快好知 kuaihz

1. Heater probe may be less effective, however, than epinephrine injection in the initial control of active haemorrhage. 2. Norepinephrine is converted to epinephrine by an enzyme, N-methyltransferase, which is present almost exclusively in the adrenal medulla. 3. The fourth patient required local epinephrine injection in addition to repeated heater probe pulses and was considered a failure in the final statistical analysis. 4. For the epinephrine plus pure alcohol group, all achieved initial haemostasis. 5. Pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection tended to decrease the rebleeding rate in our series. 6. In the epinephrine group, the only case who failed to achieve initial haemostasis received surgical intervention. 7. Among the various solutions, epinephrine and pure alcohol are proved to be effective in the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage. 8. Ventricular arrhythmias may follow the administration of epinephrine. 9. Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant. 10. The epinephrine injection may be applied through clothing. 11. Epinephrine is used in medical situations including cardiac arrest, asthma, and acute allergic reaction. 12. The immediate reversal of the cardiac arrhythmia after epinephrine administration in this case suggests a direct relationship between the atrial fibrillation and the anaphylactic response. 13. Objective To investigate the using of high-dose epinephrine for cardiac resuscitation. 14. Possible transient adverse events associated with epinephrine administration include tremor, anxiety, and palpitations. 15. After 6 min of asphyxia, epinephrine and bicarbonate were given and CPR instituted. 16. The anesthetic solution also contains epinephrine, a vasoconstrictive agent, which will greatly reduce bleeding. 17. The epinephrine dose causing arrhythmias with sevoflurane was comparable to that with isoflurane, but larger than that with halothane or enflurane. 18. The effects of acetylcholine and epinephrine on the carotid baroreflex were studied with carotid sinus perfusion. 19. Many people who know they are allergic to stings carry an epinephrine shot with them. 20. The rebleeding rate was high, however, and this could be decreased with pure alcohol injection after the epinephrine injection. 21. Controversy still exists concerning the need of sclerosing agents injection after epinephrine injection. 22. For patients with spurting peptic ulcers, we suggest pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection instead of epinephrine injection alone. 23. This may explain the low number of emergency operations and death in the epinephrine group. 24. Bleeding from the polypectomy site was successfully treated with endoscopic submucosal epinephrine injection. 25. It was resulted that isoflavone aglycones inhibited human platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen and epinephrine. 26. The current policy statement suggests that emergency drugs essential for the management of pediatric emergencies include oxygen, albuterol for inhalation, and epinephrine mixed in a 1:1000 dilution. 27. The experiments on guinea pig wheal show that the preparation induces an infiltration anesthetic effect, which may be potentiated by epinephrine hydrochloride. 28. Among the many mammalian hormones are ACTH, sex hormones, thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine. 29. You should also carry an antihistamine pill, such as diphenhydramine( Benadryl , others), because the effects of epinephrine are only temporary. 30. The acute toxicity of isoproterenol is much less than that of epinephrine.