the many造句91. Q: Of the many things there are to make fun of in Martha, what struck you as the most absurd?
92. And what would become of the two remaining women cadets, and the many more who hoped to follow in their footsteps?
93. Think of the many hours when the two of them are closeted in the den.
94. use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few.Adolf Hitler
95. The resolution of the many conflicts between farmers and environmentalists remains a hit-and-miss affair.
96. This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched.
97. This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age.
98. One of the many important churches which are often so crucial in forming the townscape we see about us?
99. The roles continue to change among the many characters who take part in a wedding ceremony.
100. She is one of the many faces of poverty; she is one of the many faces of the welfare system.
101. In my opinion, this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution.
102. The many gods do not share equal amounts of power.
103. There might also be mistaken matches with the many duplicated regions of the human genome.
104. Then she saw him, hanging on to one of the many bracing beams that ran horizontally across the Lock gates.
105. Enthusiasts become so excited by the many varied potentials of the media, they try to use them all.
106. Initially they served the many gasworks but as generating stations were built they served them too.
107. Grandfather had been rich enough to buy the many diamonds it took to make it up.
108. Among the many other things she deserved, Cynthia Coppersmith deserved a medal.
109. Female speaker Carers are often confused because they don't know which of the many agencies to go to.
110. Anti-abortion groups have seized upon the few that have shown an adverse effect, not the many that have not.
111. The local transmissions of the External Service were for the many expatriates working in the country who understood little or no Swahili.
112. Among the many fictions maintained in ffeatherstonehaugh's was that committee members were busy men.
113. Some of the many measures dealt with are outlined below.
114. In resolving the many dilemmas of structure, solutions may only be temporary.
115. The many tracks through the woods make it easy to get lost - but that's never bothered me.
116. Botanists praise the many qualities of the hellebore, but relatively few gardeners cultivate the plant.
117. But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.
118. The reader is referred for further guidance to the many manuals now available that deal with conservation problems confronting archaeologists.
119. Because the area is now supposed to be designated, farmers have been ineligible for grants from the many government conservation schemes.
120. Perhaps you could acquire a taste for decaffeinated coffee or one of the many herb or fruit teas.