had the enormous task of reconstructing the city. 163. They must rout all the enemy troops out of the city. 164. The enemy troops moved in on the city and began to attack at dawn. 165. The city is a height of three hundred feet above sea level. 166. Rioters ran through the city centre smashing windows and looting shops. 167. The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city. 168. The only daily newspaper in the city did not publish yesterday because of a strike. 169. Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city. 170. The city was a mixture of old and new buildings. 171. Much improvement has been made in the public order of the city. 172. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings. 173. North of the city to the north is not to miss. 174. The city is grossly undercharging companies to use the land. 175. A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city. 176. A bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city. 177. Fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city. 178. Is it possible to get to the city by train,[http:///the city.html] or must I take a bus? 179. They hurried into the city to say good - bye to us. 180. Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators.