forties造句31. In the early forties, predecessors of Joe McCarthy were snooping around trying to spot Communists in government.
32. He looked like he was in his early forties with thin, wavy gray hair and a sorrowful expression.
33. He was a large, barrel-chested man in his early forties, his black hair plastered to his skull with hair cream.
34. A manager in his early forties described a scene in which he screamed at one of his subordinates.
35. I am a child of the forties, of radio and World War II.
36. In the forties, many lab scientists labored at their benches pursuing vaccines with inactivated or killed viruses.
37. A woman in her mid forties was dragged into bushes by a man wearing a black stocking mask.
38. Sara, a woman in her late forties, had achieved a very high position in public relations.
39. Researchers studying epidemics in Chicago and Buffalo in the forties offered several theories.
40. His joint was taken from his hand by a man in his forties with a studded leather jacket flung across his lap.
41. She was still intent on presenting herself as a woman in her early forties.
42. One afternoon I was sitting in the Art Department office and an extremely handsome man in his late forties walked in.
43. Six feet tall, in his forties, his manner was detached, his grey eyes watchful.
44. Front-line correspondents in their late forties face the problem of what comes next.
45. Charlotte: Charlotte is a wealthy woman in her early forties who views aromatherapy as nothing more than an upmarket beauty treatment.
46. A journalist, who liked traveling, started a new career in her forties as a tour guide.
47. He was in his forties, wore a decrepit old blazer and flannels, and had rabbity teeth and a foolish expression.
48. In the Thirties and Forties, the period of his greatest fame, he lightened and enriched his palette.
49. Father Vic was a wiry man in his late forties with a sharp nose and deep-set eyes.
50. Caroline is in her late forties; she resembles a five-foot potato with black tufts of Raggedy Ann yarn for hair.
51. Treatment of blacks altered slightly with the great depression of the thirties and the economic boom of the wartime forties.
52. Miss Bosworth's hat library includes a collection of styles from the forties, fifties and sixties as well as more up-to-date models.
53. A pipe band coached by Forties platform manager Brian Lynch capped a memorable season by becoming champion of champions in their class.
54. He was in his early forties with a receding hairline, a plump face and a small mouth.
55. In his mid forties, he stood six feet and his aura of authority dominated the room.
56. Father Vic was a wiry man in his late forties with a sharp nose and darting, deep-set eyes.
57. In his late forties he was tall and spare, with a ruddy skin and bright blue eyes.
58. In his forties, he had thick dark eyebrows and an aggressive thrust to his jaw.
59. In recent years there has in fact been an increased incidence of heart disease in women in their thirties and forties.
60. Not these Tiller girls of course, although the most senior was performing in the forties.