cutting out造句1. I'm cutting out . See you later.
2. Television censors are cutting out scenes which they claim may offend.
3. The children were cutting out squares from the scraps of material.
4. Cutting out Fold the fabric in half.
5. We're cutting out superfluous layers of managers.
6. The engine was stuttering and cutting out.
7. You make the model by cutting out these shapes and gluing them together.
8. Try cutting out red meat and dairy produce, and see if your symptoms improve.
9. He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes.
10. So cutting out unnecessary layers and thinning out the staffs are normally useful things to do.
11. Arups worked out a method of cutting out the rusted iron in very small sections and strengthening it as they went along.
12. They are highly efficient and especially adroit at cutting out excessive steps and cumbersome procedures.
13. These activities include drawing, cutting out, identifying objects, and written exercises.
14. I discovered they're all switching to health foods, cutting out fat, salt and pork.
15. Hey madame you've a whore here who's cutting out!
16. She was cutting out a dressing pattern.
17. Cutting out six angle sides from the finished ofangle bolts.
18. Cutting out the fat, becoming lean and mean, are now commercial goals.
19. Students enjoyed cutting out the words and taping them beside the pictures.
20. Start by drawing and cutting out a circle from green thin card.
21. The government is cutting out welfare programs to save money.
22. Eradication of the less serious fungi is usually a simple matter of cutting out and burning the infected timber.
23. Woodpeckers, accustomed to chiselling their food out of timber, have little difficulty in cutting out nest chambers in tree trunks.
24. In many of the exercises pupils are required to follow simple instructions which involve colouring, cutting out, and sticking.
25. The company has succeeded by selling insurance over the phone and cutting out brokers and their commissions.
26. What is the best method of transferring the money to that author and cutting out the profiteers in this country?
27. His original longbow was losing its springiness, so he was cutting out the pieces for a crossbow.
28. If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
29. Use: After the rolling. The inner tube of a tyre will go through the complete auto production line. Such as cooling, blowing dry, cutting out, boring coving nozzle and spraying dust etc.
30. Dark patches in the Milky Way are really clouds of dust cutting out the light from the stars. The most famous one is called "The Coalsack".