forties造句61. In his forties, Jobs seems to have mellowed, as a leader if not as a crusader for Mac-style computing.
62. When she was in her forties she embroidered herself a fine white-on-white linen shroud.
63. In the Forties Britain still boasted a thriving film industry.
64. The madame was perhaps in her forties, of average size, which was disappointing.
65. Star animator Glen Keane, now in his forties, has long wanted to explore non-Disney projects.
66. One was occupied by a plump woman in her forties, who was briskly sorting through a pile of letters.
67. The place had been built as a gambling casino in the forties.
68. In the early forties researchers reasserted an earlier observation that children who had had recent tonsillectomies were prone to contracting polio.
69. Six feet tall, he was in his forties, had a long bony face tapering to a pointed jaw.
70. Above her on the wall hung a portrait in the manner of Laszlo showing a woman in her forties.
71. He was a thinnish fellow in his forties.
72. He was an amusing , gay man of forties.
73. Our English teacher is approximately in her forties.
74. The way people in their forties and those in their twenties used the Web did not differ much, Scheer said, but the difference to someone in their mid-fifties was significant.
75. Mae West continued to make films – and trouble -- throughout the nineteen thirties and early forties.
76. More than 50 per cent of females in their mid - forties regularly go clubbing.
77. Susanne Eman, 32, aims to reach 115st by her forties by consuming enough food to fill six supermarket trolleys every week.
78. Arguably the whole concept of hypertext - as - technology really started back the forties.
79. We watched while "Bruce," a long-haired, snaggletoothed man in his forties, described how as a child he had murdered his brother.
80. Today, in his private Harley Street clinic, many of his patients are in their late thirties and early forties.
81. It is only because I am well on the forties -- a period of revision.
82. Lt. Heilig, a slightly paunchy man in his forties, listened carefully, asked a few questions, then gave an order to his subaltern, a strapping young sergeant: "Hugo, notify the mountain rescue."
83. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio in nineteen fifty-nine. Her parents had each fled China in the late nineteen forties. They met and married while living in the United States.
84. Er Qiangzi, in his forties, decided to stop pulling a rickshaw.
85. Some twenty years previously, in the nineteen - forties , Fremont Rider had arrived at precisely the same conclusion.
86. Emma Frost could be a forties pin-up or in a back-up amazon in an eighties Robert Palmer video, but those two icons have different features.
87. Few wives in their forties can weather such a scrutiny.
88. Results fishbone shows that there are forties factors affecting the results of dermatologic surgery.
89. It was developed into a medicine by Howard Florey and his team at Oxford in the late Thirties and early Forties.
90. The man doing the helping was a New Zealander in his mid to late forties, with a ponytail, a slight look of Keith Richards and a mouth missing most of its teeth.