four times造句31 She's won the championship four times in succession.
32 Four times more likely to die from fires.
33 I've hiked the canyon four times.
34 She had been stabbed four times, beaten with a hammer and suffocated in her bed.
35 She receives physiotherapy three or four times a week and is regularly visited by the district nurse.
36 He has already been booked four times this season and two more cautions will result in automatic suspension.
37 James told magistrates that he had been using speed for about five years and injected himself three or four times a month.
38 This was by an average of 4. 8 cents a year or four times the amount of the earlier period.
39 An opportunistic dealer can make four capsules from one, although it clearly won't make people four times as happy.
40 Never mind that figure was four times the original estimate for the safety assessment.
41 Trading volume exceeded 1. 1 million shares -- almost four times the average daily trading for the past six months.
42 The store was cited four times for selling alcoholic beverages to minors during a three-year period that began in 1994.
43 Trading of 8. 6 million shares was almost four times the three-month daily average.
44 But marriage is still more stable than cohabiting: unmarried couples who live together are four times more likely to split up.
45 The Group meets four times a year and draws its membership from senior members within the industry.
46 As with most groups, the average estimates for women are two to four times higher than those for men.
47 Cellular plastic has a high insulation value, four times greater than similar timber products.
48 By joining with Strawberries, Bloomberg said he gets four times the floor space for roughly the same occupancy costs.
49 One more jarring landing on an injury that would have sent football players four times her size hobbling to the bench.
50 Lord Apsley was nearly four times over the legal limit when he arrived for a function at an army barracks.
51 These regions have similar inflation outlooks, low-cost labor and projected growth rates two to four times our own growth rate.
52 The whole thing had to be repeated three or four times before Sandison got the gist.
53 Some of them must be playing snooker three and four times a week in two or three different leagues.
54 The Kings have won back-to-back games only four times this season and had gone 20 games without repeating the feat.
55 Charles played polo unremittingly three or four times a week.
56 Now they even have four times concentrated products so you need only a quarter of the measure.
57 The first of these aid and trade agreements was signed in 1975 and has been renewed four times.
58 Thus a crack two microns deep releases four times as much strain energy as one one micron deep and so on.
59 It is estimated that keg beer is twice as profitable as cask beer, lager four times as profitable.
60 Giving the drugs four times daily in the triple therapy group might have further improved the treatment results.