快好知 kuaihz

the city造句
181. Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires in the city. 182. Each gang in the city has staked out its territory and defends it ruthlessly from other gangs. 183. Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation. 184. The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city. 185. The fighting in the city followed reports of the rebels marshalling their forces in the countryside. 186. The prime minister met with an all-party delegation from the city council. 187. The west of the city was largely unaffected by the bombing. 188. The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city. 189. Living in a high building tends to insulate us from the real life of the city. 190. The city centre has scarcely changed in over a century. 191. They traced the criminal to a house in the city. 192. The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg. 193. At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall. 194. Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs during the war. 195. The beauty of the city invites me to a longer stay. 196. The city was bombarded with enemy shells for a whole day. 197. Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline. 198. I went to the city, but my brother remained at home. 199. Many monster high - rise buildings spring up all over the city. 200. He left home because of the lures of life in the city. 201. From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us. 202. The city has a multitude of problems, from homelessness to drugs and murder. 203. The city of Ch'eng Tu lies some seven hundred miles to the South-East. 204. They hauled down the enemy's flag when they captured the city. 205. He gave up his job in the city and joined a commune. 206. The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city. 207. The new gymnasium is situated at the center of the city. 208. Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city. 208.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 209. She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed. 210. The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city.