monte造句61. The Count of Monte Cristo acts dishonorably to M. de Morcerf, and is justified by his son!
62. He lost all his money when he gambled at Monte Carlo.
63. In recent years as an important numerical analysis method for financial derivative securities pricing, Monte Carlo Simulation gets wide application and development.
64. In late 1943, the allies were fighting their way up from southern Italy towards Rome when they encountered fierce resistance around Monte Cassino.
65. A skill is introduced to improve the traditional Monte Carlo method, which enhances the capability of simul...
66. Through Monte Carlo experiments the model parameter is adjust for the purpose that the algorithm's performances achieve the desired level.
67. "In a deterministic simulation, you should get the same result every time you run it," explains MIT computer science professor John Guttag in his OpenCourseWare lecture on Monte Carlo simulations.
68. At Monte Cassino he was determined to repeat his earlier performances.
69. A high - efficiency Monte Carle method for oceanic lidar system simulation has been developed.
70. Had the investors in El Monte Regional Center done due diligence on the project in which they were investing, they might have considered alternatives.
71. A higher dimensional random number generator is required fOr the Monte Carlo simulation program.
72. Instead of putting the Monte up on the lift, Tommy ("Tommy the Temper, " as some of our regulars called him) kicked over a creeper and rolled under the car with a droplight.
73. In combination with the Monte numerical integration, the ITZ area fraction was obtained.
74. Using the method of Monte Carlo, the irradiation of infrared lamp array is simulated.
75. The Monte Carlo calculating software packet was developed for wall epithermal neutron time-spectrometry logging on the basis of MCNP.
76. Importance sampling technique is an effective variance reduction technique in Monte Carlo method for pricing options.
77. I' ve moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed'em what I've got.
78. Well, get ready for the A-grade version of that story, with Monte Hellman's romance-tinged noir.
79. Monte Carlo to Mexico City; Calgary to Cleveland have been astounded by his work.
80. As for Monte Cristo, after this ebullition he closed his eyes as dazzled by internal light.
81. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, the estimation variance on different SNR, snapshots and receiving array elements are simulated, the results are consistent with the theoretical analysis.
82. The Monte Carlo simulations for the experimental data have been mede based on a cluster model.
83. Since analytical methods are not applicable to the tolerance analysis of assemblies with bolt-hole fits, the data obtained from Monte Carlo simulation is used as the reference for comparison.
84. Based on the reciprocity principle of radiation transfer, a bidirectionally statistical Monte Carlo method (BSMC method) was presented.
85. I've harlow in monte carlo and showed what i've got.
86. NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
87. The Belo Monte dam is set to become the world's third largest, after the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze river in China and Itaipu, on the Parana river, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay.
88. In the end, the Monte Carlo method is used in pricing weather option.
89. Network system simulation is to simulate a network system with discrete event system by Monte Carlo method. In Chapter Three We introduce some network simulation tools.
90. The Markov chain Monte Carlo move plus Gaussian white noise is used in sample variance and breeding, and the MH sampling algorithm is used to select sample, too.