快好知 kuaihz

the many造句
181. Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many. 182. Of the many case histories recounted, that of Richard Sorge enlightened and affected Levchenko the most. 183. A test case is specified by a combination of the values of the many parameters. 184. Among the many scientists, I like to remember John von Neumann ( 1903—1957 ). 185. Among the many regulatory substances in use we have controllable and selective herbicides. 186. For and small children, the many experiences of pleasure and wellbeing are still rather diffuse. 187. And take the initiative to fund the gainer for the many high positions of fund shares. 188. I won't go into the many variations, but declarer can always prevail in the ending. 189. The appearance of the sun after the many rainy days was like a benediction. 190. Two of the many aspects of this problem increasingly fascinate and provoke the writer. 191. Among the many years of operation, energy saving equipment failure rate is low, stable good. 192. Pest control, we are learning, is just one of the many ways spiders can help us. 193. The many tiers of her dress are embellished bow in the back. 194. Among the many passengers on this boat, both male and female, was a spruce young dandy. 195. The wheels, spoiler and motor tuning guarantee even more driving pleasure with the many - sided car. 196. The many caffeinated natural plants are are: Coffee, Tea, Kola, Cocoa, and Guarana. 197. They eliminated the many crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary. 198. Unlike the many other Kumaris in Nepal, the Kathmandu goddess makes only rare public appearances. 199. The many sets of operations that can be represented in a particular operation code. 200. The many internal degrees of freedom make the snake robots extremely flexible and maneuverable. 201. Note the many small smudgy blue platelets between the RBC's. 202. I hesitate to record the many other instances of his sagacity. 203. Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.