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151. The series are calculated and analyzed by correlation analysis, stochastic simulation, Monte Carlo, and Markov chain, Monte Carlo, so a group model of risk function is established. 152. It is seen that hierarchical Bayesian estimation is more efficient than maximum likelihood estimation through Monte Carlo simulation and an example. 153. Gorner glacier ( in the middle ) with Monte Rosa ( to the left ). 154. Del Monte Fresh Produce Inc., whose corporate headquarters is in Coral Gables, Florida, lists another address -- Walker House on Mary Street in George Town, Grand Cayman -- in its SEC filings. 155. For the DTE the conclusions are confirmed by means of the Monte - Carlo simulation, too. 156. She exclaimed surprisingly. " I just got back from Monte Carlo. " 157. Macao is called the Las Vegas or Monte Carloc of the east. 158. Based on the theory and method of Monte Carlo simulation, random trajectory is computed by solving the ballistic equations with random initial parameter inputs. 159. "Then listen to me." Franz then related to his friend the history of his excursion to the Island of Monte Cristo and of his finding a party of smugglers there, and the two Corsican bandits with them. 160. After random variables have been determined on the based of random sensitivity parameter analysis, the fracture probability of welded structure can be calculation by using Monte Carlo method. 161. The performance of DOA estimator is studied via Monte Carlo simulations. 162. Based on the probability model derived from the solar cone, the energy flux distribution the propagation of solar rays on the focal plane was directly simulated by the Monte Carlo method. 163. "And M. de Monte Cristo, King of China, Emperor of Cochin-China, " said the young imp, looking slyly towards his sister. 164. Then we will introduce some common-used filtering techniques. Particle filter which is based on Bayesian estimation and Monte Carlo method will be emphasized. 165. According to Monte Carlo sampling simulation method of MTTF, MATLAB is to be used in sampling simulation, which greatly increases the computing efficiency. It is very important for engineering ap... 166. The difference in the horizontal and vertical factorial moments is compared and studied using Monte - Carlo simulation. 167. Direct simulation Monte Carlo method has been successfully applied into simulation of rare gas. 168. Using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), project schedule risk analysis is implemented at both the macroscopic level of project and the microscopic level of activity. 169. It is the first time that both distribution character and statistical parameter of the time-delay are obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. 170. Monte Carlo ray tracing is the fundamental algorithm in the global illumination area. Its accuracy and flexibility have been recognized by the computer graphics community. 171. Finally, we also get multi - loop hysteresis by Monte Carlo method which matches the expectation of landau theory. 171.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 172. "No, excellency, no," returned the steward, with a sort of nervous trembling, which Monte Cristo, a connoisseur in all emotions, rightly attributed to great disquietude. 173. The efficiency calibrations for PIXE analysis system were made by means of the Monte Carlo technique. 174. To avoid complex computation in Monte Carlo simulation for electron scattering in solid, a new matrix equation to describe the process is presented. 175. The Monte Carlo method is a calculated, but with the general numerical method a great difference. 176. In Monte Carlo simulation, the capability of the Taylor -Series method matches Gauss-Newton, for some scenarios, the convergence time and performance of the mixed method even overmatch . 177. Sedimentary facies modeling use the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method based on geostatistics. 178. Since Monte Carlo code cannot be applied to calculate the isotopic composition of burned fuel, a new algorithm combined with the depletion code is proposed to calculate burnup. 179. One casualty of the battle for Monte Cassino was the Benedictine monastery, built in the 6th century. 180. The percolation transition of this system at percolation threshold P _ c was substantiated by Monte Carlo simulation.