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31. For example, hovering over a tool bar button will produce a tool tip, and pressing F1 will bring up the context sensitive help for the view. 32. Dose-mortality characteristics of susceptible and resistants parents and their F1 hybrids, F2-backcross progeny and F2 mass cross progeny were assessed in order to determine inheritance character. 33. It is believed Spa has a contract to host F1 until 2012, but the ongoing willingness of the local Walloon government to pick up the losses is in question. 34. "Polemics is not good for F1 and particularly for the public because F1 is a fantastic sport that has to be relaunched, not only protected, " he said. 35. Engineers will be using technology derived from Toyota's F1 engines and mechanicals developed for the LF -A supercar. 36. The results of host egg exposure showed that imidacloprid, triazophos, fipronil and chlorpyrifos were all badly detrimental to adult survival, parasitism capacity(F0)and adult emergence(F1). 37. Elymus canadensis, E. sibiricus and their Hybrid F1, F2 were analyzed by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. 38. In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it – just like the adverts on F1 cars. 39. The ING Renault F1 Team is delighted to announce the latest stop on its Roadshow calendar will be the city of Oviedo, Fernando Alonso's home town in northern Spain. 40. The male sexual brain is like a single toggle switch, whereas the female sexual brain is like the cockpit of an F1 fighter jet," Gaddam said. 41. However, its engine does not currently comply with F1 regulations because of the unusual fuel, produced by refining oils in chocolate. 42. Generally, F1 isozymes zymogram was tendentious to female parent, meanwhile, was influenced by two-parents. 43. Using 11 varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. as parents, the relation of major economic character was analyzed between F1 of 10 hybrid combination and their parents by constant parent regression. 44. Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes from F1 hybrid females showed partial asynapsis in X chromosome as well as in autosonles, asynapsis at 38 zone in 3L being the most constant. 45. Now Symonds is exposed as a cheat and Renault's own in-house investigation has unearthed a further witness to the worst case of cheating in F1 history. 46. The World Council will decide whether Renault breached Article 151c of the International Sporting Code, carrying maximum penalties of exclusion from F1. 9 V! 47. The oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of cru carp F1 laver of Carassius auratus hybridized with Cyprinus capio are studied. 48. Objective To observe the effect of secretory volume of testosterone (T) of F1 male rot with flutamide (Flu). Methods Sixty pregnant SD rats were divided randomly into 2 groups. 49. The results shown that maize relatives of genus Zea can be directly crossed with maize, and grained F1 seeds. Maize relatives and their interspecies hybrids have strong heterosis photoperiod response. 50. The Yas Island Yacht Club is distinguished by the sparkling white exterior shells of the two main buildings against the backdrop of the Yas Marina and F1 Track. 51. George is credited with bringing F1 back to the US on a novel road course inside the fabled Indy 500 oval,[www.] and until recently was keen on penning a new race promotion deal with Bernie Ecclestone. 52. Green-shell-egg Fowl rooster crossing with Taihe Silky Fowl hen or Langshan Fowl hen, soever cocks' or hens' of F1 generation Skin colour is black. 53. Now stop with all the polemics , because we love F1. 54. Amino-acid content of F1 hybrids is genetically controlled by its parents. 55. There was variation in the occurrence of unlaid egg both among parents and F1. 56. I know how things go in F1 and if you look into the detail of the two races, I think everything is still going according to plan. 57. Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined, to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes. 58. When the male sterile lines are developed in such a mutant background, the problem of F1 seed contamination by self-seeds from the sterile lines can be solved by spraying bentazon at seedling stage. 59. This F1 phone also features a Video Player, Music player and a memory expansion slot. 60. Objective Polysaccharide fractions F1, F2 and F3 were prepared from Porphyra haitanensis by hot-water extraction and DEAE-cellulose chromatography.